Fallen Hero System

Chapter 26

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With a bundle of fluff I was following the flying shadow in the sky, it zoomed around my future obstacles such as animals and large objects. The time I wanted to be away was not long.

They would figure out sooner or later that it was not me in the village, or perhaps they will go in search of my clone to discover that it was nowhere to be found.

The sky was still dark but over the horizon I can tell that a bit of light is spilling over, signaling the rise of a new day.

"Hey Leader Crow, how long till we get there?" The core merely looked down on me and sighed out as it dodged to the sides of several incoming trees refusing to ram into them.

He said snakily "Oh? And I thought you knew the way better than me? Some summoner you are."

Without batting an eye I told him off simply "If you have nothing nice to say, just shut that beak of yours. Damn flying chicken."

As we made our way through the forest that stretched out before me, I went through them as if a fish through water and ignored all beast as they are only a distraction from my true goal. What is the Tomb of the Founder?

Going through the trees, though it took much longer than I intended.

Before my was the entrance to a cave. From past experience I knew not to take this lightly.

For such a secretive place to go unnoticed for so long, then that means it was just dangerous to get into.

Shaking my arms I heard the ball of fluff let out "Kyuu~" as it raised its head only to let out a monstrous "Raaa~" as a yawn. Nanami was finally awake, albeit barely.

"Nanami, time for some training" I looked down on Nanami who was giving me the eye that said 'Let's not, please?' they were the almighty Puppy Eyes.

Stumbling in my mind I can only look down on her and say "Sorry girl, time for work. Lets do this." she was visibly upset at this and let out a small "kyuu~" which was her saying 'Noo~'. It is far cuter when you know what she is saying.

But as I placed her on the ground she still stretched greatly and limbered up, I followed suit and did a light stretching exorcise to get ready. This place is possibly filled with traps to the brim, lets try not to die.

"Nanami, trap searching mode." Nanam then lowered her snout to the ground and sniffed around the cave entrance.

Though I didn't train her for battle yet, I still taught her the basics for finding traps. And that collar was very useful with training as it gets the point across. But with the full Animal Language I can tell her more straight forward.

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"Ppfft" though it is so funny how she didn't notice I told this to her in the wolf language. She is to cute. Now time to get serious.

"Arp, arp! (There's none here!)" Nodding to Nanami I head in after her lead.

Outside the cave entrance sat the Leader Crow that helped me navigate the forest in the night. He was far more useful than one would think, even though most birds cannot see at night he could do to imbuing Nature Energy into his eyes. Thus allowing him to see.

The technique I do not have access to. Even after asking the Boss Crow their beaks were sealed tight. Saying my Chakra reserves were far from the requirement. And I agreed with them on this, the amount of Charka I would need is at least twice that of the average Kage if I want to use it proficiently.

As I entered the cave alongside Nanami the Sharingan in my eyes activated as for Nanmi her eye could adjust to the darkness quickly as she just awoke and her race has evolved in a way of allowing her to see slightly in the dark.

The cave was the same as any other. The wall were rocky and curved in weird manners that made it feel more cramped than it really is. The sides seemed pointy and sharp so I made sure that Nanami kept her distance.

The further I head in the more I wonder to myself where all the traps lay. Not a single one appeared and we have walked for what seems to be twenty minutes. Not a drop of blood was smelt by Nanami either.

Was this place really a tomb of someone great? And if it was, where would the treasure hunters sent by the capitol be?

They should have left some trace of them being here, but there has yet to be one.

As this train of thought goes through my mind I look to the ground and I find that Nanami has come to a halt.

"What is it Nanami? Trap ahead?" this was the first to come to mind.

"Arp! (Yeah!)" and with her acknowledgment I take the first step forward. And I spread out my Chakra in a way as to wrap the surrounding of the cave.

It was the most simple way of using Chakra to sense your surroundings and was very primitive. But it was all I had to work with at the moment.

With this method though I feel minute details in what I wrap up and have found that the ground ahead is weaker compared to what I was standing on top of. It seemed to also be made of a completely different material as well, perhaps a light wooden plank rather than stone.

It can hold up to what I presume as roughly seventy-three kilograms.

My equipment and myself are not enough to break it so I can only step onto it and look down, Nanami was worried letting out small whimpers of (no, don't) cause she seemed to know what I was doing.

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As I stare at the wooden lank that was covered in a small illusion and a bunch of age old dust/dirt. I see through it and then raise my leg up into the air, as it dangles above the plank time slows down a bit and so I stomp down.

*Crunch!* And it snapped with ease.

Below was a spike pit, made of metal spikes rather than the average wood.

As I began my decent into the pit, a kunai exits my hand tower the top of the cave and with a *clang* it sticks into the ceiling with ease. At the end of the kunai was a wire, it was a steel wire used by the Uchiha in their many jutsu using the shuriken it was also used as a way of keeping a hold of high places by adept Shinobi.

This was purchased for a cheap price of 2FC a meter.

With a small pull I was back up and ready. Looking down, I knew that death only waits for the average knights of the medieval ages. But this world has people who can easily avoid such a simple trap.

So I can only shake my head in disappointment.

As I turn around to go forward I look back at Nanami and say as I continue my walk forward "Come on girl, we got plenty of ground to cover. Though from the looks of it, this will be quite eas-" but I was cut off mid-sentence.

Looking back at Nanami I see her head shake as I hear *Fwoosh* startled I look toward the source and see something that scared the skin off of me. It went *Cacha*.

*Chch* I fell to my knees.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" 'My fucking NUTS!'

The pain surged through me and I couldn't control it anymore.

"AAAAHHHH, AAHHH, AH!" I began to cry out in pain as I looked toward my crouch. I was holding onto it for dear life. Afraid of the consequence of the pain never leaving.

"AWOO!! (MASTER!!) ARP ARP?! (ARE YOU OKAY?!)" Nanami was bouncing off the wall in terror as for the first time she has seen me in a horrible state of pain as I screamed.

She was scarred witless and confused, without any idea on what to do she just curled up into a ball and began to shake as she barked out "ARP ARP!! ARP!! (LEAVE MASTER ALONE!! PLEASE!!)

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She was only a child.

… Half an hour later.

My eyes listless, empty. I could hardly feel my crouch. Nanami was now licking my face constantly asking "(You okay now? Now? Now?)" But I can only stare at what got me.

A fuck leather boot that shot from the ground.

As I looked at the boot, my mind can only be filled with anger.

So I soon made up my mind. "Imma bring that motherfucking founder back to life, just so I can kill him again!" With this Nanami jumped back and was wondering what was going on in my head as I slowly and shakily stood up like that of a newborn deer.

While I stood tall I looked into the dark, and it came to me… I had made a Lantern Jutsu… After I made the three needed hand signs, a ball of log appeared above my right hand and floated into the air in front of me.

"Hah~ I sure am an idiot at times… I even manage to forget things, even though I have the Eidetic Memory Ability. It's a wage on me, ain't it?" But enough with the moping around,with my new found goal I set off for the Founder. Past all of his shitty traps that is.

"Nanami, travel mode." With this command, not a sound was heard. But I could feel a few pitter patters on my back as it made its way up and onto my head. This was travel mode, just a comfortable way for Nanami to get some rest as I charge through shit blindly. Or walk around.

Either way of usage is fine.

Now that I have a light constantly floating in front of me and my Chakra spreading to the surroundings I'am able to dodge most traps with merely a side step or an over step. So getting through was much wearier than I anticipated.

Though I thought that maybe the trap masters of this world are actually few and far in-between. I have this way of thought due to the fact that a Trap Imperial Arm exist. Though it did go unnamed, it can be a great advantage for a squad if they fought either a single opponent or an army.

Traps are a factor that many look down upon but are truly an ancient way of strategy that reigns in many peoples hearts. Whether for bad or good.


Take it all back.

As I go in I think that it would be best to just destroy the traps in advance, why?

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Because there are to many despicable traps that don't deserve any respect.

So I decided on the easiest way to get rid of them.

That would be Sand.

after making several hand signs once again, but this time I had a smile of slight madness on my face. I called out "Magnet Style: Trap Cave Sweep" and so the sand that I required left the Sand Gourd that was strapped to my right leg.

After appearing in front of me the sand quickly went into the ground at my feet.

Leaving only a small hole in its place.

But soon after… The whole cave began to shake and quiver almost as if out of fear.

The walls crumbled and fell apart, the ceiling broke down as the pebbles on the ground shook on the ground.

Soon the cave began to crumble and crack. From the cracks that formed, sand trickled out.

This phenomenon lasted a solid three minutes. But as it ended, I only walked forward as if it never occurred.

With this I destroy every trap in the cave, not one was left. A Rank Jutsu sure were powerful, yet this did consume a mighty amount of chakra.

After the last stretch of only ten minute with zero traps. I met the last chamber of the cave.

Allowing myself inside, I was met with a simple wooden table and chairs. On the table sat many objects of interest, yet I couldn't take my eyes from the skeleton that sat at the head of the table.


[Congrats at discovering the final resting place of the Creator of Legends, Daniel Heart. Head Creator of all Imperial Arms.]

'So, he is the Founder...'

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