Fallen Hero System

Chapter 18

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Thumping was all that can be heard within these woods.

Both my heart and the fast pacing steps of the encroaching wolves.

These sounds that I can hear also included the battered breath of my team, the three of them wanted to sty and fight; though it might be their last if we are not careful.

From reports I can say that the fight between myself and the pack leader will not be dangerous for me to participate in. But if my friends were to get caught in the crossfire or worse… Needed my help when I cannot offer any, then they could only meet their fate and submit.

The only ones who can prevent them from this fate, is themselves and of course myself.

My plan was simple for the small raid."They are closing in, all preparations are made. Now then… Climb a tree."

The three of them looked at me as if I just shoved a bird inside my mouth.

Ieyasu was the only one to question me, well he was a bit on the stupid side. "Sorry, what? I thought we were gonna fight? Now were running and hiding."

A great look of disappointment made its way onto my face.

Then in his mind it clicked… 'Oh, were gonna ambush them like we just did!'

My eyes could only roll as I saw he finally understood. He really is a bit slow.

He on the other hand glared at me as I climbed up my tree. 'He was thinking something rude, wasn't he?'

After spending what seemed to be as little as a minute the four of us were all over four meters off the ground in the trees."Alright you pansies, here they come. Stay quiet and wait for my mark."

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They knew what I meant and merely waited.


Time passed quickly, and the wolf pack arrived in less than two minutes from when we got into position.

A group consisting of both female and male wolves actually arrived. 'It seems they have given birth recently and can move around a bit.' The females looked almost feral as they wanted to protect their pups.

The males, though upset at the new arrival of male pups found a way to release their anger. Through killing and eating the intruders and murderers of their kin.

There was a total of thirty wolves made it here. Though three seemed to still be taking their time in arriving. 'They must be the pack leader and his mates or perhaps his guards.' Making a total of thirty-three, this was far more than expected.

In my mind I had already anticipated that the Pack Leader would be at the back, his job was to make sure that no wolf was left behind as always.

The front consisted of the stronger males, then the females, then pups, then the weak and elderly. Finally the leader would be in the rear. This was the way that wolves had traveled together since ancient times.

But something caught my eye other than the fact that there were no pups, the elderly seemed to also be missing. 'Perhaps they were forced to leave the group by the leader or were even killed by him in a show of strength.'

This meant that we would have less to fight with and that we now knew for a fact that we had to take all the wolves seriously.

They were merely looking about and sniffing around for the scent of the killer.

Coming up with nothing.

This was due to Deodorant a new jutsu that I made to completely erase my scent and other smells. This was used on everybody and cost me only 40Chakra. Very useful for its cheap price.

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The wolves could only come up with no leads as to who was responsible for the death of their kin and grew angry and desperate. they began to sniff harder and went around more in a slowly increasingly erratic manner.

As they did a small dust entered their snouts and made its way to their lungs, here it settled and slowly began to integrate with the surrounding tissue. It was being absorbed.

As the wolves made their way around, suddenly one fell over.

Surprised at the fact that their kin had just fallen over the rest slowly made their way over to check on him. Then suddenly… Two more fall.

Now the wolves were shocked and on guard, who was attacking them? And from where?

They couldn't find any form of danger, not even their own instincts reacted in any way.

No danger was present… But why were their brethren and mates falling over, unable to move?

As several more fell over, others grew weak and could badly hold their bodies up. One of the fallen wolves even died to what happened to them. Its heart came to a slow stop, never to restart.

When four wolves had passed away and twenty-two were incapacitated the remaining wolves decided to howl for help.

As they raised their snouts to the sky and prepared to howl for the Pack Leader to rush forward.

Three figures appeared from nowhere.

They all dashed toward the wolves who though had their guards up were taken aback by the sudden attack and tried to run.

Twin blades flashed out of their sheathes that were held on the sides of a youthful young man and cut through the bodies of two wolves before they could react unable to even lower their noses from the sky, leaving them in four separate pieces of two upper and two lower bodies leaking blood onto the forest floor. Though the sight wasn't pretty, it was very much welcomed as it meant the enemy were slowly but surely being killed off. And this was good.

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Not even three meters away, stood a youth that was surrounded by three wolves and they were quite upset to say the least, they bore their fangs as their fur stood straight and tall. As the growled and neared the young lad who seemed to only have but a small single handed axe the wolves grew complacent and wanted to kill him off before their escape.

But this youth would have none of it, as one wolf lunged toward him, the belly of the beast was cut apart. Bisecting the wolf in two. As the axe left the corpse of the wolf that flew past, the handle suddenly extend its reach and became almost a complete 2.5 times as long as before. This axe could now reach the secondary wolf that made a lunge. Quickly killing it off.

Finally the youth made a counterattack by throwing himself at the remaining stupefied wolf, and brought the axe down on his head. Leaving nothing but a corpse with an incomplete head.

As these two youths were killing off their marks two wolves had managed to escape the slaughtering, as they felt safe while retreating away. These two wolves could only make it ten meters before their heads slid down from their bodies.

The bodies unable to be controlled by the heads due to their removal slowly came down in speed and finally tumbled along. Leaving the heads and bodies well over eight feet apart.

The wolves had no idea how they had died.

Yet they were already dead…

The only man responsible of the horrendous crime of decapitation was non other than Rei. He had extended out Beasthunter Saif and used its curved blade to forcibly remove the heads of the escapees. Unwilling to let them leave.

Along the route back to the location where he had incapacitated the other wolves, I drug the escapees and their heads back. They were quite light considering their size of over two meters each. Seeming ly they weighed around two hundred a piece.

When I finally made it back there laid a mound of corpses.

The mound consisted of all twenty eight wolves that remained in the location as I chased the escapees. Catching up to them with Shunshin was easier than scrambling some eggs.

Dragging the two bodies over I added them to the mound and this only made it seem to slightly grow in size not much more than that.

Before me stood something that most normal humans may just never get to see within their whole lives.

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A blood soaked mound of corpses that reached over three meters in height. Towering over me.

But deep inside, I felt euphoric and wanted to see this sight much more.

Quickly I shook my head in an attempt to erase these thoughts. Garnering me the stares of my team.

*Sigh~* 'What am I gonna do with you three?'

With that thought we prepared for the incoming three opponents that we knew would show themselves.

Within but a moment, three figures did appear.

But stopped dead in their tracks due to the sight before them.

These three I could tell with but a look.

They were actually an Earth and Water dual affinity… Swamp Wolf, and his two Water Wolf guards/mates.

My teeth gritted themselves tightly as I knew that I had just killed not only his followers but also his mates and children.

He wouldn't dare let me off, no matter my strength over his.

His eyes grew a dark red, almost similar to the sharingan. Just much less intimidating.

To signal his hatred for us and the beginning of the battle he let out an earth shaking roar.

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