Fair Trade

Chapter 3.1

A voice of a familiar Italian sounded out from behind her.

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Sei suddenly jumped out of her seat at that moment. The platinum-haired man raised his eyes in her direction. His eyes hidden behind his round glasses were gleaming coldly.

However, Sei didn’t pay any attention to the man.


Her voice trembled slightly when she spoke the name of the man who had suddenly appeared before her.

“It’s been a long time.”

Smiling softly, his eyes slowly raked Sei’s whole body up and down. Deep and dark. They were the eyes of a strong, successful man.

Giulio Parenti.

At first glance, he might seem like a gentle British businessman, but he was actually the eldest son and head of the Parenti family, an authentic Sicilian Mafia family.

Giulio lowered his gaze to where she was sitting earlier. Sei’s heart raced when she saw Giulio scrutinizing the blonde man beside her.

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“Yes, it’s been a while, Mr. Parenti.”

“Well, it’s been a while since I heard someone address me as Mr. Parenti.”

In his late 30s, the man’s slim, muscular body, which was nearly 190 centimeters tall, could not be disguised even in a suit.

The faces of some people who recognized him turned blue. One by one, as they began to move away from him, Romano and Lorenzo standing behind Giulio greeted her with an expressionless face.

You both should not pretend to know me!

Sei decided to get out of here right away. She didn’t know why Giulio suddenly appeared, but today wasn’t the day of their meetup. Giulio’s leisure steps followed behind her as she tried to flee.

He glanced over at the blatant gazes directed at her from across the casino. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her into an embrace. The hem of her short dress rose slightly. Sei did not shy away from Giulio’s languid gaze. She touched his chest with a relaxed smile.

Like a very ordinary lover.

“Why are you here? You surprised me.”

“It’s a coincidence. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a vacation.”

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The hairs on her body stood up when Giulio tenderly caressed her chin. But no matter how scared she was, there was no way she could avoid him.

Sei tilted her head with smiling eyes.

“That’s weird….? Your name wasn’t on the passenger list.”

“Really? No way. You should have checked more carefully. What if you made a mistake?”

Giulio was terrifyingly relaxed. He naturally escorted her and moved towards an outdoor balcony on one side of the casino. Her hair fluttered in the night breeze as she stood close to the cocktail-enjoying crowd.

“You can’t show up like this all of a sudden. My four months’ living expenses depend on this.”

Giulio’s large body towered over her as she grumbled and leaned against the railing. He lit a cigarette with a grin and stroked her white thighs, exhaling a long smoke.

For a moment, Sei gasped. A large, rough hand ran up her thigh and went past the inside of the skirt. Then grasping her ample shaped derriere, he lowered his upper body with a cold smile.

“Why? Are you scared?”

“Me? We… Don’t we know each other already?”

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“Well, if you say so, then good. But last time, there was a problem with the item you transported.”

“What problem?”

“The money deposited from Valentin has disappeared like a mirage.”

Sei frowned.

What she did for Giulio Parenti was quite limited. No matter how bold she was, she would never pull something like a big business against the Mafia.

Sei met Giulio Parenti for the first time on the DE:A’s cruise. At that time, she was a rookie and didn’t know Giulio was a mafia leader. Without thinking, she had robbed his pockets and the result was quite terrible. It was only when she faced six guns within thirty minutes of touching his pocket did she realize the importance of careful client selection.

Fortunately, when Giulio found her, he was then struggling with the sudden disappearance of his personal mule*.

*[Mule: A mule or courier is someone who personally smuggles contraband across a border for a smuggling organization. The organizers employ mules to reduce the risk of getting caught themselves.]

There were various ways in which mafias earned their money. Drugs, arms trafficking, and human trafficking that were common knowledge were no longer very lucrative. They have now evolved into corporate mobs dealing with national projects and bailouts. He even dabbled in various kinds of information businesses, and the part that he needed Sei for was also related to this sector.

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Every month, she took things that Giulio wanted to deliver to the place of appointment. She was never curious about what the delivery was for. Sometimes it would be a bundle of cash, sometimes some documents or sometimes it would be drugs.

Sometimes she wondered what kind of fate led her to this world? Especially when she had to dress up as an old man or when she had to drive a 10-ton weight truck.

Anyway, she was surprised that there was a problem with the item. Then shouldn’t he have caught up with Valentin Orlov who deposited the money? He was the one who deposited the money and received the goods. Why hasn’t he gone to him? Or maybe he was here for her…

Sei’s eyes widened as she realized this and her grip on Giulio’s hand tightened.

“Don’t tell me, you are doubting me? I just deliver your stuff without knowing the identity of the clients or speaking to them.”

“I don’t know. Rats always turn out to be the ones who are closest.”

He pulled out his hand and grabbed her waist. He rubbed the tip of her nose and then approached her as if he was going to kiss her. Sei pulled her head back. Judging by her experience of working under him for two years, she could tell that he didn’t really mean those words. Giulio Parenti was certainly a scary man, but he was still pretty good to her.

She didn’t know whether it was because men were sexually attracted to her or simply because she was an Asian woman, but sometimes men acted so friendly that their actions made them seem very abnormal to her. Sometimes rather than acting meek, she found struggling and being rebellious far more useful for gaining their goodwill.


Well, however, it would be weirder if a member of the mafia, who killed people without batting an eyelash, did not turn out to be a sadist.

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