Vol. 2 Chapter 6

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The Lion of the East

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


While Sven Arbeil struggled to deal with a young, familiar girl, there was also someone in Oburto, a town to the north of Wolfin – who was also anguishing.


“….. Wolfin’s fallen, eh? Too soon.”


The man holding his grey head and growling was Viscount Benjamin Oigist, the lord of this town. The middle-aged nobleman, over fifty years old, nervously scratched his hair, which was whiter than his age and lamented his unreasonableness.


“I didn’t expect Wolfert to be defeated so soon…….Or, if it was unexpected to begin with, did it already begin with the victory of the Royal Army over the Imperial Army…….”


Rumours had already reached Viscount Oigist that Bobart Wolfert had been defeated and that the town of Wolfin had been overrun. Viscount Oigist was not as upset and weeping as Baron Elladine but he still had a bitter expression on his face.


He thought he had escaped destruction by turning on the Empire and riding away on a winning horse but that horse was, unexpectedly, destined for the abyss. It was understandable to want to lament the unreasonableness of the situation.


‘Was I wrong? Should I have fought the Empire instead of surrendering, like the Count of Arbeil and the Viscount of Ilkas?’


It was a question he had asked himself time and time again. And each time, the answer was the same – 『neither will change our predicament』.


‘No……Even if we had fought the Empire to the end, we would have only been attacked and destroyed by the overwhelming difference in strength. If that happens, it won’t just be me and my family’s lives. Even the fate of my vassals and my fiefdom would be in jeopardy.’


Unlike Viscount Wolfert, Viscount Oigist never turned out of self-preservation or fear. He chose the latter after weighing the two against each other. He simply chose the latter after weighing the two in the balance.


For the sake of his lands and his people, he chose to bear the stigma of 『Treason』 ……As a result, the Empire was defeated and the Viscounts of Oigist were once again on the verge of ruin.


Viscount Oigist  desperately tried to think of a way to avert his ruin, but no answer came to him.


“My lord, why don’t we ask the young master for his wisdom here?”


It was a man who looked at his master painfully who made such a suggestion. He was the head soldier in the service of the Viscount Eugiste family.


“Perhaps the young master could come up with a clever plan to avoid this situation.”


“’Yes, surely my son could……”


Viscount Oigist’s face grew even more bitter at the soldier captain’s suggestion. The suggestion was also one that he had considered many times.


“But…..I have done something that I cannot face Jus. Will my son forgive me?”


The Viscount murmured in a voice shaken with anxiety.


Viscount Oigist had separated himself from his legitimate son a few months earlier and had barely spoken to him since then. The Viscount’s face was filled with guilt and he was hesitant to discuss the matter with his son.


“The young master is not the kind of person who carries on a grudge. Besides, I am sure he understands the hardships my lord has gone through. Rather, I think it would be more resentful of you not to consult him under the circumstances.”




The Viscount closed his eyes at the advice of the Chief Soldier. A dark silence descended on the Viscount’s office.


The Viscount remained silent and thoughtful, but…. eventually opened his mouth gravely.


“…… I’m going to see Jus. Take me to him.”


“Ha! Yes, sir!”


The Viscount’s reply made the soldier chief straighten his back happily.


Viscount Oigist stood up from his chair with a relieved look on his face, while smiling at his subjects, whose expressions were overtly cheerful.


Viscount Oigist, accompanied by his chief soldier, visited a room at the back of the house. In front of the room were two soldiers with a door between them. When the soldiers saw the Viscount’s face, they bowed to him.


“How is Jus?”


“The young master is spending his time as usual. He is eating three meals a day and there is nothing wrong with him!”


The soldier straightened his back to answer his master’s question. The viscount nodded his head and ordered the soldier to open the door. As soon as the soldier opened the door with the key lock, a rush of hot air came from inside the room.


“Humph, humph, hun, hun, hun, hun, hun, hun, hun!”


There was one man in the room. A half naked man with short-cropped ochre-coloured hair, hanging from a chandelier suspended from the ceiling, repeatedly doing pull-ups.


How long had he been doing this? The sweat pouring from the man’s body is forming puddles on the floor, and the temperature in the room was much higher than in the corridor due to the heat emanating from the man’s exhaled body.


Viscount Oigist frowned at the heat on his face and called out to the man hanging from the ceiling.


“Jus! Get down from there!”


The man’s arms stopped as he heard the Viscount’s call. He looked down at his father’s head from the ceiling and spoke out.


“Oo, it’s my father. It’s been a long time.”


With a flick, the man released his hand from his grip on the chandelier. A puddle of sweat splashed at his feet as he landed on the floor.


“It’s been a month since I’ve seen you. Since I’ve been locked up, you haven’t come to see me at all, so I was beginning to think I’ve been cut off.”




Viscount Oigist gulped. His son’s words were plain and flat but to the Viscount, who had a guilty conscience, the blade felt as sharp as a knife.


The man who was training with his upper body naked was named Justy Oigist. He was the son of Viscount Eugist, a legitimate son who would have taken over the Viscounty if something had happened to him. Justy had been under house arrest in a room in the mansion for a month and was forbidden to leave.


“It’s………no, I’m sorry. I don’t even have an excuse.”


“It’s fine. I didn’t mean to be sarcastic. So…..what do you want today father?”




Justy brushed his sweat-soaked hair and pulled his jacket over his half naked body. Viscount Oigist fell silent with a sullen look on his face without answering the question.


‘Well, how to explain……’


The reason why Viscount Oigist had to confine his son to such a place was the invasion from the Empire of Arslanian. After the Empire’s the Balmes fortress, the nobles who held territories on the eastern border were forced to make a decision against the invaders.


That was…… 『Submission』 or 『Resistance』.


The decision taken by Viscount Oigist was 『Submission』. He surrendered to the Empire without a fight and in exchange for the provision of food and other benefits, he sought the security of his lands.


However, his son Justy was very much opposed to the Viscount’s decision. Justy insisted on a thorough war and refused to concede that they should fight in cooperation with the Counts of Arbeil and the Viscounts of Ilkas. The discussions between father and son were parallel from beginning to end, and in the end Justy, who refused to budge from his position, was ordered to be house arrested and confined to a room in the Viscount’s mansion.


‘If we had……fought back thoroughly at that time, as Justy said, the situation might be different now. No, that would be wrong too.’


The Viscount shook his head and shook off his useless regrets. No matter how much regret he felt, he had made a decision. He had to take responsibility for it.


“Son, please listen to me. The Oigist’s family is in danger of extinction.”


In the end, the Viscount decided to tell the truth.


The Imperial forces that had attacked Fort Blaine had been repulsed.


Now the royal family had sent an army to the eastern border to purge traitors.


The Royal Army had destroyed the Viscounts of Wolfert, and the blade of the purge had been extended to the Viscounts of Oigist.


Without hiding anything, the Viscount passed on all the information he knew to his son.




Justy listened to his father’s story while wiping the sweat from his forehead with a wet cloth and without interrupting him in the middle of it. Eventually, Justy opened his mouth just as the viscount’s story was all over.


“So……what does my father want from me?”


Justy put a gown on his body as the sweat finally receded. He then picked up a pair of glasses that were on the table and put them on his face.


Wearing his glasses in this way, Justy looked as intelligent as a civil servant. However, from the neck down, he was covered in muscles that could be described as a suit of flesh armour and his body was unbalanced, as if the top and bottom were two different people.


“If father values life, father should just run away. It would be better for you to take all your property and go into exile in the Empire. If the lives of father’s subjects are important, father should surrender the lands to the Kingdom’s army in a mature and meek manner. Even though it is now provisionally Imperial territory, it was originally part of the Kingdom. Father will not be wronged.”


If the viscount chose to put the lives of his subject first, he should surrender maturely and seek the safety of his subjects. In fact, that was what he did when he was forced to surrender by the Empire.


But in that case, Viscount Oigist and his family would face a purge of all of them. If those who had turned against the enemy were allowed to live, the royal family would be slighted. It was highly likely that they would be made an example of in order to prevent new traitors.


‘I hope I am the only one whose head will be chopped off. I am the one who made the decision and I am obliged to take responsibility’


However, the punishment for treason extended to the entire family. Not only the Viscount, but also his wife and children would be sent to the executioner’s block. It was an unacceptable future for the viscount.


“…. What will happen to the people if we escape?”


“Although there is a truce, it is still wartime. Even the security of the territory is declining and if father were to flee, the territory would become even more desolate. Soldiers and mercenary soldiers who have lost their employers will be at their wits’ end and turn into brigands, while the disorganised people are bound to fight over money and food. Even good townspeople may break into merchant houses and loot them.”

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If the Viscount cared about his people, he could not run away. He should be responsible for the town until he surrendered it to the Royal Army.


The people or his families. Torn between two important things, Viscount Oigist could not make a decision and kept his eyes down.


“Mwuh…..Apparently, I teased you a little too much? Father, please forgive me.”


The sight of his depressed father brought pity in Justy’s eyes.


Although Viscount Oigist and Justy had fallen out over differences of opinion, they were still father and son. 


For Justy, the Viscount remained a loving father. And even Justy did not believe that the Viscount’s decision to bow the knee to the Empire was completely wrong.


He recognised his father’s righteousness, which was why he was mature enough to accept his captivity as a prisoner of war. Therefore, Justy decided to come up with a plan to get rid of his father’s problems.


“Father…..I have an alternative proposal for you.”


“An alternative ……?”


“Yes, that’s right. Father will escape from the kingdom with mother and my other siblings and go into exile in the empire. I will remain in Viscount Oigist’s lands to protect the city until the Royal Army arrives here.”


“Wha……that’s foolish! That would make you a sacrifice!”


The Viscount shouted, his eyes peeling back. He could not allow his son to play the role of a sacrifice.


“If you stay in town, I will stay! It is, you who must flee to the Empire!”


“That would make my brothers grieve. A child needs a father, don’t you think?”


To his father who was approaching him, Justy made a firm decision.


“The Royal Army will never forgive you for turning against the Empire. But if I am the one who opposed the turnover and was even imprisoned, then the Royal Army may grant me a pardon.”


“That…… may be so.”


“Many soldiers know that I have been at loggerheads with my father. It seems that there is a rumour in the town, and if the story reaches those in charge of the Royal Army, there is a good chance they will let me go.”

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It was wishful thinking but when the Viscount saw the clear determination in his son’s eyes, he could say no more. Viscount Oigist bit his lip in sorrow and shook his fist, overcome by his own helplessness.


“Don’t give me that look. It doesn’t mean I’m going to die.


Justy quickly pushed up the bridge of his spectacles.


“If we were dealing with His Majesty Granard, we wouldn’t escape being sent to the executioner’s block, but with His Highness Raidorl, there would be room for negotiation. Besides……I am very interested in the hero of salvation chosen by the Holy Sword. Let this Justy Oigist judge the calibre of His Royal Highness!”


 〇         〇         〇


The night-crawling incident by Shirley led to Baron Elladine’s surrender to Raidorl. Elladine, who had given up his lordship and was no longer a nobleman, had left his former estate to his deputies and moved to Wolfin, where Raidorl was located.


Despite his failure to stop his daughter’s outburst, Elladine has had no hostility towards Raidorl from the outset. He was only thinking of his own self-preservation. He did not even try to actively resist by using force like Viscount Wolfert, so it was decided that he would not be punished in any particular way.


After being taken into custody as prisoners of war, they were sent to work under Raidorl.


“Elladine-tono, these are the documents ……”


“You should have the person in charge sign it in and then turn it over to finance.”


“Elladine-san, we are running out of food stock for our soldiers…….”


“I have already placed an order with the Molten Trading Company for the shortages of the soldier’s provisions. The delivery will be made in three days’ time, so please instruct them to clear out the warehouse.”


In the political office built in the former residence of Viscount Wolfert, Baron Elladine gave instructions to his subordinates, who were quickly putting away their desk work. Working there were Elladine and the new civil servants.


The civil servants recruited in response to job offers were the second and third sons of merchant families, those who were educated in arithmetic and other subjects but unable to take over the family.


Although Elladine originally took over the barony after the sudden death of his brother, he had hoped to eventually leave the nobility and set up as a merchant. Elladine and the civil servant from a merchant family seemed to be in tune with each other and they worked with a lively spirit.


“The Baron……no, Elladine  is quite a hard worker. He seems to have no complaints about being deprived of his aristocratic status.”


While watching Elladine from afar, who was working hard and giving instructions to his subordinates, Raidorl mumbled absentmindedly on the sofa in the corner of the political office.


Once a daily desk-bound man, Raidorl had been sidelined since Eladin began to take care of the bulk of his work. He simply checked and signed documents that had already been processed and was asked to give instructions on important matters. She could now afford to relax on the sofa and have a cup of tea in between jobs.


“My father never regarded his position as a nobleman as anything but a burden. Working as a civil servant seems to suit him better.”


Shirley replied as she sat down on the sofa opposite him and brought a cup of tea to her lips with an elegant gesture.


She was a young girl about the height of Raidorl’s waist, but today she wore a provocative, emotional dress with slits in the legs. Occasionally, she would cross her legs as if to show them off, glancing in Raidorl’s direction. She probably intended to seduce him, but……Raidorl had no taste for lusting after young girls, so he ignored her and sipped his tea.


“When he was in the service of the kingdom, he was terrified that the Empire would attack at any moment, and after he turned on the Empire, he was terrified that the Empire would send assassins to the kingdom at any moment…….I guess he is finally free of the fear and responsibility of being a lord now that he is no longer a nobleman. Perhaps now, my father is at the peak of his life.”


“…..So not everyone wants status and power? Apparently, for Elladine, an undeserved position was a hassle for him.”


When Raidorl first arrived in the town, Elladine looked frightened and blue-lipped but since he started working as a civil servant, he looked as if he had come to life and was doing his job with a radiant face.


Apparently, the position of a civil servant was a vocation for Elladine and his ideal self.


“At any rate, it’s very helpful that the shortage of civilian officers has been remedied. Now I can concentrate on my work as a military officer.”


Sven, sitting next to Shirley, nodded his head.


“Ara, I don’t know if Sven can be a military strategist.”


“Well, at least I’ll be better than Shirley and your honey trap.”


“Muu……making fun of me!”


Shirley was preppily angry and Sven was puffing his chest out with a good-humoured laugh. It was a smiling, cheeky scene, as if they were real siblings. Raidorl also nibbled on a piece of tea cake, his cheeks loosening up.


“If we’ve got the civilian officers then…..Now we need the military officers. I want people who can command a lot of people on the battlefield, not just Darren and Leifet.”


“We have appointed ten of the newcomers as captains, but it’s hard to find people who can lead a hundred or a thousand soldiers.”


Sven put his hand over his mouth and groaned, [Hmmm].


It was more difficult to train good military officers than civilian officers. This was because, no matter how much time they spent at their desks poring over instruction manuals, they were useless unless they had actual combat experience.


“A freelancer who has commanded a hundred or a thousand soldiers and is not in anyone’s service – there are not many people in the kingdom who could be that convenient.”


“Someone who has a lot of experience in actual warfare, who is smart and also skilled. There is one such person ….. exist to meet such criteria……”


“What, you have an idea?”


“Yes. Like me, he’s a nobleman from the East, but he’s …..a bit difficult.”


Sven slurred his words and wrinkled his brows. Raidorl wondered who Sven wanted to talk about and when he tried to mention him.


But before he could, the door to his office opened and Darren entered.


“Excuse me, Your Highness. His Highness Raidorl!”


“Hmm, what’s wrong?”


“……A message from Viscount Oigist. He wishes to see Your Highness Raidorl.”


“Oigist…… was one of the nobles who turned.”


Raidorl confirmed and Darren nodded, looking somewhat nervous.




The other side of the desk, on the opposite sofa, Sven slid off the sofa for some reason, his face scrunched up.


“I checked his background…and it seems to be a very disturbing story……”




Darren handed him a letter in a sealed envelope. Raidorl toook it casually and immediately frowned.


“『Letter Of Challenge』…..?”


It was written in large letters on the front of the envelope. On the reverse side was the name of the letter’s sender.


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“Sent by………..Justy Oigist?”




Sven covered his face with his right hand and made a mournful sound.


“That’s the kind of person he is. He has a clear head and a clear brain, but in the end he can only come to conclusions with his muscles. A brainiac with big muscles……!”


“By any chance, the person you were talking about earlier was …….”


“That’s right. That’s right, Your Highness ……!”


Sven exhaled a tired sigh, with a face that seemed to carry the world’s impermanence all over it.


“The strongest warrior in the eastern part of the kingdom, alongside Ilkas’s 『Slaughter Princess』 – Justy Oigist, the 『Lion of the East』. He is a muscle-glass who loves spear-fighting and the battlefield.”


  〇         〇         〇

Justy Oigist.


Eldest son and heir to the Viscount Oigist family. He was twenty-five years old.


He was both a nobleman and a warrior. He had  taken credit for a number of border skirmishes with the Empire and had also defeated countless bandits and brigands who had ravaged his territory.


His spear-wielding was truly heroic. He was even called the 『Lion of the East』 for his overwhelming strength.


“『Not only is he strong but Justy is also very smart. He is also very good at governing and is well-liked by his people. Oh, and I heard that he is good at magic with the earth attribute.』” 


That was Sven Arbeil’s assessment.


Sven praised Justy to that extent and his expression turned bitter, [But…….]


“『He’s smart but when it comes down to the crunch, he can only think with his muscles. You could say he’s a beast walking around in a suit and glasses but at the critical moment he has the bad habit of peeling off his skin and trying to solve the problem by brute force.』” 


“The result of that bad habit is 『Letter Of Challenge』…?”


“I would like to thank you for coming all the way here. Your Royal Highness Raidorl!”


The date and time of the duel, which was reported in advance.


Justy Oigist himself welcomed Raydorl when he visited Oburto, the town ruled by the Viscounts of Oigist.


On his visit to the town, Raidorl had brought only a small escort with him.


When the letter was first delivered, he suspected it was a trap but Sven, who was acquainted with Justy, assured him that it was impossible for him to play tricks, so he left the army he was organising in Wolfin.


Upon visiting the Viscount Oigist’s residence, Raidorl was led into the courtyard by a man who appeared to be a butler. There, Justy was waiting for him, fully armed and armoured.


Raidorl squinted at the well-prepared Justy and opened his mouth.


“Well…… in the Letter Of Challenge it was written something like 『If you win in single combat against me, I will surrender and give up my territory』, but is the letter a part of your trick? Does the head of the family, Viscount Oigist, agree with this?”


“Of course. I will never do any tricks due to my pride as a warrior. My father knows this…… but it doesn’t matter because he has given me the title.”


Justy pushed up the bridge of his glasses and assured him.


He was a man with a scholarly, intelligent face from the neck up, but with a large body and thick limbs extending from his armour, it was  quite a mismatch.


“Before we fight, I wanna ask you something….What is your purpose by going out of your way to challenge me to a duel?”


“It was the Viscounts of Oigist who turned on the Empire and did the wrong thing by throwing sand in the face of the royal family to which they are so indebted. We cannot then needlessly fight a war and harm our soldiers and our people.”


“……Wasn’t there an option to surrender unconditionally? If you surrender your lands to us in good faith, we may grant you some amnesty.”


“That is not possible! No matter who the opponent is, it is a disgrace for a warrior to surrender without a fight!”


Justy hit the ground with the slab of the spear held in his right hand. The spear was a type of weapon called a 『Halberd』 whose tip was shaped like a battle axe.


“When the Viscounts of Oigist turn their backs on their loyalty to the crown, I am left with nothing but the pride of a warrior! I cannot accept defeat without a fight! I am sorry to ask Your Highness to accompany me, but ……I beg you to make a move here!”


“The pride of a warrior, eh? It’s extremely annoying to be asked to fight, but……I’m not averse to a fight.”


It would be easy to refuse Justy’s offer here. Of course, if the army led by Raidorl and the army of the Oigist were to fight, Raidorl’s army would win by sheer numbers. Even if he didn’t bother to fight a duel or a one-on-one battle, they could settle the matter on the battlefield.


‘Still…..if you can win without fighting and without shedding unnecessary blood, that is always better. This is the duty of royalty. It’s the pride of a ruler.’


And above all, it would tarnish Justy’s resolve if Raidorl pulled out at this point.


Raidorl didn’t consider himself an honourable man but he was still a man who put himself in the world of battle. He did not intend to do anything that would make the pride of the warriors a footnote to his own.


“Fine. I’ll be your opponent! I’ll take your pride and face it!”


Raidorl drew his sword and faced Justy a few metres away.


“I thank you…..Muu?”


Justy pointed the tip of his spear at Raidorl but his eyebrows furrowed at the dull silver sword in the….. enemy’s hand.


“Your Royal Highness, what have you done with Dáinsleif?”


It was not the jet-black holy sword in Raidorl’s hand. It was the same mass-produced sword that was used by soldiers and supplied by the army.


“I have to fight on the same terms, otherwise it won’t be an equal fight. I will not use the Holy Sword.”


“Are you underestimating me, Your Highness……? Confidence and conceit are two different things.”


“See for yourself whether I am conceited or not. If you think I am a weapon-dependent mook who can do nothing without the Holy Sword, then you are a fool.”


“Is that so? I would have liked to battle with the legendary Holy Sword, but if……that is the pride of Your Highness, then I have no choice.”


Justy showed slight frustration on his face but he held his halberd up without further ado. Raidorl also lowered his stance and put strength into his legs so that he could jump out at any time.






Raidorl held his sword. Justy held up his spear and glared at each other silently.


The soldiers who had accompanied him and the servants of the Oigist family who were peeping into the garden from the house watched them with bated breath.






How long did the silence that froze the air last?


At the peak of the tension, when both fighters forgot to breathe, a wild bird perched on a garden tree chirped and flew into the sky, as if it could no longer stand to be in that space.


“Let’s go!”


“I will not lose!”


The sound of its wings was a signal.


The two simultaneously exhaled their breath and kicked the ground at each other.






A high-pitched sound was heard as the two metal objects collided.


Justy caught the sword that Raidorl swung down with the hilt of his spear.


Raidor’s attack was launched was strong, heavy and sharp. However……Justy’s thick muscles rose up and forcefully received the brunt of the attack.


“Mwunghh……what a heavy blow this is!”


“You can catch this!? You’re a charmer!”


“This won’t be enough to beat……me!”




Justy swung his halberd wide, surprising Raidorl and pushing him backwards.


Raidorl kicked the ground twice or thrice as he flew backwards, killing his momentum and finally stopped when he was brought back to the position where he had first stood.


“What a ridiculous strength….so your big figure isn’t just a decoration!”


“My halberd is just beginning to enchant you! Your Highness Raidorl!”

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This time, Justy kicked the ground and approached Raidorl. He spun his spear in a great circle and with a centrifugal force, he fired a sideways cleaving blow.


The halberd was coming at him as if it was going to cut his neck but Raidorl ducked and dodged by keeping his posture low and then slid into Justy’s bosom.


“Eat this!!”


Raidorl delivered a counter slash from below. A scooping slash was fired at Justy’s neck, as if a swallow were rising from the ground to the sky.




The sword was expected to cut off his neck but Justy caught the slash with his small metal hand. He gripped the sword and tried to catch it, but Raidorl kicked his armour-clad torso and flew backwards before he could do so.




“Better put up your guard… can’t be too careful!!”


The impact of the kick caused Justy to take a few steps backwards.


After narrowly escaping, Raidorl carefully observed the movement of Justy, who was slightly out of position, without daring to attack him. Justy, too, did not take his eyes off Raidorl but alertly regained his position.






Raidorl and Justy again took their distance and stared straight at each other.


Only a minute or so after the duel began. The two men were again facing each other in the form of a partition.


In a series of attacks and defences, both sides unleashed slashes, all of which were special skills. If taken seriously, they were powerful enough to cut off the head or limbs. Neither Raidorl nor Justy seemed to be holding back.


There was no hatred. Nor was there any personal misfortune or rootedness. Nevertheless, the two warriors clashed their weapons head-on as if to gauge each other’s strength.


It was not certain which of them would die at any moment. The people around them who were watching the duel were mesmerised by such a battle, forgetting to catch their breath.


“It’s been a long time since I’ve had the pleasure, Your Highness Raidorl! You are indeed chosen to be the Holy Sword over your older brother, the King!”


“I wasn’t chosen because I liked it…..but now it’s the same either way!”


Shrugging his shoulders in response to Justy’s praise, Raidorl put his right hand into action.


“I’m having fun too, I won’t deny that. So…..I’m going to get a bit serious!”




Black miasma overflowed from Raidorl’s hand. The miasma covered the sword like water sinking in, painting the blade jet black.


“Spell Sword Fighting【Scorpion Thrust】”


Raidorl flipped his right hand and released a thrust.


The distance was too wide for the thrust to hit but the black miasma released from the tip of the sword extended like a whip and struck Justy. What was released was the blade of curse. It was a martial art that Raidorl had created in his own style to deal with monsters on the frontier.


“A magic sword with the power of a curse……can be used even without a holy sword!?”


Justy, on the other hand, pushed up the bridge of his spectacles with his fingertips while slamming the spear’s pith into the ground with his right hand.


“Protect me – 【Stonewall】”


Instantly, a wall of stone appeared, jutting out of the ground in front of Justy.


The stabbing thrusts of the miasma released by Raidorl hit the stone wall and scraped it – eventually disappearing as countless black grains.


The stone wall collapsed with a rattle and an unscathed Justy emerged from behind it.


“Ho……this is a surprise. By the way, Sven also told me. That you specialise in earth magic.”


“I don’t often get the chance to use it in real combat….. or should I say that I don’t get to meet enemies strong enough to use it?”


“Ha! Then come to the remote jungle once! You’ll fight demons so strong you won’t have time to play your trump card!”


“Houu, that’s tempting…… but…”


Justy gripped the hilt of his spear with both hands and swung it broadly upwards. This time, he slammed the side of the spearhead into the ground.


“I’ll have to take you down first – 【Stone Rush】!”




The ground where the spear was struck cracked and the debris fell on Raidorl in countless stone shards.


Apparently, it was the same on Justy’s side, who was using a long-range attack magic sword. Raidorl kicked the ground and flew sideways to dodge the flying debris projectiles.


Each of the stone bullets Justy fired was only the size of the tip of his little finger. But if Raidorl were to be hit head-on by a countless number of them, he would be covered in holes all over his body.


“Ow…..! Now, you’re being serious……!”


Having narrowly avoided the flying debris, Raidorl rolled on the ground and roared, biting his back teeth. One bullet, which he did not completely avoid, lodged in his shoulder, making him bleeding slightly.


“So you’re a magic warrior with a combination of offence and defence. Quite a nuisance, isn’t it?”


Justy Oigist was a wizard specialising in 『earth』 – that was , the earth attribute.


Of the six basic magical attributes – earth, water, fire, wind, light and darkness – the earth attribute was considered to be a well-balanced attribute that exceled in both attack and defence. The magic of the earth attribute, which manipulated stone and earth, was superior to that of other attributes in terms of mass and its attacks and defences, backed by its enormous weight, could not be easily broken.


Raidorl was also a warrior who used magic, but his battle style was very different as they were biassed towards special attacks called 『curses』.


“It is an honour to be praised by Your Highness, the holder of the Holy Sword. But you will not surrender, will you?”


“Of course not! I will smash you!”


Raidorl readied his sword and put his magical power into it.


Justy also readied his spear and poured magic power into it.


“Spell sword fighting 【Jormungandr, the apocalyptic serpent】!”


“【Stone Rush, Ultimate】!”


Their attacks were unleashed simultaneously.


A jet-black storm storm like a serpent shot out from Raidorl’s sword. It was the cursed wind that had once engulfed hundreds of Imperial soldiers in Fortress Blaine.


The jet-black serpent that was unleashed was much smaller than the one unleashed at Fortress Blaine because he did not have the Holy Sword in his hands. Even so, it was a giant that could easily devour Justy alone.


In contrast, Justy slammed his spear into the ground and sent stone debris flying again.


What was different was the size of the projectiles. The spear, which was filled with all the magic power in its body, shot out bullets the size of a fist.


Dozens to hundreds of bullets that would shatter bones if hit by a single blow pierced the approaching black serpent.






Pierced by countless rock bullets, the black serpent burst wide.


The shattered serpent changed direction and transformed into an updraft, ascending to the heavens while scattering miasma around it.


“ 【Stonewall】……!!!”


Justy built a stone wall and clung to it, hiding from the black storm.


He ran his eyes from behind the wall to see what had happened but the black storm prevented him from seeing it. He thrust his spear into the ground and concentrated on enduring the impact.


“Muuuuh……this power without the Dáinsleif in his hand…..! Indeed, he is the hero chosen by the Holy Sword! No wonder he defeated the empire……!”


Justy bit his back teeth and endured for more than ten seconds. Eventually, the storm stopped. Justy came out from behind the stone wall and exhaled deeply.


“You do reckless things when there are people around. You think it’s someone else’s mansion and you can do what you want…….mmm?”


Justy looked around and wrinkled his brow.


The damage seemed to be less than expected, although it was in the garden of the Viscount Oigist’s mansion. Some plants had fallen over but there were no signs of damage to the buildings. As for the human casualties – although some of the dueling spectators were on their backs on the ground or cowering and shaking, no one had suffered serious injuries.


The slash that Raidorl unleashed was a cursed wind but no one was found to have been seriously damaged by the…..curse.


“Did you weaken the curse and allocate your strength into creating a giant wind? No, wait…..!”


That was not the issue.

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There was another issue to be concerned about than the size of the damage.


“Where did His Highness go……..!?”


Justy looked sharply around but Raidorl was nowhere to be seen.


He looked carefully to see if he was hiding behind a fallen tree but there was no sign of him lurking anywhere.


“Gone……where on earth ……?”


“Where are you looking? I’m right here!”




An ominous melodic rhythm made  Justy’s eardrums shiver. A chill ran down his spine and he looked up to the skies.


Justy looked up to see the figure of Raidorl soaring high above him.


“Earth-based magic is one of offence and defence. But ……you can’t build a wall of stone up to your head, can you?”


Spreading black miasma like wings, Raidorl stood in the heavens looking down at Justy.


The kneaded magic gathered in his right hand, turning the sword jet black. More than enough magical power was concealed there to send a shiver down Justy’s spine.


“Muuuuh……no wonder that storm just now was ……!”


The magic clash earlier. It was a storm of curses unleashed by Raidorl but its purpose was not to defeat Justy. Its true intention was to roll up the updrafts and Raidorl was soaring high into the sky, jumping on the winds that were being whipped up into the sky.


Justy hurriedly readied his spear to prepare for an attack from above but before he could do so, Raidorl thrust the tip of his sword at Justy.


“【Scorpion Thrust】!!”




A jet-black stab fell like a bolt of lightning and pierced Justy’s shoulder.


The huge, armour-covered body slowly tilted under the blow, which, unlike the storm earlier, was filled with plenty of curses.


The spectacles he was wearing fell off. The curse gave him severe numbness and chills and Justy fell to the ground and lost consciousness.


 〇         〇         〇


“Muu… what is this place…”


Grunting and groaning, Justy Oigist slowly opened his eyelids. His body was heavy and he could not move as he wished. It was as if a steel ball was strapped to his limbs.


Justy was apparently lying on a bed. His upper body was naked and a bandage was wrapped around his shoulder. When he touched it with his hand, he felt a sharp pain.


“So …… I was defeated in a duel by His Highness …..”


“You seem to have woken up, Justy-san.”




A voice called from the side made Justy move his gaze and he saw a small boy sitting on a chair next to the bed.


The lack of glasses makes it impossible to see him clearly. As he was groping with his hand around the pillow sleeper, he felt the glasses pressed against his face.


He looked at the other person through the lenses. He recognised the face of the boy sitting with his arms and legs crossed, with an expression that said he was in a bad mood. He was Sven Arbeil, a nobleman from the same eastern border as Justy.


“Are you……Sven? I heard that the Earl of Arbeil’s family was destroyed……but I’m glad to see you’re alive and well.”


“Yes, unlike you. It seems that the curse you received from His Highness hasn’t completely worn off, so you shouldn’t move too much. And…….”




“You need to rehydrate a little. I’ll give you a drink.”


Sven shoved the jug into Justy’s mouth with a contemptuous look of disdain. Justy hit the bed in agony as the water was forcefully poured into his mouth. Normally he would have been able to push it away by force but he could not even shake off Sven’s slender arms, as he was nearly full of wounds due to the curse.


Eventually, when the jug was half empty and the bed sheets were soaked with water that could not fit in the mouth, Sven finally released Justy.


“Guh…Haaa…’s painfull!”


“Suffering is a sign of life, isn’t it? I’m glad to see we’re both surviving.”


“Mou…… right, we are alive. Miraculously, too……”


Justy was the loser of the duel. He was in no position to complain if he were to lose his life during the duel.


Sven was also a loser in the war with the empire, a life that could have been killed along with his father and brother if he had been unlucky.


Both were in a strange state of mind to be alive here, and it was difficult for them to even see each other like this.


Justy closed his eyes and remained silent but…… eventually opened his mouth.


“I’m so glad to see you alive……and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for the Count of Arbeile’s crisis.”


“It is not your concern. Justy-san, as I have heard that you were opposed to the former Viscount Oigist’s decision of turning to the Empire.”


“Still, it makes no difference that Oigist has committed treachery. If you want your revenge, you can go ahead and take my head, can’t you?”


“I’ll pass. I’ve already avenged my family. I’m full.”


Sven held out his hands in a frightening manner. The Viscount Wolfert, who sold out the Arbeil family, did not seem to feel apologetic at all, so why should he have Justy apologise , when he had nothing to do with it?


“Now to the point……it’s about time I ask you. Why did you challenge His Highness Raidorl to a duel? You said something about warrior pride but if you wanted to show your pride, there are other ways, aren’t there?”


Sven asked what was on his mind.


“Of course not… just really want to fight the Holy Sword Holder, don’t you? You short-tempered muscle glasses.”


“….Sven, isn’t that a bit harsh, no matter how much you want to say it?”


“I’m sure you deserved it.”


Sighing at Sven, who stared at him, Justy averted his gaze.


“Of course, as a warrior, I wanted to fight the hero, His Highness Raidorl. But I did it because I thought it was necessary for the survival of the Viscount Oigist family.”


Justy spoke out slowly. He lay down on the bed again and relaxed his body, which was still under the curse.


“When I heard rumours that His Highness Raidorl had hired you, I immediately realized. His Highness is trying to create his own faction and is looking for competent people.”


No matter how intelligent and resourceful he was, Sven was a twelve-year-old boy. It would have been impossible for him to be taken in as a vassal or military strategist.


The fact that he went to the trouble of bringing Sven under the curtain, suggested that Raidorl was a man who valued competence and was greedily seeking for talent.


“….So you were trying to show your power by fighting him in a duel? You didn’t have any other means?”


“I could have done something else.. But …… I am only a warrior after all. I can only open up the future with my spear. There is no other way to live.”


“I hate… because you’re smart, but you’re stupid at the same time. You could have died, you know?”


“Wouldn’t it be better to be the rust of a hero’s sword than to live on as a renegade traitor? And – if by any chance His Highness Raidorl can be  defeated by me, I have no intention of serving him. And moreover, I have no intention of giving His Highness a hand and cooperating with his treason against His Majesty the King.”


“…. So you had noticed. That His Highness Raidorl is plotting treason against King Granard.”


Although he had never heard Raidorl speak it outright…..Sven had noticed the chasm between the king and his royal brother.


In the first place, the king’s younger brother, exiled to the frontier, had returned in strength. It would be strange if he did not harbour rebellious intent or even hatred.


“Of course. A man who was once driven out of the royal palace is now trying to create his own army and faction. He can think of no other purpose than to rebel.”


Saying it like it was nothing, Justy huffed.


“…..This is a life I once gave up anyway. I too shall accompany His Highness Raidorl in his ambitions. Provided, of course, His Highness is willing to accept my assistance.”


“That won’t be a problem. His Highness Raidorl is a generous person. He even overlooks the children who tried to trick him with tricks.”


“Mm…… what are you talking about?”


“That story…you should ask His Highness, so don’t worry. I’m your senior, so I’ll treat you like a cart horse.”


Sven laughed a petulant [Fufu] and looked down at the older, young man lying on the bed.


Thus, the Viscounty of Oigist also came under the control of the Raidorl army.


Only three traitors of the 『Eight Eastern Families』remained. The battle for the purge of the eastern border region was now reaching its final stages.

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