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Q exited the portal, still holding Leah's hand. She was taking in her first view of Zohai. It was undeniably hot, the town was laid out nearly identical to Talon. "All starter cities are like this?"

Every building was the pale-yellow color of sand, the stones lining the street were exactly the same. "It's like someone painted the entire city with a big yellow paintbrush." Q spied a huge white columned building in the distance, without a doubt it was an arena.

Mojo nodded, "Everything is made of sandstone here, but besides that, even the stables are in the same place As Talons."

"It's hot and dry, just like home." He pursed his lips, "maybe I should have started as a dark elf."

"…." Leah.

Mojo laughed and shook her head. "I can't see it."

Walking out of the market, they walked directly toward the arena. There was no wind at all, the heat was somewhat stifling. Jinn and Mojo were the only ones who looked comfortable.

Q glanced back over his shoulder, "hey for once you are properly attired."

Jinn frowned at him. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Well… your clothing tends to be of the transparent, veiled variety." Q ducked when she tried to flick his ear. 'What is with women and ears?'

"Are we heading to the arena right now?" Mojo was walking with her hands behind her back, ignoring the passersby's who were gawking at her.

"First I need to find some common Alchemy ingredients to make something." He squeezed Leah's hand, "what's your alchemy skill at now?"

"Hmm? Do you want me to make you something?" Her green eyes danced with mischief. "My skills don't come cheap you know."

Mojo frowned at the flirting couple, she inserted herself between the two of them, sliding an arm through each of theirs.

"Been separated already Q?" Rhapsody snickered from behind them.

"There is an apothecary on this street, he will carry most of what you need." Mojo pulled them up the street another block and then ducked Into a small shop, through a beaded entry.

"Oh… a bead doorway. I should put one of these in my room." Q was wondering where he could buy one as he followed her in.

It was a small shop with floor to ceiling shelves; dried herbs, plants and powders of every shape, size and color were visible.

Q let out a low whistle, "remarkably well stocked." Q had figured that any pharmacy type shop close to the arena, would have everything he needed..

An old dark elf limped over, he had close cropped white hair and was blind in one eye. Q watched him move, he exaggerated the limp, he definitely wasn't some helpless old man.

"Greetings customers. I am Vale Tu, it is my ho.." He stopped speaking when his eyes met Mora Jol's.

He immediately bowed his head, his old face wrinkled up in what may have been a smile. "Young Princess Jol."

"Mr. Tu, I am glad to see you are well." Mojo bowed her head slightly in return, something she barely ever did. She nodded at Q, "this is Q'Ikah, please do your best to help him."

"Q'Ikah?" The old man narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms in front of him.

Q had a small inkling that 'Ikah, wasn't some meaningless honorific. He handed the old man a list. "That should be everything."

He read the list to himself, his lips moving slightly. "You making Firna poison?"

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"Not sure what it would be called here, it's a very low-grade poison that lasts a few hours and then leaves your bloodstream." Q activated his hud and brought up the arena interface."

"Yep, that's Firna alright, want to buy the bottles instead? Save you a bit of time and credits." The old man smiled, 'so he's a fighter. Did Mora Jol bring him to challenge Dorum?'

The old man stepped behind the counter, Q grinned as he read the standings.

Arena Team Ranking 10v10 1) Zephyr 2) Concert Hall 3) Clan Sai

Arena Team Ranking 5v5 1) Zephyr A 2) Zephyr B 3) Concert Hall

Top Five Individual Scores 1) Dorum Sai 2) Craven Bo 3) Jana Sai 4) Silent Phoenix 5) Accel Lerate

Jinn was looking over his shoulder, "Zephyr looks pretty good, never heard of them though. How come there are no levels or classes?"

"It's a matched arena, so everyone fights at the same level, giving your class is optional." Q smiled at her knowing she would get it.

"Why give your opponent time to prep for you." Jinn acknowledged.

Vale shook his head when Q tried to pay him, "how would I dare take money from you?"

Q shrugged and put the credits on the counter. "Thank you Mr. Tu." Q bowed his head and then pulled Leah outside.

They held hands under the shop awning and chatted until Mojo came out with Jinn and Rhapsody.

"Where's Onion?" Jinn looked down the street toward the market square.

"Bet he went to buy something nice for Daze." Rhapsody spotted him ducking into another shop, "there he is."

Onion caught up with them just as they were entering the Arena's spectator area. Every Arena in TAP resembled the old Roman Colosseum's of ancient Greece. The entire first row of the section they entered was empty, so the group sat down.

A moment later a dark elf dressed in elegant clothes approached them. "This row is reserved for Clan Sai, please leave at once."

"I don't take directives from fools, nor do I recognize the right of Clan Sai to reserve anything." Mojo spoke, her voice cold as winter. It was the Mojo Q had first met, not the warmer dark elf of recent days.

The man's eyes widened in shock as he recognized her. "Clan Jol does not rule here." He bowed as he spoke, it was obvious that he was not expecting to see Mora Jol.

"Neither does Clan Sai, although they think they do." Mojo made a shooing motion with her hand and the man abruptly left.

"He'll be back," Q predicted. He had never seen Mojo start trouble before. It was very interesting.

Mojo nodded and leaned back in her seat. "Jana Sai would rule all dark elves if she had her way, she has a legitimate claim to the throne, but so do I."

"What's the relation to the Dorum Sai on the leader-board?" Q smiled lazily.

"Her twin brother, he's a specialist in crowd control." Mojo shook her head in disgust, "that's is his only tactic, he keeps them mezzed and than backstabs, repeating the same thing over and over."

"Hmm, That's a bit odd isn't it? A mezz/backstab combo. Sounds a bit OP to me." Q hid his grin behind a hand. 'Please come and pick a fight with us.. please-please.'

"It's a formidable pairing to say the least." Mojo's eyes narrowed as she saw a group of people walking into their section. "Let me do the talking please."

Q could tell without asking which ones were the Sai twins, they looked nothing alike, but arrogance oozed off them.

"Mora'skah, I did not expect to see you here." It was Dorum who spoke, he was medium height and lean, like a hungry wolf. Q hated his dark, beady eyes the moment he looked at Mojo.

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"You have no right to address me as such Dorum," Mojo stood as she spoke.

"It is your honor to be addressed so by my brother, " Jana Sai had a silky smooth voice that made the hairs on the back of Q's neck stand up.

Leah nudged Q with her arm, reluctantly Q stood up. "Mojo'skah, please introduce me to your friends."

Brother and sister stared at him with open mouths. Mojo smiled radiantly, all the scars on her face seemed to have vanished.

"Q'Ikah, these two are from Clan Sai." Mojo stepped closer to him, putting an arm through his. "Their names really aren't important enough for you to remember."

" 'Ikah? You call this Difendi " 'Ikah." Jana's turned cold as she scowled at Q.

Q smiled at Mojo pleasantly. "Did this rude dog call me something bad?" Q could hear Jinn cover a laugh behind him, Rhapsody didn't even bother, she laughed and clapped her hands.

"Yes. It's an insult I can not tolerate." Mojo stepped away from Q. "Let us settle this matter in the arena, Jana Sai." She spoke calmly like she was talking to a child.

Leah nudged Q again. Q frowned over his shoulder and stepped next to Mojo. "I don't like the way you smell Dorum'dung, perhaps you should stop rolling around in the stables."

Rhapsody laughed aloud again, "dung... HAHA. That's so funny!"

"A 2v2 match." Q gripped Mojo's hand in his.

Jana frown disappeared and suddenly she looked like a child at Christmas. "We accept! Name your terms."

Mojo looked at Q beside her, she wasn't sure why he included Dorum. "If I win I want Clan Sai to completely abdicate any claims to leadership."

Dorum Sai stared at her in disbelief. "Does this mean you are willing to do the same?"

Mojo nodded, if she didn't put her faith in Q, then who would she trust?

"I.. We can't make this decision without consulting the Elders, meet back here in four hours." Jana Sai spun on her heels and left without another word.

"When we win, you will never show your face in front of Mora Jol again." Q looked at Mojo and nodded to her.

"I agree, when we win you will kindly do the same." Dorum looked like he wanted to add more, but instead he turned and followed his sister.

Mojo let out a sigh of relief before looking at Q. "They are a tough team to match Q, not sure how we will match up."

"Guess we will find out." He let go of Mojo's hand and motioned for Leah to follow him.

He led her toward an empty area, when he was out of earshot of their group, he turned. "What's going on Leah?"

Leah looked back at Mojo and stepped closer. "We need to support Mojo in this, do your part and we will celebrate later."

"Fine, I'll deal with this." Q turned around and started walking back toward the group. "Then I will deal with you," he called over his shoulder.

Leah's freckled nose wrinkled as she grinned at his back. "That sounds very nice," she whispered softly.

Q gathered the group back together and sat down. "Going to log for a bit." He looked over at Onion, Jinn and Rhapsody, "get some arena fighting in while I'm gone, try to team up with Zephyr whenever possible."

Onion nodded, "okay... but why would they want to join with us?"

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"The Zephyr team are my people."

"....." Mojo.

"...." Leah.

Q shrugged and glanced at Mojo. "Get some rest, and don't worry. I'm definitely someone you can count on."

"Log Off TAP."

Quinn stretched for a moment on his bed, before slipping off his helm. Tal was leaning over his desk, placing flowers in a vase. He sat up quietly as he watched her, then pinched himself on the arm, 'best to make sure.'

Tal turned around, stopping suddenly when she saw that he had logged-off. "Did I wake you Q?Apparently we have a rose garden in the backyard, I thought some flowers in your room might be nice."

"Well... waking up to fresh flowers is okay." Q noticed that she had few band-aides on her fingertips.

"Oh.." Tal gave him a slight smile.

"However, waking up to a lovely woman putting flowers in your room, is like the best thing ever." Quinn smiled at her and hung his feet over the bed.

Tal's smile widened, her pale face blushing. "The things you say Little Q."

"How did physical therapy go?" Q could hear the soft sound of a flute playing downstairs.

"It went really well, she was able to make it half way down the hall using a walker." Tal walked over to the bed and sat next to him, she leaned against him, putting her head on his shoulder.

"It's so nice to hear that music again." Quinn put an arm around her shoulders and they sat like that for a few minutes until Renri had finished playing.

"I made some wild rice soup for lunch, should be about done." She stood up and smoothed down his hair before walking out.

Quinn leaned back and watched her go. One beautifully toned leg and a prosthetic that seemed out of place on such a person.

Quinn stopped at the railing outside of his door, and looked down on the kitchen. 'Definitely a full house.' He wrapped an arm around the railing and slid to the floor, just barely managing to keep his feet!

"Yay Quinn!" Renri clapped, "no wipe-out today!"

Quinn bowed and sat down beside her, nodding in satisfaction. Quinn noticed that she had a vegetable shake in front of her, but also a tiny bowl of wild rice soup.

"Going to eat some real food today?" Quinn already knew that Ren wasn't a big eater to start with.

Ren nodded,"in a few days I'll be scarfing my food down like you."

"Who says I scarf my food down little genius?" Q looked around and frowned at all the hands that were raised.

They joined hands briefly. "Thank you for the meal."

"And God bless Quinn." Tal smiled at him when she said it.

'If she wants to bless me everyday, who am I to say anything?'

"I heard you took out the Queen of Fora!" Ren started eating her soup first, pushing the shake to one side.

"Huh? Well, no one knew she was the Queen." Q looked around at the other bowls, 'mine is quite a bit bigger! Good food is even better when you get the most!"

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"Time to start thinking about forming a government. Leadership and direction are important while building a nation." Tal gestured with her fork as she talked.

"Draining some of the swamps, creating a few low areas for lakes, rerouting rivers. How long is that going to take?" Q had seen the notebook Tal carried around, she was old school, she liked to write things down.

"With enough manpower, a few months at the most. We'll clear the city sites after that, then start building roads and aqueducts." Tal said it like it was the simplest thing.

"Before you build the cities?" there was one last bun in the basket and Anna grabbed it while she talked.

"Oh god.. was that the last one?" He scrapped the sides of his bowl loudly as his eyes scanned the table for more buns.

"If you place the roads and aqueducts first, then planning the cities will be much easier." Tal continued, "then later as farmers and merchants til the land and travel between cities, they'll have an easier time."

Anna took a bite out of her bun, and then offered Quinn the rest.

"Really? You're the best!" He chomped it down, barely chewing it.

"Did you guys log out at the East Survey Camp?" Q polished off a glass of ice water and leaned back in his chair.

"In Remmy's tent." Ren had finished her soup and was sipping her shake with a complete lack of enthusiasm.

Quinn stood up and started clearing the table. Ben joined him, they made eye contact for a moment and mutually decided that lunch would be a good time to use the dishwasher, new rule.

Quinn walked with Anna up the stairs, she paused outside his door. "Hey where'd you get flowers?"

"Secret Admirer." Quinn said with a straight face.

"Oh... how come I don't have flowers?" Her almond eyes stared at the roses.

"Because you don't have a secret admirer." Quinn dead panned.

She stood there for a moment thinking about it. "Aren't you my secret admirer?"

"It's not a SECRET!!" He raised his arms over his head and roared like a bear, chasing Anna as she fled screaming toward her room. He stopped at the door, she was laughing, with the bed between them.

"Don't eat me Q-Bear!!" She thought for a moment, "I love that. Q-Bear!!"

Quinn stopped in his tracks. "If that catches on in the house.... I'm throwing you out on the curb." He turned to leave.

"Hey Q-Bear!!" She smiled at his back. "I'm not mad about you tricking me any more!" She watched as he walked out. "I really love it here," she added under her breathe as she sat down at her desk.

Quinn decided to try the VR suit that came with the chamber. It was really made for longer jumps, he had never played more than an overnight before. He had always wanted to try it.

'Best take another shower If I'm putting the suit on. ' Stepping in, he was happy to notice that there were no women's underwear hanging in his shower. After a quick wash he dried off and put on some clean boxers. The VR suit was a tight body suit, it had an attached hood, which Q disconnected. 'That would totally mess up my hair.'

He called Tal as she saw her walking by. "Hey... thanks for the flowers!"

Tal smiled at the doorway. "Wearing the VR suit? Not planning on missing dinner are you?"

"Hey, lets order pizza and hang out at the pool tonight." Q decided it was a good time to check out Tal and Anna in their swimsuits.

"Sounds like a poorly veiled attempt to see us in our bikinis." Tal crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Wait.. you have a bikini?" Quinn settled into the VR chamber, Tal had come in to close the door.

"Guess you'll have to wait and see Little Q." She closed the door and knocked once on the glass.

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