Fallen Hero System

Chapter 22

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Traveling back to the Village took merely a fraction of the time it had taken to set off.

As we approached the main gate that was made from the spiked logs of chopped down trees, we were promptly noticed by the gate guard. 'It truly was a smart move to place a small guard garrison in town from those who didn't want to venture out.'

The gate guard with one other guard in tow had come froward to greet us. "Team Muramasa, seeing as you've come back it would seem the task is complete; is it not?"

The guard was very respectful toward us who were the pride of the village, my team consisted of four powerful members who also dabbled in other talents. We were renown for never failing a task, even if they were not the most difficult.

A mère 2nd Class Danger Beast could be dispatched by the instructors with ease. But the other students? Very unlikely.

Including myself, only the head of the Guard Garrison are able to dispatch a 2nd Class. And he is over ten years my senior. 'Even if they do not know I can defeat a 2nd Class.'

As we continued forward I paid no mind to the guard and his buddy. They only wanted for me to give them tips in their swordsmanship.

The four of us had soon arrived in front of a tavern. this one was anon as Lone Wolf. Funnily enough.

As we approached the saloon push doors, while doing so we could hear the boisterous hollers of the drunks inside who were either refusing to work or just got back from a job. Those who are about to set out are refused service as it might affect their fights.

With but a push we entered.

*Puch, clonk*x2

With the push doors closing behind us we entered the now silent tavern. Being looked upon by the others who had either never seen us before or early saw us.

One looked down on us and he other kept to themselves. It was easy to see who was who.

"Hey man, why'd it go all quiet? We should be celebrating!"

"Man, just keep it down. That there is the adopted son of the Mayor and his team as well."

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"And? What does that mean? He's the son of the Mayor, so what?"

"You really are stupid. His team have never failed any jobs, I heard that they are active hunters taking down Danger Beast. Not even you could harm them, idiot."

Conversations like this were going on all over, but none dared to actually question what they were told. They just watched on, wondering why we were here.

As we approached the bar area where all task in the village were handed out due to my guild like idea several years back. The barkeep immediately placed down the glass he was cleaning and came to greet us.

"It's good to see that you all are back, not much of a challenge huh. I'll hand over something tougher next time." As the barkeep said this, my three friends had a face as if they just at a bug.

Looking the barkeep in the eyes, my sharingan activated subconsciously.

The barkeep had taken a step[ back and had the blood slowly leave his face. "What might be the problem Rei? Did I say something I shouldn't have?"

Staring him down I then nodded. Pulling out the hide of the Swamp Wolf, his face then changed to that of shock. As did the other patrons at the tavern, they had no idea what to think of it.

With a calm tone I spoke smoothly with a deep voice, "Your information was wrong, the leader of that wolf pack was a Swamp Wolf, not a Water Wolf. In fact, there were two Water Wolves acting as the guards and mates of the Swamp Wolf. I demand a raise in the quest rank."


Almost half the patrons at the tavern fell off of their chairs due to the great wake up call given to them. they had successfully hunted down and killed a Swamp Wolf who was protected by two Water Wolves. The Danger level should be at least five star.

After handling the procedures and giving them the severed tails of the fallen wolves we walked away with quite the haul of money.

Of course due to us getting a lot of money we attracted a bit of unwanted attention. Though after leading the would be robbers into a back ally we apprehended them and gave them over to the Guard Garrison.

Back at my separate housing which was just a simple 5m^2 wooden house. I sat on my bed with a large woven mat in front of me. To the three opposing sides were my friends Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo.

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While on the mat laying down and whining softly were… The pups we had taken away.

Mine was currently in my lap receiving milk from a cow which I milked just an hour prior.

While the others were being fed and cared for by the other three.

The three of them found the pups to be, "Oh, look at these little guys. I can tell they will be quite lively soon." While another went, "Yeah, they can become great guards and pets. Heck, if we can train them enough they could be spar partners for children." And finally one just went, "Fluffy, so very fluffy and soft and lovable. I want all of them."

They were giving me a bit of a headache. "Jeez, if you guys really want them so badly then take one as your own." This was met with pointing at my own wot pup ion my lap "Then I want that one."

"Like Hell." I say in a small threatening tone.

Sayo didn't want to budge, "You said I could take one, so hand it over." She was completely serious on this matter.

Sighing out I look her in the eyes, "Sayo, no matter what you say I will not hand over this pup. She seems to be the pup of Swamp so its not gonna happen." Seeing what I had to say, she let out a small sigh and had a smile appear on her face. "It was just a joke, but I really must say that you must really repeat that Swamp Wolf to say that."

Tatsumi and Ieyasu were also listening in. "Yeah, you really treat that one differently. Even calling him Swamp as a nickname or something." I respond with, "Yes, he was the first kill I got from a 2nd Class Danger Beast. Even making me show a few cards of mine." Ieyasu also seemed to notice a few things and cut in alongside Tasumi, "You even gave it a few respectful words. Only prey that is truly respected by the Hunter receives such mannerisms after death." He really does have a sharp sense.

As I look down on the small pup in my lap, silently sipping the milk I brought it. I gazed into its light blueish fur coat. It truly mesmerized me, 'what a beautiful creature.' Is all that I thought with a goofy look on my face.

From then on I decided to train alongside this beast for life.

Remembering my reward I check them out once more and discover what I thought I saw. A collar for it.

Reaching into my pocket and pulling out the collar that matched the fur coat of my pup, it had a small silver plate that was empty. With a quick appraisal I discovered why.

"Hey, where'd you get that collar?" Tatsumi looked over with Ieysau, "Yeah man, I don;t remember seeing it before." Even Sayo joined the fray, "Are you going to name it already? And isn't the collar a bit big?"

Nodding at them I take the Collar and hold it out, "Yes, I will be naming the pup now." They got a good look at the collar and realized that it was made from the fur of another Water Wolf. 'Where in the Hell did he get that? Did he make one? No, he was along side us this whole time.' They now looked at Rei with eyes that seemed to be questioning if he knew the actual risk of the mission or not.

"This little one's name shall be remembered as, Nanami. Nanami, meaning Seven Seas." I gazed upon the Silver Plate as it engraved in the name I have given.

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The plate finished carving in the information.


Name: Nanami

Owner: Rei Muramasa

Clan: Muramasa

Race: Water Wolf

Age: 4 Days


As I looked at the Information, I felt the gazes surrounding me. Looking back I saw three pairs of eyes gazing at the glistening collar.

And each of them said, 'I want a collar just like that for my wolf.' As I lifted up Nanami who was wearing her collar I backed away slowly.

But I was also being slowly pursued by the three figures who were my closest friends. "Rei, give me one as well." "Yes, just had over one. And I won't get angry at all." and also "Rei, with you would please hand one over for my smuckumms I won't pursue the matter of where they came from.


Looking them down, I can only give a wry smile as I almost fumble over my own two feet, "Guys, I need some space. You wouldn't mind backing up a bit, right?"

At this point sweat began to run down my back.

Eventually I caved in… More like it was almost immediately, but lets forget that.

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Tatsumi was now holding the runt of the litter whom he named "Oki" he was very small. Almost seemed as if he would die; poor thing. 'Damn it, Sayo and her attitude are rubbing off on me.'

Ieyasu clammed the biggest of the pack and claimed his name to be "Michio" that was not a very dog like name if you ask me; what journey is he heading out on?

Finally Sayo came over and told me that her wolf pup would be from now on "Kiyomi" as this pup seemed to be the prettiest girl of the bunch. I relented and told them that the collars would be done by tomorrow.

After they left, I made the collars from other wolf furs so as to match the pups and I made enough for all of them. This took me only three hours as I have raised my skills quite a bit.

Finishing up the original three, I suddenly hear a knock at the door.

Opening it up I see the mayor and the other instructors. "Hello Rei, I have heard from the other s that you came across some wolf pups. Mind if we get some for ourselves? We'll raise them good."

The Mayor seemed keen on this and so I let them in, "That is fine, choose whichever you feel is best." They all began to look through the pups. Some found ones that they took a liking to and immediately asked for them.

But someone tried to take up Nanami, seeing this, I was mad and suddenly I spoke out after doing a could hand signs. "Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing" soon after I spoke the man in question yelled out as if in pain.

He fell onto the floor and madly clutched his neck in great horror.

Everybody was shocked at this and pulled their weapons, only the mayor acted calmly and looked my way. He saw my Sharingan active and understood. "Rei, please explain why you did this." He gestured toward the instructor of the Rock Crush style.

Looking the Mayor in the eyes I said allowed, "I placed him into hi personal Hell due to his misconduct, nothing less and nothing more." All eyes were on me, "Misconduct? What has he done, we cannot accept the likes of you doing such a thing." As he stared me down I looked into his eyes and seeing this he backed away, "I did as such due to him attempting to pick up Nanami, she is my Water Wolf pup. Any attempt to harm of offend her is equal to offending me, as she is now family."

Every one drew in a breath of cold air, a Water Wolf pup. That is a wonderful pet to have. Everybody had a feeling of greed rush through them, except the Mayor. "I see, if she is already your family. Then nothing can be done. The rest of you shall choose a single pup" he looked down at the man who was still practically choking himself "but not him, it seems he knew she was a Water Wolf and got greedy." the Mayor then looked back at me "do as you see fit."

With these words I looked at the others, my eyes saw straight through them. They held no secrets in front of me. And so I spoke, "then I will allow him to leave, but he shall never return. If he dares to lay a finger on Nanami, then I will publicly execute him." Everyone tensed up with what I had said, but had a thought run through them 'If I can pin the blame on him, then' but before they can finish I speak once again, "and I shall execute him if she were to every be harmed by anybody, meaning if she was to suddenly disappear I will kill him. If he was not guilty, then to damn bad, then I will hunt down the real person responsible. Without any mercy, unlike today."

Following this I snapped my fingers loudly and sent a wave of chakra into the man writhing in pain so as to disturb his Illusion. After he awoke, he immediately passed out due the 'threat' no longer being there.

All of the others looked on in silence. Or rather shock.

He said that this man will die no matter what happens to his pet wolf, and then he would hunt down anybody else related to the incident.

He was a madman.

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