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[2 days later]

Xiao Qiangwei, Ferid and Mika turned back safely at Sanguinem, meanwhile Xiao Qiangwei put Mika in a capsule to heal him while Xiao Qiangwei walked towards the Throne room, where Krul should be, some minutes later he knocked.

Krul: You can enter.

he opened the door and entered, he was still in his disguise so she didn't recognize him, but then he knocked his mask and it broke like glass, revealing his face to Krul, who was shocked to the return of Xiao Qiangwei and smiled

Krul: You are back!!

Xiao Qiangwei: Yep. So, do you want to talk about how we passed the time away from each other or you want the informations about Yuu and the Seraph Experiments?

Krul: There is still time, let's talk alone for a bit.

Xiao Qiangwei: Ok, so… It was good, I made some friends too, they were nice, and I got new weapons.

then he made appear the claws, when Krul observed them, she was intimidated from the devilish aura in them

Krul: so those are the Black Demon Weapons…

Xiao Qiangwei: Those are a joke compared to these two jewels here.

Krul: What do you mean? Did the humans created stronger weapons?

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Xiao Qiangwei: fortunately no, they are a gift from my old master…

Krul: I am curious, who is this master of yours?

Xiao Qiangwei: I can't say nothing because I don't know much about him too, but he could use me to wipe his ass in a fight between us. How was life going?

Krul: It was good, I admit I missed your presence, put now that you are here we can talk again, but I have a question about something…

Xiao Qiangwei: Ask away.

Krul: When one of your firends became an incompleted seraph, he called you 'Fallen God', do you know anything?

Xiao Qiangwei: *sigh* …I will tell you about it only one condition, you will stay in silence about it no matter what.

Krul hesitated for some minutes before she accepted.

Xiao Qiangwei: Let's go to my room then...


Xiao Qiangwei and Krul were in the former's room, he closed the door with his ice phoenix's ice powered with the dark profound energy, and then they sat over his bed

Xiao Qiangwei: Ok, whatever I say from now until the end will be the truth, you can ask questions too, and I will decide if I want to answer or no, and you will reveal nothing to no one, no matter who, the room is sealed with sound-proof mechanism made from me, remember that I trust you…

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Krul: Yes, now start talk.

Xiao Qiangwei: ok… You remember the story I told you about?

Krul: Yes, why?

Xiao Qiangwei: The protagonist of that story, is Xiao Qiangwei… It's me, from my past life…

Krul was shocked from the news, so everything that the protagonist she and Mika liked much, was what Xiao Qiangwei did, but she didn't believed it much.

Krul: Prove it…

Then Xiao Qiangwei used the first gate, 'evil soul', his eyes became red and his power increased of 3 folds.

Xiao Qiangwei: This is Evil Soul, the first gate…

Then he used Burning Heart, the second gate, his aura became red.

Xiao Qiangwei: This is Burning Heart, the second gate… I can go up to Rumbling Heaven, the fourth gate, right now, because if I use Hades I would die right away. Is it enough?

Krul: Yes... I have a question... How did you die?

Xiao Qiangwei: There is a reason I was called Fallen God from the Seraphs, in my previous life, I became so strong, that I became a threat to everyone just by existing...

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So the four God Emperors made an incredibly poisonous weapon and an array to hide from my senses, and when I was tired, they stabbed me from behind, normally I would regenerate, but the poison was deadly, and killed me.

Krul was shocked from the words of Xiao Qiangwei, and asked another questions.

Krul: Wasn't there anyone that could help you?

Xiao Qiangwei: There wasn't anyone, I was always alone since I had 10 years, when I lost my parents. For 35 years of my old life, I was lonely, the only company I had was the people who wanted my head.

Krul: then how did you remember your past life?

Xiao Qiangwei: I don't know, I just closed my eyes when I was dying and when I opened them, I was between the arms of my mother... 'I can't say nothing of God... He needs to be a secret no matter what'

Krul: Then... Are you angry to the people who killed you?

Xiao Qiangwei: No, because I know that it is because I lowered my guard, and I know why they did it, because they were afraid of me...

Right at this moment Krul hugged him to console him.

Krul: I heard enough... No need to tell me everything... Right now, you aren't alone anymore, I am here, just relax on me...

Xiao Qiangwei hesitantly returned the hug and stood like that for some minutes, before Krul felt a bit heavy in her shoulder, and found Xiao Qiangwei that started sleeping over her shoulder.

It made her smile and she put him inside the blanket and decided to watch him, later she felt uncomfortable so she got over Xiao Qiangwei's bed and lied next to him whila watching his sleeping face, after some minutes she closed her eyes too, and they slept the entire night together.

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Xiao Qiangwei felt someone on the bed and opened his eyes, to find Krul's sleeping face some inches in front of him, he was surprised from the situation so, to not wake her up, he left the bed silently and got in the kitchen to make breakfast for him, but then he though about something…


Krul woke up and found out she was in Xiao Qiangwei's bed, at the memory of it, she got red but she calmed down and took deep breaths, she noticed that Xiao Qiangwei wasn't in the bed, so she looked around his house to find him, in the kitched she found a glass of blood and a letter near, she took it and read.

"Dear Krul Tepes,

You might be asking where I am, I am walking around Sanguinem right now, I left you a glass of blood to drink, and I thank you for yesterday, I really needed to take some weight from my back.

PS: turn the letter around after drinking the blood.

From Xiao Qiangwei"

Krul did as the letter said and drank the blood, it was the most delicious thing she ever drinked, and when she finished drinking, she felt already full, not being able to drink anything for some centuries, then she turned around the letter and found another note.

"The blood was mine, if you like it then I am glad, if not... just tell me"

When she read it, suddenly the taste of the blood she just drank got even better, and she smiled sweetly.

Krul: Then it's true that thinking about people you like makes the food tastier... I think I fell for you... Xiao Qiangwei...

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