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Q spoke quietly, "it's just you and me today, but no worries, I'm going to take good care of you."

He stared intently. "Nothing? No pep talked or words of wisdom?" Q sighed heavily, "why do I bother, you are so closed off."

"He is taking this seriously right?" Rhapsody watched Q who was sitting off by himself mumbling.

Jinn raised an eyebrow, "who is he talking to?"

Leah covered her smile with a hand. "I think he's talking to the spider egg again."

"....." Mojo.

"I really should give you a name I suppose," Q rubbed the smooth surface. "How about Angel?" He casually put the egg away and walked over to his group.

"Hey Q." Rhapsody's eyes were lit with humor, she loved odd ducks.

"Q, I got you something." Leah smiled at him, her face slightly blushed.

"For me?" Q held his hand out and took an object from Leah's hand.

Hidden Danger


Description: Wearer

may stealth at will.

Leah nodded at him, then stepped closer and grabbed his face with both hands. "Make sure to protect Mojo out there."

"Um... protect the ridiculously strong rogue who would insta-kill me in real fight?" Q scratched his head and slipped on the ring. Her soft hands were cool on his face, "do my best."

Leah raised up on her toes and kissed him. "Don't worry about getting me anything."

Q gave her a blank look. Even with his limited experience, he was aware that this was code for, "you better get me something!"

"Ready to go?" Mojo was wearing all black, her armor seemed to absorb the light around it, giving her a mysterious air. Her white hair was tied back in a ponytail, her scarred face unreadable.

"Yep.." Q took out two bottles and opened one before drinking it down. He handed the other to Mojo.

Mojo took the bottle without speaking and drank it down. She made a face instantly, "that's awful. What the hell is that Q?"

Q smiled at her and walked into the arena. "Poison of course," he called over his shoulder. He heard her coughing behind him. He was almost to the middle when he saw movement from the other side.

Mojo caught up with him, her face furious but she held her words when she saw the group walking toward them. "We are going to talk about this afterward Q'Ikah."

Q nodded and crossed his arms in front of him, putting on a serious face. The Sai twins were accompanied by three elders. He glanced at Mojo, "they have a lot of people, did you bring back-up?"

Mojo gestured to one side where a group of older dark elves were on an intercept course. Mojo stopped walking about ten meters away from the Sai clan.

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"Are you confident in this action Mora?" The only woman of the group spoke, without a doubt Q knew they were her relatives.

Mojo nodded and gestured toward her companion. "Mother, this is Q'Ikah." Mojo smiled slightly when she introduced him, "this is my mother, Serli Jol. She is the leader of our clan."

'Damn... what the hell is this?' Q smiled pleasantly on the outside and bowed his head low. Since she didn't greet him, Q did the same. They stared at each other for a moment. Q brought out his spider egg and handed it to her.

Spider Queen Egg

Embryo: Legendary

Description: This is a Spider

Queen Egg, use extreme


Mojo spoke quickly. "Q'Ikah, that's not nec.."

Her mother cut her off with a raised hand and accepted the egg. She held it for a moment turning it in her hand gently. "Very well, Q'Ikah." She put the egg away and nodded to her daughter before leading the procession toward the Sai clan.

Mojo and Q followed closely.

"I was only showing you what a cool egg I have. It's a conversation piece.. not a damn present," Q mumbled under his breathe. He felt Mojo staring at him. "What?"

She smiled suddenly at him as if he had done something clever. "Well done Q'Ikah."


"They gonna fight now or what?" Rhapsody was twisting her hair with impatience, she was sitting next to Jinn, Onion and three members of Zephyr.

"I'm so tired of the desert." Craven was sitting between Onion and Leah, a dark elf rogue and the only one who lasted more then a few minutes against Dorum Sai.

"Q does odd things... you three know him well?" Leah smiled when she said his name.

Craven stared at the redhead, he had underestimated her several times during their earlier pvp. Her sweet smile hid her cleverness. "Let's talk about you instead, so you are from Talon right?"

"Tsk, tsk..." Rhapsody smirked at Craven, "you aren't really going to hit on Q's girlfriend right in front of the rest of us right?"

"G-girlfriend?" Craven frowned at her and then looked to Leah for confirmation.

Leah nodded, "yep."

Phoenix laughed from the other side of Jinn, NPCs were remarkably reserved around players, she'd never heard of anyone forming close bonds with them. "Poor Craven, ever the loner."

"I suppose his TAP class makes NPCs more likely to befriend him." Craven gritted his teeth, such a pretty girl too.

"He wasn't an NPC Assassin when I met him, just a low level apple thief." Leah laughed when she said it.

"Caught him stealing apples from the orchard right?" Jinn shook her head.

Leah nodded, "fraid so."

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Q watched as the two groups finally finished speaking and made their way out of the arena. While they were walking out Serli caught his eye and nodded slightly. The meaning was clear, "protect Mojo."

'Seriously...I'm going to be hiding behind her.' Q gave his companion a glance, "hit Dorum hard at least once before you engage his sister. I will take it from there, oh and be ready to shield your eyes whenever I get too close."

Mojo nodded, since the fight was matched play, they'd all be brought down to Q's level. "I understand Q'lkah."

World Arena Announcement: Today's match-up is between fighters from Clan Jol and Clan Sai. In the interest of peace and unity, they've decided that the winners of this fight will assume the rights of the sitting royal family.

Q watched in surprise as the stadium seemed to fill up quickly.

"The hell... " He glanced at Mojo. "Why did it say World Arena?"

"The Arenas can be connected so that spectators are all watching the same event." Mojo looked like she expected it, this had escalated into a world event very quickly.

"So the arena in Talon is now?" Q sighed heavily, all he wanted to do was push Dung'Sai's face into the sand...

"It's shut down and broadcasting this event. I actually watched the Jangle's fight from Fenway, you absolutely can't tell it isn't live." She placed a hand on Q's shoulder and waited.

"You saw Jangles fight? Was he good?" Q waved at his friends.

"Very, very good," she admitted. She waited patiently until the signal to start was given.

System Message: You have been Mezzed by Dorum Sai.

Dorum Sai and his sister smiled confidential as they immediately rushed in.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 2 damage, Mezz has been disrupted.


Q appeared behind Jana Sai.

*Backstab* Critical hit 1600 points damage, bonus damage 1600 points.

Q leaped backwards as the rogue spun at him, he kicked a cloud of sand at her as she stealthed, it coated her image enabling him to back away.


System Message: You have been Mezzed by Dorum Sai.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 2 damage, Mezz has been disrupted.

"Shit! What the hell is going on?" Dorum roared as he received the 'Mezz disrupt' message. Dorum Sai was grimacing while holding one of his arms to his side, Mojo had taken him by surprise.


Q appeared behind Dorum.

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*Backstab* Critical hit 2200 points damage, bonus damage 2200 points.

Q punched him in the back of the head, it didn't do any damage, but it made him feel good.


System Message: You have been poisoned for 2 damage.

Q swept his foot into the sand, a cloud of dust erupting behind him. He circled Dorum running at full speed.

*Thundering Pistoleros* 655 damage, 460 damage, 765 damage, 480 damage, Critical hit 2150 damage, Bonus 2150 damage.

Q reversed direction and kicked up another cloud of dust, this one showed another image of Jana Sai closing on him.

System Message: You have been Mezzed by Dorum Sai.

"Shitballs!" Q cringed inwardly knowing he was going to take a hit. Instead he blinked as a light flashed behind him.

System Message: You have been poisoned for 2 damage, Mezz has been disrupted.


System Message: Jana Sai has been permanently banished to Fenway.

Q appeared behind Dorum.

*Backstab* Critical hit 1400 damage, bonus damage 1400 damage.

Q slashed at the panicking Dorum who had suddenly started to retreat.

"Stop! What did you do?" Dorum turned and ran for the arena exit.


Mojo appeared behind Dorum Sai.

*Backstab* Critical hit 14885 damage.

System Message: Dorum Sai has been slain.

Mojo stood over Dorum's corpse for a moment and then glanced toward Q. She breathed a sigh of relief seeing he was unharmed and walking toward her.

Arena Announcement: Mora Jol and Q have emerged victorious in today's event.

Q drank down a bottle of cleanse and handed another to Mojo. "Did the Firna poison break your stealth?" Q kicked himself inwardly, he hadn't thought of that.

Mojo shrugged, "twice, but it also broke mezz on me a few times." She put a hand on his shoulder, "thank you Q, I was finally able to spot her when you kicked up that cloud of sand."

He smiled at her, "thanks for being there when I was about to get ganked. Hey was that the Dark Queen effect?"

Mojo nodded absent mindedly. "It asked me where I wanted her banished to, so I chose Fenway."

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Dark Queen


First Strike Banishes

Target, effect is permanent.

One time use.


"Does that mean she can never leave Fenway?" Q scratched his chin while grinning, "hahaha, let her be Jangles problem from now on."

"I received a message say she would have to stay within the limits of the city." Mojo grinned when she said it, Jana had been a thorn in her side since they were kids.

"Hmm.. that probably gives her a few miles to work with, still plenty space to have a good life." Q looked over at Dorum's corpse, "why hasn't he rezzed yet?"

Arena Announcement: Clan Jol has defeated Clan Sai and assumes the mantle of leadership among the Dark Elves.

Q was breathing heavily, "damn, I didn't get a chance to try out my ring." He waved to his friends who seemed to be frozen in place, except for Leah who was clapping and waving wildly.

"Q!" Mojo's voice held a hint of warning as several people leaped from the arena seating and started running towards them. "Stealth and retreat toward the Jol Clan."

Q stealthed and started making his way toward Serli's group.

Arena Announcement: Immediately exit the arena, this is a sanctioned event.

Q couldn't see Mojo but assumed she was with him, suddenly an entire wave of people jumped down into the arena.

Arena Announcement: Permanent Death Clause is in effect, exit the arena immediately.

Q stopped when he noticed that his path to Clan Jol was cut off. "Shitballs.. Mojo?" He called to her but didn't get a response.


Leah was watching the arena events as they unfolded, her hands gripping the railing tight.

"Leah it's okay, Q can take care of himself." Onion watched for signs of him as the fighting broke out. "I'm sure the death clause is only for the trespassers."

"What if it's not?" Leah bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. Without another word she went over the rail.

"Shit! " Onion roared as he leaped to his feet.

Jinn glanced over at Rhapsody, "stay here if you like hun." She climbed over the rail and jumped down.

Rhapsody's eyes flashed, "as if!!" She followed her friend leaving only Onion and the people from Zephyr.

Phoenix grinned, "finally, some real action. Let's go!"

Onion groaned inwardly as Zephyr joined the foray. "Fine!" He equipped his shield and followed them.

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