Fallen Hero System

Chapter 24

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The night has settled in. The moon high and the world has gone to sleep, not a sound but those by the nocturnal animals and the wind could be heard.

It was high time for me to get back to work.

Wasting three hours on a party is simply not like me, but even so it was the most fun I have had in quite some time. They were all there solely because I was their friend. And therefore a smile couldn't leave my face.

But even if it was fun I could not hold it off any longer.

Looking through my stats I cannot help but let out a large sigh.

'It is just not enough growth, how can I speed it up?' With a wry smile and eyes that wanted to cry, I looked through my stats once more.

My strength was four times that of the average in this universe, but it was still no match for the jaws of Swamp. I need to bulk up somehow, maybe I could even condense my muscles?

Perception was quite the strong point of mine as I can use the Sharingan to make it multiple time stronger, one Tomoe was a three time multiple and two Tomoe was a five time. It will only increase more later on, making this my most powerful stat.

As long as I kept my eyes that is.

This also only applies to my eyes, my ears cannot hear better nor can my skin feel anything it touches any better. Perception is a very wide range of things outside of the eyes.

Endurance was not my strong suit at all. It was on the same level as Luck before I upped it with Stat points. This gives me more stamina and helps with damage control. Though training it is a serious pain in the ass, it hurts far to much.

For that reason my Agility was far better, if I can get into the enemies face and force pressure on them then they can only retreat and hope I mess up. Or perhaps I can dodge attacks and play stay away. But with my Dexterity being on almost the same level that will not happen unless my opponent has a lot of Luck for himself.

Both Intelligence and Wisdom are my highest stats…Though I cannot say I'am certain on their usage and therefore can only conclude they make my brain work better and help out with magic or rather jutsu. Intelligence= Attack and Wisdom= Regeneration. Only speculation though.

Training these stats are much more difficult than one could imagine, for Intelligence and Wisdom I require using this brain of mine to an extreme limit and only then will it slowly evolve as to adapt.

For Strength and Endurance I need to physically train an extreme amount. Even though I practice with all sorts of weapons, none are really heavy and so my Strength will stagnate unless I get heavier gear or use ordinary weights…Trees are to light. Endurance requires me to take damage, yep you heard right I need to get hurt. It basically work like calluses and healed bone. I can also tire myself out until I black out, though that is a very unsafe training without a proper coach.

Agility and Dexterity are the easiest to train as they only require me to move at an amazingly quick pace and very limber manner. They also require an extraordinary reaction time so I use the other trainees to throw rock at me at random times.

Perception was easy to train as I only need to spot what was hidden to others. Alongside the refining of the Sharingan my eyes could easily be trained. Though my ears and other s seances would need time to catch up in a similar manner.

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Luck, you cannot train Luck. But it can sure as hell train you. With high enough Luck you can meet random encounters or suddenly have an epiphany, just like those in Wuxia novels where they call it Enlightenment. It can help with even other things… Anything that involves even the slightest bit of Luck is controlled by this stat.

After the stats I can only stare at the only Blessing I have with a small sigh as I have no right to view it yet. I was told by the system before that it has a few requirements to be met, though it will not say what they are exactly.


After taking a look through my stats and skills I have a complete overview of how I can work in the future. And so I decided that for the moment I need to max out my Bloodline of the Uzumaki Clan.

This would help me set my work as easier.

Going into the Shop I attempt to buy what the pills that I want, I placed the name of Bloodline Purification Pill into the search bar and I find… Nothing. I was left with a wry look but I can only relent at this finding. I can only guess that these pills are earned and as such buying them would make life to damn easy.

For now I can only take quest that provide them as they are fairly easy to acquire.

Opening the Quest section I find the list that I want, all were able to be turned in.


Quest: Third Class Danger

Objective: Kill a Third Class Danger Beast.

Bonus Quest: Kill with a single hit. (Not Met)

Difficulty: E

Reward: Bloodline Purification Pill(Med),

Bonus Reward: Bloodline: Wolfman

Punishment: None

Status: Complete Main, Failed Bonus


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Quest: Second Class Danger

Objective: Kill a Second Class Danger Beast.

Bonus Quest: Earn respect of the Beast.

Difficulty: D

Reward: Bloodline Purification Pill(Med) / Random Equipment Blueprint

Bonus Reward: Skill: Roar, Technique: Wolf Howl/ Skill: Bloodlust(Low)

Punishment: None

Status: Complete


Quest: Capture Beast

Objective: Capture a Third Class Beast

Bonus Quest: Perfectly tame the Beast.

Difficulty: D

Reward: Bloodline Purification Pill(Med), Bloodline: (Matching Beast)

Bonus Reward: Music Device / Ability: Telepathy

Punishment: None

Status: Complete

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Quest: Wolf Pack

Objective: Kill off the wolves in the Wolf Pack terrorizing Yordhelm Village..

Bonus Quest: Kill off the Pack Leader and prevent anymore casualties.

Difficulty: D

Reward: Bloodline Purification Pill(Med) / Respect of Villagers from Yordhelm Village

Bonus Reward: Ability: Animal Language

Punishment: Hatred of Yordhelm Village

Status: Complete


With a grin on my face I completed the quest in succession and acquired all the rewards. Because it was so early on in this world I managed to acquire so many pills for purifying my blood. Though the one from the taming quest was probs for Nanami.

My face twitched a bit at the missed opportunity for the Bonus of the First Quest though, I missed out on a bloodline. Even if it was a Low Level one.

Taking out the pills I thought to myself as I observed them… 'Is the torture I will soon delve into worth it?' But the only conclusion I made was a simple, yes.

And my four hours of pain and torture began as my DNA reshaped itself with in my body.

That sure was fun. 10/10 would do again… NOT!

The pain I could feel was that of my skin being torn off and reshaped then slowly reattached, had I not had my eyes bloodshot and wide open the entire process that is all I would imagined at that time.


[Host,your Uzumaki Bloodline has reached the 'Peak' Rank and therefore is eligible to evolve into a new Bloodline with your permission, though this will reset it to a state of Low Purity.]

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"Hah hah huh hah" As I breath in the air that surrounds me I can only think of the pain I had just gone through. But what the system had gone and really stunned me silly. Evolve the Uzumaki Bloodline?

"Explain." Is all I can whisper out.

[You can Evolve the Bloodline forcibly. And with enough Luck you can manage it. The process is much more painful but will be completed instentaniuosly. It will then become a High Rank Bloodline and all effects will be upgraded. Possible secondary effect can appear as well. The possibility for success is greater the higher the Purification is.]

Shaking my head I refused the evolution, not enough Luck and I can hardly move. If I'am struck by an immense amount of pain all of a sudden it WILL kill me.

'System, lets move onto the grand finale. The randomized Teigu or Imperial Arm. Tel me is it really randomized?'

[Yes Host, the draw is by a spinning wheel. Therefoer it is randomized.]

'Will it include all of the Imperial Arms? Even those destroyed?'

[Yes, these Imperial Arms given to you are actually just a carbon copy and therefore will behave just like the Original but they are only compatible with yourself.]

'That's good news. Anyway I can use such draws in other worlds?'

[There are more draws. Ex: Djin, Devil Fruit, Magic, Equipment, Soul, Inheritence, etc. So there is no need to worry.]

'Thanks system. Well what are you waiting for? Use it!'

As I finished this conversation with the system my eyes snapped open and gazed at the screen before me.

The screen held a wheel titled as Teigu Lottery on top.

It spun and spun for a sold thirty seconds until it slowed to a stop.

And as it did that my eyes glowed and refused to shut in fear that the needle will pick another Imperial Arm.

What is had chosen was exactly what I wanted.

The, Complete Book of the World: Rongo Rongo!

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