Fallen Hero System

Chapter 17

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"This way, stick close."

We moved throughout the forest at a quick pace, we brushed past all sorts of vegetation that grew in the springtime. Unlike in the Anime the area actually had some greenery, yet it only lasts so long due to the interference from Esdeath.

She is the main reason that many places outside the capital were practically covered in ice and snow. That damn Imperial Arm is too damn overpowered, even if it does have a series requirement.

Back to us.

As we made our way through the cool yet vibrant forest that we early ventured into, we made our way over twenty kilometers away to the last location of the wolf pack.

We are to be the hunters and so we came prepared.

On my back I carried one of my favorite weapons. A trick weapon.

It was the infamous Beasthunter Saif, a favorite of mine from the Bloodborne series. Or well game.

But I was not alone with my trick weapon, Ieyasu had the Hunter Axe but for Tatsumi I went and made both Elucidator and Dark Repulsor from Sword Art Online. As for Sayo? She had my prototype for the Flintlock pistol, though it is a prototype it is not in the stage where it might blow up only that its strength might not be enough to kill most beast.

Nothing to worry about there.

Man, when they first saw these weapons they thought I was joking, there faces after I showed what they were capable of was completely engraved in my memory and I now hold it over there heads. LOL!!

These weapons are only made of steel though, I'am unable to make them from their original materials (of course) so they have no extra abilities. I also don't have anything other than the flintlock and a short bow for Sayo, she is happy enough with the equipment though.

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As we moved through the forest in a singular lined formation, I suddenly held the palm of my hand out behind me. (Stop)

Looking back at my group while I raise my fist with my thumb sticking out to my head and place my back against the tree I then held my forefinger around my forearm, then I moved the same hand into a claw like position that lied palm up, finally I showed three fingers up. (I see, enemy, dogs, three)

They responded simply with the normal forefinger and thumb touching with the other three fingers out. (Okay)

As we got into positions preparing for our hunt, we quickly equipped ourselves. Only instead of pulling out our ranged gear we pulled our daggers and got into position.

We placed ourselves in a circular formation surrounding three brownish black wolves that laid in the sun, completely oblivious to their surroundings. They expected that none dared to attack their territory.

As the three slept, we silently moved forward, inch by inch we closed in and got as close as two meters away.

From here we were completely exposed yet ready to launch our attacks, I raised my hand which had three fingers erect and out. Then one lowered and it became two, time seemed to come to a slowing halt as this continued to one finger and finally timed had seemed to have stopped completely in its tracks. Then no fingers stood, only a fist remained.

Suddenly, the three of my partners launched themselves toward their sleeping targets.

The three wolves had no felt it, a thick hunger for blood filled the air and seemed to suffocate them. They in a great rush had attempted to jump to onto their paws in hope of running.

But by the time they badly rose up… It was far to late.

Blood flowed out of their necks as they slowly but surly dropped down to the dirty ground that just seemed to welcomed their slowly emptying corpses.

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The three wolves were killed off within but a blink of an eye.

"That was to easy, man I hope we get a challenge." Ieyasu didn't seem satisfied, well that makes a great deal of sense considering that he has hunted a Mountain Boar.

A Mountain Boar is no ordinary Boar on a mountain, but a colossal sized Boar that can reach the size of over eight full meters once they mature to their greatest size. The variants of the species have been rumored to reach the size of twenty meters basinal the size of an actual large hill. Crazy species.

"Yes it was, *twitch* but don't go and say such ominous sayings! That is basically cursing us to get killed you fool!!" Tatsumi had his lips twitching in anger of Ieyasu and his stupid comment. This was because I told them a simple saying 'Speak of the Devil and the Devil shall appear.' Basically don't speak of trouble or it WILL come.

They only managed to take this to heart after they had heard a hunter say they wanted to get a monster size haul one day, that day he was devoured whole by a Worm Monster that was migrating though the area to a small desert on the other end of the valley.

"Tatsumi is right, I don't want to be eaten alive because you said something unnecessary. Go and get eaten by yourself." Sayo had enough of Ieyasu and him saying such things, bringing out this side of her.

"Geh! Sayo, stop being all morbid! I don't want to be eaten alive! It was just a slip of the tongue!" Ieyasu attempted to defend him self but instead got into a back and forth with both Tatsumi and Sayo.

This went on for a solid two minutes until I decided to break this in…

"It doesn't matter if you guys want for trouble to come or not. It will soon arrive." As I said this the Sharingan was activated and spinning at a slow speed, almost badly noticeable. The main reason I knew the damn beast were coming was due to my sensory chakra technique.

Though I cannot feel chakra in the bodies of the beast I can feel the outline of their bodies.

The three children by my side tensed up immediately, they were worried about what I had just said. Quickly the group had prepared their weapons.

Tatsumi equipped both of his swords, they were only made of steel so they were very shiny and didn't have a variation in color like the originals; but the craftsmanship put into them can be easily felt.

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Ieyasu had pulled out the one handed axe attached to his back and let it extend to its greatest length, it was long enough to be used as a two handed weapon only though and was not the size of the original.

Sayo reached down and prepped her flintlock pistol which for now I have only managed to get to hold three shots, though this was already a feat that came only after four years of studying the insides of my own designs over and over thousands of times. She also prepped he dagger as she readied her bow for battle.

Finally for me, I had pulled the scythe shaped weapon come down from my back, extending it into its heavy hitter mode. With this I can bisect countless beast.

But my real goal was the Leader of the Pack. Killing him first will cause the other wolves to not only lose moral but also become reckless as they have no discipline with no leader and no commander either.

The Pack Leader can in fact give orders, but these are only on the level of basic commands that will require it to remain in a focused state.

Meaning this Leader will not come out from behind unless half the pack is killed.

But something is wrong, the situation is graver than I thought.

The non-pregnant females are coming as well.

"Be careful, there seems to be a discrepancy with the reports and the actual numbers. There seems to be over two dozen of these wolves coming." Cold sweat even began to roll down my back, I cannot hold out alone.

The three of my partners looked each other in the eyes, they were worried and didn't seem to acknowledge that they may just win with some real teamwork. I can only sigh in my mind.

So I spoke "You three, go back. I will kill them all myself, you will only get in my way." My heart felt like it was tearing itself apart. And sadness over whelmed me.

The only thing I wanted was for them to stay, will they? 'Nah, we may be friends but… They don;t seem to truly consider myself as apart of their group.' My mind was wavering as I remembered how I never felt like I belonged.

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But as I stood there with my back straight and Beasthunter Saif ready, a clear melodious voice came from behind.

"Hah~ You think we can let you remain here by yourself? We plan on staying, thank you very much." These words were followed up by a rougher yet warm voice "Yeah man, were in this together!" And finally the most memorable voice was said by the one carrying a pair of swords that just screamed MC "Yes, we are friends. And no friend will be left behind."

'You damn brats! You fools!' I can only curse them in my head as I wanted to hug them and thank them. I was there friend… 'Damn, my anxiety and depression are still wrapped around my throat and back huh?'

Loneliness was all that consumed me back on Earth, I was always alone. No friends and no family, I was all alone. But as I made myself integrate more in these other worlds.

It turned out… I can have friends and family, huh.

the edges of my lips tug up and an expression of bliss made itself appear on my face. I came to peace with myself for a moment.

It was pleasant.

"Here they come, everyone in positions!"


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