After having bought a slave, next I headed for the weapons and armors store to get equipment.

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Since I could only exterminate monsters and all.

But it’d be important to not get ripped off. I’d never visited one before, so I had Lilicia, someone familiar with the city who’d been living in the royal capital for a long time, lead the way.

“It’d be nice if it’s a good store that we can trust, though.”

“I believe it’s this way, Master.”

Lilicia was walking, taking me by the hand. My heart throbbed fast at the touch of her smooth palm.

I can’t believe how soft and smooth it is. Actually, do you walk hand in hand with a slave?

We walked down the main street with me still unable to come to a conclusion as I got no common sense.

And then we entered a large weapons and armors store facing the street. Inside the spacious store, it was overflowing with swords, axes, armors, and shields. The walls were decorated with expensive-looking swords and spears.

“Now then, what kind of equipment do you want, Lilicia?”

“I think I… would like equipment made of wood or leather that doesn’t interfere with healing magic—and then maybe potions and medicinal herbs.”

“Nn? You can use healing magic but need medicinal herbs? The monks didn’t use it, though…”

“A healer is a person who uses only healing magic, a priest or monk offers prayers to God to perform even exorcism besides healing. A person who possesses the skill to increase the effectiveness of healing magic many times over by making use of multiple medicinal herbs and medical knowledge is called a healing master.”

“That sure is amazing… Have you ever trained for combat?”

“Will a healing master also fight?”

Apparently she doesn’t have the fundamentals.

No matter how much of a rearguard role it is, combat will become necessary to protect yourself if surrounded by monsters.

I shook my head. “I guess 6 million really was expensive, huh.”

“I-I am very sorry!! In any event, the debt should have been between 4.5 to 5 million, so Simon-san shouldn’t have been making much profit either.”

“Oh well, no matter—it’s because there’s also the fact that anyone would’ve been fine as long as they’ve got common sense.”

“I-I am sorry, Master…”

“Don’t mind it—I’ll be counting on you.”

When I patted her head, Lilicia shyly blushed.

We picked out armors first, leaving the search for her weapon for another time.

I picked up an iron breastplate, Liliicia chose a leather armor and a wooden buckler.

Then we looked for my weapon.

Swords, axes, spears, halberds, hammers, daggers.

We went looking for all kinds of things.

Lilicia tilted her head. Her lush silver hair flowed freely.

“Can the swords not be used?”

“Hmm~, they were hard to use, you see—I feel like I need a different weapon.”

“I see? I see…” She was taking on a bizarre attitude—like dispirited, like bewildered somehow.

Without minding it, I took a weapon, put power into it, and put it back again.

I went on repeating it.

The reason the attack of a hero is strong against monsters is because they attack with one’s own holy energy poured into the weapon.

However, no matter what the sword was, the holy energy just ended up escaping right after I’d poured it in.

That was why right now I was pouring holy energy into each one to test if it could easily accumulate it.

But I can’t really find a good weapon.

Spontaneously, I sighed along with a mutter. “I guess there’s just really no good store-bought item.”

And then a voice came from the counter. “Look at cha, great mouth you’ve got there, huh? Laddie.”

“Nn?” I turned to look, and saw a bearded middle-aged man at the counter with his arms folded—he was frowning.

“I’ve got nothing but good stuff stocked up—so you sayin’ I’ve got bad judgment? Huuh?”

“I don’t mean that—more like… I’m just looking for a weapon that can accumulate something like magical power.”

“Ah, so you want a sword that can endure the skill Magic Sword of magic swordsman?”

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“No, not that… hmmnng.”

I was puzzled on how to explain holy energy, a power peculiar to a hero.

And then Lilicia beside me nodded her head with her hair swaying. “So that is the kind of weapon Master has been looking for since earlier! Please leave it to me!” Lilicia said, and immediately made a ring with her fingers and put it over her eyes.

She went fixedly looking at the inside of the store with finger glasses—not only the weapons lined up in a crowded row, but also weapons on the walls.

“Ah! I found it! That sword seems to be good.” She pointed at a single-edged sword on the wall.

The sword’s blade was as black as darkness. It even got a weird pattern. Its look was pretty ominous.

Is this one really okay?

The man frowned. “That one’s… a cursed sword but, you sure?”

“What kind of curse?”

“Your magical power will get sucked just by holding it.”

“Ooh… Let me take a quick look.”

“Don’t go passing out on me, alright? It happens from time to time.” After giving a reminder, the man wrapped the sword with a cloth before taking it.

He brought it to the counter.

Taking it, I gripped the handle. Just by doing that alone my holy energy was rapidly being sucked.

The black blade began to shine bluish-white. It fit snugly in my hand. The holy energy just accumulated in the sword and didn’t go out.

“Ooh! This one’s good—how much is this?”

“S-So you’re fine even holding it, whoa… Well, it’s cursed, so I’d say 800,000.”

“I’ve got totally no clue about the market price… What do you think, Lilicia?”

“Hmmm, I’m not really sure, but I wonder about that price for a single-edged sword—I think it would be fine if it’s double-edged, but…”

The man raggedly scratched his head. “Then how about a discount to 720,000?”

“What do you say for 700,000?”

“Very well, it’s 700,000.”

I put the iron breastplate, the leather armor, the buckler, robes, and then bags on the counter. “Also I want these armors and this shield.”

“Sure thing… 200,000 for the breastplate, 250,000 for the leather armor, 50,000 thousand for buckler, and 40,000 for two hooded robes and two backpacks—together with the sword, that’s 1,240,000 goths.”

“Nn? The leather armor is the more expensive one?”

“Sure I’ve got a cheap one for 80,000—it’s the light brown one on the shelf over there.”

Speaking of which, the leather armor was bleached white. It was thin and slender. It was made to follow a woman’s curves.

I looked at Lilicia.

“Is this one good?”

“Yes, this was the best item,” she declared while touching the white leather armor with her slender fingers.

Let’s trust Lilicia’s eyes since she spotted the sword.

“I see—then this is all.” I took out thirteen large gold coins from the bag and lined them up.

The man took it and brought out six small gold coins. “Here’s the change. So, you gonna equip it?”

“Right, let’s try having it on.”

Since I have no common sense, it sure is possible I equip it the wrong way.

And then Lilicia and I equipped it up with the man’s instructions.

I put on the breastplate over my clothes and put on the robe. I hung the sword on my hip.

Lilicia put on the slender white leather armor under her white habit and put on the robe.

We both carried the bags on our backs.

Somehow I felt like an adventurer.

Apparently the man was also of the same opinion. “You’re now looking more like it, ain’t cha? Stay strong out there.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“Thank you for your assistance.”

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Lilicia and I said our thanks and left the store.

“Thank you very much for buying the equipment I chose.” As we walked, Lilicia leaned in close and whispered to me. “I’m very happy.”

“Sure, don’t mind it—it’s because I have faith in you.”

“Thank you very much.”

“And so I guess next is adventurer registration.”

“Yes, the Adventurers’ Guild is that way.”

Lilicia held my arm, pressing it against her chest, and then led the way as she pulled me.

Actually, do slaves cling to their master like this?

I couldn’t tell, as I had no common sense to make a judgment nor had I ever gone out with a woman before.

I walked down the street, feigning calmness so as not to be conscious of the soft cleavage against my arm.

The remaining money in my possession had become 2,660,000 goths.

◇     ◇     ◇

We came to the Adventurers’ Guild located in the center of the city.

It was a large, three-story building. The white walls reflected midday’s sunlight and were dazzling.

Once we were inside, there was a reception counter with a waiting room next to it. On a bulletin board by the wall, small notes were posted.

I’d asked Sheryl, the beautiful elf woman at the slave dealer, about the registration process more or less.

For some reason, she became warm-hearted the moment she found out I was a hero. Even though I’m a useless former hero.

First, I went to talk to the glasses lady on the counter. “I’d like to register as an adventurer.”

“Yes, for registration, the registration fee will cost 50,000 goths per person—would that be all right?”

“Yeah, no problem—for two please.” I put a large gold coin on the counter.

“I understand—we will have an aptitude test, so please wait a moment.” The receptionist lady took away the large gold coin, and then stood up and went to the back.

I could see her preparing something.

And then mocking laughs came echoing from the waiting room behind the counter.

“Bah, a rookie.”

“What a dull guy, eh?”

“But the woman with him is a beauty, man.”

“Sure looks like a healer… What you say, girl? Wanna join my party?”


I glanced over and saw a group of slightly dirtied, slovenly men drinking alcohol.

Lilicia snuggled up close to me while trembling as if frightened. “W-What is it… with those gentlemen…”

“Don’t mind them—they’re just good for nothing.”

It’s daytime, yet they’re drinking alcohol in the waiting room without doing adventurer’s work, it’s not decent—they look irresponsible as well from their appearance.

And then a man sitting further back in the waiting room stood up, perhaps my words had reached his ears.

It was a large man carrying a big axe on his back.

He was heading towards me while making a heavy footsteps sound.

“Good for nothing, you say? Oh man, you’ve done and said it, aren’t ya? Rookie?”

“Yeah, sorry about that—you’re good for nothing like me, to be precise.”

Since I’m a failure human who got fired from being a hero, I must be good for nothing.

The large man came closer and looked down at me. “No way this me is the same like you! This me is an A rank! You invitin’ to a fight? Huuh?”

“There’s not even a thing I can invite you to—don’t get the wrong idea.”

“W-What you say!?” The large man widened his eyes and put his hand on the gigantic axe on his back.

However the receptionist lady returned to the counter with a round ball and cards. She glared at the man as she lifted up her glasses. “Dispute inside the guild is prohibited.”

“Tsk! You better remember this.”

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For some reason the large man went to leave after leaving a snarly remark.

Is the guild’s receptionist lady someone respected?

Meanwhile, the receptionist lady loaded the card on a machine and placed the ball on the counter.

“Please put your hand on this ball.”

“Like this?” I put my hand on the ball.

And then the ball began to shine bluish-white—and that light rapidly became stronger.

The receptionist lady widened her eyes in amazement.

“T-This is…!”

“What a pure energy!” Lilicia next to me was also surprised and opened her violet eyes wide.

The adventurers in the guild’s waiting room began to make noises.

“W-What? This light… is it light attribute!?”

“No, this ain’t it! No way, this is holy attribute ain’t it!?”

“What an unbelievable holy energy.”

“Oh man, this is crazy.”

“Oh my, it’s great, isn’t it?”

“It feels good…”

It is believed that ordinary humans are born with one of the attributes of fire, water, wind, earth, and light—darkness for demonic races and monsters.

A hero is holy attribute—it was a rare attribute born once in several decades.

In the midst of the buzzes, a thunderous sound suddenly echoed.


The crystal ball exploded.

The overflowing magical power became a storm and ran amok inside the guild.


“The heck!?”


“Get down!!”

I hugged Lilicia to protect her right away.

The wind hit my arms and back—but I absolutely didn’t let it hurt Lilicia.

In my arms, Lilicia blushed and muttered, “T-Thank you very much… Master…”

“Don’t mind it—you are very important to me, Lilicia.”

“O-Okay…” Lilicia blushed even more and hung her head down for some reason.

The wind stopped after a short time.

The receptionist lady peaked her face out all of sudden from below the counter.

“Oh my, it sure was a league of its own…You are the second person to break the crystal ball.”

“The first one is?”

“It’s our guild master,” said the receptionist lady as she pulled out the card with a plier. She handed it to me. “The registration itself seems to have been successful—please confirm it.”

I took the card and looked at it.

Name: Alek         Role: Magic Swordsman

Adventurer Rank F

Physical Strength: A    Agility: S    Wisdom: B    Magical Power: SSS

So my status was like this, huh.

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Magical power is on the highest. But I can’t use any magic to make the most of it. The degree of incompetence that got me fired from being a hero is not for show.

Actually, my aptitude is magic swordsman, huh. It should be a role that fights with all kinds of magical power and magic put into a sword.

Can I do it…? I can only put in holy energy, though.

And then talking voices in a whisper could be heard coming from the waiting room.

“Holy crap, that guy.”

“He sure did break the crystal ball…”

“So the same like the guild master.”

For some reason there were many people trembling with fear.

Even though just a lot of holy energy is not a big deal.

It was Lilicia’s turn next to register.

A new crystal ball was brought.

Gold as well as white light overflowed, and the card was registered. The crystal ball didn’t break.

It was registered as a healing master.

Well, it’d be like that I suppose. Abilities overall were around B, which seemed average.

“With this the registration is done. If you dive into the dungeons near the royal capital and defeat monsters, you can exchange parts of your kills for money. And there’s also requests and the like that adventurers can take—subjugation requests are available up to one rank above save for undead; gathering and searching requests are available up to two ranks higher,” the receptionist lady said while pointing to the wall; there were several notes attached to it with the request’s task written on them.

I turned to look, and as I looked at the wall I muttered, “There sure is not many.”

“It’s afternoon after all. New and tasty requests go up in the morning—those are the ones people scramble for.”

“I see, I’ll try coming back tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, please give it your best.”

I left the guild with the receptionist lady’s voice coming from behind me.

It was just pre-evening, when the sun had only gone down a little.

I was walking down the main street while holding hands with Lilicia.

Lilicia looked up at me and said, “What will we be doing after this?”

“Right, let’s buy medicinal herbs and potions you need at the apothecary, and then lodge somewhere already—the adventuring starts tomorrow.”

“Yes. …A cheap inn is that way, but…”

“Nah, today—precisely because today, we’ll stay at an expensive inn with a bath.”

I’ve bought an unconditional slave, so umm… I can be a man, can I?

“O-Okay… Master.”

While holding hands with me, Lilicia hung her head down with her face turning bright red.

Such a gesture is exceedingly cute. Just how can she be this cute?

I went walking down the street while having a hard time keeping my mind calm.

By the way, we bought three bottles of potions and five kinds of medicinal herbs at an apothecary on the way to the inn—4,900 goths in total.

The money in my possession was slowly going down—the remaining had become 2,555,100 goths.

◇     ◇     ◇



TL notes:

To be honest, instead of “role,” if translated more correctly it should be “job” or “occupation.” But here me out. What is his job now? An adventurer. What is his role? Magic swordsman. See? Makes sense. This was totally not because I was too lazy to make correction in the previous chapters, pinky swear. Actually it was because I was too lazy

I hope this won’t bite me in the ass in the future.

Other changes:
Chapter 1 Part 2 (corrections):

“Now it’s the fifth slave,” the slave dealer prompted to continue. “She is an unconditional slave healerhealing master, and I believe a role indispensable for adventuring. And she has worked a job similar to that of a priest, so she also has a lot of common sense as a person.”

Chapter 1 Part 2 (adding missing words):

Healing roles such as a healing master, healer, monk, and priest are useful

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