Vol. 2 Chapter 7

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The end of betrayal

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned


Several months had passed since Raidorl began his expeditions into the eastern border regions.


In the meantime – Sven Arbeil, the orphaned son of the Countess of Arbeil, swore allegiance to him as a military strategist and the Viscounty of Wolfert were subdued through Sven’s machinations.


Furthermore, after a series of twists and turns, Barons Elladine and Viscount Oigist surrendered their lands to Raidorl. Shirley Eladin and Justy Oigist, two strong characters, came down under the umbrella.


This brought the majority of the nobility, known as the Eight Eastern Families, under control, with the exception of the Ilkas Viscounty, who had already been destroyed in the war with the Empire.


“We will now begin our expedition! The Eight Families of the East – to conquer the remaining conspiring rebels!”


And with the reorganisation completed, the Royal Army – the Army of Raidorl- turned its course northwards.


The next target was the territory of Count Calcifer. It was the territory of one of the traitorous nobles who turned against the Empire, a great noble family with strong power alongside the Arbeil County in the eastern border region.

The Raidorl’s army, which once had only 1,000 men, had swelled to 5,000 by recruiting soldiers in the towns it had conquered.


It should not have been easy to manage a fivefold increase in soldiers but the problem was solved by the fact that through a series of battles he had gained many capable military and civilian officers.


As commander, Darren Garst who had previously led the cavalry as chief of the Thousand Horsemen was appointed general. As for the second-in-command, he was flanked by the female knight Saara Leifet and Justy Oigist, whom he had subjugated through duels. In addition, the strategist Sven Arbeil, who had taken over as a bodyguard, was appointed as the new captain of the thousand.


Darren, the general, led two thousand men, and the three remaining men, each with a thousand men, followed behind Raidorl, who, as general-in-chief, was riding at the front of the pack, heading for Count Calcifer’s territory.


“The decisive battle, at last. We will soon arrive at Count Calcifer’s territory, Your Highness Raidorl.”


Alongside Raidorl was Sven, who had become a military strategist. The boy who was once betrayed by his relative, Viscount Wolfert and whose territory was destroyed by the Empire, now rode his horse proudly.


“The County of Calcifer is the largest force in the Eight Eastern Families. If they had not switched to the Imperial side in the last battle, the situation would have changed. We must be prepared that they will not be an easy opponent to defeat.”


“Yes, we must brace ourselves.”


The Calcifer family is the most powerful family in the East.


They were the largest nobility in the eastern border region. If they had not surrendered to the Empire and resisted, the Imperial Army would not have been able to easily reach the blockade at fortress Blaine.


In addition, the County of Calcifer had the Kyrgyz Barony and the Kubertos Viscounty under their control.


The total strength of the three noble families exceeded 10,000 troops. According to a report from a scout sent out on a reconnaissance mission, the enemy’s soldiers had already assembled in the town of Kartolis and were ready to intercept them.


“This is practically the first battle for our army. Everyone seems to be in high spirits.”


“The army hasn’t been in action in previous battles. The time for action has finally arrived……I’m sure they have been looking forward to it.”


The enemy’s forces were twice the size of their own. If one followed the fundamentals of the Art of War, it would be a good idea to retreat without fighting.


However, Raidorl did not believe for a moment that they would be defeated. They had experience of defeating three times the number of Imperial troops at the Battle of Fort Blaine. Above all, he was convinced that defeat was impossible for this army that he had painstakingly built.


“The Count Calcifer’s family is certainly powerful. Even if my own family were still alive and well, they are not an opponent that can be defeated in a proper fight. But right now their morale is so low that they are not in a position to fully display their strength.”


Sven spoke of this as he rocked his horse.


The Calcifer County  were traitors who betrayed the Zain royal family and turned to the Arslanian Empire. It might have been a rational decision made by the nobility to survive and preserve their territory.


However……a few of the soldiers who valued loyalty felt dissatisfied and distrustful towards their disloyal lord.


“More than that, over here we have the Holy Sword holder, who defeated the empire. It’s the enemy forces who are probably the ones who are on tenterhooks.”


“It’s my first time leading an army, too. It’s better if the enemy is weak. There’s no point in me defeating the enemy on my own.”


“True. No matter how many soldiers are here, most of them have never gone to a battlefield. As for now, they are no different from that of a scarecrow.. I would like them to gain as much real-world experience as possible in this battle.”


Sven nodded his head in agreement.


No matter how much power the Holy Sword had, if they kept relying on its power, they would not be able to grow their army. It would become a group of crows that couldn’t be relied upon in times of crisis.


It was necessary to give them real war experience here, in order to complete the army they had worked so hard to build.


“Rest assured, Your Highness. I will not trouble Your Highness in this battle.”


“Of course! We are enough for the treacherous aristocracy who cowardly betrayed the Kingdom!”


Apparently having heard the conversation between Raidorl and Sven, Darren and Justy rode up on their horses and assured him emphatically.


Darren Garst, a nobleman with a brilliant face.


Justy Oigist, who had a scholarly, intelligent face and a lot of muscle.


Although their faces and personalities were very different, they seemed to get on well together as military men and were completely at ease with each other. Last night, too, they were up late at night strategizing about the invasion of Count Calcifer’s lands and their heated discussions echoed down the corridor.


“In the spectacular first battle of the new Raidorl army, we will surely display our victory in the name of Garst!”


“Likewise. To clear the name of Oigist, who once betrayed the kingdom, let us defeat the County of Calcifer and see what happens!”


“How reliable. Best wishes to both of you!!”


To the loyalty of the two warriors, Raidorl replied with a smile.


These two men would never fail Raidorl. He didn’t know how powerful Count Calcifer was , but he was sure that he’d be able to knock him down with a single touch of his armour.


‘Let’s have a decisive battle. I was banished to the frontier all alone, but……now I’ve got vassals. I’ve got an army. I’ve got power! There’s no stopping me now!’


Raidorl was sure that Granard would be disappointed to hear of his victory. Thinking of his brother’s face as he stomped on the ground, Raidorl let out a wry smile.


He gripped the reins of his horse with a renewed determination that he would win this battle.


But -…


“Your Highness Raidorl! I have urgent news!”




As if to mock and ridicule the determination from Raidorl, someone called out to him, waving his hand in a flapping motion. The person standing in the direction in which his army was heading was a secret spy formerly known as the Fire-eating Bird. The man, who was supposed to have infiltrated Count Calcifer’s territory with his men, had parked his horse beside the road and was waiting for him.


“Fire-eating Bird……? What the hell is going on?”


“Yes, yes, excuse me for a moment.”


The Fire-eating Bird rode alongside Raidorl on horseback.


The man, smoking a cigarette in his mouth as usual, began to report to Raidorl in a hushed voice.


“I’ve come to report a bit of a problem in the town of Caltrith.”


“A problem? Did the enemy have reinforcements?”


The concern was that the Imperial Army would be sidelined in this battle.


For the Empire, the eastern border region was part of its hard-won territory. If it was recaptured, the battle itself would have been in vain and only defeat would remain.


After the defeat at Fort Blaine, he had assumed that the empire had no power to interfere but they could enter the fray. Raidorl became a little bit nervous but Fire-eating Bird shook his head.

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“No, if anything, it’s the other way round.”


“The other way around……?”


“It looks like Calcifer County has been destroyed. Kyrgyzstan Barony and Kubertos Viscounty are also being destroyed together…”




The unexpected report made Raidorl’s voice turned inside out.


The first battle for his new army. The battle, which was supposed to be decorated with a spectacular victory, seemed to have ended unexpectedly in a non-winning result.


  〇         〇         〇


The time went back a little further, in Caltrith, one of the towns on the eastern border of the Kingdom of Zain.


The town, ruled by Count Calcifer, one of the Eight Families of the East. It had a large number of soldiers gathered that were  ready to attack Raidorl’s army.


Calcifer County had a number of mines in their territory, producing fine gold and silver. With a strong military force, thanks to its ample financial resources, its military power surpassed that of the Arbeil County, a noble family of the same rank.


Calcifer County had turned to the enemy early in the war against the Empire but if they had stood as the shield of the kingdom, the Imperial forces might not have been able to close in on Fort Blaine.


A meeting was held at the residence of the Count, one of the most powerful families on the eastern border.


“Then, let us pray for our spectacular victory. ……”


“「「「「「 Cheers! 」」」」」”


An elderly man on the dais gave the order, and the assembled people raised their wine glasses in unison.


About 20 men and women were gathered in the large drawing room of the mansion, drinking glasses and enjoying the sumptuous food on the table.


The people gathered there were all dressed in high-quality suits and dresses, and their elegant gestures as they served the food to their mouths suggested that they were from the upper classes.


They were all related to three noble families, the Calcifer County, the Kyrgyzstan Barony and Kubertos Viscounty, who were all part of the Eight Families of the East.


They had gathered at the Count Calcifer’s house in the middle of a party to pray for victory in the war to confront Raidorl’s forces who were trying to purge them.


“Well, to be able to hold a party like this in spite of wartime….. it’s just as expected of the Calcifer family! I knew that a great aristocrat would have the financial power to do so!”


“Well, there are only a few nobles in the royal court with such economic power. It’s really a great thing!”


Such blatant flattery was uttered by Baron Krgyz and the Viscount Kubertos  – the heads of the two families.


“Hahaha. This is no big deal. I’m rather embarrassed that I didn’t have enough time to offer you enough hospitality!”


The man who was giving the toast stroked his beard with a good-natured laugh.


The man with romance-grey hair all back and dressed in a purple suit was named Brutos Calcifer. He was the head of theCalcifer family and organiser of this party.


“If we had more time to prepare, we could have enjoyed an event worthy of a Count’s family! Good grief……after all, war is not an irrational thing to do!”


“You are absolutely right! War and other wild and barbaric acts are not for the nobility!”


Count Calcifer’s words were followed by one of the guests. The fat man, who looked like a nobleman, sniffed and spat out a few words of contempt.


“Empires, kingdoms, nations fighting amongst each other, is the work of fools! War is a bloody thing that does not belong to those of us of the chosen blood!”


“Indeed it is! War is the work of madmen. How unfortunate that we should be caught up in such a thing.”


All of them, who verbally criticised the war, were convinced that they were born into the nobility and that they were the chosen ones. They were different from the ordinary people. They believed that they were people of noble blood who could never be harmed and that was why they chose to surrender without hesitation when the Empire was about to attack them.


They were proud to be a nobleman but refused to fulfil his duties as a nobleman. They never realised this contradiction, as they never looked back on themselves.




“We are the chosen ones who rule this land. We are the ones who must rise above the people! What is wrong with surrendering to survive! And to think those monkeys from the kingdom call us as traitors……!”


Count Calcifer’s face contorted in anger as he changed from his good-humoured toast.


Count Calcifer had already received the news that the Wolfert Viscounty had been destroyed by the Kingdom’s army.


He had also received reports that a strike force led by Raidorl was close at hand and the Count bit his back teeth in disgust at the purging blades that loomed before his eyes.


“Don’t think that I will be beaten in the same way as Wolfert! I will strike back at the once banished, provincial prince as if he were a wet piece of paper!


“I hear the enemy is only 5,000….. strong and the power of the County of Calcifer will easily repel them!”


“That’s right! Even more so when the forces of the Kyrgyz Barony and our own Kubertos Viscounty are added to it! The advantage of the earth and the time of heaven are ours! We will crush the hodgepodge of the Kingdom’s army!”


“「「「「「 Ooooo! 」」」」」”


Calcifer, Kyrgyz and Kubertos – the guests responded to the words of the three heads of state and sipped their drinks.


People slurped down their drinks and devoured the food. The banquet was in full swing. The rally of the traitorous nobles heated up even more, and the self-proclaimed noble bloodsides, their faces red with drink, shouted loudly about their victory.


At the same time…….


“Sorry, we are late, Father.”


A young man entered the party hall, which was already at the height of its excitement. He was dressed in a white suit and a wedding-like tuxedo with a red rose on his chest.


“What’s this? You’re late, Brad!”


“I’m sorry, Father. It took me a little while to get dressed.”


The young man called Brad bowed politely at the waist.


The young man’s name was Brad Calcifer. He was the only son of Brutos Calcifer and the next head of the count’s family.


Count Calcifer sniffed at his son who was shaking his golden quirky hair while bowing his head and then offered him a glass of wine.


“Very well. Drink. Today is the rally for victory over the Royal Army! As the heir to the Count’s family, you too must show that you are not ashamed!”


“Of course. Shall I also introduce you to someone….?”


Brad took the glass from his father’s hand and walked slowly up to the podium. Looking down at the assembled members of the three families, he raised his glass in a graceful gesture.


“Distinguished guests, some of the most talented people in the Eastern Border region. I am very pleased that you are here today. I would like to start with a drink with you right away, but……before that, there is a woman I would like to introduce to you.”


“A woman……? Brad, what are you planning so suddenly…..?”


“Come on in! Please come on in!”


Ignoring his father, who raised his eyebrows quizzically, Brad pointed his left hand towards the door.


The eyes of the people gathered in the hall were focused on the entrance. The door was opened from the outside and……a woman stepped into the hall.




“That can’t be……!”


A strange woman wearing a white costume like a wedding dress entered the party hall.

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The dress, with its elaborate lace design, was beautiful and flamboyant but the bleak atmosphere in which the woman was dressed was far from festive. She had a white right leg extending from the hem above the knee and a prosthetic left leg made of metal. The red hair hanging down her back was as bright as blood, and her face was bandaged to hide her left eye.


The unusual appearance of a woman with an unusual appearance, caused everyone in the hall to gasp.


“This is ridiculous! W,why …… is that girl alive?”


Count Calcifer exclaimed in shock.


Looking at his father, who was wide-eyed in surprise, Brad lifted the corners of his mouth.


“May I introduce to you. She is Angelica Ilkas – my dear fiancée!”




A woman called Angelica paced silently. The guests of honour naturally made way.


Eventually, a one-legged, one-eyed woman with one prosthetic leg and one eye covered by a bandage reached the centre of the hall.


“Oh, Angelica Ilkas, you say ……!”


“How could the daughter of Ilkas be……! You don’t mean to tell me that she was alive!!?”


The Viscounty of Ilkas were a noble family that resisted the war against the Empire without surrendering and were destroyed in the end. Every single member of the Ilkas family was reported to have died in the war and Angelica in front of them was like a ghost to those in the party.


“We, well, well, Miss Angelica. I didn’t think you were alive. …..Congratulations!”


Count Calcifer, with a drawn smile plastered on his face, called out to Angelica.


Angelica was the person with whom his son, Brad Calcifer, should have been married to. In other words, she was the daughter-in-law to Count Calcifer.


Although he should be happy that Angelica, who was supposed to be dead, was still alive…..Count Calcifer gave her a complicated look.


“….. Count, too. You look very well.”




Angelica turned to the Count and turned only her right eye on him. 


Slowly, Angelica turned to the Count and turned only her right eye towards him. The Count felt a shiver down his spine as if he were being accused by the ghostly, lifeless gaze.


When the Viscounty of Ilkas were attacked by the Empire, a request for reinforcements was sent to the County of Calcifer. However, the Count……refused the request for reinforcements in order to save his own skin, and abandoned the family that was supposed to be his ally and turned to the Empire.


Unable to look directly at Angelica out of guilt, Count Calcifer sweated greasy down his back.


“Viscount Ilkas…..I am so sorry about your father! He was a truly honest and serious man. I’m sorry it had to come to this…..and that I couldn’t help you!”




“But thank goodness Miss Angelica at least survived! Come on, we’re celebrating today! Let’s celebrate as much as we can, including the fact that you’re alive!”




Count Calcifer impatiently insisted but Angelica remained silent and did not answer. The silence of his daughter-in-law caused a murmur from the guests at the party.


While the awkward atmosphere froze the venue, Brad, standing on the stage, raised his voice loudly.


“Father, I have an important announcement to make today. Today, Angelica and I would like to get married and become husband and wife!”




Count Calcifer’s mouth fell open at the statement from his son’s mouth.


“W,wait wait wait!!!! What are you doing…!?”


Indeed, Angelica was Brad’s fiancée. If the war with the Empire had not occurred, they would have been united and become husband and wife.


But….. that and this were different issues. The current situation was different before the war.


While the Viscounty of Wolfert, who was also a traitor to the Eight Eastern Families, pretended that their betrayal had never happened and were somehow trying to return to their registry in the Kingdom of Zain…..the County of Calcifer still supported the Arslanian Empire.


The Royal Army defeated the Imperial Army at the Battle of Fortress Baine but it was only a temporary victory. Eventually, the Empire would reel back and the Kingdom of Zain would fall into crisis again – that was how they were looking ahead to the future. Considering the difference in national power between the two sides, this was not an off-the-cuff prediction.


For Count Calcifer, Angelica Ilkas was a bomb.


The Viscounty of Ilkas had already been destroyed.


Even if Angelica and Brad were to enter into a marriage, there would be no political advantage for the Count Calcifer. Moreover…..the Viscounty of Ilkas was a house that resisted the Empire to the very end. It was likely to have incurred some resentment from the imperial army.


If it were to be revealed to the Arslanian Empire that they had hidden and harboured Angelica after successfully repelling the attacking Raidorl, they might make a bad impression on themselves. If they just kept her in the mansion, they might be able to explain that they were holding her as a prisoner of war, but if they married her off to Brad, they would not be able to make such excuses.


If they were to believe in a future where the Empire was victorious and occupied the kingdom. They could not afford to welcome Angelica.


“Well, wait. Brad! I’m glad Miss Angelica is safe, but now……”


“Safe……? Do I look safe in your eyes, Count?”


One foot and one eye. Angelica, who was clearly in a state of limbo, mumbled a potshot. Count Calcifer’s shoulders shuddered at the words, which seemed to throw ice down his spine.


“Guu….. No, no. That was a figure of speech…….”


“No, it’s fine. Father and mother. My older and younger brother. Compared to those whose lives were not even saved, a single eyeball and a single leg would be a small, insignificant thing.”


“No, no…..that’s not what I meant…….”


“Enough! Viscountess Ilkas!”


Baron Kyrgyz stepped forward in front of Angelica, as if to cover Count Calcifer, who was slurring his words in gibberish.


“Don’t you think it’s disrespectful the way you talk to the Count……! A ruined viscountess is getting carried away. Shame on you!”


Baron Kyrgyz was below Viscount Ilkas in terms of family rank, so he was not in a position to loudly condemn Angelica even if she was his opponent.


However, the Viscounty of Ilkas had already been destroyed. There was no need to fear the prestige of a house that did not exist.


Baron Kyrgyz, with a twisted expression of glee at being able to openly criticise a nobleman of a higher rank than himself, pointed his finger at Angelica and shouted at her loudly.


“Besides…..we’re in the middle of a rally to defeat Raidorl Zain! If you want to talk about your bitterness, we’ll hear about it later! You’d do well to know your place!”


“Houu? Defeating His Highness Raidorl, who was sent by the order of His Majesty……This is a strange thing to hear. Have I become rotten not only in my eyes but also in my ears?”


Angelica looked back at Kyrgyz with her murky right eye as she spoke at the top of her voice.


“We are subjects who were given homes and territories by the Zain royal family. How can that lead us to contradict the royal family? If you don’t mind, could you enlighten us?”


“Nonsense, these days and times you are talking nonsense!”


Baron Kyrgyz twisted his lips in derision.


It was more than a hundred years ago that they received their lands from the royal family. Why should they risk their lives to fight the Empire for a favour from such a long time ago?


“That old-fashioned talk is why Ilkas was destroyed! An incompetent aristocrat whose family had perished with their mouldy loyalties in their hands, lecturing us is laughable! Do not chirp at me, you wounded, ruined, homeless woman!”



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The blade of words released by Kyrgyz. It was not Angelica who reacted but Count Calcifer, who was watching from the side.


For some reason, Count Calcifer’s face paled and he stormed towards Kyrgyzstan.


“You went too far, Kyrgyz ! Apologize now!”


“Co, Count?”


“Apologise to Miss Angelica right now! Or else……!”


Baron Kyrgyz looked at the Count Calcifer, which came from an unexpected direction. Baron Kyrgyz intervened and denounced Angelica with the intention of defending the main family, Count Calcifer. So why was he being blamed for this?


Baron Kyrgyz, with such questions on his face…… soon realised the reason. He learned that he touched a monster that should never be offended.


“Mouldy loyalty……? Did you just say that to me, to the House of Ilkas?”


Angelica’s monocle, which had been lifeless until a moment ago, was filled with a bewitching light.


“Wa,wait! Miss Angelica……”


Count Calcifer rushed to intercede but……Angelica moved faster than him.




The hem of her pure white dress fluttered. White legs and metal prosthetic feet appeared from under the dress. And tied to the leg was a thin dagger.


Angelica pulled out the dagger attached to her thigh with blinding speed and plunged the ice-pick-thin tip into the Kyrgyz baron’s abdomen.


“Gah ……!”


“You treacherous renegade……may you perish!”




Angelica put magic power into the dagger in her hand. Instantly, the body of the Kyrgyz Baron bursted open, without even allowing him to let out a desperate scream.


As if explosives had been put inside his body, the blood, flesh, bones, organs and fluids of Kyrgyz body were instantly sprayed into the surroundings.






“W,wha,wha…what just happened!!?”


The man who should have been chatting and laughing with them a moment ago was instantly obliterated. The proof was the elicited screams from all parts of the party hall. Count Calcifer, who had been exposed to a piece of the Kyrgyz baron’s flesh up close, was so horrified and astonished that he fell to his knees on the spot.


“Aaa, that’s what happens when you offend my fiancée!”


Looking at the party venue, which was filled with screams and shouts…..Brad muttered in a light tone, as if it was someone else’s problem.


Angelica, whether she heard her fiancé’s words or not, covered her bandaged face with the hand that was not holding the dagger.


“……These people are scum after all. My family was killed by the Empire because these bastards call themselves nobles.”


Angelica’s white costume, which was like a wedding dress, was stained with bright red blood and then she tapped the floor with her prosthetic leg to make a sound.


“Kill the traitors. I will kill all of them to avenge the fallen. That is the job and raison d’être of the Ilkas family, which is responsible for protecting the borders. In other words………..I will massacre everyone who is here.”


Spitting out words of absolution, Angelica gently traced her lips with her blood-stained fingertips. Colouring her make-up with bright blood, as if she were drawing on lipstick, the daughter of Ilkas, known as the『Slaughter Princess』 , announced the beginning of her execution.


“Miss Angelica, what have you done……!”


Amidst the screams and shouts, it was Count Calcifer who raised his war-shuddering voice. He raised his voice with firm determination even as a shiver ran down his spine at the carnage drama that had taken place in front of him.


“Why did you kill Kyrgyz! What is your purpose in killing him……!”


“I only killed a traitor who turned and sided with the Empire. What other purpose could I possibly need? I am simply fulfilling my duty as a member of House Ilkas, the border guardians.”


Angelica turned her single eye towards Count Calcifer and retorted. The empty but unwavering declaration sent a shiver down Count Calcifer’s spine.


“The Ilkas family has already perished! There is no point in doing this!”


“It is not destroyed. I am still here.”


Angelica assured him without hesitation. The only eyes in the room were filled with madness.


“As long as I am here, Ilkas will never end. Even if I am alone, I will continue to fight the Empire until the end. And I will kill the traitors who give the Empire their support.”


“You……! You’re mad!”


Count Calcifer bit his back teeth and turned to his son. [Why did you bring this crazy woman here] – he glared at his with such anger but Brad shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing.


“That’s enough, Father. The time has come for Count Calcifer’s family to come to an end.”


“Brad. What are you talking about? Don’t tell me you are seduced by this madwoman?”


“You do understand, don’t you? No……Do you really not understand, by any chance? Even if we gathered 10,000 soldiers, we would not be able to defeat His Highness Raidorl, who is closing in on us. How can you say that we, who surrendered without fighting the Empire, can defeat His Highness who defeated the Imperial Army? Don’t tell me you’ve become too old and senile to understand such simple calculations?”


“Don’t be silly! Are you still the heir to the Calcifer family? Are you willing to let your house be destroyed?”


“I have no interest in being the head of a failing house. If we are going to perish anyway, I will gladly become my wife’s breadwinner and then disappear.”






Count Calcifer and his son were arguing but were forcibly interrupted by a hair-raising scream.


He turned in a panic to see Angelica plunging a dagger into her next prey. The man whose chest was pierced was a squire of Viscount Kubertos. The man screamed in pain and fear as he….. was blown to pieces the next moment.


“I will kill the traitors. I’ll kill every last one of them. I will bomb them to death.”




One after another, Angelica thrust her daggers into the party attendees, blasting away the traitors who had turned on the Empire.


Angelica Ilkas was a female knight with excellent swordsmanship, as well as a wizard skilled in water attribute.


After studying both sword and magic, Angelica had developed a magic sword, the 【Exploding sword】. The sword was a murderous sword that could destroy an enemy instantly with a single blow by injecting magic power into the enemy’s body through the sword and manipulating the water in the bloodstream.


“Wait, wait! Angelica! Stop it!”


“I will not stop. I will kill all traitors. Not a hair of their head will survive.”


Count Calcifer raised a plaintive plea but Angelica did not stop her slaughter.


She stabbed the fleeing nobleman on his back, stabbed the squire hiding under the table on their buttocks, stabbed the crying, begging for his life servant in the head and blasted him to pieces with a nonchalant hand, as if it were a boring task.


Naturally, some of them tried to escape from the party hall but they were locked from the outside, probably because Brad had arranged it in advance and even escape was not possible.



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Viscount Kubertos jumped on Angelica from behind. Viscount Kubertos had a big physique and being a border noble, was well versed in martial arts.


However, Angelica unleashed a spinning kick with her right leg on its axis and slammed her metal prosthetic leg into Kubertos head.




“【 Exploding sword】”


Viscount Kubertos, whose skull cap had caved in, fell to the floor, bleeding from the head. Angelica slowly thrust her sword into the man who might  have already died and blew him to pieces. It was to make sure that she killed him, in case there was a small chance that he had survived her attack earlier..


A few minutes later – the party hall was a sea of blood and there were only three survivors.


Namely Angelica, Brad…… and Count Calcifer.


“Now……there is only one remaining, Count Calcifer?”




Angelica in her wedding dress approached Count Calcifer.


Her costume, which was white at first, was stained red from her victims’ blood. In the Count’s eyes, she looked like a messenger from hell.


“No, wait! Don’t kill me! Please don’t kill me!”


Count Calcifer crawled miserably on the floor and squeezed out a plea for his life.


“If you want the viceroy, I’ll do it! I’ll even help you restore the House of Ilkas! So please, just spare my life…….”


“I don’t want that.”


Angelica replied immediately.


Her muddy right eye was cold to the touch and emotionless, as if she were looking at an insect crawling on the ground. Angelica expected nothing from Count Calcifer. All she could think of was killing him.


“Bu, Brad……help me, please stop this madman ……!”


In this situation, Brad was the only one he could ask for help. Count Calcifer looked up at his son, who stood on the platform with eyes that clung to him.


“I’m sorry……I have no interest in the Calcifer family. I don’t feel anything if it is destroyed. I care more about my lovely bride than a house that has no choice but to perish with the armies of His Highness Raidorl approaching so close.”




Count Calcifer finally collapsed on the spot, having been sentenced to death by both people at the same time. His body was now in a state of utter disrepair, with all manner of bodily fluids dripping from his body, rendering him speechless with despair.


Angelica slowly walked up to the crippled Count and without hesitation, plunged her dagger into his forehead.




“Goodbye. My would-be father-in-law.”




The Count was blown to pieces before he could scream.


The once most powerful noble family in the eastern border region was blown to smithereens, leaving no trace of its former self.


“Congratulations on your revenge. My dear Angelica ……how do you feel now?”


Brad asked matter-of-factly, showing no sign of concern, even though his father was slaughtered in front of him.


He walked around to Angelica, who was standing in the same posture in which she had blasted Count Calcifer, and bent down to look at her expression.


Angelica took one look at her fiancé, who was peering into her face with interest, and murmured.


“It’s not as emotional as I imagined it would be. It’s boring…….No, it’s not. Is it vain?”


Count Calcifer was the man who had refused a request for reinforcements from his allies, the Ilkas and as a result had sent Angelica’s family to their deaths. Angelica’s heart was strangely unsettled by the fact that she had defeated her second biggest object of revenge after the Empire.


“Isn’t that what revenge is all about?”


“No, it’s not that……revenge is vain, it’s that it ended so quickly that it’s unsatisfactory.”


Angelica thought to herself that they should have resisted just a little bit more.


‘It is unforgivable that a traitor that turned the evil and vicious empire would be this weak. Shouldn’t the enemy be stronger, more cunning, more powerful?’


It was unforgivable that the man who killed Angelica’s family was this weak. It was a disgrace to the house of Ilkas that it had been destroyed by such a trivial little villain.


“I wonder if my feelings will be satisfied until the empire is destroyed. It cannot be fulfilled unless the enemies of the kingdom, the killers of the Ilkas family, are destroyed.”


“Is that so? My bride is greedy to treat my family, even if we are the largest noble family on the eastern border, as an appetiser.”


Brad said smilingly and took Angelica’s hand. He dropped a kiss on her bloody right hand and slowly dropped to one knee on the floor.


“Ah, my dear bride – Angelica the Red Death Angel. I will see how your vengeance will end.”


“Until the end…….”


Brad knelt down and hummed as if he was about to propose, while Angelica looked down with a cold look…she raised her right hand and was about to thrust a dagger at his neck.




“Do you understand? You are a member of the Counte Calcifer’s family. You’re one of my enemies.”


“…..Yes, I am your target. I am one of the people who took your family from you.”


Brad grabbed Angelica’s right hand and pulled her to him. The dagger’s thin point stabbed shallowly into his neck, causing a trickle of blood to trickle down.


“If you want to kill me, that’s fine. But if you want…… one thing, I want you to kill me with a kiss, not with such a tactless blade.”




Angelica’s bandaged face contorted weirdly and she shook off her fiancé’s hand dismissively. Brad chuckled at Angelica’s even physiological disgust and wiped the blood off his neck with a sleeveless wipe.


“….. Brad. I’m going to let you live because you’re still of use to me. I will kill you in the last order. If you want to see me satisfied with my vengeance, I will kill you after I have dealt with all the enemies of the kingdom.”


“It’s an honour. It’s the greatest blessing to be able to be there for you right to the end.”


“Well, then, at best, be useful to me before you get killed. I’ll blow you up beautifully and without a trace.”


Angelica stammered out a spitting comment and walked away.


The door, which had been locked from the outside, was opened and Brad’s men, who had sealed off the room, entered in place of Angelica.


His men, their mouths and noses covered with clothes, picked up cleaning tools and began to clean up the carnage as per the instructions they had received beforehand.


Brad stood and looked at Angelica’s back with euphoric eyes and eventually picked up an apple from the fruit platter on the table. The apple fruit was overripe and the skin was discoloured, perhaps due to a servant’s mistake.


However…… Brad did not hesitate to bite into the fully ripe fruit and chewed the flesh off the skin.


“…..Fruits and women taste best when they’re rotten. You are much more attractive than you used to be. My dear, dear Angelica.”


A lovely woman who grew up nourished by loyalty to the kingdom and corrupted by vengeance. Brad Calcifer’s lips twisted into a crescent smile as he contemplated the fate of his beautiful and terrible bride.

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