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[2 years later]

Xiao Qiangwei grew a bit taller in these years, and his realm right now was at the 2th Sky Profound Realm, while his Combat Prowess was at the 3th Tyrant Profound Realm, his Great way of the Buddha was at the second stage, giving him around 4000 kg in arm strength, and could even start flying even if no one knew it.

In these years, he, Krul and Ferid became friends, sometimes a guy named Crowley would come in, and the first meeting between him and Xiao Qiangwei was... 'not normal'...


Xiao Qiangwei was going around the palace while being bored, then he heard some footsteps coming towards his direction, so he turned and seen new faces, there were one man and two girls.

The man was tall and muscular with broad shoulders. He has maroon bangs and thick eyebrows, while the rest of his hair is dark brown. His long hair is kept in a braid that comes over his shoulder on the left side of his neck.

He was wearing black boots with white heels and toes that reach below his knees, white pants and a white army shirt; the top buttons are undone showing his pecs. He has a black belt with a chain on the right side and his scabbard on the left.

He wears a black sleeve and glove over his right arm, and this sleeve is fastened to his the cape that covers his left shoulder and reaches the back of his right shoulder. The sleeve has two white stripes at the end. He has a second cape trailing from his waist to the back of his knees.

The woman to his left had a fairly average height with an hourglass figure and very large breasts. She has long blonde hair styled in two twin spirals that come over her shoulders. Her bangs are parted to the right.

She wears an handband and a white collar and cape that reaches to her mid-thigh. She wears an attire with a low cut that reveals her cleavage. She wears a white dress with sleeves that are heavily adorned with blue ruffles past her elbows and reach midway down her forearm.

Blue lines go down her bodice to emphasize her breasts and hips. Her skirt opens up to reveal her right leg, and is hemmed at the level of her ankles. It has numerous ruffles at her hips and down the front of the opening. She wears black thigh-high pantyhose, which have blue ruffles decorating them at the top. She wears blue high-heels as well

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And the girl at his right was very short with an hourglass figure and very large breasts. She has chin-length iris-colored hair and bangs that frame her face.

She wears a headband that matches Horn's. She also wears a matching black collar and a white cape that reaches past her buttocks. She wears an attire with a low cut that reveals her cleavage. She wears a black and white dress with detached black sleeves.

The black of the dress emphasize her breasts and hips as it trails down to the front of her skirts. She has a large bow at her tailbone in the back of her dress. Two white skirts layer over each other and reach down to her knees. She wears black stockings that reach right above her knees. She wears blue high heels.

They seemed to have already noticed Xiao Qiangwei and the man was in front of him with a smile while the blonde woman was observing him and the other girl was watching him with a bit of lust for blood.

Xiao Qiangwei: Hello, I am Xiao Qiangwei, which progenitor you should be?

Crowley: I am Crowley Eusford, the 13th progenitor, why are you here?

Xiao Qiangwei was looking him with a look that seemed to say 'Are you dumb?' that Crowley noticed and the told them

Xiao Qiangwei: I live here, otherwise I would be down with the other kids, no?

Crowley: Oh, then why are you here?

Xiao Qiangwei: It isn't important, are you here for Ferid?

Crowley: yes, but I still wonder why an human is here

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Chess: Hey Crowley-sama, can I drink his blood?

Crowley: I don't think that you co-

Xiao Qiangwei: You can try

Everyone looked at him strangely, but then he continued to talk

Xiao Qiangwei: But the moment you take a step forward, I will take your right arm, and for every step you make, I will take your limbs.

Chess: Oh? Then you are mi-

she made a step forward, and was pushed away at a wall while Xiao Qiangwei had her right arm and his right palm extended forward

Xiao Qiangwei: I advised you.

Crowley: Oh? You are really strong, let's see how much strong you can be, but first, can you give back that arm to Chess?

Xiao Qiangwei: ok.

then he threw the arm at Chess, who was still at unconscious at the wall. After, he and Crowley walked some steps away from each other, and both of them looked at each other's eye.

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Xiao Qiangwei: Why you don't take the sword?

Crowley: Well, I think it is not needed.

Xiao Qiangwei: You said it, then don't come for a rematch with the sword. Let's start.

now Crowley rushed at Xiao Qiangwei, preparing a punch, but Xiao Qiangwei just raised a palm, and catched it effortlessly, shocking Crowley, then he backed away and prepared his sword.

But before he could take it out from his sheat, Xiao Qiangwei came and put an hand over it's hilt, not letting him taking it out, then he hit his chest with a palm, making him fly at the wall near Chess

Crowley: It... Fucking hurts... I surrend...

Meanwhile Horn was watching everything with shock, first of all a kid of probably 11 or 12 years was there and defeated Chess before she could make a second step, then he beaten his Master in one single hit, proving to everyone that he should not messed with.

Then Ferid came in and seen Crowley stucked in a wall while his ribs were regenerating, Chess without an arm and unconscious near Crowley, and Horn standing there like a statue watching everything, meanwhile Xiao Qiangwei was whistling something while walking towards Crowley.

When he was in front of him, he took one of Crowley's arms and took him outside the wall while he was going towards Chess to reattach her arm, right now Crowley found Ferid smiling behind a door and walked towards him while being a bit in pain

Crowley: Who is that kid?

Ferid: just someone Krul took from Tokyo, he is working for her, and it seems you even challenged him.

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Crowley: That kid is a monster... Is he a vampire?

Ferid: No, 100% human, and he isn't a seraph.

Crowley: Damn... you guys found a really big fish...

Then Xiao Qiangwei grabbed Chess and gave her to Horn after she recovered from her stupor.

Xiao Qiangwei: Well, it was nice to meet you guys, bye.

Ferid: Bye Qiangwei!

Crowley just smiled at him and raised an hand.


Right now he and Krul were playing chess, and he just lost against her

Krul: Checkmate. You are bad at it, you want to play something else?

Xiao Qiangwei: No, let's continue...

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