Fallen Hero System

Chapter 16

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Seven Years have gone by, through the time I spent not one moment to waste. Even as I laid in my bed I trained until I could train no more.

And now, I get to show off my ability.


Request: Hunt down Mountain Wolves.

Pay: 1 Silver Coin per corpse. And 2 Gold for the Leader.

Description: A pack of wolves have terrorized the farm hands in nearby villages and killed plenty of livestock, we cannot let this continue. Please hurry, as people might end up dying next. The pack seems to be lead by a Class 3 Danger Beast with a Water Affinity, so caution is best to be tarn when you hunt them down. The total number of wolves excluding the Leader is fourteen.

The usual sightings take place to the south in the mountain region, the pack must have a dwelling in the location. Please take caution in killing off the pack.

Also, please kill the pack before they birth many offspring, this quest must be completed as soon as possible.

Danger Level: Three Stars

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Requester: Mayor of Yordhelm Village.


(AN:I have no clue what the currency in their world is, I made it up from here onward.)

With a piece of parchment in hand I was sitting on a bench in the middle of Autumn, here is where I would sift through the request that many people from nearby villages would post around in hope of someone capable of taking them on.

"This quest seems good, not much danger and those brat can actually test their strength out… With me taking on the pack Leader of course. Hehe."

As I was thinking that I got my hands on a nice quest from behind I can feel a slight pressure, But I didn't give in as turning around wasn't an option.

So as I stood up to leave I tried to take a step but came to an abrupt halt, due to the hand that landed on my shoulder… Now as I silently struggle to get free, a sweat drop begins to form and run down the back of my and neck. I turned slightly pale as I heard the voice coming from behind.

"Aaaahhh~ What do we have here~? If it isn't the wonderful instructor of ours that simply loves to sit on this very bench before taking us off for a job request~. What brings you here today?"

*Gulp* I swallow my saliva as I slowly turn my head. There stood the person who held my shoulder and two boys, and the one holding me was a girl.

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The girl was of course Sayo who seemed fed up with how I was training these brats on the line of life and death by sending them on these quest.

The two boys in the background also seemed upset but were obviously afraid to get on my bad side, unlike Sayo. They were Tatsumi who still had a feminine face and Ieyasu who was as childish as ever.

"Ah, guys! I was just about to go and tell you that we had a very wonderful and easy job for us, so since we saved a bit of time. Why don't we all go and gather our gear for the hunt in front of us, shall we?" I remained as calm as I could under the piercing eyes of Sayo who seemed extraordinarily pissed off at me for choosing another job without their knowledge.

""Easy, my ASS!!"" Both Tatsumi and Ieyasu went off at me who had such a crazy Idea, I just wanted work and a good way to train. They knew I didn't like anything easy anymore.

I look over at Sayo once again and she is gritting her very hard, seems I should stay quiet.

"Nnnnn…*Sigh* I guess if you are so obstinate, we may as well."

She gave up so quickly only knowing that I would annoy the living fuck out of them until I got them to train properly. I mean, due to this shitty method of mine they do have the stats of many times that of normal people.

""EEEEEEHHHH!!!! Sayo, why!!"" The both of them were shocked, they didn't want to go and fight blood thirsty wolves right now! So why?!

They could only kneel down in depression due to how we both were the Leader and Vice-Leader of the group. Our words were final for them, no matter the words.

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Though they can only accept it in the end, it does not mean they will not bicker and so Ieyasu let it out. "Hah~ But seriously… Can't you think about taking it a bit easy on the training every once in a while? Like seriously, no one else trains as much as us. Even we don't train as much as you do. Your crazy."

My face twitched and the atmosphere became a bit colder. I looked straight into the eyes of Ieyasu while Tatsumi was slowly backing away with a wry smile of 'Uh oh' written on it. While Sayo could only sigh as she watched.

Ieyasu could feel the difference in the atmosphere quiet easily do to his training as a hunter, as so he locked forward. There he met a pair of red eyes and knew his fate was sealed…

He was in for a good scolding. 'Geh! Curse this mouth of mine!'

As I look at his scrunched up face I can only imagine that he is learning not to question why I train anymore. I decided to let up and return to my usual self.

Realizing that the air was clean and as it was before they all let out a sigh of relief.

But only to hear from Rei, "The more you sweat in training, the less you will bleed in battle." It was merely a quote that he had read back on Earth, but here it was the wisdom of a master.

The three were flabbergasted at his insane ideal, but they knew deep down that this was how he truly felt. And they all came to the same conclusion.

'''He wants revenge, and nothing will stop him from getting it.''' They all remember when he arrived and they said his village was almost completely wiped by a possible Super Class Danger Beast.

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"Well Rei, I hope the job is just not too difficult." Sayo was the first to recover as she has felt with the antics of Rei the most over the course of seven years.

"Yep, why not? This can help improve my skills by a touch more anyway." Ieyasu was now getting umped up because he knew that he was helping out a pal.

"Yes, no harm, no foul. When will we be heading out then?" Tatsumi was the most straight forward and in his eyes I could see a small flame light up, he knew that to reach the top he cannot quit here.

'The three of them came around so quickly, I wonder what got into them.' Is the only thought roaming my mind as I held a wry smile toward Sayo's expectation of an easy request.

'Easy? This is the most difficult quest yet!' And I know for a fact this isn't your limit, even Tatsumi the youngest of us could defeat a Class 1 Danger Beast at the start of the series. The only reason I won't let them fight with a Class 2 Danger Beast for now is because they are not used to fighting to the death just yet and are only good with hunting prey.

But with a pack of fifteen wolves, hunting them one by one is impossible.

So now will be the first time they truly get to put the metal to the petal and show me what they are made of.

Today these brats are going to spill blood in battle…

And I can only pray it is the blood of their enemies and not their own.

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