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Shortly after dawn an old wagon pulled up to the barn. Leah Fintree jumped nimbly down. She smiled at a haggard looking Q as he exited and stumbled toward her.

Q swept her up in a hug. "Don't go in there... so many bad people."

Leah smiled, her lovely face blushing as she returned the hug. "It's only been a few hours Q."

Q shook his head. "No... it was days and days. They did things, horrible things." Q buried his head in her soft red hair sighing.

"Oh I see. The Chrono Mage is here." Leah patted his back in sympathy.

"Yes! Her and her damn watch." Finally he released her and gave her a smile. "Okay all better."

Leah giggled softly, "hey I have something for you."

System Message: You have received the Lucky Strike Pendant.

Lucky Strike Pendant

Unique Item: Created by a master jeweler.

Description: +20 Luck

Additional effect: All critical strike damage is doubled. Effect

cannot be countered or avoided.

"Holy smokes... that is amazing." He looked at her in disbelief, "you made this from that polished stone I won?"

Leah nodded breathlessly, it was always nice to have your work complimented. "I tried really hard Q."

"I love it, thank you Miss Fintree." He equipped it while watching her. "Did you come all the way out here to give me this?"

"No, I came here to train also." She looked around a bit nervously.

"You are going to pick up some skill training?" He remembered she didn't have any weapon or combat skill training at all. "Well I'm sure those crazies in the loft will treat you better then they did me."

Leah nodded while smiling, "well I am the Apple Princess."

"..." Q.

"Hey can I see what you learned?" Her smile widened, she had been so happy when she had learned that they would push ahead with the plan.

Q nodded. "Display all Stats."


Level 17

Base Class:N/A TAP Class: NPC Assassin


Strength 22

Endurance 28

Intelligence 24

Agility 23

Luck 28

Charisma 7

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Current TAP Skills

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: Hiding in Plain Site Level 2

Description: Enables character to assume 4

basic NPC identities, Guardsman, Shopkeeper,

Diplomat and Dock Worker. Character cannot

initiate or take part in combat while using this skill.

While Diplomat is active, Charisma is

increased by +30.

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: The Quest Giver Level 2

Description: Enables character to give low

level quests to other characters.

Use of this skill is restricted to Hiding

in Plain site.You now have the ability

to create Mass Quests.

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name:Practice makes Perfect

Weapon Skill: Pistoleros 44

Weapon Skill: Halberd 38

Weapon Skill: Dagger 31

Combat Ability: Blink

Description: Appears directly behind

any target within 100 feet. Returns to

original location after 3 seconds


Combat Ability: Shield

Description: Forms a frontal shield that

absorbs all damage for 12 seconds.

Combat Ability: Backstab

Description: Performs a critical strike while

standing behind a target. Chance to stun.

Leah stared at the display in shock. "That is amazing. You must have worked so hard!

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Q gave her pat on the back in sympathy, "and now its your turn. Make sure you work hard also!"

"Revert privacy settings back to my original default specifications."

Leah rolled her eyes, "try to stay out of trouble today." She embraced him quickly while giving him a light kiss on the cheek.

"Will do, I get to try out the new skills in a raid." He shot her a thumbs up as she walked toward the hellish barn door. With a quick step he jumped up on the wagon and headed back to town.

Quinn finally arrived back at the Shady Horizon just before 9am. "I should log off and get a few things done before the raid, first things first though."

"Open Com-Chat."

System Message: Com-Chat is open, who do you wish to speak to?

"Bo Jangles please," Q rolled his eyes. The dude was definitely an odd duck.

System Message: Bo Jangles is not currently listed in your friend list; do you wish to send a query?

"Yep," he took a seat on the bed and waited.

System Message: You query has been accepted, Bo Jangles has been added to your friend list.

"Well.. this is a surprise. I wasn't expecting to hear from you Q." A small hologram of Bo Jangle's face popped up on Q's Hud.

"Um, yeah sorry to inconvenience you Mr. Jangles." Best make this short, or he might think I want to be his buddy Q thought to himself.

"Just call me Jangles, Q. It's no inconvenience considering I've been trying to recruit you." Jangles smiled briefly before continuing. "Does this mean you've changed your mind?"

"What are you talking about?" God I can't handle this guy Q sighed.

"Haven't you received an invitation to join Concert Hall?" Jangle smiled again, but he probably wouldn't have if he knew how creeped out Q was feeling.

"That Crimson Rose woman?" Q made a distasteful face. "I'd sooner have my teeth pulled than deal with her, what an overbearing monkey's ass."

Jangles stared for a moment and then threw his head back laughing out loud. "That is so true, however she is also a very competent vice-leader." Jangles sighed to himself, "being rude to someone I wanted to recruit is a bit much. If you didn't call about joining, then what can I help you with?"

"I need two flutes. You are a bard right?" Q scratched his head, the last thing he wanted was to owe a favor to creepy man-woman. "Common ones will work, we don't have a market for instruments in Talon since it is a beginner town. "

Jangle eyed Q's holo for a moment, unsure if he was being serious. "I'm sure I can find something suitable."

"Oh, great then. Well consider this as me owing you one!" Q flashed a grateful smile and then immediately terminated the conversation. "Nice.. survived that odd duck with minimal interaction."

"Log Off TAP please." Time to run a few errands before the raid, Q laid back on the bed and waited.

System Message: Do you wish to log off from TAP?

"Yes please."

Bo Jangles sat at his desk in the HQ of Concert Hall staring at the holo that had just blinked off. "I don't think that kid knows who I am," he muttered to himself. He pushed a button on his desk and a moment later an NPC answered through the speaker.

"Yes Mr. Jangles?" Lara Sy was one of the more capable assistants among the NPCs that he had hired for the guild. Truth be known, he had actually hired her because of her sweet-sounding voice. Jangles was certain that she could sing like an angel, but she refused every time he had asked.

"Please send Crimson Rose in to see me." He knew that his vice-leader was in the building, he could tell from the lack of laughter, and the complete absence of any sound signifying enjoyment. She had that effect on people.

Q sat up in his bed stretching. "I guess it works, I don't feel tired at all." TAP advertised itself as a game that was best played while sleeping. Tossing on his workout gear he decided to stop by Tal's apartment before heading out.

Tal opened the door at his knock and led him into the kitchen, her metallic foot clicking on the floor tiles was oddly comforting.

"I'm glad you stopped in, been hoping to chat a bit. Want something to eat Quinn? I was having breakfast and cooked a bit too much."

"Mmm.. I'm not hungry, but I definitely can talk." Quinn followed her into the kitchen and took a seat at their breakfast nook.

She grinned and ruffled Quinn's hair, "You have great hair Quinn."

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"Thanks.. that's it? Good talk." He pretended to get up.

"hahaha... Sit Quinn." She put out two plates and dished him some scrambled eggs.

"Didn't I say I wasn't hungry?" Quinn reached out his hand and took hers.

"Thank you for the meal."

Tal watched him eat, "if this is your "not" hungry, I'm very concerned."

Quinn looked up, smiling with a mouthful of eggs.

"Quinn...remember when Ren was first injured?" Tal took a deep breathe and continued. "We were having a hard time even functioning for a while. I set up an allotment to pay you our rent."

"Yep.. I been paying it same time as mine, every month."

"Yes, and we appreciate you taking some of the worries off of us. You've done a lot of other things as well." Tal pushed an errant stranded of hair behind an ear.

"Sure... you three are my family. Shouldn't I step up and help?" Quinn finished eating and watched Tal speak.

"Our rent went up right after that, the whole building did." Tal sat her fork down even though she hadn't finished.

"Did it? That was two years ago Tal." Quinn shrugged at her. "Who can remember that?"

She grabbed one of his hands, "you've been paying the difference the past two years. You didn't say a word."

"So? You and Pops have to pay medical bills, a few hundred credits doesn't make a difference."

"Is that why you started being a Fodder?" Her blue eyes focused on him, making it impossible to lie.

"Yep." He shook his hand loose. "Don't even think about trying to pay me back" Quinn smiled at her. "Thanks for breakfast!"

"Hey you.. don't run off!" She scolded him, he just did whatever he liked now days.

He grinned at her from the doorway. "Love you Tal."

"Hey! You can't tell a woman that so easily." Tal stood up and walked to the door, the accompanying metallic click following her.

"Cya later Tal." Quinn waved as he headed down the hallway to the stairs.

"Love you too Quinn," Tal called after him.

Quinn tidied up his apartment for a few minutes and then took a seat on his recliner. "Almost time to meet up for the raid." Levering the recliner back he slipped on the headset.

"Log On Tap."

TAP Interface Acquired.

Synchronizing character data.....

Welcome Back Q, find your path!

Sitting up on his bed at the Shady Horizon, he noticed the blinking mail light. "Damn… how do I become less popular," he sighed.


Subject: As Requested Sender:Bo Jangles Attachment:Package

Subject: Great Job! Sender:(NPC) Mora Jol Attachment:2 Packages

Subject: My Apologies. Sender:Concert Hall Attachment:Currency

"Open first mail."

System Message: Plain Silver Flute x 2 has been added to your inventory.

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Plain Silver Flute

Unique Item: Finely crafted by Grand Master musician Bo Jangles.

Description: A simple elegant flute.

Additional Effect: The better the musician, the better the sound.


I hope this will do. Let me know if you need anything else.


"Great, now I owe him one. Open Second Mail."

System Message: Medium Leather Armor set has been added to your inventory.

System Message: Do you wish to equip Medium Leather Armor?

"Yes please, TAP KIT assume Under Armor form.

System Message: TAP Dossier has been added to your Inventory

TAP Dossier

Hades Shadetree TAP Rank:16

Level 67

Base Class:Rogue TAP Class:Assassin


Strength 42

Endurance 28

Intelligence 14

Agility 33

Luck 11

Charisma 7

Current Location: Talon Market place. Updated 4 minutes ago.


I just wanted to say thank you for all your work. The entire combat group is impressed with your potential. That's the first time anyone has managed to disarm me in a spar. Leah passed on your hitlist to our intel. We are still in the process of gathering data. It should only take a few days. This dossier I've enclosed is actually one of your targets. On the bad person scale I would rate him at the very top. When you are assassinated you lose 5 TAP ranks, this doesn't come into effect until after Rank 10, so send him back to 11 for us. Also, there is a nice bounty given for each kill. I've also included some basic leather armor for your raid this afternoon. Don't forget your TAP kit gives you +10 to all stats while in combat.


"Damn, updated four minutes ago?" He shook his head in disbelief. "Open third mail."

System Message: 10 platinum has been deposited into your inventory.

"Haha.. I get the feeling she is using the same template and just rewriting the content. I'll accept her generosity," Q laughed as he rubbed his hands together greedily. "Deposit 10 platinum directly into my account."


I have been temporarily relieved of duty because of my actions. I want to offer you my sincere apologies. At your convenience could you let Bo Jangles know that I said I was sorry?

Crimson Rose

"Um… nope." Rudeness has its own rewards. Q leaned back onto the soft pillow, "a short nap wouldn't hurt I suppose."

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