Fallen Hero System

Chapter 19

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"*ROOOARR!!!*" The howl let out shock the ground a bit and met the feeling of a roar rather than any sort of canine howl.

Looking behind me and getting a look at my two partners I say out "This seems to be tougher than I thought it would be, the Swamp Wolf I'll handle. The two of you take on the Water Wolves. Don't let either escape from here."

The two knew I meant serious business, even they thought that from the report we would only have to handle a single Water Wolf. Now they prepped for battle.

After taking our stances, the three of us split into three directions.

Tatsumi to the left, Ieyasu to the right and myself went forward.

The Swamp Wolf only gave his head a shake and let out a *gruf* and the two Water Wolves split up, it seems though angry he didn't take the situation seriously. He probably smelt all the poison and paralysis dust on the corpses and knew we didn't kill them in battle.

Dashing toward Swamp(lazy me) I took a swipe at him with Saif and attempted to gouge out some muscle from his front legs, he quickly took a step back. Then he lunged forward and attempted a grab at my throat in retaliation.

With this he left himself open for a moment, this moment I sidestepped to the right and brought Saif up with all my strength, this move wasn't avoidable by Swamp and therefore he decided to negate as much damage by turning his body mid-air.

The trick worked and my Saif didn't do very much damage immediately, but even so Swamp had a gash on his left side and it splurged blood. This blood was enough to tell me that the three meter behemoth might fall after half an hour.

But I wanted to shorten that time frame. The more blood he losses the weaker he grow and thus a quicker death.

But even so Swamp here didn't want to go down without a fight.

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He decided it would be best to take me more seriously.

On the sidelines I could tell that my two friends were hold out well and could probably make do with themselves only for the time being. But I wanted to dispatch those wolves before something bad happens.

As I stare down Swamp I look him deep in the eyes and try to understand his next movement. He wanted to kill me off before his mates met their ends.

He dashed forward once again, this time sticking close to the ground with his snout slightly lifted upward, with this he can bite at my legs to take me down, little did he know that I wouldn't let him.

Immediately I used a movement skill know simply as Chakra Jump, where I pump Chakra into the soles of my feet and push it outwards quickly allowing me to be pushed in a single direction with a leap like motion.

With the Chakra Jump I flew over Swamp and as I was above him, from my left hand flew out three shurikens. These star shape blades managed to dig into the back of Swamp. The pain Swamp felt was like he were burning alive, this was due to a small concoction of mine that attacked the nervous system.

Though the pain was far more than enough to cause a full grown man to squeal worse than a pig, Swamp only let out some rough breaths. He could hold on still.

Swamp was now getting frustrated at the 'prey' before him, he was simply attacking and dodging while not putting up an actual fight.

Angry that he couldn't hit me Swamp attempted to let out another roar.

This was my chance, my hands began to sign at an unseen pace.

When his mouth was open and ready to roar, suddenly a flash of light appeared. It was like a small sun. Or rather a large fire.

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All Swamp could hear before the fire charged his way was…"Fire Style: Great Fireball" this was all that was said as the giant ball of flame charged toward the gaping mouth of Swamp that had yet a chance to close out of fear and awe.


A moderate size explosion occurred and caused the dust in the area to go everywhere. A black cloud of smoke rose from the ground and tunneled toward the sky in great haste.

The surrounding beings could only look on in shock, except for my team who had grins on their faces.

Tatsumi saw that the Water Wolf was distracted and took his chance, "Cryptic Slice!" was called out. Tatsumi's blade went and scrambled about destroying the area and cutting deep into the wolf. Fresh blood now spilled to the ground, but the wolf has yet to fallen.

Over on Ieyasu's side, he long since attacked while calling out, "Devastating Chop!" forcing down his two handed axe straight at the wolf. The wolf had managed to doge last second though and avoided the deadly attack, though in exchange had his ass cut apart and tail removed completely severing it from his body.

Back with Rei, the smoke and dust finally began to settle. As I looked deep into the small cloud as it settled I without hesitation kept my guard completely up and prepped for battle.

But little did this help me as he appeared from nowhere…


Out from the ground bellow jumped up Swamp, his fur was charred flesh burnt, he still had a lot of fight in him.

As I could not react in time, Swamp dug his teeth straight into my left shoulder. "AAHHHH!!" This caused more than enough pain to make me holler out, but Swamp wanted to do more and prepared his claws to dig into my back as well.

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But was stopped by a peculiar sound…

*Bang, Bang, Bang*

The sound of gunshots.

These gunshots were followed, or rather preceded by, three bullets that dug into the chest, right thigh and throat of Swamp.


This finally got Swamp to call out in pain, a simple yelp for help that showed he was on the verge of loss. He was now in danger.

As Swamp looked quickly for the source of the shots, from behind was heard a brush of wind.


And Saif cut deep into the back of Swamp as he had removed his guard from behind for but a second. As Swamp turned around once again to attack the person who gauged out flesh from his back he heard that person say…"Fire Style: Majestic Fireball!" And as the person held his hand in a small tube like manner before his mouth, out came from his hand a larger and more stunning ball of fire than before. It seemed to be made of a golden flame that ruled over ordinary fire.


This time the explosion came even quicker and was much louder than before. Destroying everything in its path.

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Now Rei has taken off to help his teammates as they fight on.

The wolf Tatsumi was taking on was losing blood at a slower pace than the one Ieyasu was dealing with so I charged directly over and went to cut off the tail of the wolf, this was a huge success on my end and the tail fell to the ground with a single swing of Saif.

Tatsumi took the chance that was provided by the now stumbling and wobbly wolf and finished it off by chopping off its head.

Looking over at Ieyasu I saw that the wolf had now adjusted to the loss of its tail and continued to fight on. Though it was a stupid choice.

Because as soon as the wolf managed to pin down Ieyasu… And arrow came from a tree.

This arrow whistled through the air at breakneck speed, soaring past leaves and trees. The arrow though shot from well over ten meters away while five meters off the ground, directly pierced through the left eye of the wolf, killing it on the spot.

Swamp, he managed to survive. Though only barely.

It attempted to use its water affinity to create a sort of healing like energy to heal its burnt flesh and fur. Though only the fur could be saved as the flesh was to torn apart and cooked to be saved. Now Swamp could only lower its head to the ground and wish for a quick death.

He could not live past today, he knew this rule well.

And as Rei finished his approach, he held Beasthunter Saif up over the head of Swamp and said a single sentence…"You were a worthy opponent, may we battle again in our next life." And with a mighty stab brought down the blade and punctured the skull of Swamp ending his life forever.

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