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Mojo's eyes flash at Q before she walked away. Mojo was going to take action too? Q smiled to himself, this was going to be fun.

They walked in through the double doors. All four of them wearing the same black leather armor, the chest was adorned with an obsidian emblem of a Raven. Raven Squad had arrived. Leah altered her course when she noticed Q.

"Raven is ready to go sir!" There was no trace of emotion in the redhead's face.

"Thank you, Leah. Here is a copy of the Salute Report, it's only a few minutes old." Q handed her a piece of paper as his eyes roamed over Raven squad.

Size-37 2nd Tier Raiders

Activity-Currently Scouting and forming into groups.

Location- The River Basin, 12 on the East side. 12 on the West, 13 members unknown.

Uniform-36 Orion Prime Members, 1 unknown.


Equipment-Melee and Range weapons only. No explosives or catapults detected.

"Let me see your improvement Raven Squad." He smiled at them as they activated their huds.

Blooming Onion

Level 38

Base Class: Warrior

Sub Class: Monk


Strength 23

Endurance 25

Intelligence 19

Agility 23

Luck 15

Charisma 19

Amazing Grace

Level 21

Base Class: Cleric


Strength 21

Endurance 25

Intelligence 31

Agility 23

Luck 15

Charisma 29

Summer Daze

Level 22

Base Class: Ranger

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Strength 27

Endurance 22

Intelligence 24

Agility 29

Luck 17

Charisma 22

"Well done! I know the training with Yayia is difficult, you all did well." He pulled out his pistoleros, checking them before returning them to their holsters. "Report to Bez, he has some special weapons just for them."

"Yes Sir." Leah motioned for the squad to follow and they all headed toward the far shelves where Bez was taking inventory.

Remmy approached with a bag stuffed full of items, her pretty face was flushed with excitement. Known fact, Gnomes love blowing shit up. "I've got everything Q, even the fishing line you asked for."

"Follow me back to the conference table and we'll go over a few things, we have to attack before Orion is ready." Q walked quickly toward the table, his hud blinked at him twice. "Open Com-chat."

Rhapsody's face popped up on his hud, she was in deep foliage and nearly invisible, her voice was the slightest whisper. "I found the rest of them. There is a Van Guard of 8 heavy armor wearers, they are standing guard around a campfire 1 mile back from the River Basin. There are 4 additional raiders inside that circle. I can't find the last person, I'm assuming he is someone important."

"Thank you. Stay out of sight, your job will be to pick off stragglers silently when the offensive starts." Q gave her a worried look.

Rhapsody nodded, "I know what to do Q."

"Do not engage a target if it leaves you exposed." Q knew that NBKs were terrifying in the woods, but he still didn't want anything to happen to her.

"I know what to do Q." She repeated and closed the channel.

"Bez! I want a prism set up for prisoners next to the alcove. Temporarily suspend all portal traffic." Q watched as Bez set a fist sized prism on the floor in the alcove, a clear hexagonal barrier instantly formed.


Unique:Faction Prison

Effect: All defeated enemies will appear

in the prism. All prisoners are silenced,

no special abilities or items may be used.

Additional Effect: HP of prisoners are set to 1.

Q waited for a minute while everyone gathered together. He activated the 3-D map of the area, it was much more detailed after the mornings activities. Leah and the rest of Raven squad approached, they were armed to the teeth.

"On my signal, Raven squad will take out the healers from the groups on the South East and Central side of the basin located here and here! Mora Jol will take out the group on the North East side at the same time. Remmy, Jinn and Myself will remove the Van Guard."

"The three of you are going to take out the entire Van Guard?" Mora was confident in Remmy's ability, but Jinn and Q weren't nearly as strong.

"Leave it to us." Q stated quietly, staring at Mojo until she nodded. "Once the Vanguard, the healers and the North East group are taken out, we will push the remaining survivors West toward this wooded area next to the Vanguard camp. Do not enter the woods, we will have trip-lines rigged with explosives across all the trails." He looked around the table, there was a stunned silence.

"Trip lines? Hmm, you're so clever Q!" Remmy grinned at him and patted her pack full of explosives. "You must have some gnome blood in you for sure!"

"What's the signal Q?" Leah licked her dry lips, she felt nervous but excited to get started.

"We are gonna blow shit up." He looked at Remmy and they high-fived each other.

Thirty minutes later Remmy and Q were setting the last of the trip-lines. Jinn had been watching them the entire time, trying to stay out of their way. After they were done they slowly circled toward the Vanguard. They stopped behind a rock cropping a few hundred feet from the camp.

"No roving guards, no perimeter set up... seriously?" Remmy was a veteran of many battles, she knew that Orion was being sloppy.

"They are arrogant, more so than a Tier 2 raid group should be. We have to be on guard anyway, something feels off." Jinn spoke softly as she took out a picnic basket from her inventory.

"Where did you get that?" Q shook his head, had she been planning a picnic out here sometime?

Remmy placed a pie sized explosive in the basket, "fits perfectly ! I will set the timer, you deliver the pie and Q will be on clean up." They had been over this a few times, so everyone knew what to do.

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Q nodded at Remmy and she quickly set the timer before covering the basket, Jinn walked toward the camp.

Jinn has cast *Walk among your enemies.*

The air is filled with the mysterious feel of joy and friendship.

Remmy's jaw dropped, she had heard of the dancer skill but had never seen it in action. "Damn, that's just really impressive."

They all saw her as she approached the camp, many of them smiled and waved. All their attention was focused on Jinn so they didn't see the figure in black shadowing her.

"Thank you for coming." Jinn smiled seductively as she approached the four leaders who stood next to the campfire. She sat her basket down, her dark eyes filled with mischief.


Q appeared behind her an instant later and wrapped her up in his arms.

"Huh? Whose that guy?" One of the leaders, a paladin by the looks of it, gripped his sword when he saw Q.

Jinn smiled playfully, "he's my favorite student."


A moment later a loud boom erupted from the Van Guard camp, the power of the explosion shaking the warehouse a few miles away. All twelve members of the camp appeared in the HQ prism instantly.

Bez stared at the prison and clapped his hands together. "It has started."

Raven squad had positioned themselves between their two objectives. Leah was watching the cleric from South East group. The ground shook as a deafening explosion shook the valley, sending a powerful wave of air in all directions.

*I wish you were me*

Instantly Leah replaced the cleric, the group was too distracted to notice.


The five remaining members doubled over grabbing theirs eyes as Leah sprinted back toward her team.

Onion had stunned the cleric with his shield the instant she appeared, within moments he looked like a pincushion as Daze filled him full of arrows while the other two attacked with melee weapons. Seconds later the stunned cleric fell, he hadn't been able to utter a word.

Leah joined them as the cleric fell and sighted the cleric from the central group.

*I wish you were me*

This time two members noticed her, and grabbed for their weapons.


Leah rejoined her group just as they finished off the second cleric. Swiftly they skirted around the first group that had started to recover, and hid in the trees.

The group on the North East side never knew what hit them, after being rocked by the sudden explosion, two members were insta-killed by a stealthed rogue. The rogue had taken out both casters and smiled pleasantly as the melee attacked. A tiger had come down from the mountain, and all the sheep were slaughtered.

Back at the warehouse, Bez was updating Q on Com-chat. "20 prisoners Q."

"Understood, the two fractured groups have joined up and we are pushing them into the kill zone." Q cut comm and drew his pistoleros. "Lay down fire, but don't pin them down. "

Daze and Remmy were both firing at will, Reaper could only fire once every 2 minutes, so Remmy was using a pistoleros modified with a stock and rifle sights.

"Establish your domain, push right down the middle at them." Q watched as Onion and Grace abandoned their leather gear for heavy plated armor. Warriors and Clerics were naturally a powerhouse team, the base classes could form a perfect domain. Q nodded in satisfaction, they were basically a walking, self-healing tank.

Under the fire support of Remmy, Daze and Q, the Tank Domain pushed the group steadily backwards. Jinn was acting as back-up Crowd Control in case they were overrun.

Q's hud blinked, "open Com-chat."

"Q! There's trouble on the North East side, Mojo has engaged." A moment later Rhapsody's com cut off.

"Raven Squad, break-off and fall back towards the warehouse!" He watched as Onion and Grace broke the Domain and retreated toward HQ with the rest of Raven. "Remmy, find some high ground, Jinn you're with me."

The little gnome nodded and headed toward the ridge.

"Open Com-chat, Mora Jol." Q's query was met with only silence.. "Damn it." He headed toward Mojo's last location, Jinn running easily behind him. After a few minutes they heard the sounds of battle from up ahead.

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He slowed down as he approached the clearing, a hand suddenly grabbed him and pulled him behind some trees. It was Rhapsody, her green curly hair was matted in blood, one half of her body was burned badly.

"Heal yourself!" He pulled his pistoleros out and peeked around the trees.

"I would if I could Q, he's set a 'silence' on the entire area, its range is pretty far." Rhapsody whispered, she was obviously tired and in a lot of pain, she had been out here since the beginning.

Jinn knelt beside Rhapsody and removed some bandages from her pack. Her eyes were red as she wrapped her friends wounds.

Q carefully studied the area. Mojo and the Caster had clashed several times already from the looks of it. Mojo was burnt in several places, while the caster was seemingly untouched. He stood calmly on what looked like a golden cloud, hovering 30 feet off the ground. He had his hands clasped behind his back and was smiling down at Mora Jol.

"You are the Faction Leader, Mora Jol correct? Surrender and I will take the standard 30 percent spoils, if you resist further, then I will take everything.."

"You've invaded our lands and wish to set terms? Who are you anyway?" Although Mora Jol was slightly injured, she still liked her chances of holding him off.

"Of course, introductions have to be made." He bowed slightly, "I am Jomi Hellfire, a wizard in the employment of Orion Prime."

"Shit, he's a damn mercenary, part of the Iron Legion." Rhapsody watched the tall orange haired man bow and she shuddered. "Orion must have hired him, no wonder they were so aggressive."

Jomi Hellfire

Base Class: Mage

Sub Class:Wizard

Level 90

Q's com-chat blinked, he accepted the call and Remmy's face appeared on his hud. "I have the orange haired bastard in my sights, but something has locked down my weapon."

"Bastard must have some sort of artifact that establishes a special domain." Jinn shook her head. "This guy could kill us all Q."

"Would there be a timer on this domain?" Q was thinking hard, he definitely didn't want to lose to some orange haired freak. He felt his face getting hot as he lost his temper. He barely ever lost his temper, but when he did, bad things happened.

"Who knows Q," Rhapsody winced as as Jinn patched her up.

"He's hurt people that I care about, disturbed the peace of our new home and threatened us. This ends now." He stared at Jomi, anger burning in his eyes.

Jinn placed a hand on her students arm,"Q, don't be rash okay?"

"I wonder if I could get the two of you to close your eyes for a moment." Although his words were calm, his eyes blazed with fury.

The two friends looked at each other, both slightly confused. However, a moment later they both closed their eyes.

"Activate Hiding in Plain Site, Foreign Prince." A moment later Quinn patted Jinn's shoulder indicated that she could open her eyes.

"...." Jinn.

"...." Rhapsody.

"Hey, you can't engage in combat while using that form Q," Remmy whispered softly through the Com-chat, she had a huge smile on her face. She loved the Foreign Prince.

"Don't worry, I'll take it from here." Prince Quinn stepped out from behind the tree.


He instantly appeared behind the orange haired wizard.


A moment later both he and the wizard were free-falling toward the ground. Right before impact...


The Foreign Prince appeared next to his friends safe and sound as the Wizard crashed into the ground. Anger raged in Q as he stomped back toward the mercenary.

"What ?" Mojo looked at the Wizard who was suddenly laying on the ground, she was so shocked that she didn't think to attack him. Her mouth dropped in surprise when she saw Prince Quinn.

"So.. you've come to my lands and hurt my people." Q grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and jerked him to his feet. It had been a thirty foot free-fall, but he was a 90 level character after all and so was only slightly injured.

"Start walking!" Q shoved him toward the direction of the warehouse.

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You could hear Remmy laughing through the Com-chat that was still open on Q's hud. "Kick his ass Prince Quinn!"

"A fine idea." Q took a big step and launched a kick right onto the wizard's back side. Jomi fell on his face, his mouth working like he was trying to yell. Q grabbed him by the collar and yanked him back up. "I said walk Wizard!"

The wizard started walking again, looking over his shoulder at the dark prince with the blazing eyes.

Q paused for a moment, "Clean up the rest of the trash please, meet back at HQ." Mojo nodded and instantly stealthed, a moment later a loud boom sounded off as Reaper started firing. "You two come with me." He held a finger to his lips indicated silence to Jinn and Rhapsody.

"Open Com-Chat, Leah Fintree."

A moment later Leah's face appeared on Q's hud, her face registered surprise but she didn't say anything. "Prince Quinn!"

"Have Raven Squad go on the offensive, attack all targets." He closed com and then scowled.

"Not fast enough Wizard." He kicked Jomi's butt again, sending the mercenary flying. "Why are you laying down again? I said walk!"

Rhapsody giggled despite still being in shock over the events. It didn't stop her from recording everything.

The entire way back, Quinn's boot would find Jomi's backside over and over. He listed all the crimes that he felt the Wizard was guilty of, yelling at him between kicks. By the time they arrived at the warehouse the wizard was covered in scraps and bruises; no actual damage had been done, but he was scared beyond his wits. Quinn kicked him one last time right before the warehouse, launching him against the door. He bent down and picked him up by an ankle before dragging him him inside.

Silence greeted Prince Quinn's entrance, they watched as he hauled the wizard toward the prism and tossed him inside. The other prisoners mouths opened in disbelief. Jomi Hellfire curled up in a ball and started crying silently. Prince Quinn stared hard at the prism, "so... attacking the Fora Development Group, still a good idea?"

Within half an hour the 37th member of the invading force was secured within the prism.

"Bez, please sound proof the prism and opaque the walls." A moment later the clear walls of the prism clouded up, and the prisoners no longer heard any noise from the warehouse.

System Message: The Fora Development Group has defeated the invasion force of Orion Prime.

System Message: A perfect score of 1000 has been attained in defense of your faction. All members of the faction have been awarded the 'Weathering the Storm,' title.

System Message: Fora Development Group Faction has been promoted to Level 2. You may now establish a second portal link to the city of your choice.

System Message: Raven Squad has achieved exemplary service in supporting the defense of your faction. All members of Raven Squad are awarded the 'burning star' badge.

*Ding Level 31*

*Ding Level 32*

System Message: Your Natural Leader Ability has been upgraded to a Deviant Ability.

Deviant Ability: The Commander

Description: Your quick thinking and

decisive planning makes you a natural

leader. Everyone under your command

receives +5 to all stats.

Additional Effect: The Commander is immune

to critical hits, all critical hits do normal damage.

Q looked around, all eyes were watching him. He could hear his classmates whispering.

"Is that the Faction Leader?"

"He's so handsome, how come he looks so familiar?"

"Can you marry NPCs?

Q laughed as he walked toward the conference table. Mojo and Leah had already arrived. Mojo bowed her head when he approached. When she did the rest of the NPCs did also.

"How are your injuries Mora Jol?" Q asked. She had been over-matched against the wizard, but only because he was airborne and possessed some sort of domain artifact.

"I'm fine, thank you my Prince." Mojo said it instinctively as she smiled.

Q was surprised but played along, he understood that Prince Quinn must be thought of as part of the Faction Leadership.

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