The mushroom party was supposed to be a chance to restore harmony to the class.

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However, the party ended less than three minutes after it started.


As soon as they took a bite of the mushrooms, their classmates were hit with a severe stomachache.


Everyone’s complexion turned paler than the mushrooms, and everyone rolled around on the ground, not caring if their clothes got dirty.


“Ugggghhh ……! It hurts! It hurts! I’m going to die!”


“This is bad, this is really bad! Someone call for help from the saints in the other class,……!


Someone please ……!”


But Weiss, who has a lot of pride, does not want for his classmate to call for help. 


“Stop! Don’t do anything disgraceful!


If you’ve been injured in battle, for example, it’s a good thing, but you want to be taken care of by a saint because of food poisoning? That is disa.


The whole clan is watching my every move!”


“It’s the same for me! But that’s not the time to be talking about it!


But at least lets go to the infirmary”


“The infirmary is even more impossible! If I have to go to the infirmary, my class rating will be ……!”


The Royal Pioneer Academy also has an infirmary.


It is a facility that is used to accommodate students who are injured beyond the control of the saint’s students during the survival of the pioneers.


However, if they use the facility, they will be heavily penalized by their class.


Class 1-20 was up in the air.

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The class was divided into two groups: those who wanted to call for help and those who did not.


They were supposed to be good adventurers, but they couldn’t use magic or skills due to stomach pains.


They struggled and rolled around like caterpillars fighting.


It was an ugly, low-level battle, covered in tears and mud.


And in the end, the dead and dying were all over the place.


All the members of Class 1-20 had fainted in front of the school gate, white eyed and foaming.


They were finally found in the morning and all sent to the infirmary.


It was only the second day of school. This was an unprecedented event at the pioneering school.


Although the students of class 1-20 were healed by the nurse on the same day, the cost was immeasurable.


As a matter of course, they were sentenced to be downgraded to grade “C-” from grade “C”.


“Ugh …… ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!”


At this blunder, Weiss screamed as if he were being burned alive by the flames.


He didn’t know that if only he hadn’t banished Leopin, none of this would have happened.


…… and time returns to the present, after Leopin’s lunch.


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I was very late, so I couldn’t attend the orientation in the morning.


Thanks to that, I missed out on learning about the school’s structure, but I’m sure I’ll get to know it better as I go along.


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In the afternoon, we had regular classes.


There are two main types of classes at the Royal Pioneer Academy.


The first is the “general subject” classes that all students must attend.


Such as the orientation in the morning.


The second type of class is the elective class in the afternoon.


There are several classes held at the same time, and you can choose the one you want.


You can take a class that is close to your career, or you can take a different class to discover something new.


Since pioneering is evaluated on a class basis, the class usually discusses and decides who will take what class.


However, since I am all alone in the “special training class,” I don’t have to worry about anyone else.


I looked at the timetable and decided on a class that looked like a good one.


It is the “Leather Craftsman” class.


It is a production class that teaches how to use leather for crafts.


I’ve always been a craft lover, so I’m pretty good with leather.


I just got my hands on a flying dragon skin, and I’ve also leveled up to become a leather crafter.


I can’t think of a better class for me to take right now. I’ve decided on this one!


As soon as I head to the classroom, I see that there are already many male students there.


As I am about to sit down in an empty seat, I am approached by the vice principal, who is also in the classroom.


“No, Leopin! Your seat is right here!”

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Apparently, the vice principal has taken the trouble to follow me and has prepared a seat just for me.


But it is just a floor in the corner of the classroom, with nothing spread on it.


I was sitting at the very front, but I have no choice but to move to the very back.


After a while, the teacher in charge comes in.


She says, “Hello. I was introduced to you at the entrance ceremony, but I’d like to introduce myself again.


I’m Philafy, in charge of the leather craftsman and seamstress classes. Nice to meet you.”


Ms. Philafy is a female teacher with glasses and fluffy hair who seems to have a calm demeanor.


“I’m sure there are a lot of boys in the leather craftsman class.


But it seems that there aren’t too many of them, so we’ve decided to have a joint class with the sewing class next door.


Well then, everyone, please come in.”


At the teacher’s signal, many female students come in through the door leading to the next classroom.


“Oh!” The leather workers’ students were all excited.


Most of the leather workers were male students, and most of the seamstresses were female.


“Since we’re all in this class together, the seamstresses should sit next to the leather workers.


Even though the materials we use are different, it’s better for us to learn.”


One of the seamstresses was Monaka.


The vice principal of the school set up a luxurious chair like a throne.

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“Yes, Monaka, you sit here!


Here, your supporters will be able to see the beautiful embroidery that Monaka’s supple fingers have created!”


Monaka’s face lit up when she suddenly noticed my presence.


“Oh, Leo-kun!”


She runs quickly and sits down on the floor right next to me without any hesitation.


Then, with a cheerful expression on her face, she said.


“Vice principal! I’m going to sit here!”


“No, no, no! How could a saintly woman like Monaka sit on the ground? ……!


If you do that, your supporters won’t stand for it!”


“But Leo-kun, who is also a student, is also sitting on the floor, right?


If Leo-kun wants to sit on a chair, I want to sit on a chair too!”


“Gugigigi Oh, no. ……! I can’t allow you to do that. ……!”


The vice principal clenches his teeth so hard that his mouth bleeds.


His face turns red and blue as if he is being forced to make an ultimate choice.


Eventually, he squeezes out a voice of anguish with an expression of strangle.


“Gui…… Gui……! I …… chair !


Why don’t you sit on a chair, Leopin-kun.”


So, I am upgraded from the floor to a chair.

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