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Two hours later Q was walking quickly toward the festival area. He had turned in 3000 dervish pelts to Nimda for 600 apple tokens, 90,000 experience points and 30 thousand credits. He couldn't stop grinning. It was enough to bring him to level 13.

He would have been early but he had to make a detour back to the bridge to deactivate 'Hiding Among Us.' He slowed his step as he spied a familiar person surrounded by a group of about 20 players. It was Sinful Jinn. He almost gave into the temptation to turn around and run the other direction, but that plan collapsed as she saw him and waved.

She gave him a huge smile as he approached. "Isn't this great?"

The Apple festival was in a large orchard, fairly close to town. There were tables lined up as far as you could see. Several cooking fires with pigs roasting were scattered through out. Banners and decorations adorned the trees and nearby posts. All sorts of small contests were going on.

"Huh? Apple bobbing? No way!" Without another word Q headed off at a trot.

"Hey Quinn... er Q! Lets find a place to sit first." She shrugged helplessly at her class and then motioned for them to follow as she started after him.

In the crowded orchard it was several minutes before they caught up, by this time Q was already soaked in water with his head in a barrel. A moment later he straightened up with his arms raised in victory, an apple in his mouth. The NPC who was running the game was giggling as she clapped wildly.

"So .. even Quinn knows how to laugh..." Several of his classmates stared at him. "That's him right? I mean Q is Quinn's character?"

Many of the students joined the line as this seemed to be the most lively area.

"Q! Listen you scoundrel, don't go running off on your own during class events!!" Finally she caught up with him.

"Sorry Miss Sentac." He dried his hair with a towel as he spoke. "I use to do this at parties when I was a kid."

"Just call me Jinn please, and I will call you Q." She meant to give him a hard time, but his sincere expression left her somewhat deflated.

A cute young woman with green curly hair flung an arm around her shoulders. "Wow, completely defeated Jinn." She smirked at Q. "I'm Rhapsody, group-mates with Jinn and friends irl."

Quine returned her smirk as if to say, "Miss Sentac has friends?" He laughed at the face his teacher made and then stuck out his hand. "I'm Q. It's nice to meet you."

The group hung out for several minutes laughing and enjoying themselves, by the time they left everyone had white towels draped over their shoulders.

"Now we wont be able to find a table." Jinn fell in beside Q as they walked. She spied a table that was still empty but there was a reserved sign on it. "Damn.. we may be out of luck."

Just as the group formed back up a scruffy looking man dressed in white waved at them. "Q!! Q, you are finally here. Look brother. I Nimda, have saved a table for your group."

The area immediately quieted down as the occupants of the surrounding tables stared.

"You can reserve tables?"

"Are they VIPs or something?"

Q laughed at Nimda's expression and bowed slightly. "Thank you brother. These people are all part of my group, please take good care of them."

Nimda's eyebrows raised slightly and he nodded quickly while clapping his hands together twice. "Of course brother," he looked around and caught the eye of several servers.

Q sat town at the empty table smiling to himself until he noticed that no one was moving. His teacher, her friend and all of his classmates were standing there open mouthed and staring.

"Umm, hey you guys should sit down, and best if you close your mouth before you catch some flies," he smirked at his teacher as he smoothed his damp hair back.

They remained motionless for another moment and then quickly rushed to sit down. Q found himself sitting between Rhapsody and Jinn. "Whoah.. hey, got an in-game girlfriend yet?" Rhapsody leaned close to him, her hand on his shoulder.

"Um.. yes of course. Doesn't everyone?" He spoke nonchalantly as he smiled innocently.

"Wait, you do?" Both Jinn and Rhapsody spoke at the same time... and then laughed at the other.

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"Yep, her name is Leah. I spent half a day finding a pendant for her a few weeks ago, we even shared an apple," he said with a straight face.

"Smart ass," Jinn rolled her eyes. "That's one of the beginner quests here in Talon," she announced to her table.

"How did you know that Jinn?" It was a short but very wide shouldered person who spoke, a Monk by the name of Blooming Onion. He was actually the class president. "You didn't start in Talon."

She gave Q a quick look, "Q did a TAP assignment on the starter quests here last week. Leah Fintree is mentioned in a quest called The lady's favor."

"Hmm? Was she cute?" Rhapsody had left her hand on the back of Q's chair, more then a few people at the table had noticed.

"Guess we'll never know, Bezri from the marketplace is the NPC in the starter quests." Q took out his headband from his pocket and tied his hair back, he had removed it during the apple bobbing.

"Hey, why do you look and sound just like you do in class?" Q noticed Blooming Onion's voice was much deeper in TAP, "wait, did you base your character stats on yourself?"

"Yep, I didn't want to waste time on something like that." Although if I had your squeaky voice irl I might have changed it, he thought to himself.

"Tsk,tsk tsk, " he sounded like someones baritone voiced aunt as he went into lecture mode. "You totally lose out when you use your actual body as the model, unless you are an Olympic power lifter or something."

The rest of the table nodded in sympathy.

"Here Check out my Stats." Blooming Onion gestured with his hand and his Stats became viewable to everyone.

Blooming Onion

Level 34

Base Class:Warrior

Sub Class:Monk


Strength 18

Endurance 20

Intelligence 14

Agility 18

Luck 10

Charisma 14

"Now... I'll show you mine if you show us yours," Jinn didn't even try to mask the innuendo.

"Damn... I was gonna say that," Rhapsody shot her friend a fake glare.

Sinful Jinn

Level 42

Base Class:Troupe Master

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Sub Class:Dancer


Strength 16

Endurance 14

Intelligence 30

Agility 25

Luck 12

Charisma 29

"Oh.. so smart," the green haired girl purred at her friend.

Tormented Rhapsody

Level 46

Base Class: Ranger

Sub Class:Dryad TAP Class: Natural Born Killer


Strength 15

Endurance 18

Intelligence 18

Agility 20

Luck 18

Charisma 24

"Wow!! You have your T-TAP class?" Suddenly the whole table was in an uproar. Blooming Onion looked like he was going to choke as he stuttered over his words.

"Yep.. It pays to have friends," she threw a wink at Jinn before continuing. "Let us see it Q! We won't make fun of the noob."

Q rolled his eyes at her. "Please don't, I'm very sensitive."


Level 13


Strength 20

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Endurance 26

Intelligence 22

Agility 21

Luck 6

Charisma 5

"Oh god... what are you part monkey?" Rhapsody shot him an impressed look. "Those are some good physical Stats."

"Hmm, why so private?" Jinn leaned closer as she spoke, "so many secrets."

"Damn, those are really good." Blooming Onion seemed a pit pale, "although your luck is total dog shit."

Food and Drinks were served in abundance, the surrounding tables took notice that one table in particular seemed to get the best service. The sounds of music interrupted the revelry and everyone turned toward a small procession that was slowly making its way through the tables. There were a few musicians playing lutes, small girls tossing out flowers and a young woman wearing a crown made of Apple blossoms.

"Ooo.... it's the Apple Princess," someone from the crowd shouted. The young lady in question wore a long white dress. Her bare feet peaked from underneath the hemline. Her red hair was braided with flowers, as she walked she waved and smiled at the players.

"Wow.. so lovely."

"Hey what's your sign?"

As the procession made it's way toward the stage it paused briefly next to Q's table. A moment later the Apple Princess stepped out and approached.

"Thank you for finding my pendant Q," her hand caressed the silver pendant as her green eyes fluttered. She bent forward to kiss him on the cheek but Q ducked out of the way.

"Oh. You're welcome." He smiled pleasantly, as he tried to play it off. He could feel the eyes of his classmates staring at him hard, the procession once again headed toward the stage. The surrounding crowd erupted in chaos.

"Hey I found your pendant also!!"

"So did I! Princess come back!"

"Damn it, I looked everywhere and couldn't find it!"

Q slumped down in his chair as he grabbed for his drink. So much for keeping a low profile. He glanced up and noticed that Rhapsody was staring, avoiding eye contact he turned his head right into the path of destruction.

Jinn was watching him from the other direction, her brown eyes narrowed with questions.

"What gives," she asked?


"Yeah, spill it Q, " Rhapsody looked as if she was really enjoying herself, her lips parting in a toothy smile. "Your charisma is 5, yet every NPC in the area is fawning over you like you're their favorite little brother."

"I just have a friendly personality I guess, it makes people like me." To his surprise the table suddenly burst into laughter, even his teacher couldn't hold herself back.

"Why is that funny?" Several of his classmates started choking as tears streamed down their face."

"Oh I see..." He frowned at them disapprovingly causing the fits of laughter to continue, "laugh it up idiots."

Finally the Apple Princess made her way to the stage, she sat on an elevated chair folding her hands on her lap. A moment later Nimda climbed up on stage and announced in a loud voice. "Please accept our quest to save the apple harvest! Dervishes have made their way into the orchards and are destroying the crop."

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Special Event Announcement: Talon is having a contest, please accept the quest. Collect the most tokens and win fabulous prizes!!

Mass Quest: Save the Apples!

Turn-in 30 Dervish pelts

Reward: 1 apple token


Time Limit: 3 hours

System Message: Do you accept this quest?

"Yes." Q's answered echoed the rest of the crowd as everyone suddenly rushed out to start the quest. His table mates scattered in different directions, in the chaos Q snuck off.

Q left the orchard area quietly. "Probably best if I find somewhere else to hang out for a few hours." He continued to walk until he came to a small pond, grinning to himself as he recognized it and sat down on the grass.

"Are you angry with me Q?" The slim redhead smiled as she walked toward him.

He stood up as she approached, clasping his hands behind his back. "Miss Fintree, the apple thief!" Q frowned at her, 'the mother of all apples, gone forever.'

"Hmm? The Orchard is mine, yet I'm stealing apples?" She leaned in, the smallest sign of humor playing on her lips.

"Wait.. it's your orchard?" Q crossed his arms in front of him.

"I am the Apple Princess after all." She bit her lip, a smile trying hard to come out.

Q rolled his eyes at her, "that's an honorary title!"

"Oh? Who told you that?" It finally escaped, her smiled widened, her freckled nose wrinkling slightly."

Q stared at her for a moment, before looking away. "Miss Fintree, shouldn't you be at the Apple Festival?"

"Hmm.. well, there's not much for either of us to do there at the moment." She took off her crown and sat it gently on the grass. " I don't hunt Dervish, and you already have 600 apple tokens in your inventory," she smiled knowingly at him.

"Damn.. Who ratted me out? Was it Nimda?"

"Nimda? No not him, the old bandit is as loyal as a hound. Felecia told me." She removed her shawl and folded it neatly before placing it on the ground.

"Felecia?" He scratched his head for a moment and then remembered the little girl wearing pigtails. "I should have known.. it's always the innocent ones that get you."

"Hahaha," the quiet night air was filled with her laughter. She reached behind her and undid a few buttons, the silky white dress sliding down her pale skin to puddle at her feet.

"Huh, " like an idiot Q had completely lost the ability to speak. "What are you doing?" He was about to close his eyes when he noticed that she had on something that looked a bit like a swimsuit. Really.... he was about to close his eyes.

She walked into the water slowly until she was waist deep. "Are you saying that you weren't aware that I swim here ... every... single... night?"

"How would I know that? Well, I mean I did find your pendant so I suppose I probably should have realized that," he stumbled over his words as his tongue seemed to have forgotten what legible speech sounded like.

She nodded pleasantly and sunk down into the water up to her neck. "Aren't you going to join me Q?"

"TAP Kit interface, unequip all clothing except for pants. Shorten length of pants to 3 inches above the knee, orange floral print."

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