Episode 15

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Whipping Penalty

[TL Note: Go check out the light novel illustrations: LN illustrations (v1) |

 Garadoon uses magic to turn origami into demon-like beasts.

 There is still a lot of origami in the cloak. If all that could be turned into demon beasts, it would be a considerable amount of work.

 If I can use baptism, it will be an easy match, but if I use baptism, my identity will be revealed. I’ve shown him once that I’ve defeated Cerberus with baptism.

I also want to retreat… but I made an error.

 The blood of the demon beast is on both hands. Because of this guy, my whereabouts are known. If I turn back and run away, I will soon be caught by a demon beast. There is no choice but to escape after killing his wave of beasts.

 Garadoon scatters origami.

 Gorilla-shaped origami, rabbit-shaped origami, fox-shaped origami, crane-shaped origami. He puts magical power put into all of them at once.


 The origami is engraved with spells and magic circles one after another are transforming.

 Each origami-shaped demon beast was finally born. He has summoned a small zoo.

 The four demon beasts rush towards me. I cross my arms to ward against them.


“Hmm? My pets!”

 I kick the floor and accelerate.

 I defeat all the demon beasts with my hands while avoiding splattered fluids and run towards Garadoon.


 An army of over 10 red-eyed wolves appeared.

“Eat and scatter!”

This number can be summoned at once?

 The wolves and their teeth gleam, moonlight reflecting off them.

 It’s not an amount that can be handled without baptism. I jump away and avoid the attack.

“That movement… you’re still a student. I’ll teach you the absolute rules in the school. It says,’Students must not go against the teacher.’ Students should absolutely obey the teacher. I will give you the death penalty at the school, that is, expell you!”

 Is that truly the death penalty?

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 Certainly, I have no place to go when I leave this school. Expelled = death penalty is not a mistake.

“The only way you can remain at this school is to beat me. If you beat me, you go free. I’m not stupid enough to unveil me losing to a student to the entire school.”

 A wolf head butts me in the stomach.


“Hmm, but.. It is impossible for students to beat me! That is, you have no choice but to be expelled”

 If nothing is done, it’ll be my total loss. The monsters are thrown at me one after another.”

 Is there anything that can be used as a weapon?

 What I noticed was a desk with cluttered documents about a species of dragon.

 There were other things on the desk besides the documents. It’s a whip. It is a rounded whip. I pick up the whip while backing up against the wolves attacks.

Garadoon snorts, mocking, “You’re going to beat me using a whip for training a flying dragon?”

 Do you know, Garadoon, that one should not underestimate any weapon?

“Taking it doesn’t change your ending–“

 My actions are precise and onpoint. 

 The five wolves in front of me died quickly and succinctly as I used the whip to hit their necks in the location of the carotid arteries, using the proper amount of force.

“Ah… what a whip ..!”

 The feel of the whip feels perfect in my hand.

    I’m getting nostalgic, not in a good way.

 The role of the Executioner is not just to kill.

 Occasionally, punishments other than the death penalty are handed out.

 One of them is whipping.

 However, this is more difficult than I expected. If you make a mistake, you will kill the opponent even if it is a whip. I didn’t do that, but in the long history of the Sanson family, whipping often killed prisoners. There is iron on the tip of the whip I used and depending where it landed it could be fatal.

I didn’t want to kill him with punishment when I wasn’t supposed to kill.

 Relying on a book about the structure of the human body left by someone in the Sanson family, I learned the key points of people and practiced whipping away from them.

 As a result, I was able to put the whip exactly where I wanted to.

 You can remove the key points, or you can of course aim at the key points.

 I didn’t allow the slightest deviation, and I cut off the necks of all the remaining wolves using a long, wide berth.

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“Wonderful! To wipe out that number! I like it! You’re an efficient killer!”

 Garadoon sounds extremely happy. There is hope he’s going to win in his face.

“It’s okay. It’s the real show from here.”

 The look of Galadoon has changed.

 Show? Unfortunately, that is over.

 Garadoon put a lot more magical power into the origami than before and threw it forward. It turns into a humanoid like form.


 A sharp whip tip cut through the origami.

“What …!?”

 Garadoon always throws origami in front of him, then casts it, and summons a demon beast. The reason is simple, he has to throw it out or it’ll cause damage to him.

 It’s not so difficult to tear the origami with a whip from the time you see the origami thrown until the end of the chanting.

 The demon beast’s levels are rising fast.


 Garadoon finally realized that he was in trouble. He’s  desperately grabbing  the origami from the back of his  cloak and scattering it.

“Try and–!”

 I hit the origami with the whip. I destroy the origami over and over again with the whip.

 I pounce toward him, throwing the whip and raising my fist.

“I remembered. This smell is…!”

 Garadoon smiles with a mixture of joy sadness, joy for recognizing who I am and sadness for realizing I was beating him.


My fist takes aim.


 My fist flies and hits him squarely in the chin.

 Garadoon stumbles back and ends up kneeling.


 I turn around and make way for the window.

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“You shall not es- GAH!”

 It appears the irreparable damage dealt took a moment to take effect.

I hear a gurgling sound from behind me.

  I escape out of the window.

 I move away from the faculty building.


“Charles! There you are!”

 With the transparency faded I finally made it.

“It’s amazing! You really ran all that way alone!”

“I’m so tired.”

Himari complained.

“So what are you going to do?”

 Himari regretfully bit her nails.

 One and a half hours until the end of the game. From now on, it is absolutely impossible to join the whole class and head to the class building.


“… I will find it alone”

“What do you mean?”

“The teacher who was explaining the recreation never specified we were all needed to clear it. Not all the class had to visit the class school building. Only one of us is necessary.”

“I’ll be in time if I’m alone. It’s okay because I have the map in my head. You two will join the other class members and you guys’ll all head to the class school building. Let’s meet there.”


 Himari puts her hand on her waist and thrusts her hips to the side while looking at me.

“It seems that there is only that as an option.”

“And Himari… I have one request.”


“If I find the class building within the time limit… can you remember my name?”

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 Himari is a powerful aristocrat. But, I doubt she wants to further her relationship with me, someone of the lower class. This is my only option.

 First, ask them to remember my name. This is my first step.

 Himari makes a surprised face for a moment, and immediately following it makes a face full of bittersweet emotions.

“Okay. If you can find the class building within the time limit, I’ll remember your name.”

 She is eternally looking down.

“I beg you. Our lives are the line.”

Rand sounds scared.

 The life on the line thing is probably only not an exaggeration for me.

“Leave it to me. Then I’ll go.”

 I broke off from them and ran towards the class building.

It took most of my remaining time but I finally made it.

 There was an unnatural space in a place rich in nature with a tiny mountain towards the back.

The grass all appears to be unnaturally flattened.

 When I picked up a pebble and threw it, as expected, it bounced.

 There may be a class building here, but I can’t use the technique of breaking the transparency magic.

 There’s only 5 minutes left and it’s a hassle to find the entrance.

 I stretch my legs, cross your arms, and plunge into the space where the class building was, hoping to get lucky.


 A piece of glass digs into my skin.

 Apparently I entered through the window.

 I landed on a red carpet. There are many pews lined up.

 When I wondered where I was, when I saw a figure sitting on one of the pews.

“This is the chapel.”

 She was laughing, holding a cigar in her mouth with her arms crossed.

“Welcome to the White Tiger class building.”

“Someone please pinch me; this must be a bad dream.”

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