Fallen Hero System

Chapter 23

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It has been three weeks since I have returned from the Swamp Wolf Quest, but now I'am in a very pretentious situation that is causing me great trouble.

Currently I was under attack.

A beast worthy of my respect had challenged me to battle.

Therefore I could not decline and was soon in a dual with the beast.

The great and powerful beast came and charged my way, with but a step back I dodged its bite that went toward my right arm.

After stepping back, I can only continue to retreat as I refuse to allow it to get in a single hit on me.

This was not as much a challenge as it was to get in an attack.

The reason I cannot attack was due to the beast greatly OP natural defense. And so I was left on the defensive myself, attempting to retreat and not allow it to harm me in any way.

Searching for a way to make my move. But it was simply far to great and so I was left in a hopeless situation. Only able to dodge left and right or perhaps backwards as I tried to escape.

The teeth were ready to sink down and bite, but I refuse to relent and got even more serious as I didn't want to fail this 'simple' task at hand.

As it continued to charge and attack I still only backed away even more than before. Until I was at an impasse… Or rather a ledge.

Falling over meant my end and so I attempted to hold on as long as I could, but in less than a few minutes the mighty beast let out a great resounding roar and swung its tail in my direction… Throwing me from the ledge.

And off I fell.


And so I landed quickly on the hardwood floor beneath my bed.

Looking up I see a ball of blue fluff tilting its head, all as its tongue flaps in the air with every huff of said air.

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It was Nanami, she grew a bit quickly but now I can call her a growing pup rather than an immobile one.

She was currently getting her daily excise by playing with me as per usual.

Approaching Nanami I place my hands around her cheeks as I say to her "Hah~ Seems I lost. Arn't you such a cute little girl?" As if she knew what I had said, she went "Arp, arp!" out and enjoyed the cheek pets.

She was the most adorable wolf pup on the planet. Just having her sleep next to my head in her little bed I made from the fur of a few mountain sheep was a great stress reducer for the both of us.

She seemed to know that I was not her actual parent, but that didn't prevent us from getting along.

She was a very smart do- *Cough* Wolf pup.

After we calmed down I set her in her little bed and say to her, "Alright Nanami, you should get some rest now. I'm gonna work on my writing over there at my desk." Nanami seemed reluctant to take her nap as I would sometimes head out and do work so she protested with a "Kyun kyun kyun" attack that struck me in the heart. (Critical Hit)

But I couldn't give in. "Nanami, you have to get your rest, you're still growing and need the extra naps." She had a look in her eyes as if telling me that I was also a kid, this caused a wry smile to appear and then twitch several time on my face.

Sighing out I only told her "Please get some sleep, the last time you didn't take your nap you ruined my sleep at night. I'm begging you." And so I clasped my palms over my head as I told her this.

She was already to tired to argue and so with an adorable yawn she was asleep.

'She is quite the handful at times, huh' As I thought this I look out the shutters out into the area before the house. I see the practice field and many people were training their skills.

As for myself, I 'am still only meditating as to raise my mental stats and Chakra levels. I can only be considered as a Mid rank Gennin. This is because after some serious contemplation I remembered the fact that to graduate from the academy, one must know a B-rank justsu.

This was easy for me, but my Chakra levels are what held me back. About 500 is equal to the average graduate. 1250 for a Low Gennin, 2500 for Mid Gennin and 5000 for High Gennin.

Though this is all just a speculation of mine and not an actual fact.

As I think all of this, I slowly sit down at the desk that is placed in my room and decided to look over my status that I have.


Name: Rei Muramasa / Sex: Male

Age: 10 years / Race: Human

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Titles: Otaku, Scholar, Fighter, Hidden Figure, Feared, World Traveler, Crazed Trainer, Blacksmith, Hunter, Alchemist, Herbalist, Assassin, Merchant, Instructor, Apprentice Tamer, Parent to a Wolf, (I have to damn many of these!)

S: 12.5

P: 16.5

E: 10.4

A: 14.4

I: 21.0

L: 10.0

W: 20.1

D: 12.9

Chakra: 2410/2410

Stat Point(20) / Skill Point(20)

Blessings: <???>

Equipment: <Black Konoha Flack Jacket(D)>, <Black T-Shirt>, <Black Cargo Pants>, <Steel Toe Boots(D)>, <Fingerless Gloves>, <Katana(D)>, <Shuriken'12'>, <Kunai'5'>, <Death Wind Shuriken '1'> <Beasthunter Saif>

Elements: Fire©, Time(D), Space(D), Magnet©, Water©,

Bloodline: Uchiha(Low), Uzumaki(Low)

Skills: <Martial Student:3> <Shooting:2> <Thrower:1> <Cleaning:9> <Sneaking:MX> <Swimming:5> <Cooking:8> <Speech:MX> <Acting:MX> <Steal:9> <Concealment:MX> <Dagger Student:4> <Sword Student:4> <Chakra Control:6> <Sensory:4> <Carving:MX> <AlchemyArts:3> <Hebalist:3> <Tracking:4> <Singing:MX> <Instrument:MX> <BlacksmithingArts:8> <CraftingArts:5> <Taming:2>

Abilities: <Sharingan(Two Tomoe)> <Eidetic Memory> <Language Comprehension>

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Summons: <Crow Contract(Mid)> <Nanami(WaterWolf)>

[Status] [Appraisal] [Store] [Quest] [Technique] [Checkpoint]

FC: 3,585

Spare Lives: 5


As I was looking over my status I remembered everything that I had received from my hunt three weeks back.

For now I decided to save the Lottery for the Imperial Arm for last as I want to have desert afterwards.

It also occurred to me that Nanami had become a Summon by default, this is so I can bring her to my side in case of an emergency. It was possibly a perk of giving her that collar. It does look nice on her and it has other functions, though the ones I created by hand for every one else are all normal.

As I think to myself I realize that I might as well try and use the Stat Poinst to see what happens. They seem rather difficult to get, so I should use them rarely. But I do need to test them first, so for now I will only use five of both Stat and Skill Points.

As I decided this I think to myself 'add one Stat Point to Luck' and with this I see it happen… My Luck has risen from 10.0 to… 11.0 an increase of an entire point and not just a tenth. amazing!

Immediately I put the remaining four into Luck as well pushing up to 15.0 and leaving me with 15 Stat POints left over.

Now I hover over the Skill Points and think to myself 'add one skill point to Tamer' but instead of what I was expecting… I got [Requires 2 Skill Points to Level Up, agree? Yes/No] quickly I choose no and begin to think.

After a moment I decided that I must need more Skill Points to Level higher ranking skills… That is a true pain in the ass… Fuck this shit.

Now ignoring the Skill Points I move onto the Tamer Skill… It seems that after a quick look it allows me to get on friendlier terms with non hostile enemies easier, or even pacify enemy creatures/animals easier… VEry helpful if I want to be an actual Tamer. (Duh)

Now I decide to open up the inventory and pull out the Blood Purification Pill(Mid) I don't have any new bloodlines as of yet, so for now I'lll try and use it for the Uzumaki Bloodline… Hope it works and I don't end up wasting a pill.

Throwing the pill into my mouth and swallowing it I tell the system 'Focus the pill effects onto the Uzumaki Bloodline.' And with this I began to feel a familiar and unavoidable pain surge my body once again, it seems that the pill is working perfectly and purifying the Bloodline to a higher state.

But the pain… At this point I'am sitting on the floor in the lotus position trying my best to meditate to keep my calm… But I'am barely holding on for dear life as my conciseness begins to fade. But I manage to pull through my body attempting to put me out.

The pain went on for an entire hour straight, sweat dripped down my body as if a major workout was just completed. And pain can be seen on my face still as it has yet to relax du to the sudden disappearance of the major pressure I felt the whole time.

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As I look down at my hands I give them a good squeeze and can feel that I have made a breakthrough with my strength. I felt euphoria at this and could hardly contain myself.

Now that this has finished I rise to my feet, removing my shirt in preparation to go and wash down my body down with a damp rag. But before I could, my front door swung open.

And in marched a band of morons who were acting a little off.

"Hey guys, what going on. Just showing up out of the blue isn't like you at all." Though I wanted to beat them down a little bit, I merely through my shirt over my shoulders and gave them a smile.

Tatsumi reacted first "Yeah man, we just came to speak to you was all." as he said this, he looked over at the other two and asked "Right?" and they nodded in agreement.

"Yeah Rei, we just wanted to give you our thanks. A thank you for everything." Ieyasu spoke more formally than usual. I wonder what was up. "Oh, there is no need. Were like family after all, I don't need any thanks." I shook my head at them, this was basically them saying I was an outsider if they thanked me with such a respectful tone.

Sayu starred me down and spoke last "Rei, this is something we have been meaning to do for a long time, yet we just couldn't get to it do to all of the training. We're sorry." The three of them lowered their heads. To which I freaked out a bit on the inside about. "Guys c'mon, were family. Raise your heads, please."

They looked at each other and then raised their heads all at once. If I hadn't had a grip on who they were I would have considered that they practiced before they came,

"Rei, these are from all three of us." Sayu pulled out two separate circular wooden crate like things(I don't know what they are called) and presented them to me.

"""Happy 10th Birthday""" They said in unison, so I was completely taken aback.

'Birthday?' I told them in a wondering tone that asked out "But my Birthday was well over four months ago. So what is all of this?" They looked away from my eyes with an apologetic look.

"Heh, yeah. We know that, it is just as we said though. We didn't mean to not do it earlier it is just that our hands were tied." Ieysau was the first to come up with a decent excuse.

While the others just looked like they wanted to say 'Ditto' to me and then look away.

Only a sigh came out at them "Sigh~ What am I gonna do with you three? Well c'mon open it up and show me what you brought."

The three of them were visibly relieved as they opened the lids and out came both a thing of Manju and Baozi… I fucking love these three… They know exactly what I wanted.

Not some weapon or materials… But some damn good food.

As a smile make its way onto my lips I look at them and sit down preparing to dig in.

The small party of mine later grew a bit larger later on though.

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