Fallen Hero System

Chapter 12

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"Ahhh… Well this is a bit awkward." This is all I can say out to the surrounding trainees.

They all looked at me in shock as they themselves had also seen the change in my eyes 'How did his eyes become so red and then return to normal?!' Was their only thought at the moment.

In fact they blatantly ignored the boss I just knocked out, even the lackeys of the little boss had then taken off when they were all staring at me.

But me, how could I care any less than I already do?

So I continued on forward, and after stepping over the uncurious body of the little boss whom shall remain unnamed for his own safety; I arrived in front of the main three.

Swordsman and future Night Raid member Tatsumi. The Axe user who died to the hands of an incurable virus Ieyasu and finally the Archer and only girl Sayo who was tortured until death.

These three are very much needed. I need them as my training partners and I will need to slowly change them over from believing only in the country into rebels who want to save it.

But this task will be to great without that blond haired bitch in the capital, I will also need to find other reasons to make them want to venture against it. I cannot have them become pawns so easily.

Even if they do become pawns… They will be on my side of the game board.

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As I arrived in front of the three, Sayo hid behind both Ieyasu and Tatsumi.

The both of them got into a crappy fighting stance with an invisible drop of sweat going down both of their foreheads. 'Why is he here? Why us?' They wanted the answer to this question but knew it would be useless to ask.

So they only prepared for the worst and protected Sayo who was the weakest at close quarters combat. They didn't want me anywhere near their weakest link.

As they did so all I can do is smile, and so I raise my hand in their direction. This caused them to twitch and take a step back. This action of mine caused the whole field to go quiet.

All that can be heard is the howl of the wind and crunching of snow as they slowly shift around.

Then as they tensed up even more in preparation the only words that left my mouth were… "Hello, my name is Rei Muramasa. I will be joining in on your training exorcises from this day forward, its nice to meet you."

These words caused over half the surrounding trainees to fall on their asses.

'All of this just to say hello?!' They all shouted in unison in their heads.

Even Tatsumi and Ieyasu were dumbfounded, only Sayo came out and slowly walked toward me.

She also extended her hand in awkwardness and said "Um… Y-yes, nice to meet you Muramasa-san. You can call me Sayo, this is Tatsumi and this in Ieyasu. Please take care of us." She did a small bow and stepped back.

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I can only look at this three with confusion, like what is wrong with them?

"Hehe~ You can just refer to me as Rei, I never was the kind of person to use formal speech." In the end I couldn't even bother with the small stuff and just continued on.

After that I got to speak with all of them for roughly an hour before we got everything all sorted out.

As we were finishing up the Instructor called all of us over and had us get into rows.

Now he stood in front of us all on top of a wooden crate. He shouted out so everyone could hear… This is where he old everyone that I was going to be joining in on the training sessions either until my family came for me or until I could leave the village on my own.

He also decided to tell everyone of my circumstances like the Kyuubi attack but left out how I might have been chased but rather told them how I was with a merchant caravan and lost my way during a beast attack.

Everyone showed sympathy, other than those I taught a lesson to earlier.

Even Sayo came over and tried her best to act as an older sibling and Ieyasu came and decided to become my friend while Tatsumi did the same. This was mainly because we were the only four trainees who were three years old and so we decided to become a team in the future.

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When the topic of weapon choice came up I then told them how I worked with many different weapons at the moment so that I can get a solid foundation for the future.

They had no idea on what to think, considering they never thought of such a thing before.

For now though I decided to only work with a sword and shuriken alongside my chakra training.

Of course after we were talking for some time Ieyasu couldn't contain himself any longer and asked about my eyes.

"So, Rei." Ieyasu was now staring me down straight in the eyes… I knew what he was gonna ask.

With a wry smile I looked at him and asked "What's up?".

"Your eyes… How come they were all red like they were earlier… OUCH!!!" Ieyasu got straight to the point, but his crazy invasive question got him a knock on the head by Sayo.

"Stupid! Don't ask him that!" Sayo seemed upset at his question and repeatedly told him off.

Just like a loving older sister should. And me? I could only smile at this familiar seen.

Reminds me of myself and Naruto.

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"No, its platy fine Sayo. He doesn't want to be mean, just an answer." I told Sayo this, but at my side I hear "Are you sure?" it was Tatsumi.

"Yeah" I smile once again. "It's fine."

And so I began with them listening intently.

"It is called an Imperial Arm, a super weapon developed by the Capital of the Empire. My eyes were gouged out not long after birth and these were placed inside… Essentially I was a Human Test Subject… These eyes are called [Illusion Eyes: Sharingan] they are a pair of eyes that can create illusions with ease and have other functions such as magnetism and fire creation abilities and after I evolve it I can gain unmeasurable power… The only problem is, I have these eyes completely ingrained into my body therefore they are no longer compatible with any one else."

I made such an extreme lie… Though nobody can tell.

This is because throughout the entire Akame Ga Kill series, only 36 of the rumored 48 imperial arms ever made and appearance and even the little Emperor has no idea what all of them are.

All the information on them was lost in time.

But me? I will find those remaining Imperial Arms and remake them anew. They will help me keep the rest of those bastards from dying.

I need a way, and so I will make that way if needed.

These three are now my friends… And I will do my best to help them overcome the horrors of this world.

Even if I have to be the Horror that scares them onto the right path.

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