Vol. 2 Chapter 11

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The Night of a Certain Sister and Brother

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned






The boy was frozen with his mouth tied into a straight line while listening to the beautiful woman humming in a good mood.


They were in the eastern border region of the Kingdom of Zain. It was the former residence of Count Calcifer, a great nobleman from the east. The house was currently under the control of the Kingdom’s army led by Raidorl, after Count Calcifer, the master of the house and his companions were brutally murdered by a woman.


The Count Calcifer, along with Count  Arbeil had great power, so naturally their mansion was also vast and magnificent. The interior of the mansion was even equipped with a spacious bathhouse, and the two ……were right in the middle of bathing.


‘….. What am I doing?’


Sven Arbeil was the one who was asking himself the question with his body as hard as stone. He was a survivor of Count Arbeil’s family, which perished in the war with the Empire and was a young boy in the service of Raidorl as an military strategist.


As it was a bathhouse, Sven had taken off his clothes and was naked. That was not at all unnatural. It was not unnatural, but…… the problem was behind him.


“Humph~n…… Sven, do you have an itch?”


“…… There isn’t. Angelica-san.”


The problem was the beautiful woman bathing with him.


The name of the woman who was carefully washing Sven’s back in the bath chair was Angelica Ilkas. She was a survivor of Viscount Ilkas’ family, which, like Count Arbeil’s family, was destroyed in the war.


Angelica, who was washing Sven, was also completely naked. Sven was hardened by the intense tension as he felt the presence of the two mountains shaking just behind him.


Tonight, Sven and Angelica were bathing together. Since their reunion, they had been working together more and more often…….Angelica was a mature woman. Sven was also old enough to have stepped into adolescence. It was the first time they had bathed together.


‘I resent you……Your Highness Raidorl.’


Sven resisted the urge to cry out, murmuring bitterly to his lord in his heart.


The reason why Sven had to bathe with the older beauty was because……Raidorl was leading an army to Fort Blaine and Angelica was ordered to stay.


The fact that Angelica missed the perfect opportunity to avenge her family’s death was a terrible shock to her, as she felt a growing resentment towards the empire that had killed her family.


Angelica, who was originally trapped in a deep inner darkness, became mentally unstable and began to behave strangely, mumbling to herself in the middle of nowhere and constantly sticking daggers into dolls.


To cheer Angelica up, Sven asked her if there was anything she wanted to do to refresh herself……. Angelica’s reply was『To have a bath with Sven』.


Sven bit his tongue at this, as one would expect. Sven was now 12 years old. He was at the age where he was gradually becoming aware of the gender difference between men and women.


Even so, he was embarrassed by being hugged by his 『sister』, to whom he was not blood-related. He tried to refuse, thinking that any amount of nakedness would be too embarrassing – but Angelica smiled at her embarrassed 『brother』.


“『Well, if you’re embarrassed, I don’t blame you. Don’t worry about it. I’ll just have to deal with the pent up depression and resentment at……Brad and get rid of him.』”


Angelica smiled and declared that she was going to kill her husband and Sven hurriedly agreed to bathe with her. He didn’t care about Angelica’s husband, Brad Ilkas….. but he didn’t want to see the woman who was taking the place of his sister dismembering her spouse’s body, no matter how much she wanted to do so.

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Sven reluctantly stripped naked and was washed by Angelica, who also took off her clothes.


“Now your body is clean and beautiful. It’s time for a soak in the bathtub.”




Sven nodded his head in a deceptively state of mind.


They got up from the bath chairs and tried to head towards the bathtub, but……Angelica almost lost her balance and Sven rushed in to support her.


“Oops,…… sorry, Sven.”


“It’s no problem…….”


Sven glanced at Angelica’s left leg. It had been amputated below the knee and disappeared.


The prosthetic leg she always wore  for bathing and the bandage covering her left eye had been removed, revealing the painful scar.


“….. Please give me your hand.”


“Thank you.”


Sven bit his lip slightly and pulled Angelica’s hand to guide her to the tub.


The painfully etched scars were sustained byViscount Ilkas after their desperate resistance in the previous war with the Empire. Angelica, the matriarch known as the 『Slaughter Princess of Ilkas』, also went to the front and was severely wounded.


‘But……that’s not the real wound. Scars on the body are not a big deal to Angelica.’


As Sven proceeded into the bathtub with Angelica’s hand in tow……Sven thought more.


‘Angelica-san is deeply traumatised. There’s an intense madness and a seething hatred swirling around in her heart.’


Angelica once tried to murder Justy Oigist out of hatred. Since reuniting with Sven, the outburst had died down but the wound in Angelica’s……heart still bled venomously.


‘Perhaps Angelica’s hatred will not disappear until the day the empire falls. But….’


Sven knew. That their lord, Raidorl, did not want a decisive battle with the Empire. He had guessed that, if possible, he wanted to make peace with the Empire and concentrate on fighting his brother King Granard.


It was frightening to think what Angelica would do if she knew that.


‘Angelica-san would surely be disappointed in His Highness Raidorl. She might hate him for being a traitor who turned on the empire and turned a blade or a saliva against him. I am sure I am the only one who can stop …… that.’


Sitting in the bathtub, soaking in the hot water, Sven quietly made up his mind.


He would definitely stop Angelica. He would not let her go on to a madness from which there was no turning back. He would keep her from turning her blade against Raidorl.


‘Alwyn……That’s the only condolence I can give you, I suppose.’


Sven thought of the face of his late best friend. Alwyn Ilkas was the son of Viscount Ilkas and Angelica’s brother. He and Sven were friends close in age.


His friend, too mild and gentle for a nobleman, also lost his life due to the ravages of war.


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The only thing Sven could do for his deceased friend was to support Angelica to prevent her from being consumed by madness.


“Fufu……This reminds me of that. Even when we were kids, me, Sven and my brother used to take baths together.”


Despite Sven’s determination, Angelica, sitting next to Sven, looked happy and relaxed. Sven couldn’t help but admire the profile of Angelica, who was soaking in the bathtub, her smooth skin tinged with a rosy hue.


“Well…..I don’t remember, when was it?”


“…..I think it’s been ten years now? Sven has grown so much since then.”


“Ten years?….Alwyn and I were still two years old at that time. How could I remember that?”


“Is that so? I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I also changed Sven’s diaper once…..have you forgotten that?”


“How could I remember? Stop saying anything weird!”


Sven raised his voice as his embarrassing past was dredged up. Angelica gazed lovingly at Sven and then suddenly embraced the boy’s body.




“Sven, come to your sister’s lap.”


“Wait …… what are you suddenly doing!”


Angelica sat in the bathtub and put Sven on her lap so that she could hug his small back. She was hugging as if she were holding a stuffed animal.


“Wa, wawawawaw, let go of me! You’re embarrassing me!”


Sven had been carried many times since he was reunited with Angelica but……this time the situation was different. This was a bathroom. Both of them were naked. The embrace had forced Angelica’s bare skin against him, whether he wanted it to or not.


Plump breasts against his back. Her soft thighs against his buttocks. In a few more years, he might be able to afford to enjoy the situation that would make him too happy, but for now the close contact with a……naked older beauty was too stimulating for a boy who had just stepped one foot into puberty.


“I said let go of me! Angelica-san!”


“Fufu…… You really are a cute boy. You don’t have to be so mean to me.”


“Wait……don’t press your breasts against me!”


Angelica embraced Sven, who was blushing in a different way to the bath heat, even tighter.


Angelica, who easily silenced the boy’s modest resistance with two arms, looked amused and relaxed her face….. suddenly dropped the tone of her voice and whispered into Sven’s ear.


“I’m really……glad Sven is alive.”




“I thought I had nothing left when my family…..died. I thought I had lost everything and had nothing to protect. But……my brother’s friend, Sven, my other brother, is alive. Really, thank God……”


Angelica held Sven in her arms and pressed her face against his neck.


Sven noticed. Angelica’s shoulders were shaking slightly. That he could hear a small sobbing voice mixed with the sound of the water in the bathroom.

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“…..It can’t be helped. Just for today, okay?”


Sven’s shoulders slumped as if he had given up and stopped resisting. Angelica embraced him as she was made to do and he let himself fall into the touch of her silky skin.


This was a way of offering condolences to his late best friend. It was also a way of repaying a debt of gratitude to his bloodless sister, who had looked after him since he was a child.


Sven gazed at the steam rising to the bathroom ceiling and gently closed his eyes.


Sven Arbeil and Angelica Ilkas.


The two, who had no time to mourn their family but have a new sister-brother relationship, would continue to exert their power as Raidorl’s trusted subordinates.


“Cuckolded by a twelve year old boy? Haha, that’s not bad. …..I’m about to discover a new ground.”


Incidentally,……on the opposite side of the bathroom, Brad Ilkas, Angelica’s husband, was looking out of the window at the night sky as if in twilight, listening carefully to the voices coming from the bathroom.


[TL: Dafuq Brad…]

Benefit SS The Princess’s Nightlife.


The royal capital of the Kingdom of Zain. There was a shadow hovering in the darkness of the capital.


The man was dressed in a pitch-black costume and hood. In both hands he held a pair of long, distorted scissors with a blade length of about one metre.


“Shuー…… shuー…”


A black-cloaked man with eerie scissors strode through the back streets of the night in search of his prey, leaking deep breaths.


Soon, the back of a woman’s head flashed into the black-clad’s eyes. Dressed in a sensational dress with a wide back opening, the woman……looked like a prostitute. Her magnificent blonde hair flowed down around her neck and reflected the moonlight brilliantly.


“Shuー…… shuー… shuー!”


As if in anticipation,the black-clad man ran out and set his sights on the woman’s neck to reap his finest catch. His huge scissors were extended into the golden hair, pinching it from both sides.

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The next moment, with a clear click, the blades on either side were flicked off. A scooping slash was fired at the chest of the black-clad man…..whose eyes widened in surprise under the hood.




The bright red dress fluttered. A sword with blue-white lightning sliced deep into the opponent’s chest. The man in black fell on his back, jerking and twitching.


“Good work, Celia-san”


“Aaaaa, this is so embarrassing! These clothes are too naughty!”


A blonde woman in a dress – Imperial Princess Celia- shouted at a woman in a maid’s uniform behind her.


That night, Celia had come to exterminate a street monster called 『Hair Cutter Bug』 at the request of the guild. She had stood in the street in fancy clothes to lure the black-clad monster.

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“Ehh……but doesn’t that dress look good on you?”


Neimilia, her escort and protector, tilted her head while looking at the extreme dress that Celia was wearing.


“Uuuu…….What’s so good about these embarrassing clothes!?”


“That’s a pity. I’m sure the master will be pleased with it…….”


“Wha…… why should I please that Onii-san!”


“But don’t you want to see?……Seeing Celia-san in naughty clothes and Master being embarrassed by it.”


“That’s…….I might want to look at……Onii-san’s face. At that time….”


Celia found  it a bit amusing that Raidorl, who was always fearless and spare-faced, was embarrassed towards her.


“Okay, just once! Just once, I will wear these clothes to see Onii-san’s face! It’s a chance I’ll never get again!”  


“Fufu……Choroi. Piece of cake..”

[TL: チョロイ=Choroi. Easily persuaded by others. Naive]


Neimilia grinned wickedly at the embarrassed-looking imperial princess.



Long time no see. I am Leonard D…the eternal chuunibyou author.


First of all, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all the readers who have picked up this work, those who were involved in its publication, the illustrator Fuyuki Sensei and all those who have supported me so far.


A year has passed since the release of the first volume last year. I am very happy to have successfully published the second volume of 『Raidorl Seiken Senki』.


This makes this the first in a series of books for me. I had been dreading whether I would be able to deliver a continuation volume to you all but I am relieved to be able to depict a new story of Raidorl’s adventures and battles.


This year marks the third year since I first started my life as a writer through 『Shousetsukaninarou』. To be honest, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to continue my writing career as I had only been reading works written by other people for so long but now that I’ve published this second volume, I’ve gained confidence as an author.

[TL: became a novelist. It’s website for japanese people to write their novel, like wattpad]


I would like to continue writing aggressively in the future. Please continue to support me!


Now, here is the content of volume two. In this volume, I wrote a story based on the theme of 『new encounters』.


The story develops as Raidorl meets new characters, sometimes fighting, sometimes forming friendships and flying even higher in the sky.


I can’t give too many spoilers as I’ve heard that some people read from the afterword……but there will be new appearances and activities by a Shota, Loli, Muscle Glasses and a Bloody Yandere (?). .


New housemates will be rolling in, following the erotic maid Neimilia and Imperial Princess Celia and Raidorl’s surroundings will become more and more glamorous and lively.


I would be very grateful if you would continue to follow the story of Raidorl’s rebellion and battles.


So, wishing to all Gods, Buddhas and demons that we will meet again.



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