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Evening in the royal capital.

After buying a slave, preparing weapon and armor, and registering as an adventurer, I booked a room at the second most expensive inn in the royal capital.

The most expensive one probably got the hero’s group, so I wouldn’t use it.

Even though it was the second most expensive, the interior was extravagant. Moreover, today I’d rented a suite with a bathroom in the room. It was a vast room of two big adjoining rooms with a great view on the top floor of the inn.

Lilicia widened her eyes in amazement as she entered while holding hands with me. “S-Somehow the room seems expensive, but…”

“Yeah, it’s the most expensive one. It’s a seven gold coin room—that’s 140,00 goths for two people.”

“N-No way! That’s being too extravagant!” Lilicia drew closer, rebuking me, her habit disheveled.

Then I hugged her close with one hand. “Of course it’s because I want to cherish you, don’t you think? …Umm, there’s that—if the first time in a cheap inn, there’s no bath, you know?”

“Ah… Master…” Lilcia’s face turned bright red, and she brought her cheek to my chest.

I could feel her pleasant, warm body temperature and breath.

Slowly, affection began to well up.

Can I think of this as an invitation? …No good, I can’t tell.

We sat on the sofa for now.

Going along without resistance, Lilicia leaned her body on mine. Her silver hair drifted and touched my skin. Her breath came against my neck tickling me.

Can I… kiss her already now? Nah, it’s too early, right?

It’s still bright outside, so that must not be the right choice. Let’s pass the time normally somehow.

“Speaking of which, Lilicia.”

“What could it be?”

“When you entered the room at the slave dealer, you were surprised when you saw me, but did you know about me?”

“Ah, no—I just thought, ‘Ah, it’s this person,’ the moment I saw you, Master.”

“This person?”

Lilicia closed her eyes, seeming sad. Her long, cast down eyelashes were beautiful.

“I have something that I must do, however… I have forgotten that mission—I believed that I had been told to protect a child, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Mission… and so the orphanage was…”

“Yes, the children were very cute, and I wanted to protect them, but… I also had the feeling that that was not right at all.”

“I see.”

“Concerning the result, the orphanage was closed, and the children were taken in by another orphanage… I felt that everything I had done was in vain—and then at that time I met you, Master.”

“Your mission is to protect me?”

“…I don’t know—but just being able to be with you, somehow it’s like, my heart is becoming warm, and now… I’m happy.” Lilicia wrapped her slender arms around me and hugged me tightly.

That sight of her, warm body temperature, laudable cuteness, softness of her pressed chest—everything was a reason-destroying might.

Being filled with urges I didn’t really know, I spontaneously hugged her.

In my arms, her delicate body was left to my mercy.

The back and waist I’m hugging are slender, yet her soft chest is touching against me more and more.

I can’t endure it anymore.

“Lilicia… umm, here I go.”


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Lilicia’s looking up violet eyes were moist.

Her cheeks were slightly red.

Aah, how beautiful she is—but… is it really fine for me to do it?

With our faces in close distance, I couldn’t find the final resolve to do it.

And then Lilicia hugged my neck and brought her beautiful red lips closer.

The distance was extremely close, and she closed her eyes like dreaming and got even closer.

And then our lips touched.

It was a gentle and moist softness unthinkable to be something from this world.

So this is the so-called kiss… it’s so pleasant it makes me shiver.

Furthermore, Lilcia inserted her tongue in.

She entangled my tongue, creating an obscene, moist sound.

I was surprised on the inside while shivers ran down my spine at the so much pleasure.

Eh, Eh? Do you also put your tongue in when kissing!? Is this a true kiss!?

But thinking that it would be bad to make only her do it, I, too, responded by hugging Lilicia and putting my tongue in.

“Aah…” A hot sigh spilled over from the edge of Lilicia’s red lips.

And afterwards Lilicia moved to undress me.

I, too, imitated Lilicia’s movement and returned back what was being done to me.

Her long silver hair flowed down on her fair skin, and her large breasts shook, beautifully and roundly. When I pushed aside her slender legs and crawled my fingers to the center, her delicate body jerked up.

“A-Are you okay!?”

“Yes… I was just happy with your kindness, Master…”

While biting on her finger, Lilicia shyly averted her eyes—but her open hand gently wrapped my center and led it.

As if handling a fragile object, I gently and awkwardly started to probe her inside.


It was when we were finally about to overlap.

While bright red up to the ears, suppressing her voice and enduring it, Lilicia looked up at me who was on top. Her droopy, moist eyes blinked while filled with emotions.

“Master… I have one thing I must tell you.”

“What is it?” I asked as I gently leaned down and kissed her abundant silver hair.

As her supple hand took me along, with a pained voice she said, “Aah… This is the first time I’ve done something like this… Perhaps, I will lose my healing master power.”

“Yeah, no problem—I also heard I’d lose my hero power too if I throw away my virginity—”

“That is—aaah!!”

Whatever she was saying was already inconsequential.

And in the first place I’d just needed a slave with common sense.

Embracing Lilicia, my impulse wouldn’t stop.

I wedged my way in between her long and slender legs, and went to make love all the way, melting deeply together.

In the suite dyed red by the evening sun, the shadow of me and Lilicia overlapped into one.

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At the love deepening with each movement, she moaned with her silver hair getting increasingly disheveled.

“Aaah! Master!!”

“Here it comes, Lilicia!”


Lilicia tightly closed her eyes and clung to my body.

I hugged her slender waist, pulling it closer—and then I released a thick holy energy.

Lilicia, as pure as a blank sheet of paper, was all dyed in my color.

Her cute, shout of pleasure echoed especially high-pitched in the vast room.

Though, it didn’t end there.

There was a flap.

A sudden flap.

A flap of white wings.

For some reason, a pair of pure white wings spread out from Lilicia’s back.

Beautiful wings like those of a swan’s—feathers scattered into the surroundings and shone in the evening sun.

“Phew………… Eh?”

“Aah… Masteeer…… Eh?”

In our ragged breath, we stared in surprise at the sudden appearance of white wings.

We could only stare as our thoughts stopped.

And then in my confused head I thought, Eh!? Do women grow wings when they’re so moved!?

I was staring dumbfoundedly with my mouth half open, but I finally got myself together and asked Lilicia. “W-What… is this?”

“It… seems to be… wings… Eh, no way.” Lilicia wrapped her slender arms around her naked body and leaned forward, hugging herself tightly as she squeezed her large chest.

And then the white wings flapped and spread out again.

She seemed to be moving them on her own will.

After several flappings, Lilicia opened her violet eyes wide and lifted her face up, seemingly to have remembered something.

“That’s right! I was an angel who was banished from heaven after committing a sin!”


“It’s natural to be surprised! And then, I was told the sin would be forgiven if I were to help the child hero, but… I have ended up forgetting that most important mission! …Aah! I am terribly sorry, Master! I had the duty to help you and yet…!!”

Lilicia clung to me, tears spilling from her droopy, violet eyes.

Her dainty body, fair skin, curves—all of it were shaking, begging for forgiveness.

Pitiful, yet lovely.

I stroked her silver hair and smiled. “It’s fine—we were able to mee like this, so it’s not a problem.”

“Master!! You are so kind, but I’m truly sorry.” Lilicia hugged me as tears scattered from her eyes. “How could I even have forgotten such an important thing! Why, it’s the most important, and yet!!”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I’m sure there’s probably still some circumstances you haven’t remembered, but why did your wings and memory suddenly come out?”

“It’s probably because you have given me an unbelievably large amount of holy energy, Master… the sole power to purify my sin, that was your holy energy.”

“So that’s how it was… Then I guess I’ve got to give more and more holy energy.”

“Fueh…? I have received it just now, but you are already getting ready for the next one!? As expected of you, Master. I-I’m in awe—ah, nnnh.” I sealed Lilicia’s lips. And she desperately intertwined her tongue in as well, wishing for it.

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Disheveled as she flapped her wings, she was beautiful like an angel—

And a bewitching fallen angel who drove my reason mad.

I gave her holy energy again and again. Over and over again.

Before I knew it, the extravagant vast suit had been littered with white feathers.

◇     ◇     ◇

Morning in the royal capital.

Pleasant morning sunlight diagonally entered through the large window facing the balcony, and chirps of small birds echoed from afar.

I woke up on the big bed.

Many white feathers were scattered on the white sheet—the proof that I’d made love with the most beautiful angel in the world.

I wonder how many times we made love. I made love to Lilicia so much that I can’t tell.

She was just that beautiful, cute, charming, and sublime that I couldn’t stop embracing her.

I thought she was the best partner.

And Lilicia’s manner and gesture were wonderful as well.

She had been taught the knowledge for nighttime at the slave dealer, so her gestures were bewitching, but her way around it was awkward and innocent as that was her first time putting it to practice.

And when we entered the bath together, we made love there, too.

I had her take my first time many times over.

However, I didn’t lose the power of a hero, the holy energy, even though I did an immoral act.

It seems the story that embracing a woman would make you no longer a hero was a fake, or I’ve just been fooled.


I reached out my hand to touch Lilicia who should be sleeping beside me.

That hand ended up hitting empty space.

I looked to the side in surprise, only to find her gone.


She ran away?

Were Lilica’s words a lie?

Such doubts loomed over my mind.

And then, the sound of wings flapping echoed in the room.

When I turned to look, I saw Liliicia with only a bathrobe over her naked body with a serious expression on her face spreading her wings, closing them to the movement of her arms, and then sending white feathers flying from her wings as she made a turn.

As if dancing, as if waltzing, she continued her movement as she spread her white wings. The scattered feathers leapt to the movement of her fingertips.

Her big chest bounced, and her long silver hair drew an arc.

Such a sight of her moving under the morning sun was beautiful just like an angel.


“Ah!” Lilicia spread her wings and flew over as soon as she saw me.

Even though she was on the other end of the vast room, she made her way up to the side of the bed with just one kick.

“Good morning, Master!”

“What were you doing?”

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“I have been remembering how to move my wings and how to fight as an angel. Although I’m about one-tenth the strength I was in my prime, I think I can fight pretty well.”

“I see… so as an angel, and not a healing master, you knew how to fight, huh…”

“Yes. This is also thanks to you, Master.”

“Is that so?”

Lilicia smiled as the corners of her droopy eyes dropped even lower. “Yes. You have given me a large quantity of holy energy, so I think it has made it possible for me to use my sealed angel power.”

“I see… Looks like my holy energy people kept on calling to be uselessly large can be useful too, huh.”

“Such a… it’s not useless. It was because I hadn’t been able to support you that your holy energy had been rendered useless, Master.”

Lilicia frowned apologetically. Her beautiful face was falling to the verge of crying.

Yesterday too, she apologized again and again while crying in my arms.

She seems to deeply regret that she was unable to fulfill her role of supporting the hero.

I put my arms around Lilicia’s delicate shoulders and hugged her close. Her soft curves could be perceived through the cloth.

“Didn’t I say don’t worry about it? Just being able to meet in this vast world is a fortune.”

“Yes, Master.” Lilica made a happy smile and clung to me. Her fingertip tracing me like fawning was charming.

I suddenly noticed a bunch of black spots at the end of her wings.

“Speaking of which, is this black specks pattern from the beginning?”

“No… that is the proof of a fallen angel—it is the depth of my sin.”

“But… isn’t it gone since yesterday?”

“Eh? …Eeh!? In just one day!?” Lilicia turned her head to look back at her wings over her shoulder.

Although the tips of her wings were pitch black as if they had been dipped in an ink jar, they were specks.

Her cute and clear voice trembled, and she said, “It really is… Seeing that now I can freely take in and out my wings as well… is receiving a large amount of holy energy again and again leading to me coming to your rescue?”

“Yeah, I’ve been rescued. …Are you going to keep on being an angel as things are?”

“The time I can be an angel is still not much… kya!?” I slipped my hand into Lilicia’s silver hair and pulled her face closer.

To her cute ear I whispered, “In that case I will give you holy energy so that you can move more.”

“Eh…? Eeeh…!? I-It’s morning you know, Master!?

“I can take a better look at the beautiful you instead—nn.”


I kissed Lilicia’s cute lips and hugged her body even more as hard as I could.

Under the morning sun that exposed everything, her face was dyed deep red in embarrassment. 

But contrary to her shy attitude, for some reason she was bolder than yesterday and fervently wishing for it.

Her white wings were flapping delightfully as it made sounds. Her large chest bounced around.

We made love to each other deeply to the end as our sweats combined into one.

And then, I suddenly had a thought.

6,000,000 goths sure were cheap.

Although late, I thought, She’s worth 5,000,000,000,000,000 goths for me.

But the money left in my possession was little. It had become 2,415,100 goths.

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