Chapter 2 – Making friends with the Demon King’s daughter

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“Haaaa…. What should I do now?

After being expelled from the guild, Johann was at a loss on where to go, and was walking around the outskirts of the town. His adventurer qualifications were revoked, the bases he made were taken from him, and he was prohibited from using his skill. With this much declared, there was nothing he could do.

“Maybe I should find an inn? But I probably don’t have enough money…”

Bruges managed all of the money as the party leader, so Johann had almost nothing at hand. But if he went to take back his money now, his former companions would stop him wouldn’t they?

“It can’t be helped… I’ll have to go camping…”

It was late already. For now, he needed to settle down somewhere. But Johann accidentally activated one of the transfer crystals he carried, and was moved to a distant place… In the vicinity of the Demon King’s castle.

Spread out upon large cliffs, a huge castle was erected. The Demon King’s castle was surrounded by precipitous cliffs, a forest, and a great deal of breathtaking mountains. It’s the place where up until recently, the Hero group members, and Johann fought.

“This…place couldn’t be…”

In this place where the marks of battle were still freshly visible, Johann came back for some reason. It was the place where Bruges brought down the Demon King, the most dangerous place to be in. The Demon King’s castle towered over the land as an evil symbol, and the troops of the Demon King were watching their surroundings vigilantly. Even though the Demon King was now dead, the subordination of the demons remained absolute. The Demon King’s castle was left in ruin by the aftermath of the battle, and only lifelessness remained.

“In a way, it looks slightly pitiful…”

When you looked at how all the heroes’ skills distorted the building, it was hard not to run away. Maybe you could only appreciate the imposing design of the building if you looked at it from the outside. Standing before it was very intimidating. It was endowed with ominous looking spires, very typical of a satanic construction. The outer walls glowed with an evil looking atmosphere, which made you feel like you were in a play. The main material of the building was [Metallized stone]. It’s soundproof, heat resistant, has an automated kinetic absorption buff, and magic that prevents deterioration by rain and wind.

The building could have lasted for a millennium…no, millennia. The fact the castle retained its structure even after the violent battle had ended, was proof of how sturdy it actually was. So he thought it was truly a waste.

“But, it could be fixed… Adventurers won’t come here anymore.”

With Johann’s skill, he could probably repair the building in day. However, if it was found out that you were repairing the Demon King’s castle, with your qualifications being revoked, capital punishment would be brought down upon you. It’s a shame, leaving it as it is.

“Wait, what am I even thinking about. I should find a place to sleep.”

As expected, you probably wouldn’t be able to use the floor as a bed in the Demon King’s castle. After the fight with the Demon King, the inside was filled with debris. Using the architect skill to build a house is much easier, and more comfortable. Johann was thinking of a wide place to build his house in and stay the night. Instead of looking unsightly, he was somewhat motivated now. He loves building, but he never thought he would have wanted to do his best like this, just after being betrayed by his companions.

Johann wanted a place to rest, so he kept walking further into the forest by the castle. He would need to look for a cave or hollow tree. It was easy to think the forest at night would be dangerous, but it would be more comfortable than being around demons. And so for some time he walked, until the castle looked similar in size to a small building that came into sight.

It was one of the bases made by Johann. It had a pure white outer wall, with two equally spaced windows on it. The top of the building was adorned with towers stretching into the sky in a way appropriate for a castle, and a coat of arms, picturing a sword and a cross. It was symmetrical in its entirety. The building hadn’t been used much by adventurers, but Johann thought this was his best work.

Compared to the Demon King’s castle, it failed to reach its size, but the interior had nothing to be criticized. It was built to restore physical strength and magical power just by being inside it, and you could also add special buffs. It was a building that was useful as a tactical headquarter for the guild, and a convenient resting spot for the adventurers.


Johann lightly called out the name of the building. He finds it necessary to name his own buildings. Perfect got its name, because it’s [flawless]. Because it got this name, you could presumably understand why Johann liked this building.

The base was built by Johann, so it was supposed to be his property. But because Bruges took measures against him, Johann had no right to it anymore. If you took even one step inside, at that moment you would be considered a criminal.

“But…if I just look a little…”

Even though he couldn’t enter, he wanted to at least slowly gaze at it. Johann left the forest, heading up to where Perfect was built. Upon arrival, lights were shining through the windows, and he got a certain feeling. It seemed that someone was inside.

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“Hey, Bruges~. I can’t hold on anymore.”

“…Me too, hold me closer…”

“Whoa you are so energetic, Mishi, Keene. Don’t be in a rush, I’ll take care of you soon.”

A familiar voice could be heard, sounding very intimate. It seemed like among other things, Bruges got Perfect, as a reward for bringing down the Demon King. They probably came here with transfer crystals. And so, the building which Johann poured special love into, had been turned into a private place for indecent things.

“But, everything went well, didn’t it. Because Johann is gone, our share is considerably higher. Since the King rewarded only us.”

“Hooray! We’re the best! Driving that guy out was the best move~. The direction we took was good after all.”

“…Got money…nuisance gone. Two birds with one stone.”

Moreover, the architect slandered.

“Reward money? Seriously?

This was something not told to Johann. Perhaps the large cash rewards for the Demon King suppression mission, that the guild and the country gave out, was the reason they did that. The hero party. And Johann understood. To take his share for themselves, that was the primary reason Bruges’ group drove him out. And the people from the adventurers guild, there is no mistake that Bruges’ group bribed them cooperate.

“Damnit! How dirty these guys are! These guys, to Perfect…”

Johan was feeling as though his lover was taken away. Very repulsive, unforgivable. Deprived of something so important, yet not being able to do anything is infuriating. But what if… he demolished the building with them inside? If he destroyed the building with his skill, he could bury Bruges’ group alive. Such thoughts crossed his mind. Johann hovered his hand over the building, to use the strongest architecture skill [Collapse and crumble].

But decided against that idea at the last minute.

“…Let’s stop. It is not Perfect’s fault.”

The affection for his building was stronger than the resentment towards Bruges. For the sake of his love for Perfect, he put away the dark feelings inside his chest.

“A castle, how nice…”

Suddenly he heard a voice next to him. Johann leapt up in surprise. A remnant of the Demons? And, leaked his voice by reflex. And as for what was there…

It was a little girl.


She looked about 5 years old? Glittering pink, long hair stretched down to her waist, and faint, red glowing eyes. She was clad in an extravagant dress, looking like the princess of a country in some respects. He was unintentionally fascinated by her face for a moment.

Very unfitting for a forest at night, there was an exceedingly cute girl. She was hidden behind a large tree, and the girl admiringly pointed her finger at the castle Johann built.

“How nice…a castle, how nice…”

“Hey, hey….you…. What are you doing here?”

Johann called out to her by mistake.

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Then the little girl let out a gasp as she suddenly became aware of Johann’s existence.

“…Old man, who aaare you~?”

“O-old man…”

Johann’s 18 year old heart just cracked.

“I-I am Johann Grecia. An adventurer and architect. And, what is your name?”


Said the girl with an innocent voice.

“Felukia-chan huh? By the way, what are you doing?”

“The castle, Felukia was looking at it. That castle.”

She said as she pointed at Perfect.

“A castle like that, Felukia wants one too. My castle, Felukia lost it some time ago.”

“Felukia’s castle…? You own a castle?”

“Mhm. That big one over there.”

The direction she pointed at was clearly that of the Demon King’s castle.


“That big castle, it’s Felukia’s. Papa called me the “Demon Princess.”

The Demon Princess –> Demon King’s castle. (This child, she’s a demon!).

As he thought, there were still some alive. Moreover this child, she wasn’t an ordinary demon. The little girl has been boasting about the Demon King’s castle, being hers. In addition, if you looked at her, two small horns poked out of the top of her head. You could point out family of the Demon King by their jet black, sharp horns.

(T-this is bad… What do I do…?)

This was the most worried Johann was in his whole life.

(This girl, is probably the daughter of the Demon King! What the hell! What a find! )

That means that as the daughter of the Demon King, she would soon enough become the Demon King itself. Concerning mankind that’d be a big threat. Looking at this girl with his own eyes, this couldn’t be left alone.

But what should be done? Try to kill her right this moment?

Considering how much experience Johann has killing demons with his own hands though, this little girl would probably easily defeat him. But before the Demon King power in this kid awakens…

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“It’s useless! I can’t do it.”

It was impossible for Johann after all.

Even if she descended from the Demon King, he couldn’t hit a little girl.

(Because this child, seriously looks like an angel! And are there any who could kill an angel like this? I highly doubt that.)

The child seemed to have such a lovable face that made you want to protect her, even if she was a demon. He was suspicious about this child’s abilities.

Moreover, he wasn’t an adventurer. Even though he encountered a demon, he had no obligation to fight. If that’s the case, leaving her alone would be fine right?

(No…but… If she’s really going to be called the Demon King eventually…)

Needless to say, the demons are mankind’s enemy. Regardless of whether you’re an adventurer or not, if you could defeat it, then defeat it.

Even if she looked cute, her heart must be evil. If you looked at her, she could be considered to be a grim reaper wearing the skin of an angel.

(That-that’s right… If I don’t do it, I might walk out as a dead man…)

Although his qualifications have been revoked, his pride as an adventurer remained in his heart.

To protect his people, Johann decided to defeat Felukia. He raised a knife that hung on his waist for self-protection, he brought it out for the first time in his life.

“Felukia, right now. Are you alone?”

Casually, he called out to Felukia.

“Well, papa… Because of the war with the humans, He told me to run away. So Felukia went to hide in the basement.”

So when she said papa, she did mean the Demon King. It seems he wanted to save his daughter, and told her to hide. That was praiseworthy, even for the enemy.

“And when Felukia came outside, papa, the servants, everyone died.”

Of course that was the case. The Demon King was defeated by Bruges. The other demons too fell victim to the guild members and Johann’s traps.

“And the castle as well, was in pieces! There’s no reason for me to come there anymore. That’s why Felukia wanted a new castle”

Certainly, you wouldn’t be able to live in the current Demon King’s castle. So she was searching in this place for somewhere to rest, and wandered the forest. …Just like Johann now.


Johann’s and Felukia’s circumstances, it all added up. In only one night, they lost their friends and place to come home to. Bereavement or betrayal, as far as circumstances go, they were barely any different. Johann was on the side who defeated the Demon King, so he might not be allowed to sympathize. Even so, he still thought Felukia was pitiful. He thought it was inexcusable. He saw similarities between what happened with him and Bruges, and with the girl. The resolution he made to kill her started to waver. He returned the knife in his hand to his waist.

First, thinking about it calmly, there was no way he could harm this little girl. And compared to this child, Bruges and the guild members were much more evil and dangerous. And above all, this girl…

“That castle…it’s really lovely…”

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“A castle like that, Felukia wants one too…”

Felukia looked at his castle with her red glowing eyes, and Johann collapsed. A look full of admiration and envy. It was a look where he wanted to do something for her, from the bottom from of his heart. With someone gazing at his beloved work like that, Johann couldn’t just do nothing to help her.

Johann closed his eyes, and decided. He was not prepared to kill her. He resigned to that fact. Killing as an adventurer, that’s really different from living as a human.

“…Hey. Felukia.”


Johann crouched, and looked Felukia in the eyes. Her tiny eyes reflected Johann.

“Well the truth about that castle is, that I made it.”

“What…? Really?”

“Really. Look at me.”

Johann’s hands touched the ground.

Then at Felukia’s feet, the earth rumbled, and swelled up. The soil gradually formed a shape, and before soon turned into a tiny castle. It was a miniature of Perfect. Violating the rules, Johann used his architecture skill.

“Wow! A castle!”

Felukia raised her hands in delight. She tried to lift the castle made of earth, and exclaimed a “wooooow” in excitement.

“But this is just an example, if I get serious I can make even more amazing things.”


Felukia began to fidget. Joy was expressed in her whole body.

“Then, that castle, give it to Felukia! Make a whooole lot of them for me too, okay?”

“Sorry, that’s impossible.”

That castle was not owned by Johann anymore. He couldn’t give it to Felukia.


Just as easily Felukia’s shoulders dropped in disappointment, which was easy to understand. Johann put his hand on her head, and gently patted it.

“Instead, I will build something even better…


A special castle for Felukia.”

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