Chapter 16 “结婚进行时 / Marriage-In-Progress”

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  Qin Mu was used to sweet-talking and Gu Qin’s request was not difficult for him. Being that this time he was his lover’s first love, and it was Gu Qin who had asked, he stretched out his hand and squeezed Gu Qin’s face. This odd gesture made Gu Qin frown. The next moment, soft lips were attached, and there was a loud ‘MUAH’.

    Qin Mu grinned: “I have expressed in action what I can not yet express in words.”

    Gu Qin arched his eyebrows, but he didn’t want to let this sly man fool around. Because he was worried that Qin Mu would not eat well at home alone, he especially pushed a very important reception and rushed back in advance, only to run into Qin Mu’s melancholy expression while recounting the past with his ex-boyfriend. “Don’t change the subject.”

    Thinking of this made him upset, Gu Qin pursed the corner of his mouth and gazed cooly at Qin Mu. Was it that hard to do. Isn’t it just a confession?

    Qin Mu raised his own eyebrows slightly and his expression suddenly became serious. He took a step forward and placed his hands on Gu Qin’s shoulders. His dark eyes filled with the sparkling feeling of love, his face engraved with affection, “Gu Qin, I really like you.”

    “From the first time I saw you, I liked you.”

    “When you said you wanted to date me, you don’t know how happy I was. I think I will always remember the day you proposed to me…”

    Damn, he was covered in goosebumps now, why didn’t he feel nauseous when saying similar things to his nine lovers before? The young man who was demanding a confession did not even blush when he heard these crooked words of love, but just looked at him with those cold and deep eyes. Qin Mu could not continue, and he coughed and asked, “Was that alright? “

   Gu Qin: “You have liked me since you first saw me?”

   Qin Mu nodded: “Yeah.” He really liked Gu Qin’s body.

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    The two of them were very close, and the sound of breathing was lingering during the conversation, and there was an ambiguous feeling in the air. Gu Qin stared fixedly at Qin Mu for a few seconds, a faint smile mixed into his cold voice: “Nonsense.”

    Qin Mu: ???

    “I can tell if you fell in love with me at first sight.”

     Qin Mu: “…”

     Gu Qin: “Didn’t you ask me this question last time?”

     “Huh?” Did he ask something? (1)

     “I can answer you now.” The two of them are similar in height, and Gu Qin took a small step towards Qin Mu, with eyes facing eyes, nose tip against nose tip, “I am.” After spitting out these two words, their lips were pressed together in a kiss.

     Qin Mu blinked his eyes, confused.

    Gu Qin’s lips moved slightly, and he whispered, “Didn’t you say that you should close your eyes when kissing?”

    Qin Mu closed his eyes and thought about it. Regaining the initiative he grabbed the back of Gu Qin’s neck, further narrowing the distance between the two and deepened the kiss.

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    As a result, the effect of the kiss was that both their bodies were heating up.

    In line with the principle of no intimate contact before marriage, Gu Qin pushed Qin Mu away with extreme restraint. The latter opened his eyes in dissatisfaction, his eyes full of thick desire. Qin Mu, who was gradually returning to himself, took a deep breath, scratched his hair absent-mindedly, and said helplessly: “I think I need to take a cold shower.”

    Gu Qin said, “…Me too. “

    What torture, being forced to be vegetarian!! Only able to taste but not eat meat…

    If not for that agreement with the system for this world, Qin Mu wouldn’t obediently hold himself back. What’s more, the struggles in Gu Qin’s eyes when he refused him could be seen in a glance. With just a hint of seduction from himself, whatever indescribable things happen afterward… is it not a matter of course?

    In order to not stoke the fire, Qin Mu didn’t take a bath with Gu Qin. The two took cold showers one after another. When they met back up, Qin Mu held Gu Qin’s hand with the inner sadness of ​​not being able to eat meat.

    “Tonight, sleep with me?”

    Gu Qin lowered his eyes and glanced at the hand being held by Qin Mu. The man’s strength is not strong. He can break free with a single stroke, but he doesn’t want to break free. “En”

    This night, the two slept on the same bed.

    Nothing happened.


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    In the following days, Gu Qin took Qin Mu to see his parents and arranged for both parents to meet. Qin Mu’s parents in this world are just ordinary farmers, who are honest and responsible. On the other side, Gu Qin’s parents are both university professors, and his grandfather is the founder of the Gu Group. Being the named heir to his grandfather’s legacy, Gu Qin can be said to have grown up in the palm of everyone’s hands.

    What is rare is that the people in the Gu family are very open-minded. They believe in Gu Qin’s vision. As long as Gu Qin likes them, they will love the house and the crow (2) and will not interfere excessively.

    Father Gu asked people to pick a lucky day (3), and the wedding was scheduled for the middle of next month.


    With the wedding just around the corner, Gu Qin’s facial lines softened. Although there was no obvious smile on his face, the melting warmth in his eyes almost overflowed. He never verbally said anything to Qin Mu, but the inner happiness of such a stoic person can’t be faked.

    As for Qin Mu, he didn’t have much expectation for the wedding. He only knew that the day when Su Hanyu’s pain was full, was the day when he brakes up with Gu Qin.

   After Qin Mu tried on the suit to be worn at the wedding, he asked Gu Qin to send an invitation to Su Hanyu. Since Gu Qin had last met with Su Hanyu on the phone, Qin Mu has not had contact with Su Hanyu.

    “Invitation?”  Gu Qin glanced at someone lightly.

    Qin Mu: “I did not mean anything else by it, I just want him to see how I found a good husband ……”

    “So that he regrets it?” An assessing gaze questioned.

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    “Yes.” After a pause, Qin Mu said: “If you don’t like it, then we don’t have…”

    “Send it.” Gu Qin nodded his dark and deep gaze on Qin Mu’s face, and Qin Mu couldn’t see the emotion behind Gu Qin’s eyes for a while.

    Qin Mu: “You really don’t mind?”

    “I don’t mind.” The expression of someone who doesn’t mind became colder and colder, and said assertively: “I’ll go with you.”


    A lazy afternoon in a quiet café.

 Su Hanyu stood up from his seat after seeing Qin Mu coming, with a hint of tension in his tone: “Qin Mu, you…came.”

1:    Chapter 14 Qin Mu asks Gu Qin if GQ had fallen for him at first sight at the hotel. GQ had denied it at the time.

2:    Loving the House and its crow, seems to come from Chinese history as a famous quote. The  full saying is “If you love a person you will even love the crow on their roof, if you hate them you will even hate their servant.”  So If you like someone, everything they do is good, and if it’s the opposite then everything they do is bad in your eyes. You can see this a lot in pop culture and even some politico spheres for reference. Here is a Baidu article I found on it (The article is in Chinese).

3:    Picking a lucky day to do something, from my understanding, is to use a specific calendar or ask a master for a day to do a thing to have the greatest luck at it. It was very popular in Ancient China but seems like in modern times has mostly fallen to picking days to hold Wedding and Funerals.

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