Leopin is having a friendly lunch break with a group of beautiful girls …….

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Leopin’s classmates from Class 1-20 are also having lunch in the same courtyard.


However, they are not eating well.


Weiss, the captain of the class, takes off his glasses and wipes them with a handkerchief, rubbing his eyes again and again.


“Apparently, I’m unbelievably tired from my new environment and the daily workload.”


A few meters away from him on the lawn is Leopin, surrounded by three beautiful girls, not just a flower in each hand.


“I think I’m finally hallucinating.


‘The reason Monaka is next to Leopin is probably out of pity for his childhood friend.’


It’s not a favor, but a feeling of pity that a princess would have for a homeless person.’


However, I can’t explain why the alchemist Akemi, who is said to be the most beautiful girl in the school, is next to him.’


So this is a hallucination, after all.’


The best proof of this is that Shinobuko-kun, who is normally in charge of protecting Monaka from bad insects, is also with him.’


Weiss is mumbling the same thing to himself to convince himself.


On either side of him are the powerful Monsoon and the bandit Sheaves.


The two are glaring at Leopin with grudge-filled eyes.


“Gugugugugugugug, that bastard, he’s getting carried away. ……!


You messed with my dream girl, Shinobuko, like that. ……!”


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“Geez, why does Akemi-san have to go to that trash ……!


No matter how many times I approach her, she never seems to fall for me. ……!”


And finally, something strange started to happen to the girls in the class.


“Leopin was crazy about you when you were in our class, but ……!”


Seriously, I can’t forgive him. ……!” 


“Hmm? Oh, Carol, are you jealous?”


“No, you idiot! Who the hell is that guy? I’m just annoyed that Leopin, who used to be my assistant, is getting carried away!”


“Carol used to tease Leopin all the time, you know.


Fake confessions, fake love letters, …….”


“That’s right, he’s my personal toy! And those women, without permission, are ……!”


“No more idle chatter. Let’s go, guys.”


“What? Weiss, you’re still on lunch break! Where are we going, ……?”


“To find the skin of the flying dragon, of course.”


“But Weiss, the vice principal said that it’s been disguised with magic and won’t be found for a week!”


“Monsoon, that’s only if an ordinary person like you is looking for it.


 I’m a Sage, I’ll find it in less than a day.”


“That’s my boy Weiss! I’ll follow you wherever you go!

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“Leopin was trying to become student body president by pretending that a piece of cloth he found in the middle of nowhere was the skin of a flying dragon.”


It’s a wickedly dumb way to do it, just like him.”


He probably thinks that if he becomes student body president, we’ll beg him to come back.”


He doesn’t realize how stupid and shallow he is.”


The classmates burst into laughter.


Weiss brings the scattered hearts of the class back together.


He stands up quickly and told everyone


”From now on, we will work together as a class.


Until we find it, Class 1-20 will be absent from all classes, and cultivation will be suspended! All right!”




The classmates stand up.


They have no idea.


They don’t know that what they are looking for is already in Leopin’s possession.


◆  ◇  ◆  ◇  ◆


The members of class 1 and 20 ran around the school building, distracted from their classes, looking for the “Flying Dragon Skin”.


But they couldn’t find it.


At last, night fell and they are locked out of the school building.

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The members are exhausted from running around all day, but Weiss, the captain, does not give up.


“Even if we can’t enter the school building, we can still explore! We have to look for the outside of the school building and the garden around the perimeter!”


At that time, everyone is in front of the school gate, but they all slump over.


Carol sits down on the ground and shouted


“I can’t walk anymore, captain. It’s late.”


What are you talking about, Carol? Tomorrow morning, the skin of the flying dragon will be in our hands ……!”


Monsoon enters the conversation, “Hey, hey!”


“Weiss! You’re not going to ask us to search all night, are you?”


“As long as no one can find it, it’s only natural”, Weiss replies as if it’s obvious.


“Didn’t you say you’d find it in a day?”


“Yes, he did!”


“That’s if your search works as well as I expect it to.


I didn’t expect you to be so incompetent.”


“Hey! That’s not very nice, is it? We were looking for it just like you said!”


“That’s right! And we hadn’t even eaten lunch!”


“Then I give you the Sage’s precious lesson: “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.”


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“Let me tell you, ……!”


The mood in the class turns sour at Weiss’ remark.


The bandit, Sheaves, says hurriedly.


“Well, then let’s eat here. I’m sure you’ll come up with some good ideas after you’ve eaten!”


“What? What are you talking about, Sheevs? There’s nothing to eat here.”


“That’s right! We’ve been so busy with Weiss, we haven’t even gone to get food!”


“I’ve prepared …… for this eventuality!”


Sheaves flipped over his backpack.


“I’ve been prepared for anything like this.”


“This is a …… mushroom.”


“That’s right, Sister Carol.


Yesterday, I went into the forest and picked up some edible mushrooms.


There are so many that we can have a mushroom party.”


“Nice work, Sheevs!”


“If everyone is as good as Sheaves, we would have found the Flying Dragon’s Skin by now. ……


Let’s take a break in consideration of Sheaves resourcefulness.”


They do not know that what they are about to eat is the poisonous mushroom that Leopin had stopped them from eating yesterday.

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