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[3 days later]

Krul was a bit bored so she and Mika, who came a bit later, were listening to some stories of Xiao Qiangwei, that unknowingly of them, those stories were about some of the memorable parts of Xiao Qiangwei's past life,

Xiao Qiangwei: then, the young man, killed all the 256 stone dragon soldiers, he was tired, but the Primordial Azure Dragon appeared and congratulated with him, saying that he had another wave to fight against.

The young man heard it and lifted his metal claws, preparing to fight against the last wave, but instead of 512 soldiers, there was a 3 meters tall stone dragon soldier, he was more armored than the previous soldiers, and possessed a sword as big as the man himself...


Xiao Qiangwei: then the man finished the Trial Ground of the Dragon, after saving innocents from an attack from the illusion of a man he hated the most, and letting him run away.

The dragon praised him for being the first to complete the trial, and after giving him the 3 drops of his blood he promised, he gave a mission to the young man, to find the dragon's daugher, and free her from the first heavenly profound treasure, the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword. Well then, I will continue another time.

Mika: wow, the story is really good, where did you even get it from?

Xiao Qiangwei: Internet, when it was still present.

Krul: It is incredible... Later can you tell me what happens?

Xiao Qiangwei: yes.

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[1 week later]

Xiao Qiangwei was at the throne room for an order of Krul, it rarely happened that she gave him orders, usually it would be for emergencies or it was to advise him to not enter the throne room because she would speak with some other progenitors alone.

Xiao Qiangwei: what do you wish?

Krul: I want you to go outside and search informations about the seraph that escaped years ago, you will have a year before returning here, while every month I want a report of your situation, use your ice birds to give messages.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes. Anything else?

Krul: No.

Now Xiao Qiangwei stood up and smiled at her

Xiao Qiangwei: Then, goodbye Krul, let's see each other in 1 year.

Krul returned the smile and said

Krul: bye Qiangwei, and good luck.

then Xiao Qiangwei left the room and found Mika walking near.

Xiao Qiangwei: hey Mika.

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Mika: oh, hey Xiao. So, what happened?

Xiao Qiangwei: I need to gather informations about someone, so I will be out for a year.

Mika: oh, then good luck pal.

Xiao Qiangwei: Thanks, say bye for me to Ferid.

Mika: mh.

Now Xiao Qiangwei walked away towards the exit to leave Sanguinem


Xiao was outside the vampire city, and looked around before walking towards where should be Tokyo. While he was on the way, he looked around and found many destroyed buildings and streets, meanwhile, some Horsemen of John were lurking in the streets, and no one attacked him.

Xiao Qiangwei: I think I should bring a map about the entire Japan before the apocalypse...

Then he continued to walk and found a subway, where he searched and found a map about the tracks of the underground trains, then he found Tokyo, so he got in the rails and walked towards it.

[1 day later]

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in the way he found some Horsemen of John that blocked his way with their big bodies, so he used his Intent around his index and middle finger to cut them and walked between the remains of the Horsemen of John towards Tokyo.

Right now he was at Harajuku and was annoyed from the darkness in the way, so he found another station and got out from the rails, then he walked to the stairs, but before he could find the exit, he found a big group of humans that were wearing the same clothes of 'Livestock', Xiao Qiangwei raised an eyebrow but walked towards the nearest one.

Xiao Qiangwei: Hey man, do you know where is the exit?

man: W-Who are you?

Xiao Qiangwei: just someone passing from here, now could I know where is the exit?

man: Y-You can't G-go outside! The vampires will k-kill you! A-and if you can escape, t-there will be the m-monsters outside!

Xiao Qiangwei: Can you just tell me where the fuck is the exit?!

then he heard many steps towards his direction.

vampire: Well, well, well... Look who is it... What is doing a mere human here? I don't remember you being part of the Livestock here, and I don't see the clothes you should wear. Did the demon army send you here?

Xiao Qiangwei turned around and found 15 vampires grouped together

Xiao Qiangwei: Can you tell me the exit? I need to do some work.

Vampire: Tsk... Don't talk to us like that!

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then 1 vampire rushed at Xiao Qiangwei, who just snapped his fingers and the vampire was covered in golden flames, reducing him to ashes, the humans and the remaining 14 vampires were surprised about what happened

Xiao Qiangwei: Now, can you give me the direction for the exit? I swear... every vampires except the progenitors are like you...

Right now 5 more vampires were rushing at him and took their weapons out from their sheat, but Xiao Qiangwei and a vampire disappeared while the other 4 were cut to little pieces before they became ashes.

The remaining vampires and the humans heard a crash and were shocked to find Xiao Qiangwei holding in the neck of the fifth vampire while the latter was at the crater of a wall that was just created from Xiao Qiangwei's strength.

Xiao Qiangwei: Can you tell me where is the exit now?

the vampire was gritting his teeth and then shakily pointed towards a direction

Xiao Qiangwei seen that and then he turned towards the vampire

Xiao Qiangwei: thanks... Incinerate.

then the vampire was in fires and screamed in agony for some seconds before ashes fell from Xiao Qiangwei's hand, then he turned towards the remaining 9

Xiao Qiangwei: Will you let me pass or should I clean the place? If I wished so I could just destroy the entire subway.

The vampires moved and made way for Xiao Qiangwei, who walked between them and left the station, when he was not seen anymore, the vampires sighed in relief and turned towards their places.

Meanwhile, outside Xiao Qiangwei was looking around for the walls of the capital of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, to start his researchs about Yuichiro Hyakuya, the seraph who escaped 2 years ago.

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