Fallen Hero System

Chapter 25

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With a smile as long as a mile, lips and cheeks as red as blood once it pours from your veins and haggard breathing as it exits from your inflating and deflating lungs which cannot sustain the air any longer.

Eyes were bloodshot and heart rate through the roof, I stared at what was in my hands.

The Complete Book of the World: Rongo Rongo.

A very weak yet undeniably useful Imperial Arm, in fact this is exactly what I wanted.

With this I'am officially one step in front of my enemies, rather than on equal footing. Now my plans of taking over can be set into motion.

Looking upon Rongo Rongo I get a small feeling of helplessness due to the overpowering feeling. It was the weight of the world.

*Gulp* I swallowed my saliva heavily as I gaze into the eye within the mouth which was inlaid on the cover of Rongo Rongo with real teeth from possibly a Supreme Rank Danger Beast. It was a fully leather bound book which had several glyphs of an ancient language along the edge. I can easily read them due to the Language Comprehension Ability, though as I read them I see that the glyphs are conforming into English the language I'am most proficient in. That must be how it says it recognizes me as its owner.

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Holding Rongo Rongo in my hands I slowly place my hands on the opening edge and slowly lift the cover up. As I stare at the page laying before me I'am instantly sucked into the book and unable to force myself away.

All the information I could ever want on the current state of the world laid before me, and it was in constant update as well. Every moment it would tell me the changing data from all over the globe, it truly was the book of the entire world.

As I looked through it, I could not contain my curiosity and flipped to the last page. As I landed on it, I could hardly lift the last page up so that I can see the back of it; where the greatest natural disasters of the future lay.

Sweat accumulated on my forehead, the air grew heavy and my chest could not stop itself from constantly jumping up and down, my heart about bounced from the inside of my chest out and to the floor.

My hand pinched the last page and slowly lifted it up at a pace so slow one would yell in frustration. But as the last page fell onto of the others I can only gaze onto the events of the future that were left in full display… Fully incased in fear and terror.

What I saw can be said to no man… Ever.


After I calmed myself from my episode of extreme fear. One that I last felt only when I felt at my lowest and assumed I was left aloe once more. I continued reading.

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And so I began with memorizing the Map of the World. Memorizing it took no more than that of a few mere minutes, but to create it, I cannot imagine the amount of time it took to create such a detailed map.

Other than the information pertaining to the surrounding villages and the Capital, I find many points of interest and the three that really took my interest were… One: Dragon Nest Volcano, Two: Wasteland Battleground, and Three: Tomb of the Founder.

These three are the main points of interest in this life of mine.

Dragon Nest Volcano was a volcano rumored to have been the birthplace and origin nest of the Dragon King: Destroyer a dragon surpassing that of Supreme Rank. It was the father of many Dragons of the Supreme Rank; including Tyrant. This location should be perfect for me to absorb some Natural Energy to help upgrade my Sharingan. Otherwise it will take forever with the small amount in the forest, besides it can be more helpful for my Fire Element Affinity if I spend time there.

Wasteland Battleground is the last battlefield of the Civil War from many years ago, the area is highly dangerous due to the extreme amount of Raw Magic Power seeping around the area. Therefore it is like a Radioactive Hotspot and dangerous enough to kill most just by entering the are. There I have a feeling I can find some old Imperial Arms, and I can tell that others had the same Idea as the amount of treasure hunters dieting there is in no way small.

Finally the Tomb of the Founder… I have no information in the entirety of Rongo Rongo other than it exist. Therefore I have no high hopes for it, especially because it is so close to the Village. Only about thirty-four kilometers South.

That will be my first stop, and I will head off in two days. But before then I will have to place down a distraction, just so nobody has the time to chase after me.

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Now what can I do?

For now I can take the least dangerous way and just use a clone of some sort, but even so I need to take into account just how long it will last. Wit can't the clone just make another clone and then self destruct?

Yeah, I'll just use that method alongside the shadow clone.

Quickly doing the hand signs I summon a single clone. *Poof*

As the clone stood in front of me, it stared me down in the eyes and then did but a simple nod in acknowledgment of it mission.

"I leave everything to you, or rather myself." saying this to my clone only felt natural.

"Of course, I would expect nothing less from myself. But what of Nanami, are you taking her along?" he simply tilted his head in the direction of my bed for a moment.

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Looking at the sleeping ball of bluish fluff I nod my head in confirmation.

"You know that for a fact, so just make an excuse. Shouldn't take more than a few days, just pretend you caught a small cold or are heading off onto a solo mission."

My clone agreed with this simple idea, he could just go and search for a small ore mine and search for herbs.

"Alright then, I'll be taking my leave, so hold down the fort for me." I wave behind me as I head for the door.

Letting out a simple smile, my clone said to my back as I exited the door with a sleeping Nanami in arms.

"Of course."

And then with a small clank the door closed not to open anymore for the time being. And so the Clone got to work.

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