Chapter 14 

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    Liu Bai had no idea what the Mo family's twelve guards were thinking. Right now he just wanted to know why he couldn't understand what the three little fox demons were saying.


    Was it just an illusion?

    The folds on Liubai's forehead has not been loosened.


    He looked at the three little fox demons who were trembling in the corner and said, "Go back." 


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When the three fox demons heard this, they pulled their legs and started to run. They were arrested before they could figure anything out, and they were released before they could figure anything out.


    After the three little fox demons left, Liu Bai remained in the same posture as before without moving.

    After a long time,  Liu Bai took a sip of tea, then stood up and walked in the direction where Rong Xiaoqi was sleeping. When walking back to his bedroom, Liu Bai saw an uninvited guest—the second prince in the palace—Rong Xiaosan.


    Liu Bai saw Rong Xiaosan, and Rong Xiaosan naturally saw Liu Bai.


    Rong Xiaosan was upset because his baby sister was about to marry Liu Bai and when he saw Liu Bai today, he won't want to let him go.


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    Liu Bai knew that Rong Xiaosan was looking for trouble, so he didn't plan to hide, and walked directly in the direction of Rong Xiaosan.


    Even someone who was so calm as Liu Bai had to twitch at the corners of his mouth when looking at Xiaosan's top to bottom fiery red robe. Indeed no one in this palace can compete with him when it comes to fashion.


    Rong Xiaosan opened his folding fan and strode towards Liu Bai, saying: "Oh, isn't this our lord Liu Bai ?, it should be Prince "


 Rong Xiaosan turned around Liu Bai's side a few times,  and continued: "Why, is it not improper for the God to go to immortals ?"


    Liu Bai ignored Rong Xiaosan,  For him, he was just a childish "child".

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    Had it not been for Rong Xiaoqi's brother,  who had offended him in this way, Rong Xiaosan would have been thrown into the Wangchuan River to be fed to the fishes!


    Liu Bai looked at this Rong Xiaosan, condescending, and said, "What the Prince does, should This Prince report to you?"


    Rong Xiaosan was choked and was speechless for a while. In simple terms, Liu Bai is his elder. In terms of Rong Xiaoqi's husband, he is indeed capable of asking Liu Bai because he is his brother-in-law.

    But isn't this a tricky trick? Isn't it indirectly accepting him as his brother in law?

    Thinking of this, Rong Xiaosan put another insidious label on Liu Bai.

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    "My sister hasn't grown up yet. Even if she is an adult, she will have to wait seven or eight hundred years to become human. You are a normal man. You should know what I want to say. After seven or eight hundred years, my sister is still a flower that has just bloomed. And you are..."


    Rong Xiaosan didn't finish what he was saying, but how could such a smart person as Liu Bai not understand the truth.


    Doesn't it mean that ' old cow eats tender grass?'


    In fact, it is a bit bothersome to think about this problem, but Liu Bai recovered in an instant, and said to Rong Xiaosan: "Don't worry about this."


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