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[1 day later]

Xiao Qiangwei finally found the walls of Shibuya and hid himself behind some buildings, when he left the previous world, he gained some knowledge about how to use his powers, like using the golden flames to fly in air, electromagnetism, and most important of all...

Xiao Qiangwei: Evil God's Domain: Light

the evil god's domain is a self created profound skill that permits him to use a domain of an element he wishes, like fire, water, space, time, etc... But the stronger is the domain, the more power it consumes, for example he could use the time domain for half second, due to him manipulating the Realm's laws

Right now Xiao Qiangwei disappeared from the world, not even his shadow was there, but if someone could sense Profound Energy, they would find someone still at his place, Xiao Qiangwei bended the light around him to be invisible to everyone, then he silently floated in air, to not make any unnecessary noise, and floated over the walls.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'let's see if Yuu is here or not...'

Then he searched everywhere while he was in air, but couldn't find him, so he though he would be in a building, and left the walls to wait for some hours before checking again

[1 week later]

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Xiao Qiangwei found Yuu, he was with a man that was called Guren, a Lieutenant Colonel with a weapon comparable to the first-class weapon made from vampires, it was a real surprise knowing that such an high-ranked man was babysitting Yuu, probably he knew about his condition of being a seraph.

When Xiao Qiangwei was leaving, he found a similar signature of Yuu in an hospital, he looked to the window and seen a little girl with reddish brown hair and some markings in her face, Xiao Qiangwei never seen something like that, but from the signature she released, she should be another seraph.

Right now he left the city again and stopped his Light domain, he got towards some buildings that were not destroyed and cultivated.

[3 weeks later]

a month passed from the order, and now Xiao Qiangwei was writing about his findings to Krul, he wrote about finding not 1 seraph, but 2 of them in the city of Shibuya, and both of them were known to the Imperial Demon Army, and wrote about how it was going in this month, then when he finished writing, he created a bird made of Ice Phoenix's ice, and made it grab the letter and fly at Sanguinem to giving it to Krul.

[1 day later/Sanguinem]

Krul was waiting in her throne when from the door appeared a bird, it was made of ice, but it was incredibly sturdy due to the special ice used for it's creation, when the bird landed in front of her with a letter in it's beak, it directly evaporated, not even leaving a drop of water either in the ground or in the letter.

When Krul picked the letter, she opened it and read it's content

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"Dear Krul Tepes,

Hello, here's you dear Qiangwei! There are already some pretty interesting findings, the target is in Shibuya, and there is even another Seraph in the city's hospital for civilians, I don't know if there are more of them, but the Imperial Demon Army already knows of them.

So, how is it going there? I am pretty good here, the Horsemen ignores me, some encounter with some vampires at the start but everything is resolved! 'Not by killing ALL of them'.

By Xiao Qiangwei"

Krul raised an eyebrow and started her thoughs

Krul: '2 Seraphs? What are they planning...? Haaah... I can't do nothing right now...' *sigh*

Time to give Mich my blood... I wonder what is doing Qiangwei right now...

[Xiao Qiangwei]

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Right now he found a big chest and opened it, finding many strange things: Pot, dildos, some SM costumes, a gag, a packet of condoms and many other things...

[back at Krul]

Krul just gave the blood to Mika, who dranked it and thanked her, then he asked

Mika: hey Krul-san, how do you feel about Xiao?

Krul: what do you mean?

Mika: well, he was here because you gave him an offer, no? Have you ever though about how do you see him and how he sees us?

Krul: that's a good question... I would say that he is an important person for me, but what he sees in me, I don't have idea... You?

Mika: Since a year I was here, he helped me and Yuu with many things and we started seeing him a bit as our father figure, but now I would say that he is a caring person and really good friend. I think the letter should be arrived, what was written in?

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Krul: oh, he found your 'family', and it seems that the Imperial Demon City already knows of him being a seraph.

Mika: Tsk... these humans... one day I will take Yuu away from them...

Krul: that day isn't that far away, you just need to have patience.

[at Xiao Qiangwei]

after he burned the chest without any sign of regret and a cold face, he left the building and decided to go a bit around Tokyo, maybe he could find something interesting.

[8 days later]

Right now he found himself in a really peculiar situation, in front of him there was a young man whose body was covered in an armor made of bones, his eyes had black scleras and golden irises, and was handling a greatsword made of bone, it was a seraph(oc seraph) and right now he was looking at Xiao Qiangwei with a blank expression and started talking

Seraph: Human, you who dares to possess something that aren't part of this world, rebelling to the word of god with your mere existence, right now I shall punish you.

Xiao Qiangwei: You little shit, you think you can kill me because you are a seraph? Then let me say something, you should never anger a cultivator.

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