Fallen Hero System

Chapter 11

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As the Mayor was sorting things out with the Instructor, I went off and walked toward the others.

Taking apart of their conversation would only put me to sleep at this point.

While I was taking my time to approach I could feel the looks of all the trainees, they wanted to measure me up and others were just curious as to who the Mayor had brought along.

But of course some had wanted to personally inspect me, and so they came my way; approaching with scowls on their faces.

"Heh, hey kid who do you think you are coming here dressed like that?" The leader seemed to not like my Silver Robe and pointed toward it with a look of ridicule. 'Does it really look that out of place?'

His lackeys joined in from the side as they wanted to look good in front of their boss. So they of course wanted to get on my bad side.

"Yeah! You best take it off!"

"If the bossman says its gotta go, then its gotta go!"

'He didn't say to take it off you dumbasses, you're putting words in his mouth.' My eyes can only roll at these fools.

But I still moved forward, unperturbed by their actions and incitement.

As I did, a great frown appeared on the face of the boss as I outright ignored him. 'Who the fuck does he think he is?!' was all that can be seen on his face.

These kids were badly twelve years old and they dared to look at me this way, this means war.

I still only continued onward, and I was now approaching the boss of these little bitches.

And as I did this, the boss had reached out his hand in an attempt to grab my robe.

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"Damn BRAT!" He called out in apparent anger.

The others seemed to recoil at his tough act, he was fast.

But with a single look, the world around me began to slow down to a pace of where it seemed to have stopped.

And I saw the hand approach me, obviously I side stepped it. And gave a glare at the boss.

Seeing my eyes he had a look of sudden fear run up his spine, and placed one foot back in an attempt to steady his body.

Sweat ran down his back as he remembered my eyes.

Completely ignoring the brat I step forward and then… Past him.

As my foot reaches the snow, a loud crunch comes about and he awakes back to his senses and turns around.

Furiously glaring at my back, with a clenched fist he roars and throws it my way.

"YOU DAMN KID!!" He seemed to have gone mad.

The Mayor looked our way to see the little boss send a punch toward me with a mighty bellow, but before he could intervene…

He saw me make a move.

A single sidestep to the left allowed the punch to fly past me, I then grabbed his arm as he had it stay still in shock that his full force punch was so easily dodged. It was now tucked under my right arm and there it stayed as my left leg kicked his left foot backward.

With this the boss, still in shock was now kneeling on the ground, next thing to happen before he could react was me pulling his right arm forward throwing him to the ground. Now he was facing the sky and furious. He was prepared to jump up and beat me down, but before he could do so a black object came down on him. Instinctively he protected his head by crossing his arms, but what came down on him landed on his throat pinning him to the snowy ground.

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With his hands he quickly grabbed what was on him to find a leg, my foot was holding him to the ground, and now he could no longer stand. Slowly losing air his face began to warp in pain.

Now he looked me in the eyes once again, to see the sight that sent a sense of horror through him.

Eyes as red as blood.

That was the last sight he saw as he passed out.


"Tch, pathetic. Guess he was only worth this much." After knocking the stupid son o' bitch out I decided to add insult to injury by jeering at him.

With another step forward, I continue on my course toward the three who have gained my attention.

But in doing so I can tell the world is as slow as can be, the speed of everything I see is slowed greatly. And my body feels slightly heavier than it should.

I decided to check for any abnormal status effects.



Name: Rei Muramasa / Sex: Male

Age: 3 years / Race: Human

Titles: Otaku, Scholar, Apprentice Fighter, Hidden Figure, Feared, World Traveler,

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S: 4.4

P: 8.3 (24.9)

E: 6.0

A: 4.4

I: 12.9

L: 10.0

W: 16.7

D: 4.6

Chakra: 7/36

Stat Point(0) / Skill Point(0)

Blessings: <???>

Equipment: Silver Kabuto Robe(D), T-Shirt, Cargo Shorts, Sandals, Fingerless Gloves

Elements: Fire(D), Time(D), Space(D), Magnet©,

Bloodline: Uchiha(Low), Uzumaki(Impure)

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Skills: <MartialArt:6> <Shooting:2> <Throwing:6> <Cleaning:4> <Sneaking:6> <Swimming:4> <Cooking:4> <Speech:5> <Acting:8> <Steal:5> <Concealment:3> <DaggerArt:4> <SwordArt:3> <ChakraControl:1> <Sensory:1> <Carving:1>

Abilities: <Sharingan(One Tomoe)> <Eidetic Memory>

Summons: <Crow Contract(Low)>

[Status] [Appraisal] [Store] [Quest] [Technique] [Checkpoint]

FC: 250

Spare Lives: 5


Shock filled me… I have unsealed the Sharingan, though it is still only at a one Tomoe level. Also it seems that the system was nice enough not to use a spare life for some reason.

But noticing that my Chakra level was low, I closed my eyes and imagined that they were deactivated. This process of simple yet I just think that it might work.

And as I did so I looked at my status and realized that the Perception value was back to normal and my Chakra levels no longer began to drop down any more.

Instead after a few minutes of standing still the Chakra began to go up and refill itself slowly. Regeneration might go up a bit if I were to meditate.

But after I noticed this I remembered that I'am standing still with all eyes on me. 'How embarrassing!'

I grinned a bit and stroked the back of my head in embarrassment of stopping.


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