Fair Trade

Chapter 2.2

“Ha, as expected, perfect!”

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Taking a glass of champagne in her hands, she leaned against the railing, enjoying the view from the deck. As expected, drinking beer or champagne after sweating was the best.

Looking down from this angle, she could see the people who participated in the bubble pool party flirting and hanging around on the deck. Guests with families visited restaurants to eat while watching the fireworks, while the other guests were scattered around the casinos and having their fill of all the shops.

She swallowed the smooth froth of champagne stuck in her throat. Her eyes fell on a little girl who was walking around with her parents with a teddy bear as big as her body. It looked like they were having a good time.

Is this what an ideal family looks like?

As she tilted the glass, the champagne flowed smoothly into her mouth. She looked at the people around her with a dazed face for a good while and went into the bathroom after checking the time.

Because of that person Michael-something, her skin felt sticky from the smeared soapy water. No matter how deliberate her approach was, she hated getting anything on her body.

Under the lukewarm water, her wet skin was glistening, and the makeup that covered her face washed off.

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After taking a shower, she stood in front of the mirror. It had been a long time since she saw her naked face without any makeup. Just as Asians couldn’t distinguish Westerners’ faces, they also found it difficult to distinguish other Asian faces. It had already been seven years since she used this fact to safely navigate herself through this job. Sei looked at her bare face for a long time.

After a while, she opened her closet and chose a cream-colored mini-dress that revealed one of her shoulders. Dressed up in a simple dress without not too many glamorous accessories, Sei decided to leave her voluminous jet-black hair open instead of wearing a wig. In addition to that, she did her makeup in a sexy style which was different from her look before.

She then finished it off by spraying some sweet-smelling perfume and left the room with a crystal-embellished clutch. Not long ago, she was dressed as a cruise ship attendant, but right now, no matter who looked at her, they would doubtlessly think she was a passenger just stepping down from the VIP floor.

Every time she moved, people’s attention inadvertently drew to her deep revealing cleavage and bountiful hips. Their sticky gazes clung to her slender but well-honed body. Wet, sloppy gazes drenched with fantasies of a night’s pleasure.

Sei decided to enjoy their gazes for a while. With her shiny black hair tucked behind her ears, she visited the casino on-board. The huge security guards who guarded the entrance welcomed her with a polite smile.

“Ma’am, would you show me your passport and room key?”

“Of course.”

After showing her passport and room key to them, Sei entered the casino.

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At the entrance, she was greeted by a feast of splendor. The mirror inlaid ceiling suspended countless huge, ornate, and lavish chandeliers and there was no empty table in the casino.

The gambling was also at another level. The tens of billions worth of chips on the table looked like mere toys.

Shouts and sighs could be heard from all over the place. Someone who was spinning the roulette screamed and somewhere a bell rang.

There was no more perfect place than a casino to aim for the big lottery prize, but her purpose today was not a game. This was a place where cash, precious metals, and all kinds of art were traded like a joke. Today’s purpose was to separate the pros from the easy games and distinguish regular clients from the swindlers.

With her every step, a sweet scent spread around. Her scent felt exceptionally clean in the otherwise murky place filled with cigarette smoke. The lustful glances of the men, glistening with their desire, lingered on her chest and derriere.

“Damn it, I lost!”

With a graceful smile, she stopped in front of a fairly leisurely poker table. The type of game played there was Hold’em. Of the three people playing the game with the dealer, the one who caught her eye was a skinny man with platinum blonde hair covering his eyes. She heard him speak Russian a little while ago.

Her eyes curved inquisitively.

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The man wore round glasses and a jacket that was larger than his physique as if he had borrowed someone else’s clothes. Nevertheless, the reason why he caught her eyes was clear. It was the color and amount of the chips placed in front of the man. And maybe it was also his blatant elegance that stood out to her?

Sei lightly licked her lips coated with red lipstick. Just by looking at the limited edition Patek Philippe watch on his wrist, she could get an idea of his basic financial status.

After capturing the image of the strangely eye-catching man in her head, she approached him subtly. She then slowly hovered around and stood behind the man. When she lightly touched his shoulder with her hands, she felt his body flinch and stiffen. The man had an elegant scent that was difficult to describe in words.

The experienced dealer guessed her intentions and continued shuffling the cards with a smile.

“Then let’s move on to Blackjack. Would you like to join too, Ma’am?”

The dealer’s sly offer was directed at Sei. Only then did the rigid man raise his head. It was unknown whether he became shy due to the woman’s approach or if it was something else, but the tip of his ears had grown red as a result either way. Sei smiled because he looked like a meek puppy.

“I’m good. The board is so big. I don’t want to cut in the middle of the game. I’ll just look around and cheer for you guys.”

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The Minimum Bet was $10,000.

In short, he was either draining the casino or emptying his companion’s safes. It was definitely one of these two.

As she was staring at his chips, watch, and luxury suit, Sei found the room key in his pocket and silently drew it out.

“Then, roll.”

She pulled out her chair and sat closer to him. Seeing him up close, she felt better.

He’s much cuter than I thought…

It seemed that the cute man didn’t have any immunity against female charm. He kept on avoiding meeting her eyes like a fool. This man was an easy game and an excellent client. It was then that she decided to target this client. Sei rested her chin on the man’s shoulder with a clueless expression on her face as if she had no idea about the rules of the game.

“If you’re going to play a game, play it with me.”

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