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An hour later a freshly showered Quinn was laying comfortably in bed. "They say that most of the subscribers play this while they are sleeping. I better not wake up tired, or I'm gonna be pissed."

He donned the headset and lay down on his bed, pulling the covers up he flipped off the light switch by the bed.

"Log On Tap."

TAP Interface Acquired.

Synchronizing character data.....

Welcome Back Q, find your path!

He stretched on his bed in the Shady Horizon before sitting up. "Suppose I"m sleeping safe and sound at home now." He noticed the mail light was blinking so he activated it.


Subject: Day 2 Itinerary Sender: Sinful Jinn Attachment:None

Subject: Where were you? Sender:Rhapsody Attachment:None

Subject: See you soon. Sender: Leah Attachment:Currency

Subject: Guild Invitation Sender:Concert Hall Attachment:Currency

"Open first mail."

Class:Here is a copy of tomorrow's itinerary. Lets have another great day!

10AM Free Time, there are plenty of unique markets in Talon.

2 PM Small mini-raid on the Quarry boss, it will be fun. Meet at Shady Horizon at 1pm.

6PM We will play the rest of the day by ear, but plan to have fun!

P.S. Q! Where the hell are you?

"Hahaha.. wouldn't you like to know. Open second mail."


I was hoping to spend a bit of time with you this evening but you were a no-show.

For your sake I hope you have a suitable excuse since I will be the one protecting your group

during the raid tomorrow... :P FYI... I'm across the hall from you. Come on over when you

log back in, we can chat.


"Not really sure what to make of the dryad lady, she's a bit of a handful I think. Open third mail."

Hi Q,

I'll come by your room at the Shady Horizon around 9pm. There are a lot of people who want to meet you. Thanks for the swim...

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"Oh that's right, the NPC banquet. Should be interesting."

"Open Fourth mail."

System Message: 10 platinum has been deposited into your inventory.


Hey you clown!! Do you know how much trouble you got me in?

Our guild master blamed me for you rejecting our invitation! I think we

got off to a bad start. We are the number one guild in TAP, people are falling

over themselves to get an invite. Quit acting like you have better options.

Crimson Rose

System Message: You have been invited to join Concert Hall, do you wish to accept?

"Umm... nope. Deposit 10 platinum directly into my account."

A short while later there was a soft knock on the door, Q opened the door to a smiling Leah.

"Nice to see you again Miss Fintree," he motioned for her to come in and closed the door behind her.

"We have a bit of time," she lowered her voice in a conspiratory tone. "Can I see the list?"

"The List? Oh right, I meant to take a peak at that." He sat down on the bed and pulled up the Hit List on his hud, Leah sat down beside him.

"Oh hey before I forget can you do anything with this?" He handed her the polished stone that he had won off of Rhapsody in the wager, + 20 to luck.

"Mmm that is really nice, give me a few hours." She pocketed the stone with a small smile.

"Heh, you like shiny things huh?"

"No comment." She turned her attention back to the list and clicked on a few names frowning slightly. "The information is all very basic, and old. I could get this updated for you."

"Really? There isn't a lot of information on there. Just their names and last known location, damn some of it is years old. " He smiled when he recognized a name on the list. "You have to be kidding me."

"We have our own network, it is quite extensive." She looked at the name he had pointed out. "Do you know Miss Crimson Rose?"

"Yep, afraid she might be a bit out of my league at the moment."

Leah nodded. "Your are a level 15 with a TAP class, that is completely unique. Step one rank means that you've found your path. You could very well be facing level 80 characters."

"Hmm, even the levels aren't on the list. It really needs a bit more detail," he nodded in agreement.

"I'll borrow this then and get it back to you in a few days," she smiled as she stowed the Hit List. "Leave it to me Q."

"In that case, please take good care of me Miss Fintree."


An hour later the wooden carriage that they had decided to hire, pulled up in front of a huge red barn.

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"Going on a hayride?" He jumped down and then offered her help as she followed.

"Do you want to go on a hayride?" She pulled the shawl she was wearing tighter around her shoulders as she walked toward the barn. She opened the old barn door and motioned him to enter first.

The smell of roasted meat hit Q as he stepped in, "okay, I want some of that!"

There were perhaps a hundred people crowded into the old barn, most of them stood up when he entered. "This isn't awkward at all, " he mumbled under his breathe.

"Brother Q!! Come , Come! " Bezri and Nimda were sitting at a table with several important looking people.

Leah led him to the seat and then stepped away, "I've things to do Q, talk with them for a while."

"Great, my date has ditched me," he thought to himself.

"Welcome Q," Bezri nodded and then started introducing the people around the table. These were the different leaders of Talon. Law Enforcement, Agriculture, Marketing, and Government. Bezri pointed at each individual as he spoke. In turn they stood up and said their names in response, there too many to remember.

"We want to improve things for all NPCs," Bezri spoke in a serious tone. "For that we need your help."

"Me? What can I do?" He said glancing at the faces around the table.

"Nothing, there is absolutely nothing you can do at this moment. You are entirely too weak." A woman softly spoke, although her voice was scarcely a whisper, everyone at the table heard her clearly. She was dressed all in black, reminding Q of the old ninja movies he use to watch. Her head was uncovered, she wore her white hair up in a bun. Her face was not beautiful but it was strikingly attractive with lavender eyes and marring scars.

"Agreed," he nodded at her.

The dark elf raised an eyebrow, "I am Mora Jol. Since you are being honest I will be too, this is a complete waste of time."

"Perhaps not all is as it seems, Mojo." Q thought his nickname for her would elicit some response, but the woman was a stone wall.

"Perhaps?" She looked at Q as she spoke.

"Disable Privacy Settings, Display all current statistics and Skills."


Level 15

Base Class:N/A TAP Class: NPC Assassin


Strength 22

Endurance 28

Intelligence 24

Agility 23

Luck 8

Charisma 7

Current TAP Skills

TAP: NPC Assassin

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Skill Name: Hiding in Plain Site Level 2

Description: Enables character to assume 4

basic NPC identities, Guardsman, Shopkeeper,

Diplomat and Dock Worker. Character cannot

initiate or take part in combat while using this skill.

While Diplomat is active, Charisma is

increased by +30.

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: The Quest Giver Level 2

Enables character to give low

level quests to other characters.

Use of this skill is restricted to Hiding

in Plain site.You now have the ability

to create Mass Quests.

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name:Practice makes Perfect

Description: You can learn up to three NPC Combat Skills.

You can specialize in three NPC weapons.

"This skill, Practice makes Perfect. It will offset your disadvantage of not having a base class." Mora Jol leaned forward, her flashing eyes taking in everything.

"Mmm, not having a base class takes away weapon specialization and base skills." He smiled at the surprise on her face, the stone wall was defeated.

"It is remarkably similar to how we learn our own skills," he's humble and smart, both good things she thought.

"You practice them over and over until you learn the skill, right?" He smiled knowing that he was hitting one home run after another.

She looked around the table at the shocked faces, "I retract my previous words. I wonder Q, if you would allow us to train you.?"

"That all depends," he said seriously.

She crossed her arms in front of her, here it comes. Wealth? Women? What? "Depends on what," she asked?

"On whether or not I can call you Mojo from now on." He smirked knowing the hook was set.

".... I will consent to that Q," the haughty tone was gone.

"Then train me up Mojo!!" Complete and utter victory.

Two hours later the banquet had ended and Q was sitting on a hay bale in the barn loft. There were a dozen people sitting in a circle arguing with Mojo. These people were some of the most capable NPC fighters from all over. There were Shapeshifters, Dark Elfs, Gnomes, Draconians, Humans and Wood Elfs represented. They had been discussing the best training options for Q.

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"We have to get this right," when Mojo spoke the rest of them would quiet down and listen. To her surprise more than a few of them had started to call her Mojo also. It totally stuck.

A pink haired girl with big goggles strapped to the top of her head stepped forward, "If its range fighting then ya must go with gnome guns, are ya crazy? Ya know the fire power they have."

Mojo nodded, "the problem is that only gnome blood activates your tech, it is useless for anyone else."

"Bullshit, lets give it a try." The pink haired girl stared hard at Q.

"Sure I can try that," he got up off of the hay bale and approached girl. "Okay I have two questions."

The pink haired gnome stared up at him. "I'm super smart, so ask away!!"

"Okay first.. What is your name again?" He smiled at her apologetically.

The pink haired gnome sighed, "its Rembrandt."

"Oh okay, so Remmy it is, second question. Are all gnomes cute like you? Because honestly I was expecting a wrinkly, bald, old guy," Q scratched his chin, his expression serious.

"....." The little gnome's face turned as pink as her hair, the rest of the group chuckled as she was speechless for the first time all evening.

With a solemn face she dropped her pack an unrolled it, inside were every sort of gnome gun you could imagine. "What do you think smart bastard?"

Two shiny pearl handed revolvers caught Q's eye immediately, when he pointed them out, Rembrandt bent slightly and picked one of them up.

"Try not to break it," she said in a nervous tone as she handed it to him.

The pistol was cool to the touch, he turned it over in his hand. The weight and balance of it felt


System Message: NPC Assassin Weapon skill option has been identified. Do you wish to proceed?


System Message: NPC Assassin Weapon Skill has been learned.

Weapon Skill: Dual Pistoleros 1

Description: You have managed to learn a

coveted gnome handgun skill. You can alternate firing

with both hands or use them simultaneously.

"What? Nothing?" The little gnome stared at him, her face depressed.

Q smiled at her and pointed the handgun at the hay bale he had been sitting on.


The gun fired, sending its projectile smashing through the hay bale, and bits of hay exploded into the air.

In the aftermath of the pistol firing, you could hear a pin drop. The remains of the bale floating down on the group. Rembrandt looked at Q, her face lit up in a ridiculous smile.

Mojo was also smiling, but her smile looked like the cat who had just ate a mouse. She glanced at a white robed woman and nodded. "I was most concerned about range damage, the rest will be easy."

"Hmm? What's easy?" Q had a bad feeling as the white robed woman took out an elaborate looking time piece. The loud ticking of a clock could be heard getting louder and louder. "What is that thing?"

A moment later the ticking stopped.

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