Fallen Hero System

Chapter 21

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Looking down upon the corpse of Swamp I actually feel a tinge of regret. Yet I didn't let this get to me. If I did, then I'm not meant to live this lifestyle.

Inside my head I hear the system go off for the first time in a while.

[Killed: Swamp Wolf, 2nd Class Danger Beast. Reward: 2,000 FC, Swamp Wolf Pelt©]

[Host has killed his first 2nd Class Danger Beast, please receive the rewards…

1. Random <Imperial Arm> Draw

2. Water Affinity raised to © Grade

3. Increase of Maximum Chakra by 1,000Chakra

4. Stat Point: 15. Skill Point: 15.

Congratulations Host.]

As I hear the announcement, my excitement went through the roof, adding onto the first came another from the system as well...

[Assisted Kill: Water Wolf, 3rd Class Danger Beast. Reward: 250FC, Water Wolf Collar©]

[Host has killed his first 3rd Class Danger Beast, please receive the rewards…

1. Skill: Taming

2. Item: Blood Purification Pill(Mid)

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Congratulations Host.]

[Killed: Wolf, Normal Beast x 2. Reward: 200FC]

[Assisted Kill: Wolf, Normal Beast x28. Reward: 280FC]

With these I can get a bit ahead of my current plans by a small margin. They will be helpful.

As I stand still, over the body of Swamp the Swamp Wolf. A small smile begins to wiggle its way onto my face. At the time I just so happen to be looking down at dear old Swamp.

Suddenly I was awoken from my hypnotic state by a voice from behind.

It was a feminine voice that seemed sorta worked about my well being. "Rei? You okay? You've been starring at the dead wolf for several minutes now. Also, your shoulder, we need to get you some medical attention." I turn to look toward Sayo. She had a face that seemed a little pale from worry, but on the side lines my brothers seemed to have finished collecting what was salvageable from the wives we just slaughtered.

While shaking my head I signal that it was fine. "Don't worry about this, I can heal it up enough to not leave any lasting damage." And so I raise my right hand up to my left shoulder and say out "Medical Art: Mystical Palm" with this and adding all my spare Chakra into my palm, a green light came out and with this light on my chewed shoulder the wound began to heal.

The three of them were slightly shocked by my actions and the rapidly healing shoulder of mine.

Ieyasu remembered that I could do several things like this due to my eyes. So he spoke out "Hey, are all of these so called Imperial Arms as strong as yours? Cause if they are, then that means there are 47 others just as crazy as this."

He really wanted to know and so I replied "No, I think Imperial Arms must have some sort of grading system. I thought of one myself (Elder, Noble, King, Emperor) only four ranks. If I had to say, then mine would be at Emperor Rank. But then again, I've only seen a couple other Imperial Arms."

Tatsumi chirped in, "then, what truly sets yours apart from others?" His was easy as well, "Mine, was integrated fully into my body, no other could use mine even if they pried it from my eye socket. But it is also special because it base more than a singular function, as you have all seen, this includes Fire, Healing, Sand and Illusions. The other Arms I have seen, cannot reach this level, they probably do not exceed Elder Rank."

They were shocked, they understood that these eyes of mine were strong but they didn't know just how much so.

Finally Sayo gives me a question. "If you can Heal, is there a chance you can bring the dead back?" Her's was possibly the easiest, "Yes, I can." Her eyes seemed to glow for a second and she opened her mouth… But I cut her off, "But there is a price." her mouth was left agape.

She hesitated once again, but resolved herself. "W-What price would that be?"

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Looking her dead in the eyes I said to her, "A sacrifice must be made… But even with that, I have no way to keep them back permanently. They will become apart of this world once again for only a period of time. This could last as little as a minute to as long as a month."

*Gulp* Both Tatsumi and Ieyasu were shocked with this, I could bring the dead back to life.

Sayo, she didn't continue the questioning after she got her answer.

All I can do is sigh at her, she wanted to bring her little sister who back who died last year during the famine. In fact she wasn't the only one, twenty-two others died as well.

The famine was caused by the infected soil that we planted our crops in, there were parasites that ate our crops and they carried some sort of disease that killed off some livestock as well.

Remembering the little lass who used to call me and my brothers her big brothers. We protected her when she went to pick fruits and we kept her warm in the winter. We kept her off at the sidelines waiting and watching as we practiced for battle.

But, during the time we were training in the woods on survival techniques, she starved. We were only away for a month. The day we arrived back was the worst day I have had in this worlds as of yet. I for the first time, could not shed a tear in the great moment of sadness.

Almost as if my tears had run dry on me long ago.

Before we took off, I had a sudden thought. 'What if I gave the rest of the corpses to my Crows?' I had my money placed that they would thank me.

So I gave it a try.

Placing my right thumb to my mouth, I bit down as hard as I could and broke the skin. Causing blood to drip out.

While being watched by my friends on the sidelines, I did a series of hand signs and slammed my hand onto the ground.

What appeared around my palm, was a seal of some sort. A seal of summoning.


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A loud and large bellow of smoke came out from the area in front.

When the smoke settled and the way was clear. What was seen was a murder of crows, my murder.

Each and everyone looked my way. They were hungry and wanted to eat the sacrifices.

Looking back at them, I decided to ask out. "Where is the Leader?" All of them responded by looking off at the one meter large Crow that was already digging in.

But before he could swallow, I said aloud "I want to exchange for a higher summon." The giant Crow seemed upset and unwilling. Yet quickly gave way.

He walked a bit away and stopped.

Standing still with his eyes shut, one would think he fell asleep while standing.

Suddenly without notice his eyes shot open and made a single peck with his beak into the ground.


And another just as large bellow of smoke appeared.

Yet this time when it settled. All that stood their was a small group of Crows, ten in total.

One had stood at three meters large. He was the Boss.

He looked my way and then to the pile of corpses.

Back at me.

And then to the corpses.

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Back at me.

Then he spoke, "You want me, in exchange for them? I suppose that would be fine. But be warned that you will need far more than this so appease an even stronger Crow later on."

Then without any notice he flew over and swallowed a drop of my blood that was falling off of my hand. He spoke quickly "The deal is done."

Without another word, the giant Crow and his other large crows went and ate the mound of corpses. Leaving nothing behind in less than ten minutes.


After the incident with the Crows being my summons and chat about my eyes, we seemed to have developed a more silent and thick atmosphere around ourselves. We really didn't feel like talking.

But even so, in this time we decided it would be best to wipe out the remaining wolves back at their cave as to prevent any future problems.

When we came across it we discovered that there were in fact a litter of pups and a few remaining females as guards. The three wolf mothers were tired and easily dispatched from a distance by Sayo with her short bow.

Sayo had to deal with them do to her lack of assistance in the last battle, also. I was almost drained of Chakra after healing myself and summoning the Crows of mine.

As for the pups of the wolves, they went into my Satchel Bag. There they will rest until we get back to the village. They can be trained into guard dogs in the future for the village after domestication. They were only ordinary wolves except for one who was a water wolf.

This makes one water wolf and twenty two ordinary wolves.

It was decided that I would be the owner of the Water Wolf already. As I was the one who orchestrated this quest of ours and killed off the 2nd Class Danger Beast.

Though even if Sayo has had that (increasingly) morbid personality since her sister's death. She kept her eyes on the pups and truly wanted to pet and pamper them.Though I stopped her from doing so until we get back to the village.

For now though, she is just guarding me who is carrying the pups.

And like this I feel like I'm a mother duck, I have three children who want to follow me no matter what.

As I sighed to myself we set off back for the village.

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