Chapter 3 – Building the Demon King castle (part 1)

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2 hours after I met Felukia.

It was already getting late, but Johann was skillfully processing the ground to build a tiny house. By the way, the name of the house is [Ground], because it represents the earth. Furniture and bedding were produced with Johann’s skill, [Household belongings creation], so for the moment they had a place to stay.

Of course, together with Felukia. In the bed Johann made for her, she was sleeping soundly.

(sleeping sounds)


Johann gazed at her sleeping face from his chair. He and Felukia made a promise, to never worry about something alone again.

“Still, should I say it?”

Felukia is the daughter of the Demon King.

And that Demon King was killed by the guild which he used to belong to. Furthermore you could even say he was part of the Hero party. He wasn’t directly involved in the decision making of the Demon King suppression mission, but he was still closely involved. He wanted to convey this reality immediately, because it was worrying Johann endlessly.

“But how do I tell her…”

If he told her, Felukia could end up resenting Johann. And if he stayed with her in such circumstances he would probably die right? But in that case, she would have to carry the burden of being alone again.

A little demon girl loitering around alone in an area like this, she would very likely be killed by Bruges, who was in the vicinity. For a girl such as Felukia, a guardian was essential. And as for that role, at the moment only Johann would be qualified.

Some day, the truth has to come to light. But today, is not that day.

“……When the Demon King castle is complete, I will tell her the truth, and leave this place.”

Johann muttered that on his own.

If Johann builds the castle well, it will probably turn out as the strongest castle in existence, and the strongest protection for Felukia. In that case, his role would be over. She could hate him when she learned the truth, but at least her life would be safe.

Finally settling on his thoughts, Johann entered one of the other beds.

“Aaaaa caaaastle ♪ A caaastle ♪”

The next morning, Felukia was already in high spirits.

The building that Johann made was probably already plenty enjoyable for her. While hopping and skipping clumsily, Felukia left the forest. As Johann watched her do so, he smiled.

As promised, from today onwards he would start building the Demon King castle. Because of that, they were heading towards the space where the ruins of the old Demon King castle lay. They finally arrived at the ruins, and Johann could take a look again.

“Hmm… The damage inside is terrible after all… It’s completely demolished, we might have no other choice but to start from scratch, right?”

The foundation is solid and because of that he was thinking about simply doing repairs and renovation, but that seemed unreasonable now. Furthermore…

“Felukia’s castle ♪ castle ♪ castle ♪”

with Felukia’s hopes, he could not deliver half-baked results. For that cause he would wield his power with all his might.

“Then first, the preparations. Soundproofing barrier [Sound proof] and privacy barrier [Stealth]!”

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Johann covered the entirety of the plaza in two large barriers. True to its name, the soundproofing barrier was sure to not let a single sound from the inside escape. As for the privacy barrier, the actions of people inside would be completely concealed. In other words, a person looking at it, would never be able to perceive something out of the ordinary taking place.

Now, the sound and sight of the construction would not leak out. Even if Bruges and his group were still inside Perfect, they wouldn’t be hindered by them.

“Alright! Commence the start of the construction! First of all, [Collapse and crumble] !”

When Johann raised his hand above his head, the already partially destroyed castle made a grand sound as it started to crumble. The entirety of the castle cracked, small rubble falling to the ground as it collapsed.

With this skill, it was possible to destroy a targeted building in an instant. Before, the castle wasn’t destroyed by the skill as it had a special buff, but that was no longer the case.

“Oooooooo!” Behind Johann, Felukia cheered in full excitement.

It seems that a collapsing building was quite an astounding event. Originally it was her castle though…

“To continue, return to origins, [Reduction] ! Using rubble as material!”

Johann put his skills in action. The mass of debris shone, and split into bricks the size of a hand. Releasing a silver luster, a stack built up next to Johann.

It was [Metallized stone]. It was in its unprocessed form. Johann was going to use this material to rebuild the castle.

“After all, this material is the best fit for these lands. With my architectural skills, it should result in a better castle than before.”

Piece by piece the rubble was turned into materials. When the ruins of the Demon King castle were completely removed, there was a good stack of stone at Johann’s side. The pile of bricks likely exceeded a thousand.

“With this, one of the materials we need is secured. But it is still not enough yet.”

If you have the opportunity, you might as well build an even bigger castle than the former one. But right now, he only had half the bricks needed.

“Well then, earth puppet generation [Golem create]!”

Next, Johann used his skill to create golems. The ground was a bit swollen and lumpy, and they were about the same size as Johann. Before long 20 golems surrounded Johann.

“Ooooo! Huooo!” Felukia was astonished.

Even being the daughter of the Demon King, she hadn’t seen a skill like that.

“Okay, you guys! Go bring me all the metallized stone!”

When Johann instructed the golems, they quickly proceeded to move. Metallized stone could be taken from the mine nearby. If he entrusted that to the golems, it would take a few days to mine double of what he had now.

“All right. With this it’s just a matter of waiting for the materials… What can I do now?”

Johann moved to the center of the ruins. It was the place where the Demon King castle stood until a short while ago. He sat down cross legged, and quietly put into operation a skill.

“Earth cultivation, [Earthbringer]”

Three magic squares could be spotted extending over the plaza. This skill takes care of the foundation work of the castle. The ground can be hardened, and various buffs such as [Automatic building repair] and [Intruder obstruction barrier] can be applied.

A castle brought up on ground made with [Earth cultivation], had the ability to increase the strength of the structure for emergencies. The previous castle itself was not bad shape, but the land wasn’t strengthened. Doing this was something which Johann, the SSS-rank architect could do.

With [Earth cultivation] you needed to sit on the ground until the operation was completed. But during the use of that skill you couldn’t use any others, so time was a little wasted. However, in order to make a better building this was absolutely necessary.

“Perhaps this work won’t take a few days… By the end of this we will have all the stone. so we can quickly go to the next process. Ah, and the trees are a hindrance, so they should also be moved.”

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The surrounding trees get in the way of making the new castle larger. Once the cultivation is finished it’ll be necessary to remove them.

“Hey hey, Johann”

And at that time. Felukia pulled at the hem of Johann’s shirt, who was looking at the situation so far.

“Felukia will help. ”


“Felukia will remove the trees.”

So she said, as Felukia pointed at the trees.

“Ahaha. It’s alright, it’s alright. I’ll do it myself later. You can play as you like, alright?”

He caressed her head after he proposed that. Felukia’s feelings are pleasant, but it is impossible for a tree to be moved by a young girl.

“Muuuu… Felukia wants to help too!”

But she didn’t listen to what he said, and ran alone to the direction of the trees. And remarkably clung to a big tree, putting all her strength in her tiny body.

“1…..2…. Uryaaaaaaaaaa!”


The big tree that Felukia held onto, was uprooted beautifully.


She threw it into a corner of the ruins, and then looked at Johann’s face.

“Felukia can do it!!


While drawing away slightly, Johann thought about it.

She was truly the child of the Demon King alright. Being able to do such things, he wondered if that was natural for them. After that Felukia pulled out several other trees in succession, stacking them up with a “thump” sound. Almost as if she was pulling weeds out.

And just like that ten large trees were already dealt with. They were also usable as materials.

“Johann, I’m done.”

I-I noticed… In the blink of an eye…”

“Pat me. Pat me!”

Ah, mhm. Yes yes…”

Felukia extended her head.

Her beautiful pink hair, was gently stroked.

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” ~ ♪”

She was in a very good mood. After a while of being patted happily, Felukia asked a question.

“Is there anything else I can do?”

Apparently she seemed a bit older than she looked, as she wanted to receive praise for her help. After thinking about it a little, Johann gave her a safe task to do.

“Then, will you think about the design of the castle?”


“Mhm. I would like you to draw your ideal castle on paper. ”

” Yeah!”

Felukia’s eyes shone when she heard the words “ideal castle”. She ran to the temporary house in an instant. Actually, he thought about what kind of castle to create, but with Felukia being so motivated to help, he couldn’t just give her nothing to do. Besides, the castle that he was making was for Felukia either way. Only by including her opinion, you could say it was truly hers.

“Come now, what design will you come up with?”

Johann was having a little fun. After all she was the daughter of the Demon King. She would probably design a robust and elegant castle. For Johann, who has produced many buildings so far, this was the first time he would build a demon castle. He was excited about what kind of good results would come forth, and trembled from excitement a little. Furthermore, his partner was her. The sense of a Demon King would help him greatly. He got the feeling that he would create a masterpiece above even Perfect, and his craftsman soul flared up.

“Johann! I’m done!”

After a while, Felukia happily ran towards him with a piece of paper in hand.

“First I drew the [Castle gate]!

I see, gates! As expected of Felukia! Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!”

Johann was wondering just what kind of appearance it’d have. When considering a Demon King castle, the gate has to be majestic. It was a symbol for demons to instill fear into the heroes. She understood that as well.

His anticipation for the design was great. What kind of terrifying castle gate had she made?

The design sense of one who descended from the Demon King, show it to me!


|                Castle gate​                |

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“Hey, Felukia… This is the gate, isn’t it…?”


For some reason her chest tensed up, slightly snorting as she breathed out of her nose too hard.

He honestly didn’t even know if it was a gate! But, surely. She’s a child right…? That the drawing wasn’t the best couldn’t be helped. But, it was obviously peculiar, wouldn’t you think?

“These mysterious three small animals are?”



Why would there be cats in a Demon King castle?

“The castle needs to have cats. I love cats ~!”

“Ahh, I understand… That was it. Cats are cute.”

But why did she draw it here? Well this kinda messed up the plans. I feel bad for Felukia, but unfortunately I will cut this plan…

“Could you, do it differently?”


The sparkle in her red eyes dimmed out, as Johann looked at Felukia. The gaze of a pure child struck Johann’s heart.

“O-of course! You should diligently try to create as much as possible!”


Well, it’s fine. The castle is for her after all. If Felukia thinks it’s fine, then isn’t it? It being majestic, let’s leave that as secondary!

“Next, to draw the castle!”

Cutting the tension, Felukia innocently ran to the temporary house once again. Johann awaited the start of the creation of this masterpiece.


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