In this way, Rong Xiaoqi, like a pig, began to fall asleep again.

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    After Rong Xiaoqi went to sleep, there was a trace of doubt in Liu Bai's eyes that hadn't wavered before, and he fell into contemplation again.


    Although he is a god, he is not omnipotent, for example, he does not understand fox language.


    However, he still understood what Rong Xiaoqi was saying. Even though she was still squeaking, he could understand what Rong Xiaoqi was saying.


    For example, just now, he understood all the words of the little fox.


    Moreover, the soft cry of the little fox is really nice.


    Although Liu Bai was puzzled, he was not too entangled. After all, he was able to understand what the little fox was saying, and he was happy in his heart.


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 After all, he could take care of the little fox.  


    Thinking that if he could not take care of his little fox, she would have to be taken care of by others. 


Liu Bai clenched his fists, with the green veins exposed on his forehead, and looked very forbearing. His eyes were a little red, and the whole body exuded a cold aura. 


    If they say that Liu Bai was scary and cold before, then now he is like Asura out of hell.


    When Liu Bai reacted, his heart was startled, and when he looked at the little fox on his knees, the burst of violence disappeared.


    Liu Bai took off the mask, sighed slightly, and after a while, put the mask on again.


    Carefully put Rong Xiaoqi on the bed, then tidy up his robes, stood up, and walked out of the palace.


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    Liu Bai walked calmly, but the wind was blowing under his feet. At this time, Liu Bai reached the bamboo forest with thin lips he said: " Mo family guards!"


    "Subordinates are here!" Eleven people suddenly appeared out of thin air.


    The teenagers look mature and stable, and they look first-class, no matter where they are in the demon world, they will definitely attract a lot of girls.


    There are even men...  ahem... 


    Liu Bai didn't speak, and was silent for a while, and said, "Go and catch a few underage fox beasts!" The teenagers were puzzled, but they didn't say anything.


    For them, they are dead men with no will, they have no right to intervene with the master, and all they have to do is to obey.


    The Mo family guards flashed away and disappeared before his eyes.


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    The Twelve Guards of the Mo family moved very quickly, and within the time of a stick of incense, they caught three underage fox demons.


    Lou Bai's eyes were not as gentle as they were in front of Rong Xiaoqi, so the three little foxes were all trembling.


    The three little foxes are all of the same colour, the biggest difference lies in their tails.


    They have only one tail.


    The reason why Rong Xiaoqi's tail is nine is that she is originally a direct descendant of the Qingqiu nine-tailed fox, so naturally, she has nine tails.


    Of course, Rong Xiaoqi's fur is very different from the usual fox demon. Except for the tail, Rong Xiaoqi's fur is all white.  In Qingqiu or the entire fox family, there is no fox with hair like Rong Xiaoqi.


    This is also one of the reasons why the Demon King loves her so much.

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    "What's your name?" Liu Bai asked after looking for a while.


    The three fox demons: "..."


    Liu Bai has no patience, raising his brows slightly, his voice is colder than before. "What's your name?" 


The three fox demons may be out of fox instinct,  they make a noise. "Squeak!"


    Hearing the sound, the frowning brows seemed to be able to pinch a fly, and then Liu Bai looked at the other two fox demons, and said, "You guys also say it twice !"


    The Mo family's twelve guards in the dark...  they Never knew that their prince had such hobbies.


    Tut tut...

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