Fallen Hero System

Chapter 3

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The clank of bamboo could be heard from a neighboring house, the howl of the wind swept though the village and the chatter that once filled the streets ceased. All these sounds of humans had come to a close almost everywhere as they settled at home to rest.

This time was peaceful, I was held in my mother's arms for an entire hour as I slept. I can only rest now as I don't have the greatest amount of control over my new body.

After this hour of sleep I had slowly awoken and grew hungry, I knew that I must eat or face consequences.

I reached toward my Mother who was still half asleep I had no idea on what to do, but after a lightbulb flashed in my head I swallowed my pride and cried out for her.

After a minute of crying my Mother had finally awoke to find me being very hungry.

She smiled lightly and opened up her clothes for me to reach her breast. Though embarrassing I wouldn't say that this is the worst to come.

I drank the milk she provided to me until I was full and could not down anymore.

Now I lay in my Mother's arms and look up at her. I was happy to see that she was healthy and awake.

She had now meant the world to me, she was my Mother.

"Honey, here I brought some food for you."

Then my Father had cleared the silence. He brought my Mother so soup, nothing special only it was nutritious and meant to help her.

"Mm, of course. Thank you." My Mother thanked my Father who was so concerned for her.

"It is no problem, let our Daughter and Son have some bonding time while you eat."

My Older Sister had come and taken me from my Mother as she ate, I was simply snuggling with my Sister and was as calm as always.

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Life was good.

But now I must take this chance to see who I was.

'System, open Status.'


Name: Rei Muramasa / Sex: Male

Age: 1 Hour / Race: Human

Titles: Otaku, Scholar, Apprentice Fighter

S: 0.2

P: 1.1

E: 0.2

A: 0.1

I: 8.3

L: 10.0

W: 12.1

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D: 0.1

Chakra: 5/5

Stat Point(0) / Skill Point(0)

Blessings: <???>

Equipment: None

Elements: None

Bloodline: Uchiha(Impure), Uzumaki(Impure)

Skills: <Martial Arts:2> <Shooting:2> <Throwing:3> <Cleaning:3> <Sneaking: 2> <Swimming:3> <Cooking:2> <Speech:2> <Acting:5>

Abilities: <Sharingan(Locked)>

Summons: None

[Status] [Appraisal] [Store] [Quest] [Technique]

FC: 0


Bloodline of Both Uchiha and Uzumaki… But how?

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I do a double take over my parents and remember their hair, one was black and another dirty blond. My Mother could have been seen as an Uchiha Clan member but she was probably lacking in the Sharingan and removed from the Clan due to her poor talent. And Father must have also been expelled from the Uzumaki Clan after they saw his dirty blond hair and knew he greatly lacked a pure Bloodline.

Quickly I noticed I had more Skills than I thought I would have, that is probably due to the knowledge I gained in my last life. The Technique section was completely blank as I have no attack techniques or anything.

The Store section had many Items, but I rather not look at them as my pocket is empty at the moment.

The only thing in the Quest section was to survive the Kyuubi attack, and that is not very reassuring about my stay in this world.

[Host, you currently have a beginners package wait Ming for you] The System suddenly told me of a package that I had forgotten to ask about.

Thank goodness.

'Oh? Then go ahead and open it already!'

[Received: Bloodline Purification Pill] [Received: 250FC] [Received: Crow Summon Contract] [Received: 5 Spare Lives]

These are quite useful, a Crow Contract like Itachi is always welcome. The Blood Purification Pill I will need to look into later. And the Spare Lives are probably like well, extra lives? Finally I will use my FC at a later date.

As the time passes me by I stay with this family of mine who are now very important to me, they all love me unconditionally and show no ill intentions through their eyes. The only reason I knew this was that I meant many people just like that in my last life.

My Mother could walk after two hours of rest, well this is a High-Ranking World (apparently).

So as she walked about our small home that may have been two storied, but the rooms were rather small. I was carried into the backyard where my Father and Sister were.

Here, they trained. Father was teaching about how to properly throw a kunai, and let me tell you that it requires quite a bit of skill to pull off.

After a half hour of practice it began to grow dark, so everybody went inside to eat a meal prepared by the Mid-Wife and as they sat they talked on and on about what the future holds for them and the village.

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We all ate dinner… And that included me, as I had easten even more milk from my Mother's breast.

My family was celebrating my birth with beef, quite a luxury considering its price. But Father didn't wince at the price of the ingredients and wanted to remember this day until he breathed his last.

Over a half hour passed and I'am now inside a crib for myself sharing a room with my Sister who seemed very reluctant. She knew that there is a chance I would cry.

And I did…

Going through the experience of shitting into a diaper is so embarrassing I would rather not mention it ever again, I was just lucky my Mother was still awake and changed it for me at a quick pace.

Gotta appreciate mothers all over the globe for putting up with this.

I now lay in my crib in complete silence.

And now I meditated, I calmed myself and prepared for the oncoming storm ahead of me.

I asked myself on how I can make it in this world, how exactly can I grow. Is there even a chance that I can survive tonight?

I want to find a lover or maybe several. I want to rule in the shadows. I want it to where if my name is said all know of it and fear or respect it.

My goal was very straight forward yet my path will be almost impossible to scale.

The path to the horizon, and then I will look over the cliff onto the worlds below me.

But even so there was simply nothing I wanted more for my family and myself to make it out of this even alive and well. I wanted to enjoy this warm atmosphere forever.

And I should have known that I ruined their fate with just this mere thought.

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