Chapter 15 “我很生气! / I Am Very Angry!”

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“Thank you.” Qin Mu’s tone was calm and distanced.

    This was their first peaceful conversation since they broke up. Without the tit-for-tat and violent confrontation between the two of them.

    Su Hanyu also had heard the occasional mention of a person named Gu Qin from a few of his business partners. When Gu Qin had introduced himself in the hotel, he did not associate him with the identity of the president of the Gu Group. Not until the news of Qin Mu’s upcoming marriage with Gu Qin was revealed by some gossip did he know how good the person who opened the room with Qin Mu was.

    If only speaking in terms of appearance, he thinks he can almost tie with Gu Qin. In terms of wealth and status, he and Gu Qin are not even able to play in the same weight class (1).

    The Gu Group, that’s a height he couldn’t even aspire to reach in his entire life.

    “Gu Qin… is he good to you?”

    Su Hanyu, who asked this, didn’t know what kind of answer he wanted to hear.

    At this moment, Qin Mu deliberately smiled, his voice filled with love and attachment: “He is very good to me, better than you did.”

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    “…I’m sorry.”

    Qin Mu interrupted: “I-I also want to say sorry to you.” Hearing the silence on the other end of the line, Qin Mu continued slowly: “I sent that wrong text message on your phone on purpose.”

    “I know.” At that time, he was blinded by anger and didn’t think about it. Afterward, he calmed down and linked the cause and effect of the incident, knowing that all of this was planned by Qin Mu.

   Qin Mu: “Nothing happened between me and Qi Zicong. You are not that young anymore. Don’t overthink it and just have a good time with him.”

    Su Hanyu heard this and gave a wry smile to himself: “The person he likes is you.”

    Qin Mu knew that he was one step closer to his success at this moment. There was a glow of excitement on his face, but his voice became softer and softer, appearing more gentle and magnetic: “Time is the best medicine to heal the wounds of the heart. I am about to get married. If you still like him, give him more time…”

    “I don’t like him anymore.” Su Hanyu interrupted.


    Qin Mu put on a hesitant expression, Su Hanyu’s tone on the other end was even more astringent: “I liked him at the beginning, but only because he is somewhat similar to you, and we have been together for seven years. I thought I was tired of the unwavering mode of getting along between us, so I transferred my feelings for you to Qi Zicong.”

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    “Don’t say it…” Qin Mu knew that if he blindly attacked and persecuted Su Hanyu with a tough attitude, the effect would only be counterproductive, making Su Hanyu hate him more than love. Only by showing weakness and overcoming his strength with softness, would Su Hanyu start to sincerely regret it.

  At this moment, Su Hanyu was trying to resign himself to the present and slowly said in a painful voice: “I know that you are going to get married soon, so I shouldn’t be saying this to you, but if I don’t… I will regret it forever.” Su Hanyu’s deep breathing came from the phone call, and it was obvious that he was gearing up for the next words.

    Qin Mu waited patiently, he didn’t notice a figure approaching from behind him until a cool hand stretched out. Qin Mu was startled and when he turned around, the phone had fallen into Gu Qin’s hands.

    When did he come back?

    While Qin Mu was slightly stunned, Gu Qin turned on the hands-free function of the phone. The next moment, Su Hanyu’s full and affectionate words spread clearly to every corner: “Qin Mu… I love you, come back to me. I don’t mind what happened between you and Gu Qin, I just want to start again with you. “

    You don’t cherish what you have until it’s gone.

    The moment when Su Hanyu understood that he would never belong to him again, was the moment when Su Hanyu suffered to the extreme. That’s why Qin Mu invited Su Hanyu to his wedding with Gu Qin. So that he(SH) could see him(QM) marrying someone else(GQ).

    But he didn’t expect Gu Qin to come back at this moment.

    Glancing at the young man, the other party was staring at the phone indifferently. Under his defined eyebrows, those deep eyes were colder and more indifferent than a winter star. Gu Qin was expressionless but must have sensed Qin Mu’s gaze. Looking up in Qin Mu’s direction, the dark of his eyes lost the previous freezing temperature. He brought the phone closer to his mouth, “I am Qin Mu’s fiancé.”

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    “Qin Mu is by my side, do you want to talk to him?”

    “Click.” The phone call was ended by Su Hanyu.

    Gu Qin flipped the phone shut and walked to Qin Mu’s side and handed the phone over. Qin Mu hesitated to take back the phone and opened his mouth: “When did you come back?”

    Fuck (2), why is there a sense of guilty conscience of being caught cheating in bed?

    Gu Qin: “I just came back.” He paused, “When you told Su Hanyu that I was better to you than he was.”

    This sentence should be a good thing, right?

    Qin Mu carefully recalled the words he had said to Su Hanyu, and after making sure that he did not say anything that was misleading, he breathed a sigh of relief, “He called me, I didn’t call him.”

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    “En.” Gu Qin nodded, reached out to the other’s mouth, and took off a little piece of napkin from the corner of his mouth, which had been left by him when he wiped his mouth earlier.

    “You’re not angry, are you?” Qin Mu’s words were cautious.

    Unexpectedly, Gu Qin nodded slowly, “I’m very angry.”

    Qin Mu: “…”

    Gu Qin: “I realized that you never confessed to me.”


    “Now, I will give you a chance to confess to me. The words of confession need to be more affectionate than what Su Hanyu said.”


Weight Class: For those unfamiliar with sports, physical contact sports usually separate participants by weight so a very skinny 100lbs person is not trying to compete with a 300lbs person. This sentence is implying that Su Hanyu thinks Gu Quin is very much more wealthy and of a higher social status than himself so there would be no comparison.  In the raws, it is “Wipe/Ca”. According to Baidu, this is internet slang for Fuck(Cao) as it not only is similar but it is faster to type in chat when gaming. It is similar to the sweatdrop emoji.

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