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Quinn rolled over in bed, stretching his lanky frame. It feels good being done with jumping around the Exodus Station. Now I need to get myself a girlfriend before I go blind," he told himself quietly while donning his VR headset. He reclined his chair comfortably and linked into the hall outside his classroom. He took his seat moments before the bell rang.

The door closed quietly as the dark haired teacher walked into the classroom. "Good morning class."

"Good morning Teacher," once again Quinn mouthed the words, it was his daily protest against his bad luck.

"Today is the class field trip. We will be spending the next five days in the TAP starter city of Talon. I want to thank everyone for completing the necessary paperwork on time ."

Quinn smirked as he watched the excited faces of his classmates. "You bunch of idiots, none have you have ever jumped for more than a few hours." he thought quietly to himself.

The fragrant scent of jasmine drifted slowly in Quinn's nose. "Shit," how do you even wear perfume in a VR setting he mused. He knew without turning his head that once again Miss Sentac was giving him some 'special attention.' He plastered on his best fake smile as he glanced up, "good morning teacher."

She smiled back as she leaned her shapely bottom against the top of his desk while peering over her shoulder at him. "Oh, I see. Now you want to say good morning?"

"Pardon?" Quinn's expression froze as he swallowed heavily, barely managing to soldier on. His look soured as she scooted herself fully on to his desk.

"This is going to be a lot of fun, it will be a great opportunity to get to know everyone a bit more," she spoke to the class but her eyes hadn't left Quinn.

"I'm pretty sure you have a chair up in front of the class, these desks aren't really meant to be weight bearing,' he mumbled under his breathe.

"Hmm? Did you wish to add something Quinn?" Her brown eyes were lit with humor as she tilted her head to one side causing all the boys in the classroom to sigh.

"Nothing really, perhaps they should put on a diaper, since most of them will wet themselves sometime during the week."

Quinn heard the collected gasps of his classmates. The girls in particular looked a bit concerned.

"Not to worry class, we will have breaks every few hours." She stared hard at Quinn, the corners of her dark mouth tilting upward slightly. "Quinn."

"Yes Miss Sentac?"

It wasn't a secret that she regularly targeted him. She politely used the honorific of Mr. and Miss for everyone in the class, with the sole exception of Quinn.

"From your tone it sounds like you won't be joining us on our TAP excursion," her dark eyes flashed mysteriously as she swung her feet side to side.

"You look like a little kid when you do that," he frowned at her. "Unfortunately I was unable to submit my paperwork before the deadline, even though I really wanted to spend time with everyone," he smiled exactly like he meant it.

'I'm definitely going, just not with you guys,' he thought happily.

"I thought you might be a bit busy, so of course as your teacher, I submitted the necessary paperwork on your behalf." Her tiny smile claimed victory.

"Oh god..." His mouth dropped open in surprise. Damn her meddling, I'm so screwed he thought to himself.

She reached out, grasping his chin with small brown fingers and pushed upward slightly, causing his mouth to shut. "Careful Quinn, you'll catch flies like that."

Quinn made a face and opened up his desk, causing her to slide off. 'I guess crashing to the floor would have been too much to hope for,' he sighed to himself, feeling wronged.

"Sorry.. I left my E-notes in the desk," he frowned at her as he removed his E-notes from the desk's storage.

"Quite alright Quinn," she walked away while looking around at the class, her hips swaying with each step. She paused for a moment, glancing back over her shoulder she caught Quinn watching.

"Shit... damn my eyes," he groaned inwardly. Complete defeat.

"Okay class, since this is a school sponsored trip, I was able to arrange for everyone to receive a transport token in the TAP mailbox. This is good for one round trip," she smiled widely at her class.

"Find the nearest transport station and teleport directly to Talon. Also, in your mailbox will be our itinerary. There will be plenty of free time to do some exploring, please be on time everyone."

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"Do you wish to change Virtual Interfaces?" It was the same pleasant voice from two weeks earlier.

"That would be great, log on TAP."

"TAP interface located, do you wish to proceed Q?"

"Yes, thank you. Hey! You called me Q."

The accented voice hesitated for a moment. "Good day to you Q."

"Huh? Hey am I being pranked?

TAP Interface Acquired.

Synchronizing character data.....

Welcome Back Q, find your path!

"Perfect," he noticed the mail icon blinking and activated it.


Subject:TAP Field Trip Sender: Sinful Jinn Attachment:Package

Subject:TAP Class Kit Sender: TAP Attachment:Package

Subject:TAP Hit List Sender: TAP Attachment:Package

Subject:Guild Invitation Sender:Concert Hall Attachment:Currency

"Damn... so popular. Open first mail.

System Message:Transport token added to Inventory

Hello Class, please read our first day itinerary below and do not lose your transport token. It's impossible to lose anyways since it is a no-drop item, even for you Quinn.

Day 1

10 AM Arrive and use this time to familiarize yourself with Talon.

Noon Meet at the Apple Festival for group lunch.

2 PM There are some special quests along with a festival contests.

7 PM Class dinner at the Shady Horizon.

"Wonderful...I get to spend some time with my classmates. Open second mail."

System Message: TAP Class kit added to inventory. Do you wish to equip?

"Yes please."

System Message: Chameleon Kit Equipped.

Chameleon Kit

Hat, Shirt, Pants, Gloves, Boots

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Description: NPC Assassin Kit level Step 1, can be worn under armor. Will assume whatever color designated by player, can assume different lengths and sizes, unlimited changes. Form for hat and boots can be altered. Plus 10 to all statistics while in combat.



This is TAP kit for your designated TAP Class

TAP Staff

System Message: Do you wish to designate Kit choices?

"Yes, thank you. White Shirt, blue pants, black boots and black hat."

A moment later his clothing shimmered slightly and changed. "Adjust color of pants, to a lighter shade of blue, 30 percent less tint. Change appearance of hat to a red bandanna head band. The boots are perfect but remove the laces and put a zipper on the sides."

Q smiled to himself as he noted the changes. "Very nice. Open Third mail."

System Message: Body of letter is empty, Hit List is downloaded to inventory. A copy of Hit List is directly downloaded to user Log.

"Hmm, I guess I'll take a peak at that later. Open fourth mail."

System Message: 10 thousand credits has been added to your account.



I've been asked by the Master of Concert Hall to extend our guild invitation to you. I hope you realize what a tremendous privilege it is for someone like you to receive an invite.

Vice Leader,

Crimson Rose

System Message: You have been invited to join Concert Hall, do you wish to accept?

"Nope, close mail please."

"Lets see, it is almost 10 AM so I've plenty of time to walk around." Q walked slowly through the crowded market, keeping an eye out for his classmates. A few of them used their TAP avatars in class so he should be able to spot them. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a familiar face waving to him.

"Q! Q!," Bezri's friendly face lit up in a smile. "You are finally here! We've been waiting for you!"

"Bez!!," he shook his hand and gave the shopkeeper a friendly pat on the back. "Whose been waiting for me?"

"Everyone. Everyone has been waiting for you Q." The shopkeepers face was happy but also very serious. "Can you perhaps make a banquet later tonight?"

"I think so, not really sure where we are staying yet. I guess I forgot to ask." Q noticed that more then a view players were watching his interaction with Bez.

"Not to worry my friend, we will find you," the shopkeeper scratched the stubble on his chin as he thought. "Will 9 pm work?"

"Yes, I will make sure that I'm free," Q paused for a moment while thinking. "Hey Bez, any chance I could find out about the festival quests a bit early?"

Bezri's face split into a grin so wide that it must have hurt his face, "yes of course you can! Wait right here and I will summon him." He motioned to a young girl in pigtails standing next to his stall, without a word the youngster sprinted off.

A few minutes later the young girl came back dragging a familiar person by the hand.

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Q grimaced as he was wrapped up in a hug a moment later. "Brother Q! I am so happy to see you again!"

"Nimda...," he politely extricated himself from the former bandits grasp as he stepped away. "Don't tell me you've gone legit?," Q chuckled as Nimda seemed to be going in for another hug. Q stopped him with a raised hand. "What can you tell me about the festival quests ?"

"Huh? I can tell you everything about it my brother!" Nimda nodded as he started speaking, "its a basic turn in quest, 30 pelts from the Apple Dervish's and you receive 1 apple token. It's a repeatable quest with no experience points or money given. There are some really nice prizes at the end of the night."

"Oh? What is the top prize," he tried hard to keep the greed out of his voice-- but it was very difficult.

The two NPC's glanced at each other as if sharing a joke, even the little girl covered her mouth to stop from giggling. "The top prize is a mount," Nimda was obviously trying not to laugh.

A mount would be nice. "That seems okay, what's the funny part?" Q spoke in a hushed tone as he noticed that many characters were now watching them closely.

"Scorch is an untamed stallion, no one has ever managed to stay on him for than a few seconds." The burly ex-bandit subconsciously rubbed his arm where the beast had bit him, after he threw him off. "It's a devil-horse Q!"

"Not to worry Q, all the prizes can be exchanged for currency. The top prize is worth 5 gold coin." Bezri's eye twitched as he spoke, the shopkeepers love for coin was obvious.

"Nimda, could I get that quest early?" A plan slowly started to form in Q's mind.

System Message: NPC Nimda has offered you a quest. Do you accept?

Quest: Save the Apples!

Turn-in 30 Dervish pelts

Reward: 1 apple token


"Oh.. well no I don't accept," Q gave Nimda a helpless smile. "So many pelts? That seems like a lot my brother, besides I could use some experience points and a few coin in my pocket," he sighed in frustration. "No worries, I will find some other quests."

Nimda's eyes grew wide as his face paled a bit. "What? No, no.. my mistake brother, that is the quest I'm giving everyone else, this one is for you."

System Message: NPC Nimda has offered you a quest. Do you accept?

Quest: Save the Apples!

Turn-in 10 Dervish pelts

Reward: 2 apple tokens 300 experience points 100 credits


"Yes I accept, since Nimda made a special quest just for me," Q bowed toward Nimda, his fingers starting to sweat. Making money was so nice.

Q spent a few minutes talking with the two shopkeepers and then said his goodbyes.

"Open inventory."

He noticed the leather shirt and pants still in his storage. "Destroy worn leather pants and worn leather shirt."

"Worn leather pants and worn leather shirt will be destroyed, do you wish to continue?"

"Yes please," he scratched his cheek as he looked at the rest of his inventory. "There's my travel token that I don't need, my list and--- what the?"

Inventory: Travel Token, Hit List.... credits.

He waved his hand and activated the bank interface, "deposit 10 thousand credits into my bank account."

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"I've been broke for 3 years, now every time I turn around I fall into a big pile of money." 10 thousand credits? He quickly did the math in his head. 10 thousand credits=1 thousand dollars.

"I love this game!!" He raised his arms in a victory pose, but then lowered them as the market filled with laughter.

"Good to know."

"Me too, I love this game too!"


Q walked in circles around the market place until he managed to calm down. "It's just money, no big deal right? Activate Hiding in Plain Site."

System Message: Skill cannot be activated within the line of sight of other players.

"Oh, well that makes sense I guess." Q made his way out of town to the bridge that Nimda use to stand on, his feet sliding on the loose rocks as he ducked under the bridge. "Activate Hiding in Plain Site."

System Message: Hiding in Plain Site is activated. Please state desired form.

"Oh yeah right, Guardsman please."

System Message: Guardsman form activated. Designate a Name for Guardsman.


System Message: Guardsman Percival now active, appearance and voice of player has been altered by 30 percent to preserve secrecy.

"Hmm... so nice." He examined his clothes. "Okay, this is awesome."

"Activate Quest Giver," he walked back up the bank and headed to town.

System Message: Quest Giver activated. Please choose quest details.

"Turn-in Dervish Pelts, 30 at a time. Reward is 300 experience points. Time limit set to 1 hour.

System Message: Quest Interface

Quest: Kill the Dervish!

Turn-in 30 Dervish pelts

Reward: 300 experience points


Time Limit: 1 hour

Q walked made his way back to the market place, a bright exclamation mark over his head.

"Hey, is that a new quest?" In the busy market place it only took a moment before the crowd started to act."

"Whoah, that's great xp for a beginner town."

After a few minutes the crowd died down as more than half of them headed out of town with the quest.

"An hour?" That isn't very long, several players broke into a run as they brought up their quests maps.

"More than enough time." Q found his seat by the fountain, and leaned back enjoying the sun as he closed his eyes.

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