Thanks to Monaka, I am able to sit on the same chair as everyone else, despite the head teacher’s nastiness.

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Finally, the class begins.


“Okay, so today we’ll be making leather cloaks for the leather workers and patches for the seamstresses.”


It depends on the shape of the cloak, but since it doesn’t have sleeves, it’s not difficult to make.


If you want to, you can call it a leather cloak even if you just cut the skin.


In that sense, it is a perfect craft for an introduction to leather craftsmanship.


In this school, everything is survival, but during the class, we are allowed to borrow materials and tools for our craft.


By the way, you don’t get to keep your creations, you have to deliver them to the school.


The teacher continued in a calm tone.


“But today, as a special treat, the students who make good crafts can take their creations home with them.”


Also, you can take home anything you made with the materials you brought in, regardless of how it turned out.”


As for the materials, I had the Flying Dragon Skin, so I thought I could just borrow the tools.


But here I was interrupted again.


“No! You can’t lend out crafting tools to students of the Special Training Class!”, said the vice principal.


Philafy-sensei said, “What? Did we have a rule like that?” 


The vice principal completely ignored her words. The vice principal makes a fuss as if he is about to be beheaded.


“But I’m going to lend you the magic iron needle and the magic iron scissors, especially for you, Leopin-kun!


Other than that, you can’t use a single scrap of lint from this classroom!”


“What? You can’t make a craft with just fabric, a needle and scissors!”


Philafy-sensei looked troubled.


Vice principal puts his face close to my ear and whispers softly.

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“I’m going to use my magic needle and scissors to shred that thick skin and make it useless. Then I’ll give you another skin as a special treat. It’ll be a special skin, not one that’s so tough, but one that’s as good as the ones they give out to everyone. ……!”


I whispered back.


“So the vice principal knows, right?”


“……? What are you talking about?”


“Ordinary needles or scissors are useless on flying dragon skins. So I was thinking of borrowing some magic tools from Philafy-sensei. But the vice principal tried to give me a magic tool, and I knew that this skin was a ‘flying dragon skin’ …….”


“Kii….. Kieeeeee””


He has another seizure.


Monaka, who is next to me, was startled and joltes back into a shrug.


Vice principal glares at me with his bloodshot eyes and thrusts a magic needle and a pair of scissors at me.


“Then do as you please!”


I was trying to save you from the hallucination of you thinking you have the Flying Dragon’s Skin!”


However, you’re a delinquent student who doubts the goodwill of others!”


Here, I’ll take your needle and scissors. I want you to play by yourself, tinkling, tinkling, tinkling, without thread!”


“Is that so? Then I’ll do that.”


I grin back and took the dull, shiny needle and scissors.


Magic Iron Needle (Loaned Item, Magic Item)
Quantity 1
Quality Level 20 (Material Level 5 + Profession Bonus 10 + Magic Bonus 5)
An iron needle that has been magically wrought.


It can penetrate materials that would otherwise be blocked by a normal iron needle.

Special Effects: Ignore piercing resistance


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Can penetrate materials with piercing resistance up to 3 times the quality level.


Magical Iron Shears (Loaner Item, Magic Item)
Quantity 1
Quality Level 20 (Material Level 5 + Profession Bonus 10 + Magic Bonus 5)
Iron shears with magic wrought into them.


These scissors can cut through materials that would otherwise be blocked by normal scissors.

Special Effects: Ignore Slash Resistance


Can cut materials that are resistant to slashing up to three times the quality level.


Vice principal raises an eyebrow as I accept the magic tool with a fearless smile.


Perhaps thinking I am bluffing, he quickly laughs it off.


“Mu-ho-ho-ho! It’s no use trying to be tough like that!”


How can you do leatherwork with only a needle and scissors and no thread?”


If you can’t even understand that, then you deserve to be in the “Special Training School”!”


Come on, everyone, let’s have a laugh! Mu-ho-ho-ho-ho!”


Vice principal leads the class in a chorus of laughter.


I look around and see that everyone is laughing at me for being an idiot.


Except for the two women.


Philafy-sensei is just scowling, and Monaka is making wavy lines with her mouth like  she wants to say something.


I restrain her with my hand as she tries to stand up.


“Just watch.”


That’s all I say, and I get up from my seat.

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I walk between the seats to the window.


The classroom is on the first floor, and the open window overlooks the backyard.


The backyard is filled with plants and shrubs, flower beds that haven’t been planted yet, and a small pond with no fish in it.


I put my hand on the window sill and climb over and down into the backyard.


“Muhohohoho!” A sneer followed me.


“Look at you! I was wondering what he was going to do, but he ran off!”


“I knew it was just a big mouth!”


I turned around and said to Philafy-sensei.


“Sensei, please don’t worry about me, just go on with your lesson.”


“What? What? Yes, yes. Then you can all get your leather cloaks and patches from …….”


The class resumes, but all eyes in the classroom are still on me.


I don’t mind and start my own work.


I search for the finest vines in the backyard.


Quantity 5
Quality Level 5 (Material Level 5)
A thick vine that looks like a giant snake.


It is strong and flexible, and can be used as a rope in emergencies.


“Okay, this looks good.”


I peel the crane, which I cut with a stone knife, and split the fibers inside.


I wash the split fibers in the pond water and dry them in the sun.

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In the meantime, I built a simple fire pit, made some tinder, and made a fire.


All that is left to do is to roast the fibers in the fire, and …… would be ready.


And that’s when I notice intense looks on me.


When I look towards the school building, I see that the windows of the classrooms are packed with students staring at me.


“What the hell is that piece of garbage doing ……?”


“He’s taking ivy off a stone knife and putting it on the fire. ……?”


“What the hell does that have to do with leatherwork? ……”


Apparently, they have no idea what I’m doing.


I thought that Philafy-sensei would understand, but she and her students are also shaking their heads.


“I wonder what Leopin-kun is doing……?


“But teacher, I’m sure Leo-kun will do it! Good luck, Leo!”


Monaka waved her hands enthusiastically next to Philafy-sensei.


In the meantime, I finish searing the fibers to a good degree.


“All that’s left to do is to twist them together. ……”


Daijazuru thread
Quantity 50
Quality Level 17 (Material Level 5 + Dexterity Bonus 12)
Thread made from the fibers of the Daejazuru.


High quality, durable, and resistant to wear and tear.


“Whoa… It’s a thread!?”


There is an exclamation.

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