Vol. 2 Chapter 10

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The Holy Sword of Fire

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


Imperial troops lined the hilltop.


They used to be led by Princess Celia and General Gracos Barzen but now they were commanded by Emperor Zacharias. The army following the man who was even called the strongest on the continent looked larger and more powerful than before, perhaps because of their commander’s supremacy.


The imperial army looked like a pack of predators – Emperor Zacharias, at the head of the army, stepped forward. A large man wearing a black cloak over a bright red armour cloak, rode down the hill astride a black-horse, without even an escort.


There was no one to stop the emperor advancing alone, away from his army. If the kingdom were to send out an army from the fortress to face the emperor now, he would be facing hundreds or thousands of soldiers all by himself.


But no one stopped the emperor. There was not even an atmosphere of concern for his safety.

Every Imperial soldier knew this. Even if all the soldiers in Fort Blaine went at once, they would not be able to defeat Zacharias.


Emperor Zacharias was the most powerful man on the continent.


“…..Tremendous supremacy. He’s like a dragon monster. I heard he was the strongest on the continent……but I didn’t think he was as strong as this. I guess I underestimated him a little.”


Raidorl murmured in a war-shuddering tone as he watched from the ramparts as the emperor rushed down the hill.


Zacharias had not even drawn his sword. He was riding towards him with a natural gait, as if he were taking a walk for a change.


Just looking at Zacharias like that, Raidorl couldn’t stop the sweat from running down his spine. A feeling of intimidation came over him, even more so than when he met the same Holy Sword holder Celia. The holy sword Dáinsleif, which was attached to Raidorl’s waist, had been vibrating in its sheath since a few minutes ago, and it had been telling him of the threat in front of him.


‘I can be sure without fighting. That man is stronger than Celia and even stronger than me. ……!’


“I am Zacharias Von Arslanian, Emperor of the Arslanian Empire! As promised, I have come to duel with your King’s royal brother Raidorl Zain!”


Stopping his horse a short distance from the fortress, Zacharias raised his voice. His voice was loud like an explosion, reaching from one end of the battlefield to the other.


“Your Highness Raidorl……!”


“Yes, I know. This looks worse than I expected.”


Nodding to Daren, who was looking worried next to him, Raidorl gripped the hilt of his sword.


The power of the Imperial Emperor was more than expected. But running away was not an option at this stage.


“I’ll go and fight. Take care of the rest.”


“Ha, I wish you good luck! Please be careful!”


Raidorl jumped down from the top of the ramparts and landed outside the fortress.


Walking up to the emperor, Zacharias greeted Raidorl with a smirk and a belligerent smile. He dismounted and gave a light tap on the black-haired buttocks and the horse whinned high [hihn] as it headed back towards the imperial camp.


“Yo, you’re here. I’ve been waiting for you.”


Zacharias opened his mouth. A deep tone of voice, full of reserve and amusement, washed over Raidorl.


“It is a pleasure to meet you, Emperor of the Empire. I am Raidorl Zain. The younger brother of King Granard Zain of the Kingdom of Zain. And……the man who defeated your daughter.”


“Oh, I know who you are. You are the exiled prince who was chosen by the holy sword Dáinsleif and driven to the frontier, aren’t you?”


“……You know me well.”


Apparently, the Imperial side had also been looking into Raidorl. It was not surprising, since they had been defeated in the battle six months ago.


“I know more about you than that, you know? You’ve got Celia as a prisoner of war and you’re working together as adventurers. I also heard that you have a crazy woman who uses ancient magic, which is supposed to have been lost in modern times and she is working as your maid. In addition, you have captured Gracos, a good subordinate of mine and have locked him up in a rented mansion on the outskirts of the royal capital, haven’t you?”


“…. I didn’t realise they knew that much. I don’t know how you found out.”


“Don’t look so surprised! Did you think the Empire was only muscle and brainless?”


Zacharias laughed, his face flushed with amusement. His grin, like that of a bad boy who had successfully pulled off a prank, was so young that it was hard to believe he had children the same age as Raidorl.


“…..After all that research, why aren’t you working to save Celia and Gracos Barzen? Didn’t you have plenty of opportunities to rescue them while I was away from the Royal Capital?”


“Haha, that’s true. I could always get those two back! But… they say, let the pretty girl explore, right? Celia seems to be enjoying her adventurer’s life quite well, and Gracos seems to be fed well. There’s no rush to help, is there?”


Zacharias chuckled with a throaty laugh, his lips pursed and his fangs peeled back.


“I’m more interested in the strength of……the new Excalibur Holder! I’ll see how far you can go against the evil of the Witch of Doom that will eventually come …….I will find out in this duel!!!”


“The Witch of Doom ……?”


The face of a girl in a maid’s outfit appeared in Raidorl’s mind and his eyebrows furrowed in suspicion.


Raidorl asked with a glance what it meant, but…… Zacharias did not answer his question but arrogantly declared.


“If you want me to tell you the rest, you’ll have to survive! Young man, do your best not to be killed by me!”




Zacharias drew the sword from his back. The great sword, as long as his body, was red-hot and a reverse flame covered the blade and sheath.


Durandal, the Holy Sword of Fire. One of the three holy swords owned by the Arslanian Empire appeared before Raidorl’s eyes.


“Tch… questions asked. You mean no mean for negotiation?!”


Raidorl also drew the sword at his waist.


The holy sword Dáinsleif. The sword surrounding the spine-chilling miasma, which was a kind of miasma that caused chills down the spine, intercepted the onrushing heat waves.


The king’s brother Raidorl Zain and Emperor Von Arslanian.


The Holy Sword Dáinsleif and the Holy Sword Durandal.


The curtain fell on the final battle that would mark the end of the war between the Kingdom and the Empire.


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 〇         〇         〇


It was Raidorl who moved first.


Pouring the densely kneaded magical power into the Dáinsleif, the miasma covering the holy sword multiplied explosively.


“Cursed sword fighting method 【Jormungandr, the Great Serpent of the End】!”


It was the greatest skill that was unleashed out of the blue. The same technique that once reaped the imperial army in a battle in this fortress. The extreme miasma became a serpent and surged towards the emperor alone. It opened its huge mouth and tried to swallow Zacharias, who was carrying the Holy Sword of Fire.


“Hou……ain’t bad!”


Zacharias stroked his chin with his left hand and raised his right-hand sword in a great swing. The earth cracked under his foot, and the flames that surged through the sky pierced the drifting clouds above.


“Imperial-style holy swordsmanship 【Flame Breaking】!”


The huge flaming sword was swung down. The jet-black serpent was torn apart by the overwhelming heat, breaking into a thousand pieces and scattering.


However, there was no sign of Raidorl beyond where the jet-black serpent disappeared.






A sword was thrust out from Zacharias’s side. The emperor quickly tilted his head backwards and dodged the thrust aimed at his neck


Raidorl had predicted that 【Jormungandr, the serpent of the apocalypse】 would not work. Even Celia defeated it. There was no way it would work against Zacharius, who was stronger than her. The serpent’s blow was a decoy to get into his blindside.




Raidorl entered Zacharias’s space and repeatedly delivered haunting blows.


The holy sword in the emperor’s hand was two times larger than the Dáinsleif, giving Raidorl the advantage once they were brought into close combat.


Zacharias dexterously took the slashes fired in rapid succession with his greatsword but soon retreated a step or two from the sheer number of blows. As Zacharias tried to keep his distance, Raidorl delivered a low kick to the side of his knee.




“Keep slashing!”


Seeing Zacharias’s body leaned slightly, Raidorl slashed up from the lower level. The full-bodied blow sliced through the red armour but Zacharias ducked as quickly as he could and Raidorl’s blocked by the thick armour, so it did not reach his body.


Zacharias touched his beloved armour, lifted his fanged lips and howled.


“Haha, you fascinate me! Payback time!”


“What the…..!?”


Zacharias slammed the red holy sword into the ground with force. Immediately, the hard ground cracked and flames erupted like a volcano erupting.


Raidorl jumped backwards in fright. Instantly, Zacharius jumped out of the flames and slashed at him with his great sword.






Raidorl caught a great sword blow with his Dáinsleif but was unable to dampen the impact and was sent flying backwards. Raidorl rolled on the ground and adjusted his stance. When he got up and looked at Zacharius, the emperor was standing comfortably without pursuing Raidorl.


His attitude was so relaxed that there was no need to chase him down and Raidorl’s expression was distorted.


“Shit, he’s giving me a lot of leeway……I guess he’s not going to let me win like that.”


The opponent was a superior enemy. Raidorl wanted to decide the game at once without giving Zacharias a chance to counter-attack but he couldn’t put more force on his attack and were forced to reorganise.


Zacharias laughed in amusement and placed Durandal on his shoulder as Raidorl glared at the enemy in front of him in frustration.


“You’re good. You’re quite entertaining, aren’t you! As fierce as fire and as elusive as water.  A sword with bad habits in a fight or swordsmanship used by adventurers!?”


“Aaa, hate to say it, I didn’t grow up well enough. I’m sorry my leg came out on the spur of the moment!”


“Haha, you’re the first person to kick the emperor. You should be proud!”


Zacharias, who had been laughing carefreely, suddenly turned serious, “But.Regrettably you have yet to embrace your holy sword. If you were fully in tune with the patron deity that resides in your holy sword, it would be more entertaining to foresee……”


“I don’t embrace the Holy Sword……? What do you mean?”


At the unheard words, Raidorl squinted.


“It means exactly what I say. You, Raidorl Zain……. actually dislike the Dáinsleif, don’t you?”



At the emperor’s words, Raidorl felt his heart jump. It was as if he had been confronted with a self he did not know.


“You were driven to the frontier because your brother hated you for having been chosen by the Dáinsleif. Your vassals and fiancé  abandoned you. You may think you’ve got over that but in the corner of your……heart, don’t you just hate your own holy sword?”


“……So, what if it’s true? You talk like you know me.”

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“It’s a waste, you know? If you could have accepted the Holy Sword and become attuned to it, then that great move you just pulled off wouldn’t have been so easy to defeat.”


Zacharias looked somewhat sympathetic towards Raidorl, who frowned.


“Even if there is a difference in proficiency and experience, there is no way that the Durandal, a holy sword of the same rank, can unilaterally defeat your technique.”




Looking back, even when Raidorl fought Celia, Dáinsleif’s curse didn’t work well and he had a tough fight. He had thought that the cause was the superiority or inferiority of the holy swords, but if Zacharias’s words were to be believed, the cause seemed to lie in him.


Raidorl bit his back teeth when it was pointed out that he had not mastered the use of the Holy Sword. In contrast, Zacharias was also sighing in distress.


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“To tell you the truth, it seems like Celia is also hitting a wall, you know? She’s too gentle as a holder of the Holy Sword. She is somewhat distant from the Holy Sword, which is a weapon. If she could peel off her skin a bit more, I think she could become a better person……”


“Really? Even so……it’s a lot of leeway to give advice to the enemy in the middle of a battle, isn’t it? Are you saying that I’m not even worthy of being your enemy?”


“Don’t be so dispirited. I still have high expectations of you youngsters.”


Zacharias swung his sword away strongly. Flames covered Durandal’s sword again.


The time for conversation was over. Was this a signal for the battle to resume?


“I have one more lesson for you, young man. The fighting style of the Excalibur Holder, the ancient holder of the Holy Sword who once fought against the 『Six Witches of Doom』. The power of the holy sword that is beyond the walls!”


“Beyond the walls…..?”






A killing blade caressed his back in horror. Raidorl leapt backwards in a wide leap to distance himself from Zacharias.


A searing magic power was released from Zacharias’s body. It was a torrent of undirected magic power but it was so sharp that he felt his life was in danger just standing there.


Raidorl’s forehead was covered in greasy sweat and he held up his Dáinsleif but even as he  did so, Zacharias’s magical power increased. Flames overflowed from Durandal like a brick-glazed prison, engulfing the emperor’s body.


After a few seconds, Zacharias emerged from the fire. The emperor reappeared before Raidorl’s eyes, his appearance so transformed that he could hardly believe his eyes.


“Holy Armour of Purgatory, Asha Wahishta! O demonic rakshasa that are vengeful to the earth, bring forth the condemnation of the flames that split the heavens and sever the earth!!”




“I’m glad you were surprised. This is the holder of the Holy Sword beyond the Wall!”


“Oioi, seriously……!”


Raidorl let out a shuddering moan, his voice trembling.


Standing in front of him, Zacharias’s skin was dyed red and his face was tattooed with a tattoo that looked like a pine torch. His clothes had also changed completely, with pale flames forming a form of armour covering his strong body.

The great sword, which was as long as Zacharias, had doubled in size and was now roaring with a cascade of flames.


Its divine appearance was that of the god of battle itself. It wore such an overwhelming sense of intimidation that if one were even slightly distracted, one would want to break one’s knees and hang down one’s head.


【Asha Wahishta, the Righteous One of Purgatory】 – the deity of justice and truth. He was the manifestation of the god of divine punishment, who striked down and destroyed evil demons and impure beings.


“Release of the Holy Sword. The opening of power……. The battle gear that is manifested by being deeply in tune with the patron deity residing in the Holy Sword and wearing its blessing. This is the 『Holy Armour』!”


“Holy Armour ……!”


Raidorl repeated the words in dismay.


Just staring at Zacharias’ transformed form, a sense of awe and fear welled up endlessly from the depths of his chest. All he could do was not to fall to his knees because of the presence that made it hard to even stand up.


“Only when you can activate it can you say that you have mastered the Holy Sword! How’s that, have you realised how inexperienced you are!”


“I see…..that I certainly haven’t mastered the Holy Sword. Now I realise.”


The sight of Zacharias in front of him made Raidorl understand, whether he wanted to or not. He thought he had become stronger than anyone else with the Holy Sword in his hands but the realm he had reached was still only the entrance to the Holy Sword.


Zacharias was the real Holy Sword holder. The mythical hero with the power of world salvation was right in front of him.


As Raidorl cowered before his overwhelming power, Zacharias, clad in holy armour, throttled him in amusement.


“Kukku…… glad to see that you’ve understood how different our calibre is! Be diligent, young man!”




“Well, then…………it’s time to take you down!”




Raidorl leapt backwards as soon he sensed danger approaching. Durandal slammed into the space where Raidorl had just been. With a roaring sound, the ground where the holy sword had been struck exploded and a large cave-in and crater was formed.




“Kuh……this is absurd!”


Zacharias swung his sword sideways. A slash of flame shot out from the pale-tinted blade, slashing at Raidorl in the distance.


“……【Scorpion Thrust】!!”


The miasma blades collided with a huge flame that loomed like a guillotine. The two slashes collided and a large explosion was produced.




While holding back the impact of the explosion, Raidorl intuitively swung his sword.


Immediately afterwards, Zacharias jumped out of the explosion and caught the blow. He pushed in forcefully with the same stance that he had received the blow.






In a contest of strength, he had no chance. Raidorl pulled back his body to catch the slash and tried to kick Zacharias in the head.


“Oioi! Don’t kick the emperor in the head with your foot!”




A wall of flame appears to protect Zacharias. The pain of his legs being roasted by the fire made Raidorl retreat.


“Half-hearted attacks will not break through the sacred armour! Only a one-hit-kill blow can strike through it, like this……!”


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A flaming slash slammed into Raidorl.


Blown far backwards, Raidorl’s back was struck hard against the walls of Fortress Blaine. The impact on his back choked his lungs and made it difficult for him to breathe.


“Gghh……cahhhh……haa, haa!”


The black miasma clung to Raidorl’s body, which had fallen against the castle wall, like armour. If he had not quickly cloaked himself in the miasma and used it as a shield, his torso would have been burned through and he would have been cut in two.


“That was rather a killjoy reaction……not a bad one. I commend you.”


Zacharias stroked his chin in praise of Raidorl, who withstood the attack with all five of his limbs still intact.


However, his expression was somewhat dissatisfied. He seemed to remember the incompleteness of the battle, which had become one-sided since he took out his holy armour.


“But…..I’d like you to try a little harder. Currently, you are at a level where you can’t even defeat their 『apostles』, let alone the 『Six Witches of Doom』.”




“I don’t want you to use half hearted strength, okay? If you want to survive in the years to come… a bit more guts!”


When Zacharias raised Durandal to the heavens, a blue-white fireball arose above his head.


The fireball, which was about the size of a human head, gradually increased in volume and eventually grew into a huge fireball that could be looked up at.


The size and heat of the fireball was like the appearance of a small sun.


“Imperial-style Holy Sword Art 【Dawn Light Aurora】!”




“With this blow, I will measure your capacity for heroism! Raidorl Zain, are you the one who is to be the saviour of the world to come? Or……are you a nobody who should disappear before reaching that point!”


Zacharias swung down Durandal. A flaming bullet moved in time with the sword’s movement and was released straight at Raidorl.


The extremely large flames unleashed were so huge that they seemed to engulf the walls of the fortress, not to mention the body of Raidorl. If it were to take a serious bite, even his bones would be melted away.


“Kuk ……【Jormungandr, the apocalyptic serpent】”


Raidorl exerted all his strength to unleash a slashing serpent. The jet-black serpent leapt out, shaking the atmosphere, and vigorously bit the flame projectile.


The blow, which was infused with full-throttle magical power, proceeded to devour the flames but the sheer heat of the fireball burnt it up as soon as it hit the target.




Even so, Raidorl continued to put in his magic power and emitted the miasma.


If he relaxed his power even for a moment, he would be instantly engulfed by the flames like a comet.


Even if he threw everything away and ran away, they would not be able to avoid this huge mass of fire.


The only way to survive. Raidorl had no choice but to pour all his magical power into it and release the miasma serpent.




However, despite Raidorl’s efforts, the fire balls were steadily approaching, burning away the miasma. The momentum was slightly reduced by the 【Jormungandr, the apocalyptic serpent】, but it still had enough power to burn down Raidorl and the castle walls behind him.




Put more magic power into it. Put it in, put it in, put it in, put it in――!


However……the flame ball still did not stop.


‘It’s useless, isn’t it? Is this the end of the road? Don’t tell me I’ll die at a place like this……!?’


Sweat ran down Raidorl’s spine from the overwhelming heat and feelings of impatience.


In contrast to the flames that loomed in front of him, he felt the cold touch of the Grim Reaper’s sickle on his neck.


‘Will I die without having achieved anything, without standing where I want to? Because I was chosen by the Holy Sword, I was banished to the frontier and even so, I fought desperately against demons and survived.’


At last Raidorl had a chance to bite back at those who betrayed him and now he was to disappear in defeat without achieving his ambitions?


‘Will I die defeated and deprived ………… without getting anything back?’


What would Granard look like if he were to die here?


Would he laugh as an enemy? Or would he weep as a brother?


The Prime Minister, the General, Mertina. Neimilia and Celia. And how would his newly formed subordinates react?


Would they shed even a tear for Raidorl? Would they resent the fact that he died fighting so selfishly?


What would future generations of historians say about Raidorl? Would they mourn him as a tragic hero or despise him as a foolish traitor?


Or would he be forgotten as a nameless man who disappeared without ever having achieved anything?


‘Screw you…..that’s not acceptable!’


Raidorl bit his back teeth.


Raidorl did not want to see the faces of his hated enemies or close comrades rejoice or weep at his death.


He didn’t care what people who would live  far, far away think of him. Calling him beautiful or infamous, calling him whatever they like.


‘But……I can’t just disappear without leaving a single mark on this world. If I am to make my mark on history, it must be by the way I live, not by the way I die.’




A fierce rage and a will to rebel. With this as fuel, Raidorl felt his exhausted magic power amplifying. He poured the enormous amount of magic power that had swelled up into the Holy Sword all at once.


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The miasma serpent regained its momentum from the large amount of magical power poured into it. The momentum of the flame bullets weakened, albeit only slightly.


But – even so – it was still not enough.


The power was not enough to extinguish the divine fire that consumed everything.


‘Is this not enough! You say it’s still not enough!’


The flames were already close at hand.


It was no use. Raidorl’s head was filled with a feeling of resignation.


“『Aaa, seriously. You’re a pain in the ass.』”


A moment later – someone’s voice shook Raidorl’s eardrums. It was a high mix pitched boyish and feminine voice.


It was the first time Raidorl heard this voice, yet he felt a strange sense of nostalgia.


“『I hate you too but I will help you a little. You should be grateful.』”




Raidorl’s eyes went completely dark. Both the huge flames that were approaching and the emperor’s figure vanished into the darkness without a trace.


In a vision that had lost its light – Raidorl thought he heard a voice like the howl of a beast.


 〇         〇         〇




Emperor Zacharias Von Arslanian was dubious at the unexpected scene that had occurred before his eyes.


The oversized fireball that he had fired had undoubtedly caught Raidorl and he seemed to be trying to defend against it with his 【Jormungandr, the apocalyptic serpent】 technique, but he was not quite able to kill it.


In less than ten seconds, the flames should have engulfed Raidorl with the entire fortress wall behind him, burning him to the ground without leaving a bone.


But …..the flaming ball that was about to take the young prince’s life vanished without a trace before Zacharias’s eyes.


It was not pushed aside by a miasma blade. Nor was it cancelled out by a technique of equal power. It disappeared without even a spark of fire, as if it had never existed in the first place.


“…..That’s impossible. What happened?”


The holy armour [Asha Wahishta, the righteous one of Purgatory], which was also the inner power of the holy sword Durandal, had the power to control the fire of damnation, which destroyed all evil in the world.


Its power was one of the most powerful of all holy swords. Without doubt, Zacharias was the continent’s most powerful holy sword holder. It was an impossible situation for such a powerful flame to disappear without knowing what had been done to it.


Zacharias squinted and looked at his adversary.




Raidorl was sleeping like the dead, with his back against the ramparts.


His right hand had fallen to the ground and the holy sword Dáinsleif was lying away from his palm.


It was natural to assume that if anything had been done, Raidorl had done it. He had no idea what had been done, but there was no doubt about it.


“Hmm……holy sword Dáinsleif. I had heard that it was a unique holy sword that presides over curses but what kind of curse could he use to do this?”


Muttering, Zacharias deactivateed his holy armour. The pale flames disappeared and he returned to his original red armour.


The Holy Armour was a technique that could be regarded as a deep technique for the Holy Sword holder but it consumed a great deal of magical power. Even Zacharias, an expert holy sword wielder could only activate it for a few minutes.


Zacharias breathed deeply from exhaustion and walked over to the fallen Raidorl.


“You survived fighting a serious threat. You’ve passed for now. You’ve proven your worth being alive!”


Zacharias looked down at the fallen Raidorl and stroked his chin in amusement.


His attempt to burn Raidorl to death with the power of his holy armour was not, in fact, to take his life. The true purpose was to pressure down Raidorl, who had not been able to draw out the full power of the Dáinsleif, and awaken it.


In order to determine whether Raidorl was a human being worth taking in alive……Zacharias resorted to overly aggressive measures.


If he would not wake up in the face of a life-threatening crisis, he would never wake up……again. It was too one-sided and too rough a method but Zacharias thought there was no better way to wake up the sleeping lion cub.


“Well……Raidorl Zain. Have you awakened as the Holy Sword Holder? Was the unknown force I just met was your holy armour?”




He asked, but the unconscious Raidorl did not answer.


Zakarius took a deep breath [Hmph] and shrugged his shoulders.


“Either way……I like it. I can’t call you weak since you have overcome the fire of divine authority. Let us hope that you will be a hero who lives up to my expectations.”


Zacharias looked up above him and saw the soldiers of the Royal Army on the ramparts of the fortress staring at him, salivating. Looking behind him, he saw the soldiers of the Imperial Army on the hill in the distance, staring at him as if mesmerised.


Zacharias  raised his sword high to the soldiers of both armies, who were staring speechless at the battle between the two Excalibur holders.


“The victory of this duel falls to the Emperor of the Arslein Empire, Zacharias Von Arslanian!”


Hearing this declaration of victory, there were no cries of joy or lamentation from the two armies.


The battle between the transcendent beyond comprehension must have made them forget the details of a war between humans.


Zacharias’s lips twitched in frustration at the lack of response from the soldiers on both sides, and he shouted even louder.


“The war between our two countries is now over! As soon as the king’s brother Raidorl Zain has been treated, peace negotiations shall be held!!”


Thus, the duel for the future of the two countries was won by Zacharius, and the war between the Kingdom of Zain and the Arslanian Empire came to an end.


A young hero and a hero of many battles.


The two holy sword-bearers would face the huge disaster that would eventually come together and at the end of it, they would clash again with the holy sword in their hands  but that was a future that no one knew yet.

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