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Remmy was staring at Prince Quinn, her face flushed as she looked up at him. "That was really something Prince!"

Q smiled pleasantly at the gnome,"thank you Sir Rembrandt."

Remmy's chest puffed out and she straightened up, "it is my honor to serve, your highness."

Leah's eyes bugged out when she heard Remmy's words, even Mojo covered her mouth to hide her surprise. Little Remmy the gnome, who knew she was so eloquent?

Q looked around, it wasn't lost on him that everyone in the building was looking at the Foreign Prince. His gaze fell on Rhapsody, and he smiled. "Rhapsody, a moment of your time please."

Rhapsody approached cautiously, she knew of course that this was Q. She also understood that it was a huge secret. "Yes Prince Quinn?"

Q gripped the hilt of his sword, smiling kindly at the dryad. "Take a knee please."

Rhapsody went down on one knee, her eyes dark with confusion. What was going on here?

"Tormented Rhapsody, under difficult circumstances your scouting provided vital information that directly led to our victory. Throughout the day you labored tirelessly in our cause, at great peril to yourself. You are a shining example of friendship and bravery. The courage you displayed today reflects great credit upon yourself, this faction and all of Fora. As recognition of your deeds, I hereby dub thee, Sir Tormented Rhapsody, Knight of Fora."

A soft golden glow pulsed around Rhapsody for a few moments before fading, she was staring at Q in shock as she got back to her feet.

Sir Tormented Rhapsody

Level 49

Base Class: Ranger

Sub Class: Dryad TAP Class: Natural Born Killer

Special Class: Knight of Fora


Strength 25

Endurance 28

Intelligence 28

Agility 30

Luck 28

Charisma 34

"Wow, your stats jumped." Jinn hugged her friend, she noticed that the dryads eyes were wet with tears. The room erupted in applause.

Rhapsody tucked her head on her friends shoulder and to everyone's surprise started crying. "He said all those nice things.."

Jinn smiled and stroked her head. She gave Q a thumbs up, everyone liked being recognized when they worked hard.

Surprisingly Leah approached them after Q walked away with Bez, "thank you both for your help." She hugged both girls separately, before returning to talk with Raven squad.

Jinn gave Rhapsody a blank look, "damn, she's really sweet."

Rhapsody nodded, "and she smells like apple blossoms."

Jinn sighed heavily, "and her boobs are bigger than mine."

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Rhapsody smiled, "and the freckles are super cute."

Jinn laughed, "even so I kinda like her."

Rhapsody sighed, "me too."

They giggled together for a moment.

Rhapsody unstored Bingo and started rubbing his tummy. She gave her friend a glance, "so... think Leah and Q are....?"

Jinn looked toward the apple princess who was talking to Onion. "Nope, but she definitely has the inside lane."

System Message: Orion Prime has attempted a faction invasion and was repelled. What percentage would you like to set the penalty to?

"One hundred percent."

System Message: Members of invading force forfeit all items, equipped and stored in inventory.

System Message: Do you wish to set a ransom on members of invading force?

"Yes, set ransom to maximum amount."

System Message: Ransom set to 100 thousand credits per person.

"Normally the forfeit is set around 30 percent." Jinn told Q in a hushed tone. After checking on her students she had rejoined the command group around the table.

"Hmm? They came here looking to take from us. We won't be pushed around." Q was still angry over the invasion.

A few hours later, all the students from Q's class had returned to the Shady Horizon, giving Q a chance to step out and change back into himself. Rhapsody and Jinn were smiling at him as he approached.

"Oh I downloaded that video onto the TAP website." Rhapsody gave him a grin as Bingo struggled to break free from her grasp.

"What video?" Q suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The one with super smoking hot Prince Quinn, kicking a 90 level wizard all the way back to Faction HQ. I labeled it, 'The booted path.'" Rhapsody seemed to be completely recovered, although Q thought she looked tired.

"Oh god... my happy life fades once again." Q sighed heavily for effect, causing his two friends to burst out laughing.

Q joined them in laughing, he had really enjoyed kicking that arrogant fool's ass. He noticed that Mojo was walking toward them, all of the NPCs were in tow. "Thank you for today, without your help we would have been in serious trouble." She spoke softly to Jinn and Rhapsody, she had never really spoken with them before.

"We are happy to help Mojo." Jinn felt strange calling such an esteemed person by that nickname.

Rhapsody nodded, "sorry I couldn't be of more help with the Wizard idiot."

Mojo placed a dark hand on her shoulder, "he was really strong. Thankfully the artifact he had on him is now ours. Along with everything else he had."

"All the ransoms have been paid," Bez stated having just sent the last of the Invaders through the portal. After being released they were banned for 72 hours, just like an assassination freeze.

Q rubbed his hands together, "whats my cut Bez?"

Bez handed him 100 credits, "here you go Q!"

"...." Q.

The group around him erupted in laughter, Q stared at them harshly and then cracked a smile. "I got to kick that fool's butt a hundred times, that's payment enough."

"Yes I'm sure, but how did you do it?" Mojo had waited patiently until all the students had left before she asked the question that had been bothering her.

"Hmm? Well, I took a big step and then swung my leg really hard." Q nodded to himself and sighed contently, "launched that sucker right off the ground.... good times."

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Leah giggled loudly, causing everyone to stare. She blushed slightly and covered her mouth.

Q winked at her, secretly giving her a thumbs up, 'always laugh at my jokes.. even when they are lame.'

Simple Restraint

Rare Item

Description: Handcuffs designed to completely nullify

all abilities of the wearer for 30 minutes.

Additional effect: Wearer is mute for 30 minutes.

Rhapsody glanced at Jinn, her mouth was hanging wide open. "You used a party favor to take down a 90 level Wizard?"

Jinn still couldn't form words properly, he had won that item from her. What kind of godly luck did Q have?

No one spoke for several moments, even Mojo was speechless. "It defies logic and yet I was there and witnessed it."

Jinn, Rhapsody and Remmy were all nodding.

"He's brave, smart and kind." Leah's wasn't shy about giving Q compliments.

"And that Prince guy is super hot." Rhapsody felt obligated to add her opinion.

"Want to explain that Q?" Jinn wanted to know, but she didn't want to pry too much.

"The Gnome inheritance was a cover story that we came up with." Q wasn't against telling them anymore. They were good companions who had stood with him. "Through happenstance, I received a legendary item that awarded me a unique TAP Class. That much is true."

"His TAP class has a high compatibility with NPCs. We are his natural allies, he is even able to learn our skills." Mojo smiled as she remember her first meeting with Q.

"What TAP class?" Jinn felt like she had been holding her breathe, Q's abilities had always seemed so varied.


Level 32

Base Class:N/A TAP Class: NPC Assassin


Strength 32

Endurance 38

Intelligence 34

Agility 33

Luck 38

Charisma 17

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: Hiding in Plain Site Level 3

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Description: Enables character to assume 5

basic NPC identities, Guardsman, Shopkeeper,

Diplomat, Dock Worker and Foreign Prince. Character cannot

initiate or take part in combat while using this skill.

While Diplomat is active, Charisma is

increased by +30.

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: The Quest Giver Level 2

Description: Enables character to give low

level quests to other characters.

Use of this skill is restricted to Hiding

in Plain site.You now have the ability

to create Mass Quests.

TAP: NPC Assassin

Skill Name: Practice makes Perfect

Weapon Skill: Pistoleros 58

Weapon Skill: Halberd 44

Weapon Skill: Dagger 51

Combat Ability: Blink

Description: Appears directly behind

any target within 100 feet. Returns to

original location after 3 seconds.

Combat Ability: Shield

Description: Forms a frontal shield that

absorbs all damage for 12 seconds.

Combat Ability: Backstab

Description: Performs a critical strike while

standing behind a target. Chance to stun.

Deviant Ability: The Commander

Description: Your quick thinking and

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decisive planning makes you a natural

leader. Everyone under your command

receives +5 to all stats.

Additional Effect: The Commander is immune

to critical hits, all critical hits do normal damage.

Jinn whistled, not even bother trying to hide her envy. "That clears up several questions that had been bothering me."

Rhapsody nodded, "damn... to be honest I want to join up." She looked at Jinn who nodded in agreement. "We need a few days to make things official."

Jinn gave Q a look, she had a satisfied smile on her lips. Q had showed his trust in them by sharing this. "We are going to log off. Damn... I don't have anything planned for tomorrow."

"Lets visit Fenway." Q knew it was a huge city on their continent, and it was home to Concert Hall's HQ.

"The travel tokens to Fenway are really expensive. I know the students have all benefited financially this week, but I can't ask them to pay 1000 credits each." Jinn sighed, she had never been to Fenway either.

"There's no need for that," Q glanced over at Mojo who nodded. "We are going to link our HQ with Fenway, they will only need the apple tokens you gave them."

"What? We are going to Fenway?" Rhapsody's eyes lit up with excitement.

Jinn clapped her hands together. "Time to shop!! Oh I can use those credits from Concert all!"

After they both had left, Q spoke quietly to the group, "I have another target in Fenway Mojo." Q reminded her, even though she probably didn't need it.

"Tempered Frost.. We will get you a full run-down on her by tomorrow." Mojo said absent mindedly. She still felt stunned by Q's defeat of Jomi.

"I'm going to stretch my legs a bit and then log myself." Q waved to everyone and then walked out the door.

Night had come to Fora, it was warm with a slight breeze. Q made his way back toward the woods next to the Van Guard camp. He had placed all those trip wires on the trails, and wanted to make sure he removed them. It actually took him almost two hours before he finished.

"Damn, well at least I remembered." He doubted Remmy even thought of explosives as dangerous.

System Message: NPC Assassin Weapon skill option has been identified. Do you wish to proceed?

Q froze in shock for a moment. "Yep."

System Message: NPC Assassin Weapon Skill has been learned.

Weapon Skill: Demolitions 1

Description: You have managed to learn a

coveted gnome engineering skill.

"Holy shit balls. Should that have happened? I better tell Mojo and the others about this. He looked at the time on his hud and then forgot all about demolitions."

She was waiting for him, a long white dress and bare feet. She wore a wreath of apple blossoms on her head. Her long red hair flowed gently in the night breeze. Q was certain she was the most beautiful person in all of TAP.

She approached him slowly, swaying hips and hair floating on the wind. Hugging him tightly around the waist as she sighed contently. "I've been waiting for you Q."

He smiled at her, it had been a long day. "TAP Kit interface, unequip all clothing ex-"

She placed a hand on his mouth stopping him from speaking. Her green eyes flashing in the moonlight as she pushed him down on the bank. "I think I can manage your clothes this time Q."

He felt her soft lips kiss his neck as she slowly removed his shirt. He jumped slightly when her tongue darted out and tasted his skin.

"Damn, If this is foreplay, I'm a dead man."

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