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The witch smiled bewitchingly. “To think they would treat the real hero coldly, and extoll the greenhorn Marius whatever—this country does indeed not have discerning eyes.”

“Coldly? Have I been treated coldly? …Actually why do you know about Marius?”

“He-he-he, only you do not know anything. For example, you possess neither a sword nor armor, no? You were made to fight with the country issued weapons at best don’tcha?”

“That’s just normal… Were the heroes in the past different?”

“After all they did have a bit more wit—they should be utilizing bribes and connections behind the scenes to make high-performance weapons and armors for their personal use… I see, so that is why a strange condition of ‘a fellow with common sense’ has been coming up since earlier.”

“…Yeah, that’s right.”

“Go ahead and buy me—I shall make you a great hero or a sword saint.”

“That interests me, but… sounds expensive.”

“I say it would be 30 to 50 million goths for three months.”


I was moved for a moment, but it’s too expensive. Besides, conditional slaves seem to have short contract and can’t stay forever.

I want a cheaper slave who can stay for long.

“Now it’s the fifth slave,” the slave dealer prompted to continue. “She is an unconditional slave healing master, and I believe a role indispensable for adventuring. And she has worked a job similar to that of a priest, so she also has a lot of common sense as a person.”

Healing roles such as a healing master, healer, monk, and priest are useful.

If I remember right, it’s also an indispensable role in an adventurer’s party, but apparently the demand is so great that there are not enough to fill the role.

I was a hero so I was together with a high-ranking priest dispatched by the country, but I often saw parties without a healer having a hard time. If I’m becoming an adventurer, this might be an encounter that ought to be called godsend.

However, I’m curious in the fact that she’s an unconditional slave.

“How she got to be an unconditional slave?”

“She used to manage an orphanage, but fell into crippling debt—and so becoming an unconditional slave.”

“I see.”

She must be a kind-hearted person, trying to protect children.

I looked at her face. Well-defined nose and droopy double eyelid eyes—her violet eyes moist and looking at me.

I looked at her body clad in habit. Her thin arms and neck gave off a delicate impression, but the chest hidden behind the clothes was big.

I spontaneously gulped down my saliva.

I can touch this body if I buy her, huh… just thinking that alone makes me nervous.

Occupation indispensable for adventuring, has common sense, seems kind, and charming also as a woman.

It’s nothing but a lucky find.

But at the time I end up thinking so, it’s probably according to the expectation of the slave dealer who’s brought this person at the end, I suppose.

I can’t touch the first elf of the first one as there’ll be conditions.

I can touch the second and third one, but they’ve got a troublesome personal history.

By being placed next to the creepy witch of the fourth one, the beautiful girl of the fifth one looks even more beautiful.

“How much is everyone?”

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“Although depending on the negotiation for conditional slaves, the first one is from 1 to 3 million, and for the fourth one is as was said earlier. And the second one is 6 million, the third one 7 million, and the fifth one 10 million.”

Kuuh!! I knew it, exactly how much I have now!

Even my money has been accurately guessed.

“I think she’s a very wonderful slave, but everything I own right now is exactly 10 million,” I had no choice but to speak honestly while pointing to the fifth one with my hand. “If I use everything, I won’t even be able to eat dinner tonight. …Can you cut the price a little?”

And then the witch bursted out. “As if there is bargaining for discounts like that! You are extremely lacking common sense! Slaves bought by a dimwit like this sure are in for a misfortune, HEEE-HE-HEHE!”

It’s irritating, but…

I tightly clenched my fists, holding it.

It’s irritating, but it’s like what she said. I don’t even know how to bargain for discounts. I’m ignorant and an idiot.

That’s why I’m trying to rely on slaves, aren’t I…!?

“What even is wonderful about this woman!” But the witch fanned it up even more. “You got blind eyes on you, HEEE-HE-HE-HE!”

My clenched fists shook more and more.

But—suddenly it hit me—hold on?

I looked at the smirking witch and bluntly said, “Then I’ll buy you for 100,000 goths for 10 minutes—your work description is to bargain for a discount on buying the slave.”

“Whatcha say!?”


“You’re making fun of me, so you can do it, can’t you? Or could it be that you laughed even though you can’t do it? No, right? …Go on, give me a discount in 10 minutes—now do it!” I pulled out a large gold coin out of the bag and thrusted it out at the stunted witch.

The witch opened her clouded eyes wide and stared at me. Even her mouth was wide open.

Though, suddenly her face full of wrinkles wrinkled even more, and she let out a burst of laughter.

She laughed so hard she held her sides.

“HYA-HYA-HYA! What a fellow! To think you would hire me to bargain! Moreover pretty much in line if it is hourly rate! I thought you were a useless fellow, but you got a really good head on your shoulders arent’cha! I like you!”

“So you’ll take it, right?”

“Very well! It has been so long since I have laughed so hard! HYA-HYA-HYA!”

The slave dealer began to panic. “Wa-Wait, Cordelia-san! That won’t do any good!”

“What will? A conditional slave has agreed to the condition, so you got no problem don’tcha? Or are you trying to stop me from making money? Remember it is a violation of the law.”

“Kuh….!! Gah, yes I understand!” The slave dealer gave in and acknowledged it.

Then the witch made an approach with her glittering eyes at him. “Well then, Slave Dealer Simon! The contract crest stuff is bothersome, so I will just go on like this! Prepare yourself!”

“No way… but Cordelia-san, this slave has a very good condition, and I’m also taking over the debt—I can’t lower it like that.”

“But that does not mean this woman would be worth 10 million, I say! It is a good 5 million!” The witch declared with a loud voice.

The slave dealer pitched his body forward and denied it. “That’s just oppression no matter how you look at it!”

“Ho-ho? Even though you lied and recommended her to Alek?”

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“Lie? I didn’t lie.”

“I shall ask then—you have said that in order to survive as an adventurer, this woman is indispensable as she is a healer, no?”

“Yes, it is, you know? Healing role is indispensable,” the slave dealer retorted strongly.

Though, his mouth was warping awkwardly.

Why? It should be that way, though…

The witch made a broad, crooked smile. “In that case, this woman must have been registered as an adventurer, right?”

“Uwh… that is…”

Ah, I see! I didn’t notice!

“I see!” I winded up shouting. “It’s indispensable for an adventurer’s party, but she has never been an adventurer!”

“Exactly! She used to manage an orphanage—as if she would have the time to be an adventurer and whatnot! This man has misled you with his tone as if you could take her along as an adventurer right off the bat!”

“But, I mean that doesn’t change the fact that a healer is indispensable!” the slave dealer desperately explained as sweat broke out of his forehead. “Give her time and she will become useful!!”

“If it is a normal party, that is! What did this man Alek say? He should have said to get him a slave with common sense—moreover he is a man who has been a hero his whole life and can only make a living as an adventurer. And yet you did recommend this woman who has no common sense for an adventurer! If this is not an extortion, what is!? As long as she has never been an adventurer, it would cost extra money to pay for registration as adventurer, for weapons and armors and whatnot!”

“Ngggrh…! I understand—at 8.5 million. 500,000 thousand for equipment, and the remaining 1 million to hire the elf Sheryl-san who is knowledgeable about adventurers.”

“Inadequate! How do you judge this woman is cut to be an adventurer? She might even scream just from seeing a spider or a frog! In the first place, if she can become an adventurer who can make a lot of money, she would have dived into a dungeon herself to help run the orphanage! After all a healer is greatly demanded in just about every party! Think of the time when she could not become an adventurer—no, that possibility is exceedingly high! 8.5 million is too expensive!”

“Nnggh…!! T-Then at 7 million…!”

“A bit lower I say—if you do not want any rumors about this store selling a useless slave to its customer, that is.”

“Isn’t that a threat already…”

“Ho-ho, are you resisting? Well then, shall I spread around about how you have tried to strip jobless man with no home of all his money even the money he needs to survive today, and even feign ignorance of him dying a dog’s death together with the sold slave? …For the record, that is a fact—it might even be a violation of the slave trading law, no?” the witch dropped the last bomb, violation of the law, while making a daring smile.

The slave dealer could only contort his pale face bitterly.

“Nnggggrrg…! I understand… 6 million!! I cannot go lower…!”

“Well, even if I were to guess the amount of the debt based on the reaction when I said 5 million, I say this is about the limit—are you good with this, Alek?” The witch looked at me as she slightly proudly puffed up her chest.

I honestly thought it was amazing.

After getting her commitment, she took a stab at inconsistencies and deceptions, and then mixed together assumptions and affirmations to get the price down.

At the end, she even made a finishing threat.

Seen from the side, it was a dreadful bargaining technique 

I held out a large gold coin as I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah, I appreciated it—I knew you really didn’t just laugh.”

“Hm-hmm—I am not living longer than the elves for show.” The witch quickly took the large gold coin and put it into her pocket with a proud smile.

“To hire a skilled witch at this place…” the beautiful elf woman spoke up in admiration. “I suppose it’s to be expected of the Hero-sama.”

“It’s not that big of a deal—and it’s former hero.”

The slave dealer lamented as he prepared tools and documents. “If Cordelia-san was hired, I just can’t win, really…”

“This quick-wittedness is sure to be expected from a man once a hero—mere 10 minutes was enough to bring about the maximum results! It has been a long time since I had fun, kuh-kuh-kuh,” laughed the witch wickedly.

After that I had to do the slave contract—somehow my blood was taken.

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However just before putting the slave crest, the healer wearing a habit looked up at me with apologetic eyes.

She was a head shorter than me.

“Would it really be all right with me? As Cordelia-san has said earlier, I have never been an adventurer—I’m not sure if I can be helpful…”

“I should be able to find other roles at the guild probably—because the toughest one is recruiting a healer.”

“Yes, thank you very much… I am Lilicia—I will strive to the best ability to work for you, Master.”

“I’ll be counting on you, Lilicia.”

And then a slavery crest comprised of a circle and triangle was engraved on the back of Lilicia’s hand.

It appeared like a tattoo had been put on the fair skin of her graceful hand, so I thought it was a bit of a shame.

But I was glad it could be hidden with a glove.

“Will I be hired?” the beautiful elf woman spoke to me.

“For a while I’ll see how it goes—I’ll hire you if I’m having trouble with adventuring.”

“I understand… And so, how would you go about after you have become an adventurer, Hero-sama?”

“What do you mean ‘how’?”

“Would you defeat a demon lord or slay an evil dragon?”

“That kind of thing can be done by Marius now—I’m going to live as I please.”

“I… see… That’s unfortunate.” The beautiful elf woman for some reason turned her face down, seeming lonely.

The Witch Cordelia was grinning. “Do amuse me again—I shall be waiting.”

“It’s expensive, so I can’t really hire you so quickly like that.”

“For this reason you would want to earn money, no? He-he-he.”

The slave dealer said, “By the way Cordelia-san, you can also make medicine for restoration of youth and perennial youth, isn’t it?”

“Eh!? Something like that even…”

“The only thing I cannot create is immortality, however. I can even revive the dead if the conditions are met, you know? From time to time wealthy people would buy me for a short term.”

“Even so it’s still for a week or a month at the minimum, though,” the slave dealer added.

“Never in my life have I been bought for 10 minutes, however! 10 minutes, you hear? 10 minutes! HYA-HYA-HYA!” laughed the witch enjoyably as she squinted her eyes. Her aquiline nose was shaking.

Apparently, my action had hit her right in the funny spot as hard as it could.

Well, she doesn’t seem like a bad witch. In the first place, I can tell she’s an extraordinary witch just from the fact that a witch who is treated like a monster is living in the royal capital of a human country.

But restoration of youth, huh… I can see myself using it someday.

No, I want to be young again if possible.

Almost all my life has ended up a waste, so I want a redo.

Untiringly believing it’s for the good of everyone, I’d kept on exterminating monsters.

But in the end, the world didn’t turn peaceful, and no demon lord or evil god appeared, and I couldn’t raise achievements.

…Really, I wonder what my 30 years was all about.

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Upon that thought, I couldn’t help but ask the witch. “Hey, how much would it cost to get a medicine for rejuvenation of youth made?”

The witch looked at me from top to bottom and grinned. “You, how old now?”


“Right, the medicine to rejuvenate 15 years costs 225 million goths—just for the material cost, however. If you include the cost of hiring me… in total about 250 million.”

“T-Too expensive…”

“Obvious, don’tcha thing? It is a highly advanced forbidden art that uses a combination of holy and dark magic, as well as curses, you know? Well, I can make it in a week or two if I have all the ingredients.”


I ended up falling into silence.

250 million.

250 million goths to go back to 24 years old.

It’s too absurd of an amount for me right now to actually go for it.

Even though I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to make a living from now on, to think that without earning hundreds of millions I can’t get back my life.

Can I, do it?


As I was mulling over it, Lilicia grabbed my hand—smooth and gentle palms.

Her violet eyes worryingly looked up at me. The silver chain hanging from her collar rattled.

“Is something the matter? Master?”

Long eyelashes on her eyes looking up straight at me.

Her well-defined face was beautiful. Just looking at it refreshed my heart.

That’s right, I have Lilicia now.

In that case, first is livelihood.

Right now, the top priority is simply to build an environment where we can all live. Let’s think about the rest after our livelihood has stabilized.

Besides, the witch earlier said that ‘an adventurer can make a lot of money.’

Maybe it will go smoothly.

With a smile on my face upon feeling hope filling my heart, I said, “Nah, it’s nothing—then let’s go to the arms store.”


Still holding hands, we headed for the exit.

Now I don’t want to let go of the hand I’m holding.

“I’m looking forward to seeing you again.”

We headed out for the city, leaving behind the courteously bowing slave dealer.

Remaining in my possession was 39 large gold coins, making it 3.9 million goths.

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