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“Save me! Gahh!”

The people near the well were either dragged away or trampled by the demon in an instant.

Some were picked up and disappeared into the darkness.

The unreal scene left me dazed for a while.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The sound of drums echoed in my ears as other demons appear one after another.

They looked even more enormous up close.

Three, no, four of them howled through the barracks.

There was no sound, but I could tell they were howling.

An eerie feeling ran through me immediately.

“Form up!”

“Evacuate the fortress! Now!”

The demons seemed to be covered in shadows rather than fur.

Its unique hide seemed to be darkness itself.

Its large red eyes flickered in the moonlight.

The demon sought to snatch up anyone who moved and take them into its mouth.

It was so large that a single step would quickly close the distance.

“Seth, come here!”

Priest O’Mont’s voice snapped me out of my reverie.

We had to get out of the fortress.

There was a line to get out, and people were stumbling and tripping, heading for the gates that led outside the fortress.

As I ran to join the procession, I turned around and locked eyes with the crown prince.

He was staring at me, his expression as inorganic as a doll’s.

It was the expressionless look that characterized him in battle.

Suddenly, I saw a deep emotion flare up in his deep golden eyes.

‘It’s okay!’

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I gave him a nod, just as he had done earlier, only to have him pull his gaze away from me in a very rigid motion.

Before I knew it, he had drawn his sword out, and with a flick of his wrist, he wiped the blood from his face and ran towards the demon.

His eyes seemed to tell me that he’s okay, so I gave myself a quick slap on the cheek to wake myself up.

“Argh! Argh! Kaaaah!”

Just then, I heard a strange noise coming from the side and saw someone crawling through the broken barracks.

He covered his face with his arms, and a piece of shrapnel thrown by the demon slammed into his side.

He was crouching there, unable to move.


It looks like a familiar silhouette.

He seemed completely out of it, unable to get up.

It was only a matter of time before he was trampled underfoot.

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“Get up! Come on!”

The sound didn’t seem to reach his ears. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.He was shivering, and was unable to lift his only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Tap, tap.

I looked to the side and saw Father O’mont running towards him.

I glanced at the howling demon, which was nothing more than darkness, but when you cut it, it bleeds.

A fishy scent that paralyzed the tip of my nose continued to flow out.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

Arrows covered the sky as they flew from demon to demon.

The demon that was struck squarely in the eye staggered and fell down with a thud.

I could see the Knights of Thorns pouncing on the fallen demon through the barracks.

‘Oh my god!’


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

Woosh! Boom!

The cacophony of sounds made it hard for me to think straight.

I struck both of my cheeks once more, this time it was harder, and then I looked over to where Father O’Mont went to.

He had Ronde by the scruff of the neck and was dragging him away.

Ronde kept flailing his arms around like he was possessed.

“Hey! Get a grip!”


He kept trying to cover his face with his arms as he was being dragged away, and eventually the priest slapped him across the cheek.


I could see him flinch as when called his name as I ran over.

I helped the priest up, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his feet, the sound of his name seemed to have brought Ronde back to reality.

“We have to get out of here! Ronde!”

He froze for a moment at the sound of the word ‘Get out’.

He looked back and forth between me and the priest, his eyes were unfocused.

It was clear that he was upset.


I heard the sound of something breaking violently close by.


I then saw Ronde suddenly run screaming hysterically towards the line of people.

I tried to grab his arm in a leaping motion but fell backwards instead.



The priest pulled me up to my feet.

His face was as stern as ever.

As soon as I was on my feet, we rushed to join the line as well, but then a cold blow hit me squarely in the head.

I stopped in my tracks.

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I was unable to continue running.

“It’s a demon again! Ugh!”

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“The other way! To the other entrance!”

“Argh! No!”

The line that was slowly becoming calmer was suddenly broken.

A demon had appeared near the entrance to the fortress.

It was smaller than the first, but still tall enough to loom over the barracks.

The demon had horns on either side of its head, making it look even more fearsome.

Each time it opened its mouth, razor-sharp teeth would appear.


I dragged the priest by the arm and pinned him against the wall.


“Get out! Get out!”

It looked like we were going to be run over by a crowd of people before the demon could even reach us.

As the crowd scrambled out, they fell and rolled and screamed around.

The priest stretched out his arm, shook his head as if to clear out his messy thoughts, and stood in front of me, protectively.

We’re currently surrounded by a stampede, the noncombatants moved away from the demon and back to the other side, where the crown prince and the knights were fighting, and dispersed.

Their expressions were filled with fear as they rushed to escape.

Even without seeing it, the gravity of the situation was evident just by looking at it.

“Let’s go, Seth.”


The demon stuck to the wall, then followed the masses of people.

The demons stirring among the barracks seemed more unreal than ever.

Kwagagang! Boom!


The ground rumbled simultaneously as I heard someone scream.

The horned demon had leaped, coming within a stride of them.

The impact of the demon’s landing was enough to send the nearest person tumbling to the ground.

“Get up!”

He scrambled to his feet, unable to keep his legs upright.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be Ronde again…

He had been running desperately to escape the demon, and now that it was right in front of him, his spirit seemed to have been crack.

“Seth, run!”


The priest pushed me forward and ran back to the fallen Ronde, who was too close to the demon.

“Ronde! Get up! Ronde!”

I called out as loud as I could.

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Anything less would be dangerous for both the priest and Ronde.

Ronde seemed to come back to his senses at the sound of his name, he grabbed his knees and barely managed to stagger back to his feet.

The priest reached out to him, grabbed his arm, and ran towards me.

He stumbled a few times as his legs buckled, but he seemed to regain his composure.

Tears streamed down his pale face, and behind them, the demon’s mouth opened wide in a tearing howl.

“Behind you, priest!”

The demon crouched in a leaping motion, then leapt into the air once more.

It seemed poised to strike them all at once.

The priest shoved Ronde aside hard, as if instinctively sensing something without really looking back.

I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to look.

When I opened them again, the priest was on his back.

He seemed to have desperately avoided the demon’s attack.

But if it stuck out its black front claws one more time, it would reach him.

“Don’t come!”

I couldn’t stand by and let the demon take him down.

The priest’s legs looked unnatural after the fall.

My mind raced with thoughts of picking him up and running away with him.

The demon’s front claws rose up and then came back down.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

A shower of jet-black arrows rained down on the demon’s face.

There weren’t as many as before, but it seemed this one had been assigned to a combatant.

The demon staggered back and forth, and I took advantage of the opportunity to grab the priest’s arm and help him to his feet.

I could see that one of his legs was clearly injured.

It was our priority to get out of here first.

I bit my lip and tried to help the priest forward.


My breath was suddenly caught in my throat.

Pain shot through my back immediately.

My vision spun around.

Then a gust of wind seemed to push me away.

For a moment, I had no idea what was happening.


My body bobbed up and down.

I felt a searing hot sensation on my side and looked up to see something black.

When I looked closely to the side, I stood face-to-face with those red eyes, with its blade-like mouth suddenly opened menacingly.

The demon grabbed me with its front claws.

“Seth! No!”

The priest’s screams were muffled.

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Suddenly, my body swayed to and fro, and the world sped by.

The claw that held me was flailing wildly.

My mind rapidly blurred.

The razor-like teeth seemed closer than before.

I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment, but I had to keep my wits about me.

I bit my lip hard, my body unable to stiffen no matter how hard I tried.


The demon’s mouth ripped open, it seemed to want to drop me into its bladed pit.

Its red eyes stared at me, and it draws its paws that was holding me, over to its mouth.


I heard a sound that cut through the air, and a long stick emerged from between the blades.

The demon paused, as if in disbelief.

It wasn’t a stick that sprung up, but a spear that someone had picked up and thrown.

When I turned my gaze downward, I saw a familiar figure rushing towards it.


It was him.

His bright golden eyes glowed formidably in the moonlight.

Even though the demon was several times his size, it didn’t feel like he was going to lose.

His momentum was as fast as the wind.


A howl that seemed to reverberate with vibrations echoed around.

The demon shook its head, as if finally realizing the pain that had been impaled upon it.

Its arms shook as well, and for a moment it lost consciousness.

The heavens and the earth were alternately closing in.

The demon looked at me with red eyes and stamped its foot angrily.

It raised its other arm and came at me, then a huge shadow loomed over me.

Even without words, I could sense that the demon wanted to make me the victim of its wrath.

‘Get a hold of yourself. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Get a grip.’read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

I was desperate to stay awake as my body felt like it was being tied down.

Every time the demon swung its arm, a gust of wind tossed my body around.

I bit down on my lip, trying to keep from drifting off.

I was going to die if I stayed here.


The one who had been so ecstatic about the three-letter name I’d called him.

He was running towards me.

I saw his face, that used to be completely emotionless, waver for a moment.

The demon’s front claws were closing in, threatening to tear me apart.

I closed my eyes, feeling the shadows overhead.

There was only one way out.

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