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The vid-phone buzzed incessantly as he walked into the kitchen. He shook his head at it before opening the fridge. He glanced at the number, it was different then earlier, but still one that he didn't recognize. "Damn… so popular, I'm eating before dealing with anyone else."

Quinn sat on his couch and brought up his hud. "Wow, eleven calls while I was gone. That has to be a record." He finished a bagel and washed it down with the last of his orange juice.

"I should look at some properties." Quickly he brought up the list of homes that were close to his current location. He wanted to stay in the area, too many really good memories here. After 20 minutes he had found a half dozen or so that he thought would make good choices. He frowned as his vid-phone buzzed again, switching it to the hud he answered.

A young Asian woman with a pixie haircut sat behind the same desk that 'asshat' had called from earlier. When the call connected, she seemed both relieved and happy.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. My name is Anna Li, I'm an attorney with the Orion Media Group." Her voice was smooth and pleasant, she smiled and showed perfect white teeth behind her full lips.

"I'm curious as to why you want to talk with me so desperately Miss Li." She was pretty and he was nineteen, so he was a bit more polite.

"Thank you for taking my call. I represent-"

"You have two minutes." Quinn smiled pleasantly as he interrupted her, only a bit more polite.

"Of course, I'll get right too it. I represent Emily Moore, we wish to transfer her contract to your game character for the next 12 months."

"Umm.. what the hell are you talking about?" Quinn was itching to end the call and jump in the shower.

"Please don't disconnect Mr. Quinn. Just talk with me okay?" Her smile faded as she spoke. "You said two minutes right?"

Quinn gave it some thought and then nodded. "Continue Miss Li."

She gave him a grateful look. "Miss Moore had a three year contract with Concert Hall. There are still two years remaining."

Quinn didn't bother looking like he was following the conversation. "Lost me. Who is Emily Moore and what does this have to do with me?"

The young woman bit her lip as if dreading this part. "Miss Moore is Crimson Rose."

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"Hahahaha.. God.. have you lost your mind? That spiteful, crazy woman who killed me over a guild rejection?" Quinn laughed as he leaned back on the couch. This was humor at its greatest.

"Emily Moore was contracted with Concert Hall, because of the incident they know longer wish to employ her services and are content to let her sit out the remaining of her contract." Anna clasped her hands on the desk as she watched the young man. For once she was clueless as to how approach someone.

"Orion is one of her sponsors?" Quinn was starting to understand.

The popular players from big guilds had huge followings among the public. Websites, commercials, and sponsors all accompanied players like Bo Jangles and Crimson Rose. High profile raids, assassinations and arena events led to huge amounts of profits for corporations. Getting tossed out of a big guild will cause the character's popularity to decrease, this would result in a loss money for her sponsors.

"Yes. Concert Hall will take her back if she accompanies you for the next year. Orion has proposed this as an apology to you while at the same time letting Miss Moore redeem herself." She watched the young man closely.

"So… the apology is having me spend a year with the person who killed me? You look smart Miss Li, so let me ask you a question." Quinn decided that she would be at least number five on the list of attractive women he was acquainted with, both in and out of game.

"Of course, Mr. Quinn." She held her breath and waited for the demands. Her background check into him only showed that he was an orphan, a student and worked for his rent. The kid was a blank slate otherwise.

"Are the people you work for complete Idiots?" He shook his head and disconnected the call, exactly two minutes. "Block this number and all numbers with the same prefix please."

He rinsed out his glass and sat it on the counter before heading into the bathroom. "I wonder how old she is." He spoke out loud as he applied some paste to his toothbrush.

"…." Quin.

Looking in the mirror he discovered something peculiar. He was covered in red lipstick, a quality brand since it didn't run while he was working out. There were kiss marks all over his face. A quick count showed seven.

"Oh.. aren't you the funny one Tal?" He turned on the hot water and stepped into the shower.

After scrubbing with soap and hot water three times he managed to remove all evidence of Tal's prank. Toweling his head, he paused for a moment, his face still a bit red in the mirror. "Oh great… those kiss marks were there during both video calls this morning, well played..."

Walking into the bedroom he forgot all about it. Tal knew that these sorts of things always led to revenge. No need to rush it. He grabbed a tie for his hair and rummaged through his dresser for something to wear.

"Damn, I need to get more clothes." The buzzing from the video phone made him look up. 'Wow, we've passed into ridiculous so quickly.' Walking over he noticed another unknown number. "Well, this will be short."

He hit answer and was about to disconnect...

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"Quinn! Please don't hang up again." It was Anna Li, this time she was in a personal setting. It looked like a bedroom. She was wearing only a towel; her face was red almost beyond recognition.

"Hahaha. Shit. This is was I call tenacity!" Quinn smiled and then turned his back. "I won't hang up Miss Li, please put something on. I will at least hear you out."

"You will? Okay," she grabbed a t-shirt and sweat pants and hurriedly slipped them on. "Sorry .. truly I'm sorry. You're nineteen, so I needed to get your attention. Damn I'm stupid." Anna felt her face heating up again.

"Its fine, no harm done." Quinn shook his head. He could tell she was one of the smart people. They completely lacked common sense.

"Okay all done," she said quietly. "Thank you for being such a gentleman."

"Don't give it another thought," he smiled innocently. 'I'm totally recording this anyway.' He cleared his throat trying to look pure.

"Let me be frank, do you have any interest in corporate sponsorship?" This would really smooth things over for her if he did.

"Absolutely no chance Miss Li," he decided he liked her name. It rolled so smoothly off the tongue.

"Name what you want then, if it is reasonable then we can work together." She took out her notepad even though she was recording the conversation.

"A four bed-room, four-bathroom house within 3 square miles of my current location. " Quinn scratched his chin as he thought it over. "A gated community if possible, generator back-up for power, a pool and maybe a workout room would be fine."

Anna stared at him as he spoke. That's all he wants? Damn, I'm getting promoted over this she thought to herself. "Anything else Quinn?"

"Four virtual pods, the nice ones made for long hauls." He smiled at her. "Hey how are you at clothes shopping?"

"Clothes shopping?" He had a nice face, the kind she liked actually. It was very hard to read anything. "Well I like to shop I guess." She gave a noncommittal answer.

"Great. I want six new pair of pants. Any style if it's casual. Probably a dozen shirts, same requirements as pants. Oh, some running shoes, Nike Pegasus only. That should cover it. Am guessing I don't need to give you my sizes?" Quinn was certain she would know those sorts of things already.

"In exchange you will agree to let Miss Moore accompany you in the game for the next 12 months?" She decided that she liked his smile. The lipstick was gone, she couldn't help but wonder whose it was.

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"Yep, I can agree to that," Quinn decided. If he didn't then who knows what sort of things that crazy female assassin might do.

"We should be able to take care of these things before her character becomes active in 60 hours. Should I call you from here?" She was aware that he had blocked calls from the company.

"I would prefer that Miss Li, the towel is optional." He grinned at her as he disconnected the call.

Tal answered the door on the second knock, she was wearing cutoff jean shorts and a white V-neck shirt. For once her blonde hair was down, Quinn assumed she had just showered since her hair was still damp.

"Hiya Quinn!" She gave him a smile as she let him in.

"Morning Tal." He returned her smile and followed her into the living room. "Going to stop in and visit Ren for a bit."

"Okay." She watched as he walked in. A few moments later the clear sound of a flute floated through the house. It made Tal's heart skip as she listened. Quinn didn't play any instruments, but Ren had taught him 3 notes on her flute. Her daughter had made him practice it until he could play them perfectly.

"I've always been curious as to why she taught you those three notes Quinn." Tal had come to the door and was watching as he played for Ren.

He lowered the flute and looked up. "She never told you?"

Tal shook her head in reply. "I guess I never asked." Her metallic prosthetic clicked softly as she walked into the room.

"Ren was composing her own piece, it required an accompaniment flute. Since the 2nd flute only played three notes she taught it to me. "

"Why only three notes?" Tal noticed his face seemed a bit red, like he had scrubbed it. A bit of guilt seeped in.

Quinn shrugged, "it's fine if you ask me, but then who do I ask? I was tasked to play the same three notes for the duration, although the timing changes quite a few times, I had to remember that too."

"So talented Quinn, " kidding aside, she found him to be an amazing person. Her guilt continued to climb as they enjoyed the peaceful quite of the room.

"She should have asked you Tal. Someone with your talents are much more suited I think."

Tal fixed her hair to hide a slight blush. "Music was never one of my talents, it requires a bit more patience."

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"I wouldn't mind showing you Talia." He spoke softly, he barely ever used her full name. He stood up and moved next to her.

Tal sighed helplessly. The kid did sweet better than anyone, there was no defense. "I can try."

Quinn moved in closer and held the flute up, "hold it here and here." He nodded as she took the silver instrument in her hands. Obviously, she had watched her daughter do it enough in the past.

"I could never get it to sound," a warm feeling in her chest made her lower her voice.

"There's a trick that Ren showed me, you hold in right under your nose but upside down. Then roll it past your mouth so it rests under your bottom lip." He nodded as Tal followed his instructions.

Tal pursed her lips as she blew gently, a small unsteady sound emerged. "Hey, that is close." She kept trying and after several attempts she was able to do it. Her face lit up as she handed the flute back to Quinn.

"Want to stay and eat something?" Tal knew he liked to eat, she was always feeding him.

"No not really. I just stopped in to say hi." He gave her a serious look, "have you thought about getting a house together? The four of us?"

Tal nodded. "Pops thinks it would be great, and I agree."

"Better start packing then, reserve medical transport to move Ren." Quinn walked out of the room and headed for the front door.

"Wait Quinn. Did you find something already?" Tal followed him, sometimes he moved things along so quickly.

"Some very motivated people are looking into it for me." He paused at the door and opened it slightly, "with any luck we'll hear something by tonight." He stepped into the hallway and walked toward the stairs, "love you Tal!"

"Don't say those things so easily rascal!!" She hesitated for a moment, "love you too little Q!" She heard his laughter from the stairs as she closed her door.

"Log On Tap."

TAP Interface Acquired.

Synchronizing character data.....

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