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[some days later]

Xiao Qiangwei was walking alone in the streets of the city until he met with Mika, who didn't see him and ran on him, and then falling to the ground, Xiao Qiangwei raised an eyebrow at this and asked

Xiao Qiangwei: Hey, Mika, something happened?

Mika: I need Krul's Blood now…

Xiao Qiangwei: Tsk… Just drink mine.

Mika: Eh? But… I don't want to be a vampire.

Xiao Qiangwei: I don't fucking care, better becoming a vampire now than in future.

Mika: What do you mean?

Xiao Qiangwei: you didn't know? Drinking vampire blood is a temporary method to live, soon it will be useless, did you notice that you are starting drinking more blood?

Mika nodded and listened.

Xiao Qiangwei: Once a certain period passed, Krul's blood will do nothing to you, but mine is a bit special, even drinking some drops of it, you will be satisfied for several months.

Now choose, either you become a vampire, or you die of hunger in the streets, and if you tell me I am doing it for pity, you're wrong, I just want to help a friend in difficulty.

Mika though about it calmly before he hesitantly accepted, making Xiao Qiangwei smile, so he made appear a claw and injured himself, making Mika worry about him

Mika: What are you doing?!

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Xiao Qiangwei: I am giving you blood, for what you are now, you aren't strong enough to pierce my skin with your teeth, now drink.

Mika looked at the blood that left from the already regenerated injury of Xiao Qiangwei, who licked it and drank every single drop of blood, and his eyes became red.

Xiao Qiangwei: Ok, now get away, it seems like I am doing a gay porn scene… Ok, now go tell Krul that you don't need anymore of her blood, that will last you for around 10 or 15 years.

Mika: Wait what?! So long?!

Xiao Qiangwei: yep, you are lucky that I am here, otherwise either you die of hunger or drink constantly blood.

Mika: Thank you…

Xiao Qiangwei: You don't need to thank friends, pal… Now got report Krul about this situation, she knows about the effects of my blood since she already drank it some days ago.

Mika: ok…

then he walked away towards Krul while Xiao Qiangwei just looked around


Xiao Qiangwei was with Mika and Krul, talking about his past, which was known only to Krul.

Xiao Qiangwei: and when the young man was alone in the Primordial Profound Ark, he used the rich energy around him to cultivate, and broke through the 9th Sovereign Profound Realm in 10 months.

But later he found the place that is used to piloting the ark, and used it to going to another realm entirely, he found himself in an abandoned realm, it was a dried landscape full of strong Profound Beasts, and each one of them were at the Divine Realm

Mika: What is the Divine Realm?

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Xiao Qiangwei: The Divine Realm is a stage that is achievable after the Sovereign Profound Realm, it is divided in 7 realms, Divine Origin, Divine Soul, Divine Tribulation, Divine Spirit, Divine King, Divine Sovereign and Divine Master.

Krul: are there any other stages over that?

Xiao Qiangwei: There are 3 other stages but it will be for another time.

Mika: Oh yeah, how strong are the realms?

Xiao Qiangwei: Well, fortunately for you, I can classify your strengths, Mika, your strength is around the 10th Sky Profound Realm, while yours, Krul, is at the 3rd Emperor Profound Realm.

Krul: And yours? How much will be?

Xiao Qiangwei: I am between Sovereign Profound Realm and Divine Origin Realm, otherwise called Half Step Divine Origin Realm

this news shocked them, knowing the gargantuan gap between them and Xiao Qiangwei, they have an idea about how much strong is an Half Step Divine Origin Realm

Mika: Wow...

Krul: Indeed... How does the story continue?

Xiao Qiangwei: Well, after that, the young man left the Ark to test himself against them, but the beasts couldn't do much and they were killed from the young man's claws, later he cultivated there, and in 1 mere year, he broke through, and ascended the mortal stages, entering the Divine Origin Realm... We will continue another time, I am a bit hungry.

Mika: right, then see ya later Qiangwei.

Xiao Qiangwei: Bye Mika, Krul.

Krul: Bye.

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Then he left, some time later Mika left too, leaving Krul at her thoughts

Krul: So you became a godlike figure at 15 years... No wonder everyone was afraid of you... But I don't care, one day we will be together until our death, after I find my brother...

Xiao Qiangwei was outside the door, almost knocking, until he heard what she said, he blushed a bit but he easily calmed down, and left silently while smiling.

[a month later]

Mika was given the order to leave to Nagoya alone while Xiao Qiangwei was next to Krul the entire time, while she was smilling, Xiao Qiangwei was masked and both of them were in front of Guren, who was kneeling and had his arms tied up.

Then a vampire came near him and grabbed Guren's head

Vampire: Tremble in fear, little human. You forgot your place and dared to lay your hands on nobility, did you think you could get away with that?

Guren just spit at the vampire's face, making him angry while Xiao Qiangwei was chuckling

vampire: How dare you?! Filthy, miserable little human wretch!!

then he kicked Guren in the face, making him fly away, after the vampire continuously hit him with his feet, Guren released his demon, and became a Namanari, then he slashed at Krul's neck, that was blocked from Xiao Qiangwei's profound energy that was used as a shield

Guren: You will assist me, vampire.

Krul: Ah, I see, you... are a messenger from Mahiru Hiragi, correct?

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Hiragi? Isn't that Shinoa's family name?'

Guren stood in silence, and that made Krul angry, who hit Guren and made him fly away.

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Krul: answer me, human. Are you a messenger from Mahiru Hiragi?

Guren: Mahiru is dead. I couldn't save her.

Krul: ...Then who are you?

Guren: hahaha...

Krul: This was not part of the deal. Before the Catastrophe eight years ago... I made a bargain with Mahiru Hiragi.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Whoa, how much shit did she hid?'

Krul: If you are not her, I cannot help you-

Guren: Then kill me. Go on.

There was silence.

Guren: You can't, can you. You've betrayed your own kind too deeply to turn back now, even you, Xiao Qiangwei.

Xiao Qiangwei: How did you know?

Guren: Do you think I can't recognize the strength of someone who almost broke my Cursed Gear? I admit, if you didn't defend the vampire from me, then I would not recognize you, but it was a really big surprise knowing that you are alive, I wonder what will do your friends when they know everything...

Xiao Qiangwei: So you think that you can blackmail me? Go on, tell everything to them, but remember, when you will mutter a single word about it without my permission, I will cripple you in any shape and form, and I will personally make sure that you are alive.

Guren: Got it... I will not tell anything to anyone without your permission...

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