Fallen Hero System

Chapter 28

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Inside the dark and dank area within the cave, there laid a room where it was dry and almost inviting. The only thing out of place was the lacking of light… Oh and the skeleton sitting down at a table as well. Yes, those are the only things out of place… (Ignoring the disgraceful traps behind him)

Feeling the room with my Chakra I feel that there are no more traps and decided to take my first step into the chamber where the Founder sat down for his final resting place. Though after a few steps, trouble brewed inside my nose.

"ACHOO!" A dust storm picked up and attempted to run rampant. A new idea came to me as I formed three hand signs "Magnet Style: Calming Dust" the dust that floated around the room stopped mid air and halted as if dozen in ice. Then slowly it went down to the ground.

"Well, that worked better than I thought it would. Right Nanami?… Nanami?" Looking up on top of my head laid a cute wolf pup with her head held high, and then it came a mighty sneeze "Abchoo!" and the dust moved around again, though a storm didn't start it merely moved about a bit.

"Geez Nanami, gave me spook there." Smiling wryly to Nanami I scolded her a small bit. "Bur(Sorry)". as she said this little apology I softened up inside and replied with "It's all good, just be careful." Nanami nodded in understanding.

Looking forward once again, I found the bones of the Founder undisturbed in any way. Nothing seemed to be able to move that skeleton.

As I observed the bones of the Founder I decided to move forward and observe what sat in front of him. A wooden table full of random items, though they seemed to be worth far more than even Platinum much less Gold.

They seemed to be exactly what I wanted, and they laid out in front of me. Open to the taking.

Imperial Arms, thought the number of them was five in total.

After walking up to the table I observed the Imperial Arms placed on the table and discovered something else, there were in fact a stack of blueprints. *Gulp* with a shaking hand I leaned in toward them and slowly lifted up the top piece of the stack bringing toward myself.

[Imperial Arm Blueprint; Demon Armor:Incursio.]

Seeing the name that was displayed, my eyes nearly fell from there sockets; costing me the Sharingan.

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But I calmed myself down by breathing in the nose and out the mouth. Lowering my heart rate and blood pressure back into the safe zone.

"Nanami, we struck treasure worth far more than the kingdom itself." This was the only thing that can escape my mouth as I gaze up all of the Blueprints before me.

But before I dig into the stack before me and the treasures on the sides I gazed up the skeleton that was sitting in a very dignified manner as if saying 'Welcome, please have a seat'. And so I decided I would use what I can from the area around me and build something worthy of this individual.

Sitting in a chair across from the Founder I contemplated for several minutes of how I can create a jutsu to make a worthy tomb for the skeleton across from me.

After what seemed to be twenty minutes I came to a great conclusion.

Deciding on the course of action I will mix the two jutsu of Sand Coffin, Sand Prison and Shukaku Shield. These jutus are all ones that harden the sand and help sculpt it in different ways, so after making it an A Rank Jutsu I completed the hand signs. Though after this I will be at thirty percent of my full Chakra reserve. "Magnet Style: King's Tomb"

With but a minute of rumbling and tumbling the earth before me began to take shape, this left behind a large building modeled after the Khai Dinh Tomb. This if seen will be remembered by many people throughout the ages, an unimaginable feat and a great tomb fro a man that deserves to be remembered.

This is where he will be laid to rest for the rest of eternity.

It took me nothing more than but a minute to carry the skeleton to his final resting place. I've never seen the inside of the Khai Dinh Tomb so I just made it with the coffin lying in the center of a pit in the middle of a large room. The rest was just filled in with a random maze and the like, because what else am I supposed to put there? A ball pit and play pen?

After leaving the tomb behind I walked down the steps that were built and headed toward the only thing that remained the same. That exact wooden table which had a pile of Blueprints and a few items.

While standing over the table I pick up Nanami and tell her. "Nanami, sit here on the ground." As she made it to the ground, she assumed a ball up position to sleep in.

Looking over the stack presented before me I find something startling. The number of Blueprints was not the original forty-eight… But rather the amount before me exceeded that and showed me they numbered at sixty-two.

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The only thing is that written on the backside of those that were never mentioned, was where they ended up and that some were just left undeveloped or unfinished. Meaning some never had the hope to be created while others were left on stand bye.

But from what I could tell… With the appropriate materials, all of them could be created in due time. Though some of the more advanced ones will need extra research done.

One of them was sitting on the table, so I picked it up and looked upon it.

[Found Equipment(Body Modification): False Life: Second Heart(Unfinished)]

It was a heart shaped Imperial Arm that was lacking several parts from Supreme Rank Danger Beast. This Arm was meant to act as an extra heart, obviously, this will help keep you alive after one heart is destroyed. It is actually filled with what the scientist and doctors back on earth would call STEM Cells that would rapidly help the wound heal. The STEM Cells come from a Supreme Rank Danger Beast that was pregnant with a child beast, these are converted by the heart into a substance that is usable by the Human body to allow an extremely fast regeneration that is visible by the eye. This also allows the person to survive an attack from Murasame.

It is unfinished though and wasn't sent out for usage, nor did the Emperor at the time know of its development and therefore nobody but myself knows it exist.

As I finish observing it, I look at the others and my eyes land on a guitar like item. Looked like a Gibson Les Paul and I adored it. Beautiful gold, black and blood like coloring.

Picking it up I gave a simple strum of the strings. [Found Equipment(Instrument): Illusion Song: Music Master]

This notice raised a smile on my face and so I gave it another strum, it played beautifully. Though it was for now just an acoustic guitar but as I looked over it I found several buttons.

One activated the electric guitar mode, another two change the volume and finally one was used to save a song played in advance to be used in the future even if the strings were destroyed.

The Ultimate of the Arm was nothing to special, it just allowed you to have a certain ability granted to the area of where the music flows. Basically, if I play and sing of a song about immortality all those who I want to affect will gain immense restorative ability. If I sang and played a song about the the ground then it will conform to my will and allow me to use it. The same goes for corpses, trees, people and many other ways. Though as long as I use this the closer the strings come to snapping.

So of course I tested out and played a song after activating the electric mode. What I played was: Through the Fire and the Flames.

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What a damn good song I truly must say. And it seems to me that this guitar was willing to allow me as its master, as I felt no backlash and it played wonderfully.

The air also felt much hotter than before, though not by to much as I didn't want the Ultimate to activate fully. My fingers also felt like I just set them on fire, but other than this all is well.

Most likely I managed to meet the requirement of being good at playing the Arm that allowed me to use it as I please.

As i moved on from the guitar the only three other items were the ones that really caught my eye. And the same went for a single Blueprint as I recognized the item to well.

The three items left on the table were…

[Found Equipment(Sword): Death's Harold: Executioner]

[Found Equipment(Bow): Seraphim Hand: Piercer]

[Found Equipment(Body Modification): Eight Legs: Spider Demon]

The first one was a sword or more accurately a cursed Katana, this is a sword similar to the one carried by Akame in her trip though out Akame ga Kill known as Murasame but this one doesn't work like hers as it has a different effect on the opponent.

It doesn't work with poison, or raise the dead. In fact this weapon is only known for one thing. And that is severing whatever it is I cut at the atomic level. This assures that the person will die, though just like Akame I must be carful when cleaning and repining it as it can easily cut my finger off without me noticing until a few minutes later. It also will not allow anything to be reattached once cut off unless the wielder gave the command to the blade to allow it. The Ultimate of the blade is to sever the Soul and destroy it, but this will cost the blade some of its sharpness and become more dull over time.

Item number two was a Bow that will never miss, working in a similar fashion to heat seeking and the Ultimate is the ability to wield the judgment of the heavens and rain a giant bolt of lightning onto the opponent three times in a row. This ability will snap the string and require a new one to take its place, so a new will need to be created after every usage. It can be substituted with lesser string, but that will come at the cost of power and the number of usages.

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Finally the third is a body mod that reminds me of a manga that I once read in the past, known as Douluo Dalu. There the protagonist Killed a Human Faced Demon Spider, with killing the spider he managed to get a rare item known as an External Spirit Bone. With this he was able to pullout Eight Spider Legs that were covered with a powerful poison, but unlike from what I remember these also have an ultimate technique. The legs that come out are actually able to use the poison running through them and throw them over a distance, this way they can take the form of a needle and piece through something while using the great corrosiveness to its advantage or go allot and create a large blob that will pour upon the opponent. The poison will regenerate over time, but it is a slow process.

My mouth can only hang open and water out drool as I stared upon the three items before me, they are the epitome of greatness. And I expected nothing less from the being that was laid to rest in a tomb fit for an Emperor.

But then again… I look down upon the blueprints before me… And I see a Blue print that had a figurine that held a resemblance to the figure that the Mayor was supposed to gift to Tatsumi before everyone set off on the journey.

It was supposedly a totem of their God, I have also seen it in the village. But this one on the blueprint reminds me exactly of the one that was placed in the main room above the fireplace.

It was engraved with a tattoo like marking that was similar looking to blood.

And I was right, because as I read the title at the top of the blueprint it all clicked as to why Nanami and myself couldn't take our eyes off of it as we visited.

What information came up as I appeared it was:

[Imperial Arm Blueprint(Bloodline): God Manifestation: Roc's Extract]

It was almost the same as the bloodline Imperial Arm that Esdeath has flowing throughout her veins. It was a bloodline of immense might. But do to it saying God rather than Demon, this blew my mind as it was openly admitting its immense potential.

Grabbing and storing away the stack of special papers with plans on them, I also stored away the Arms I got my hands on. Don't want them to get in my way.

Finished with 'packing' I grabbed Nanami and placed her up on top of my head and set off for the exit. But as I walked down the hallway I made hand signs once more.

With my final sentence before I leave is "Magnet Style: Trap Overload" as my feet touch the dirt outside the cave I can feel behind me that the area was shaking and quivering once again. And this time, actual traps were placed behind. Traps that were in place to make sure that the Hidden Emperor that created these items will never be disturbed from hi wrest every again.

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