“You sleep here?”

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“Who assigned it?”

His tone gradually lowered.

I suddenly felt like the herb warehouse dropped a couple of degrees.

“Oh, there are separate quarters for slaves, but I’m the only woman here. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.So the priest was considerate enough to let me stay here.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.



Sleeping with the scent of herbs was rather cozy.

But why did his expression seem so cold?

He walked up to stand right in front of me.


A chill ran up my spine from my toes.

Goosebumps broke out all over my body and I shivered slightly.

My fingertips were numb, as if I had suddenly been plunged into the cold.

I could hear a thud, thud, thud in my head.


He grabbed my arm immediately.


The sound of a horn tore through the silent night.

He and I stepped outside together.

The flag was fluttering vertically up and down.

It meant that a demon had emerged from within the fortress, but something was wrong.

Some of the flags were pointing desperately ahead.

As if to say, look that way.

As I walked to the side of the warehouse and traced the tips of the flags, I saw black shapes moving.


(T/N: Seth can actually detect demons, as everyone noticed from the previous chapters. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I wonder if there was a reason behind it. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.)

I turned towards the forest, which was known to be the gateway to Einfork.

The demon’s head poked above the trees.

I looked down at my arm and saw that the crown prince was slowly removing his fingers.

I could see the emotion drain from his face in an instant.

“No, it’s a demon!”

“Get out! Get out!”

“No, It’s safer here!”

The sound of drums mingled with the shouts of newly awakened bystanders.

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According to our training, we were supposed to run out of the fortress together when the flag moved vertically.

However, everyone was running around in circles because the demon was still far away.

“This way! Gather in one place!”

Eventually, the Knight of the Thorns called the group out together, seemingly deciding that it would be best to gather us in one place, whether they were going out or not at least everyone is together.

“Your Highness!”

The chamberlain brought out his black steed.

On the other side, Vaslow and Ricks were approaching, now armed.

Shane looked at me without saying anything, then turned away.

I wanted to say something to him, but I didn’t dare to utter a single sound.

While I went to Rick’s side to talk to him, the servant dressed his highness in his armor and cloak as if he was used to it.

Thud, thud, thud.

Meanwhile, the prepared soldiers came out in a line and stood facing the direction of the demon.

The crown prince sheathed his sword for the last time, and mounted the black steed with ease.

His crimson cloak glowed even darker in the moonlight.

The air was silent with the tense atmosphere of the pre-battle.

Clack, clack!

The sound of his gallop to the front was a signal in itself.

As the black horse broke into a full gallop, the men behind him followed with a shout.

Dirt rose up and swallowed them whole in an instant.

‘Oh my god.’

The shouts went on for quite a while.

The group stiffened as they realized they weren’t exiting through the fortress gates, but rather towards the entrance of Einfork itself.

It was hard to believe that the figure moving through the trees over there was a demon, as it was the first time I had ever seen one actually alive.

“What if it comes from further away? What if it opens up somewhere other than Einfork?”

“Shh, don’t be an assh–le.”

“We’ve never been out of there before, don’t you realize that no one knows where we’ll end up?”

“Yeah, well, at least it’s near Einfork, so we’re prepared for battle. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Imagine if it showed up in some town in the Empire.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“That would be terrible.”

“Damn it, why the hell did someone open up that dimensional rift?”

“Damn those Ephiro, screw them.”

(T/N: Kinda’ felt like there’s more to the rift opening than meets the eye.)

My shoulders slumped of their own accord.

Everyone was gathered in the central clearing that could be called a plaza.

All of them seemed uneasy about being in the area where the demon had first appeared.

The words were muttered in whispers, but strangely enough, they all stuck in my ears.

‘Damn Ephiro.’

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‘This is a disaster!’

I could hear it better, especially with all the cursing that followed.

Their faces contorted, as if the mere pronunciation of the word Ephiro was disgusting.

‘I wonder if Shane thinks so too as well…’

He had been fighting demons as if it were a daily routine, like he was eating and sleeping.

Soldiers and knights would take turns going into battle.

But he never took a break, he was always in the lead, leading them every time.

He never complained of exhaustion, never said he wanted to rest.

‘Wouldn’t he be terrible towards an Ephiro…?’

I sat in the corner, shook my head, and clasped my hands together.

For now, I had to stop thinking about it and focus on praying that hopefully he comes back unscathed.

I forcibly pushed the words out of my ears, hoping he would return safely.

‘Shane, be safe. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Don’t get hurt.’read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

I could still remember the feeling of his hands and eyes as he carefully removed the petals on me. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.He seemed to be focused on each only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

It was only now that I realized how calm and relaxed he had looked then.

If one were to look at his expression as he faced the demon, one would never think of the other.

The more I thought about the stark difference, the more a part of my chest ached.

I felt sorry for him, he’s a man who had spent his entire life fighting demons in Einfork.

I clutched the cloth pouch I was wearing with both hands.

Just thinking about the petals I’d secretly tucked inside, made me feel a little calmer.

“Huh? Smoke!”

After what seemed like an eternity, someone shouted.

Black smoke was rising from the forest.

It was the smoke of burning demon corpses.


“Yes, priest.”

I stood up, looking around for something to help, and locked eyes with the priest O’mont.

I followed him to the warehouse, where he had piled up a bundle of cloth.

Without a word, I grabbed it with both arms and carried it away.

Stretchers for the wounded were placed on the floor, one after the other, and bundles of cloth were set down beside them.

My heart was heavy, knowing now what the cloth would be used for.

“Somebody help here!”

I heard a voice and turned to see a familiar face.

He had been carrying the bucket by himself and was struggling with the weight.

“Seth, I see you’ve been watching out for me, haven’t you?”

Ronde hadn’t changed in a long time.

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I ran a hand through my hair and lifted my face confidently.

“I’ll take this one.”

“I can carry it myself, I just asked for help in case I spill it.”

I stretched out my arms and grabbed one side of the bucket.

The thought of it being water for the soldiers made me want to carry it without spilling a drop.

“Should we bring more?”

I asked Ronde as I set the bucket down in the square where the soldiers would arrive.

“Yep. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I’ve got a few more, don’t worry.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

‘Don’t worry about what?’

I took the lead and headed for the well.

The more water the better, especially for the wounded.

Everyone had a job to do, and it looked like we’d be short-handed carrying buckets of water.

“One, two—!”

Still, he wasn’t in the mood to play games, and I could tell he wanted to move as many buckets as possible.

We stomped along in unison, trying to keep the water from tipping.

Dag, dag, dag.

By the time we left the well, we were carrying so many buckets together.

The sound of horses’ hooves grew closer and closer.

I turned around with the bucket and saw the crown prince at the head of the pack.

I looked him over from head to toe to make sure he wasn’t injured, and I saw blood dripping from his feet.

My throat burned because I couldn’t tell if it was his or the demon’s blood.

[Read only on]

“I’ll walk a little faster.”

“Huh? But Seth. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Where are you looking?”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

I walked on, keeping my eyes fixed on the crown prince in the lead.

The priests were standing in two rows, ready to give the soldiers some divine power.

I could see the crown prince scanning the crowd as he dismounted.

“Keep your head down, you shouldn’t be looking at him like that.”

Ronde whispered worriedly as he followed my steps.

The air was filled with the thick scent of blood from the returning soldiers, a good portion of which seemed to be coming from the crown prince.

A small puddle had formed at his feet as he turned his head to inspect the area.

The color of the soil quickly darkened.

I really hoped that it was demon blood.

The crown prince turned his head, looking everywhere.

As the servant took the horse away from him, I saw him turn his head here and there as well.

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I don’t know what he’s looking for, I just followed his gaze.

“Seth, let’s put it here.”

Ronde tugged on the bucket a little, he was out of breath, but still forced himself to be okay with it, and it sounded like a good idea, so I set the bucket down with him.

There was already plenty of water in the square, so I figured it would be a good place to put it for the soldiers behind me.

As I put the bucket down and stretched my back, I saw the crown prince turn his head in this direction.

Normally, I would have ducked my head to avoid eye contact, but I had to meet his gaze to make sure he wasn’t injured.

Luckily, I didn’t see any blood on his face, and my eyes scanned him intently to see if he was injured elsewhere.

He seemed to be in good shape.


“Careful, careful!”

“Lay him down this way.”

Even as the priests’ divine power descended, I could hear the wounded arriving one after another.

As they passed between him and me, I simply looked at him with my eyes inquiringly.

‘Are you okay, are you hurt?’

The corner of his eyes twitched slightly, and I saw his head move slightly while I bit my lip, still wondering if he was hurt.

It was a very faint movement. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It didn’t even move his hair, but I knew it was his answer to only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

The fact that he had read my mind and nodded at me, even though I hadn’t asked him a question, made my heart pound a little.

As he continued to stare at me, several of the knights around us turned to look in my direction.

We were separated by about twenty paces, and as they passed between him and me, they seemed to have turned into a blur.

My eyes were completely filled with his figure, and I felt like the world had ceased to exist.

As he stared, he was about to take a step towards me when—


A chill rushed down my spine, like ice poured over it.

Then I felt a sharp, icy chill that threatened to tear my skin.

I felt like something was going to come out of my mouth, so I clamped one hand over it.

[Read only on]

My head pinged and spun until the ground rumbled beneath me.

My eyes widened as I realized I now knew what this feeling was.


I heard a horn blast, more urgent than ever.

I looked up to see the flag fluttering vertically, its violent motion taking my breath away.

“It’s a demon again!”

I turned around and saw a large black mass emerge from the side of the well we had just passed.

(T/N: Are these demons related to Seth? This is weird. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.The forest, now the well…)read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

I heard the sound of one of the barracks shattering, and I could see its form fully.

It was a demon.

The dimensional rift had reopened.

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