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Q entered the corral and walked up to Red. "Hey big fella," he spoke in a soothing voice as he approached. He had grabbed a bucket and filled it with some water from the trough.

As he approached the horse stomped heavily on the ground, whinnying at him.

"He's gonna stomp you Q!" Jake called from behind the rails, he covered his eyes not wanting to look."

"No.. he won't do anything. He's exhausted." Q held out the bucket, slowly the horse took a step forward. From the looks of the grain bag, Scorch had gone a few more rounds while he was offline.

Q patted him on the neck as the big horse started drinking. "Tell Mo, I need three horses saddled please and grab me a hackamore while you're at it please."

"Come on Red.. time for a bit of running."

By the time Jinn and Rhapsody arrived, Q was sitting on a calm mare and was leading Scorch in small circles. He pointed to two horses tied at the rail. "Those are for you guys."

Jinn jumped into the saddle like it was an old habit, Q watched her with interest as Rhapsody took a slower approach.

"Let's go then." Q headed out of town, leading the red stallion behind him.

Rhapsody heeled her horse to catch up and pulled alongside, they were back on the road they had just left a few hours ago. "Are we going back?"

Jinn seemed to like riding, she barely used her hands at all and seemed to be very comfortable.

Q went through the hairpin turn without slowing down, it was quite easy on a horse that was trotting.

"Where are we going Q?" Jinn and Rhapsody had traded looks several times, both of them wanting to ask.

"Madam Leilani's." Q stated easily.

"Oh my." Rhapsody bit her lip as she bounced in the saddle. She wasn't as adept at riding as Jinn was.

Jinn had turned bright red and refused to ask anything further, her thoughts racing. Was he taking them there to do something? I don't feel ready, he wasn't thinking of anything right?

A half hour later they pulled up to what Q would describe as a huge red circus tent. He had half expected the entrance to be guarded by sword wielding eunuchs, but there was no one there. The trio walked into the brightly lit tent.

"Welcome visitors." A woman dressed in a long green dress approached them. She had blonde hair and big blue eyes, her pale feet were bare.

"You were expecting someone a few hours ago. Hades Shadetree." Q said it matter of factly, no trace of emotion in his voice.

The slender woman bowed slightly. "I"m Leilani, sorry but I don't discuss our customers here."

"Oh Miss Leilani?" Q returned her bow, "he won't be coming." He paused as he saw what looked like relief flash in her eyes.

"Delayed?" Leilani breathed a sigh of relief. Shadetree had been coming every day since the festivals started, he was a vicious man who like to hurt girls.

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"If his death is considered a delay then yes, he won't be back for at least three days." Q could see in her eyes that she was pleased.

"Three days? So, he was assassinated?" This time she didn't hide her smile. Whenever she placed her tent, she was obligated to remain for 6 days, it had already been 5. They could leave tomorrow and wouldn't have to see him again.

Q looked around, the door to many of the smaller tents opened up. Lovely women of all shapes and sizes slowly started to gather. He could hear their whispers.

"Hades isn't coming?"

"Thank you.. I was so scared."

Leilani stared at Q for a moment. "You were the one?"

Q nodded, "I had some help, but yes I was the one."

Leilani smiled at the two girls thinking that they were his help. "Thank you so much."

Jinn was about to admit that they weren't the helpers when Q caught her eye. He obviously wanted her to keep quiet. What was he planning?

"Of course, I want something, do you mind Miss Leilani?" Q asked, being vague was one of his favorite things.

"Whatever you like," she said in a sultry voice. "There are many nice girls here."

"..." Rhapsody.

"...." Jinn.

"Hmm? Oh I see." Leilani could feel the disapproval coming from his companions. Was he their man?

"Well, that is most generous Miss Leilani." Q took out his land deed and showed her. " I imagine that you know something about these? This tent of yours must be a temporary dwelling that operates under similar rules."

Leilani stared at him for a moment, he wanted advice? She produced a similar looking deed and held it out to him.

Deed: Nomadic Red Dome

Unique: Temporary

Description: Can only be set up on

unclaimed Lands in TAP territory.

Must remain for six days before moving.

"It's very similar." Q smiled, nice location you chose here.

Deed: Land and Building

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Unique: Permanent

Description: Pioneer Bounty Award.

Builders, supplies and Land grant

1000 acres.

"You are interested in the site I chose?" Leilani watched him carefully while leaning forward slightly, he was actually very good at keeping eye contact.

"I figure someone like you must have a bit of experience with deeds." The young man ran his hands through his hair as he looked around. "I have some questions, mostly having to do with size."

"Call me Lani please." She asked as she motioned for some chairs for her guests. After they were all seated, she began looking closer at the document. "Well, size does matter," she smirked at him. The two girls blushed a bit but he only grinned.

"It says I can build a house, I'm assuming there is a size limit." Q had read through the deed quickly, the legal language was baffling.

"You want to know how big you can make it?" He was insightful. Most people would jump in too quickly and end up making a mess. She liked that.

"Actually, what I want is to build is a warehouse, no inner walls needed. A huge storage facility." Q started to lay down his plan to her. "I figure high ceilings, one level, as big as I can make it."

"A warehouse?" Lani stared at the deed as he spoke. "If it is just your standard warehouse, you could really go big. Much larger then this tent."

A young dark elf dressed like a butler walked in. She looked like a much younger and less scarred version of Mojo. The same white hair and lavender eyes. She brought in some paper and a pen and sat down. Writing down everything Lani told her. She even made a few sketches of the building.

Jinn watched her student talk. He had none of the shyness of her favorite pupil. He was confident and inquisitive. If she wasn't watchful, these women would snatch him up and he'd end up wandering the continents with them.

"This is the absolute maximum size you can build, if you decide on a warehouse design. This deed also calls for furniture. There is no limit on that. Whatever you like, you can fit in. " The dark elf handed him the information. "There's a portal link you can establish with Talon, that's also part of the plans."

"Pays to be a Baron, I guess! So, I can put rows and rows of shelving." Q started forming an idea. Mostly storage, a small bunk area, long tables for meetings. Some drawing boards. It would work nicely. They would make a small alcove next to the tables for the portal. Some comfortable couches for lounging. Oh, and a big galley for preparing food.

"I'm pulling out at first light tomorrow. If you are here, I will assist you in setting everything up." Lani scratched her chin as she ran some more ideas in her head. "Things like lighting and running water don't affect the building resources. You should include those things."

They spoke for several hours, Lani and Q talking while the dark elf took notes. Her name was Ora Zun, she basically worked as Madam Leilani's assistant. Sometime during the evening Jinn and Rhapsody had been pulled into one of the tents. Q could hear them laughing and talking with the some of the girls.

By the time they had gone over everything Q could think of, the sun was just starting to come up. Lani covered a yawn, while Ora looked as fresh as spring rain.

"Oh.. one last thing before I forget. " He spoke to Ora as he paged through the papers. "It's of a personal matter if you don't mind."

Lani raised one eyebrow, but Ora quickly spoke up. "I don't mind Q."

"A dark elf friend of mine gave me a gift, I've been wondering if I should get her something in return." He was somewhat impressed by Mojo, she always seemed to have everything under control. She reminded him of Tal.

Ora smiled for the first time all night. "What sort of thing did she give you? A trinket perhaps?"

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"It's a dagger," Q stated simply.

"A weapon?" She pursed her lips for a second, her eyes staring at Q. "Is this a ceremonial dagger? Or something usable?"

"Oh, I am going to use it." He took out the dagger and handed it to her.

"T-this is Dark Fang!" Ora looked up at him in shock before glancing at Lani.

It was Q's turn to be surprised. "Yep, I kinda like it but wasn't sure about protocols involving presents."

"Wait, is your friend Mora Jol?" Ora stared at him as if he had horns.

"Huh? You know her?" Q smiled. He didn't want to assume that every dark elf knew each other, but perhaps it was true. They were fairly rare after all.

"Mercy... you kissed Mora Jol!" The shocked look Ora had been giving him just increased by tenfold.

"What?" Q eyes opened wide, was this woman crazy? Kissing Mora Jol? Who'd dare do something like that? "No of course I didn't. Why would you say that?"

"Giving gifts is a sacred and important facet of dark elf culture. I thought you understood that since you came to me for advice."

"What does that have to do with kissing a dark elf princess?" Not that she wasn't amazing, but even Q felt there were limits to his audacity.

"If you were to kiss me, it would be my first kiss." She pulled out a small dagger with a vicious looking jagged edge. "I would then give you this as a token. Since we are a race of deep feelings, it's an important part of our culture. If I said something like,' I don't wish to see you again' then you could just be thankful for the gift and forget it."

Q scratched his head as he thought. "Well, she didn't say anything like that."

"Well.. what did she say?" It was Lani who asked. Who would believe that this young man had such impressive reach.

"She said something like, 'this is a present because I like you.' I think that was it." Q shrugged as he spoke. "I didn't kiss her though."

"Did." Ora was certain.

"No, I'm positive." Q frowned at them. "It's not like I can't keep track you know!"

"Name all the girls you kissed in the past few weeks." Ora smiled when she said it. It was obvious that Lani was amused as well.

"Oh.. this ought to be good." Rhapsody winked at Q as she walked up with Jinn, their arms linked as they both smiled.

"Spill it Q." Jinn said sternly, biting her lip to keep from smiling.

"Leah Fintree, of course." Q spoke as if he was concentrating.

"Of course." Jinn and Rhapsody spoke at the same time then broke into giggles. The sweet scent of wine told Q they had been drinking a bit.

"Rhapsody," technically she kissed him though, he sent her a fake smile.

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"Go on." Lani leaned forward in her chair. She noticed that several of her girls were standing in their doorways listening.

"That's it," Q gave them a innocent look.

"You sure?" Ora pursed her lips as she questioned him.

"Of course I'm sure.." Q sighed heavily. "Oh wait, Amazing Grace I think."

"When did you kiss her?" Jinn was about as surprised as she could be. Amazing was lovely, but also very shy.

"Well it was really dark, and she snuck up on me at the hot springs. At first, I thought it was Rhapsody playing tricks, so I was going to teach her a lesson." It had seemed justified at the time, damn it. A slippery slope.

"For the record, I like those kinds of tricks," Rhapsody winked at him shamelessly.

"But then the two of you and Daze showed up, so it must have been her." Q nodded as he recollected the events.

"Nope." Jinn shook her head.

"No way." Rhapsody agreed quickly. "Grace was with us before we left the group to find you. All the girls were."

"Everyone one of them Q. We were having some girl talk." Jinn stated, she always kept track of her students, she would know if one of them were missing or wandering around.

Lani laughed aloud. "You took liberties with Mora Jol!"

Q looked decidedly pale as he started to piece it together. She did seem a bit surprised, but if that was true then why didn't she say something? Remembering back, they had kissed a few times before getting interrupted. "Oh god.. my great life is gone."

Several fits of laughter erupted from the surrounding tents. Q felt his normally thick face turning red.

A few hours later the Red Tent had been stowed away and Q was in the process of having his warehouse built. There were no engineers or carpenters, it was straight up magic. The most potent kind in the game. Once the builders finished, they would disappear along with whatever remaining resources they had. Q and Lani had planned it out so that he would take advantage of every last scrap.

"I really can't thank you enough." Q bowed his head to Lani who returned the courtesy.

"You are someone who gives respect, and so I feel comfortable returning it." She turned toward Ora who was approaching them, she had just finished setting up a portal back to Talon.

"Here, this is an appropriate gift for Mora Jol given the circumstances." Ora kept a straight face when she handed a small box to him and then turned away before he could see her smile struggling to get out.

"Okay, thank you Ora." Q paused as she waved back at him without turning around. Perhaps she was sad because she was leaving. They did seem to hit it off.

Lani watched as all her girls and equipment exited through the portal. "I'm always last," she gave Q and his friends a brief smile as she shook everyone's hand sincerely.

"Thank you for your help Lani, I"m really going to miss you." Q held her hand a moment as they said goodbye.

Lani paused as she was stepping away, "If fate wills it, we will meet again someday."

Q nodded and called after her, "the path to a friend's home is never long." He watched as the portal finally closed behind her.

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